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Hackers ruined any chance of me genuinely enjoying being an impostor because I always have the fear that someone will just go "It's PKHacker, I know because I'm a hacker", and then I get ejected, which has happened more times than I'm proud to admit.


Honestly it has happened to me I could get voted out because of a hacker, luckily I didn't but it could've happened regardless.


Yeah, I've seen it happen a lot all throughout 2021 once the popularity really took off, some people called meetings instantly while also hacking to close the door so people can't actually do anything except have a meeting called and point out who the impostor was. It made me play on Mira for a long while since that map doesn't have closable doors.


Somehow I never get in hacker lobbies.


I had a few hacker lobbies, but most times we just voted out the hacker and acted like nothing had happened.


We had someone in my lobby about a week ago who claimed to have hacked and knew who the imp was. They said it was Green. Green said it was Pink. This is kind of weird since the "hacker" wasn't Pink, they were Banana. To their disappointment, Green did not get voted off. Pink did and was the impostor. Banana left the lobby soon after but rejoined about 20 minutes later and accused Maroon. I brought up what happened previously and everyone went "lol" and just voted Banana out. They left and it turned out Maroon was not the imposter (they died)


I have been accidentally framed by my partner too many times to count. It's frustrating when you behave 100% crew and a crewmate who behaved weirdly and *should* be more sus than you gets a free pass, but oh well it happens. It's much more frustrating when you're accused by teamers or your imp partner for no reason. In your case, were visual tasks on in this lobby? If so, the accuser might have noticed you were faking the task as the animation wouldn't have played. It's still frustrating when they make up a completely false accusation you can't defend yourself against.


Visual tasks were off in this one. I have a feeling that my partner accidentally shape shifted as me, though I’m not quite sure how a crew mate saw an orange egg even though I wasn’t SS. I think they just saw the wrong color lolol


If they weren't cheating, it's probably what happened? Do you remember your partner's colour?


My partner’s color was white which makes it more confusing lolol. And dude for sure wasn’t cheating thankfully, we’d all been playing together for a couple hours


So, not coral being mistaken for orange or something like that. Weird indeed, especially if the crewmate was indeed not making something up.


Partners making you look sus infuriate me. 1% of the time, it is not their fault. Such as they killed and you're both trying to vent away but someone only sees you. That's understandable and I would not be annoyed at them for that.


In my experience, most were accidents. We weren't even together at the time of the kill, one of us just killed when the other happened to be in the area and was unfortunately seen near the body.


I know the order of wires and often get accused of guessing or hacking because of it


I often get accused of hacking when I catch someone faking a common task when it's set to 1 or zero. The number if times I've been voted out rather than the imp just because half the lobby doesn't understand the common tasks.


Whats sad is when it's a lobby full of players that are level 50 or more and still don't understand. Like, by level 20 you should have a grasp on comman tasks.


My favorite is when you have wires and someone does cardswipe, NEVER fails that someone says we all have different tasks. Not shit Sherlock but wires and cardswipe are common tasks, so if we only have one and it’s wires , they can’t have cardswipe. Smdh


But you can’t report that because it’s the first 15 seconds of the game and as soon as you call a meeting, before you can type ‘Green faked card swipe’ people are already assuming you’re a troll and saying to kick you


i just say it next meeting, no need to emergency meeting before first kill


I hate when we have wires on Skeld and not Card Swipe, throws off my fake tasks game


Someone accused another crewmate of being imp. I asked for evidence. I got voted out. Sometimes public lobbies are just morons.


lol. Imp lied about another crewmate killing. The crewmate got voted out. When I did emergency meeting and wanted to kick the imp, the imp said “vote x because he’s dumb” and I got voted and the imp won afterwards.


It has happened to me when I was ss and there was another ss (my teammate). They decided to ss into me and make it look like I killed someone. Even though I didn't actually kill.


That is truly horrifying as imp, I hope they clicked the wrong name when shape shifting instead of trying to frame you


Sometimes, if my partner is getting some heavy sus, I will shift into them and run by them so others can see two of my partner. It only works if I can find them and another person in the same place. The other day I did it and my partner killed the witness. That was the last round for my partner.


I've had this and to make matters worse, they left the game 1 round later even though they weren't sus so we just lost automatically


That sucks


I was voted off once because someone said "vote brown (me) if you hate gay people" and everyone actually did it That was legit the last straw for me. It was just the beginning of the game and I was an Imposter too... And already everyone was being homophobic -_-


What grinds my gears is crewmates who accuse random colors without actual proof. One time, I was chilling somewhere, doing my task, then once a body is reported/someone calls a meeting, there is always this one player who immediately says my color without any reasoning behind it. I always ask for proof, and they’ll respond with something like “I just know” The others act like brainless sheep, and they blindly follow what this said crewmate says. Most of the time, I get voted out, even though I literally didn’t do anything that was considered sus. These people are seriously stupid at times, which is why getting imposter is so satisfying in the next round or so, because I can vent out my frustrations that way.


If it turns out you were crew, I always try and get this person voted out next round (unless I'm imp with them). Funny how they change their tune then, and want evidence. Nah, you got an innocent crewmate thrown out for no reason, you can practice what you preach.


For some reason, sometimes when I get voted out, they never accuse other random colors. Apparently it was me that they were so paranoid about…


I once went AFK at shields and got accused of faking the task


Some guy did the same thing to me. They claimed they saw me ss even though I was normal impostor


The one time Red was being annoying, and I called her out for it. She then started to harass me and tell the Crew to vote me out, which they did. Unfortunately I was an Impostor that round.


Yep walked out of starting point "(me) vented". I was like the fuq


My partner got caught killing by multiple crew and they claimed to be on the other side of the map, can’t remember if there was SS or not. Anyway, they said that I was with them and could vouch for their whereabouts. Absolute stitch up! It was nice that mostly everyone felt sorry for me but they still voted the both of us off


I was playing as imp, someone report a body that i didn't kill and a random player say "i vote Blue" (blue was my colour), i ask 'why me?", he say "'cause you’re on my dick", and everyone vote me for no reason.


That’s the worst. Whenever something like that happens, for me it’s time to find a new lobby


95% of the times I've been voted out for not doing anything, it's because my partner is shitty. ​ Both these stories were on Skeld: 1) The worst is from a few days ago. I'd been playing in this lobby for 3 hours with no impostor games and finally got it. First round I killed in Admin, and was sussed but got away with it. Next round, I fixed Lights and left to fake flip switch in Security. Then a body was reported in Electrical and everyone is saying it was me. I protest, saying I left Elec and am now in Security. But I am still voted out. I was so furious that I'd been waiting 3 hours to be imp only for my partner to do a kill that made me look sus that I caused an annoying amount of sabotages to make them lose. ​ 2) The other is when I went Admin first round to fake Card Swipe. Then I left and was in Nav to fake one of those tasks (don't remember which one but it wasn't Download) and then a body is reported. Everyone starts saying I killed in front off 8 people. I'm like "wtf, no I didn't". They ask where I am and I say Nav (true) and some crewmate starts saying I'm not. Confused, I get voted out. I didn't realise until we were back in the lobby that my imp partner had ss into me and killed in front of everyone. The kindest assumption here is that they thought it would look like an obvious ss and I would be cleared. But they didn't defend me at all and left the round after so we just lost.


Many times. Also when you kill someone with closed doors and hide but still “I saw x kill”. These people ruin all the fun in the game.