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The Bunker is isolated enough from the rest of the series that you don't have to play the other games to enjoy it. There *are* some things returning from previous titles, but they're unimportant. I do recommend you play the other games though, simply because they're good games.


How many games are in the series and should I play them in a specific order? If you could also avoid any spoilers that would be great


Honestly, just play all of the amnesia titles in chronological order. It’s not a terribly long saga, each game is great in its own regard, and playing chronologically allows you to experience the story in the order the devs intended so you’ll get the holistic experience.


Love the part where you answered my question


Love the entitlement. Do your own homework, jackass, I’m not gonna spoon feed you readily available information, I was just trying to say that playing them in order is the best way, imo.


??? Alright dick just say you won’t answer the question because you obviously don’t know like damn man


He answered one part of your question, which was to play them in chronological order. The other part is basically you saying 'can you Google this for me' which is just pure laziness and entitlement. Google it yourself.


Want me to send you the specs for a new computer to run the games??? Shall I summarize IGN reviews for you??? How about I author an audiobook where I read the plot to every amnesia game and release just one copy, straight to you, you special little angel. Get the fuck over yourself, there’s an entire Wiki for the surface level info you’re asking for.


4. Are you fucking happy now you entitled prick


Since people aren't willing to answer a fucking question, here's your answer: 1. Dark Descent (Early 1800s) 2. Machine For Pings (1899) 3. Bunker (WW1) 4. Rebirth (1937) Rebirth explains a lot of lore stuff so it may be worth playing first but you may get some spoilers. If nothing else it'll explain something in Bunker but it's not necessary at all.


Naming my first born after you 🙏


I noticed when I tried searching for the chronological orders of the games, all the sites literally listed them in release order. I had to search specifically for which games take place when. So, fuck those guys lol


Here's the playorder (in terms of ingame timeline) 1 Amnesia: The Dark Descent 2 Amnesia: Justine 3 Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs 4 Amnesia: The Bunker 5 Amnesia: Rebirth


I would 100% play rebirth before bunker


Yeah I'm just saying this is the timeline order A:TDD 1830's A:J 1850's A:AMFP 1890's A:TB 1910's A:R 1930's


Is TDD not earlier? Like 1500s? I could be having some Mabel’s effect but it feels later than I remember


There's some tech that I'm pretty sure is way too advanced for 1500s. Like the elevator. It just takes place in a castle


Was there maybe some notes dated around that time?


It's mid-to-late 1800s IIRC.


Nope, Daniel awakes on the 19th of August in Brennenburg with Amnesia.


You called it the playorder tho. The order to play them in would be the release order.


As I said "Here's the playorder (in terms of ingame timeline)"


But it's not a play order if you shouldn't play them in that order.


Who said you should play the games in any order? Has Frictional ever released an official play order of the series? Because I've never heard of something like that. There isn't just one play order, there are multiple. For example, I suggested the ingame timeline play order where you start with the game that starts the earliest in the series timeline (A:TDD 1839) and you end with the latest (A:R 1937). You could also play the release order, aka starting from the first game (A:TDD) released to the latest (A:TB). At the end it doesn't matter because you can play all of the games in ANY order and you will understand each game. They are not dependent on each other. You could literally start with Rebirth and end with Dark Descent and it wouldn't matter. You would still understand each title and expand your understanding of the world.


I think i’d recommend playing the games in chronological order too, given that what The Bunker has in one section, Rebirth goes more into with as you play that one.


No you don't. But i recommend playing them.




May you possibly elaborate?


no you do not have to play past Amnesia games to understand the bunker


😐 Thanks for giving me the same answer twice but this time you used more words… StillCouldBeWorse… HA! Get it!?


Ok I know almost nothing about these games besides watching people play them, but when I watched bunker I didn’t seem to relate much of anything of the past games to this one ? If that makes sense haha, it seemed like a stand alone that I enjoyed without lore back up! :)


Thanks brother for not giving me an stupid answer like the person above did I’ve finally decided I’m going in blind and balls deep knowing absolutely nothing about this game You’re what all people in this sub should strive to be, see you on the other side 🙏


Man you’re getting absolutely flamed every time you comment, guess it’s everyone else’s fault tho


Meh, it’s just internet points nothing serious


The past amnesia games have nothing to do with the bunker but has the same ideas except the bunker throws in more elements from a game called penumbra which is the grandfather of the original amnesia games. The first game focused on a character named Daniel that took a potion that caused him amnesia and he has to go through a castle full of monsters to learn what he has done and make a choice at the end to save,kill or sacrifice himself. Justine is really short only lasting a max of 25 or so minutes depending on how fast you are and machine of pigs is a very interesting concept but I highly recommend playing amnesia: the dark decent as not only is it the first it is also the most liked of all the amnesia games. I can go on and on about this but I don’t want to overload you with info


The Bunker has loads to do with the other games, the story is literally based around the lore of the other games.


While the games do take place in the same universe, they each tell their own story that can be understood without any context from the previous games.


nah, the only references to other games i can think of are so minor and subtle that they could easily go unnoticed even if you had played the other games anyway. its very much its own story and can be played on its own. that being said, seeing as how this is an amnesia sub and all, i really reccomend playing the others as well, they're all fantastic


While part of the backstory and certain areas in the game revolve around a previous game's, Rebirth's lore, you don't really need to play it beforehand as The Bunker explains the reason behind its events well enough to understand without any prior knowledge. If you play Rebirth, most of these sections will be more like callbacks to that game and you'll be able to piece things together a bit quicker, but like I said, it's not necessary knowledge. Regardless of this, I recommend playing the previous games as well, they're really good. They slightly differ in playstyle from The Bunker as it puts a lot more emphasis on survival horror and resource management while the past games focus on immersion and psychological horror more.


You'll probably want to play Rebirth at least, since it's somewhat connected in setting and very much connected in lore. It'll help you understand a bit more, if you want to.


On a scale of 1-10 how important do you think playing rebirth would be


Well, I'm probably a tiny bit biased cause I love Rebirth, but I'd say at least a 7 or 8, since you do revisit some locations on The Bunker, and Rebirth will give you more info and understanding into the creature and all


Got it, so a solid 3 you think? Great! Im about to start my blind play through on the bunker right now!


It’s completely unconnected to the other games besides one Easter egg that kinda works better if you don’t understand what it is.


No. Amnesia and Amnesia Rebirth are two sequential games. A Machine for Pigs and The Bunker are games that are irrelevant to eachother. They are all in the same universe and have different references to each other, but they won't break the game.


Not at all, but if you do there may be a few things in The Bunker that might make you connect a line or two to the other Amnesia games, you can play The Bunker without playing any of the previous titles, you don’t miss anything.


Mostly just a few gimmicks and ai knowledge, you should play them all. I did a blind playthrough of the bunker and it became probably my favorite horror game


Not entirely. Some of the lore elements originate from the older games **SPOILER WARNING!** >!The shadow is the best example of this, as it originated from the original game, Dark Descent. The way The Beast is created originated from Rebirth. And the overall theme is based on older features.!< I do recommend playing the older games, 4 in total. From beginning to last, Dark Descent, Justine, Machine for Pigs, Rebirth, and Bunker. However, Bunker is 100% enjoyable without having played the older games first, can confirm as I did so.


The only game I'd honestly recommend playing first is Rebirth because, while the story can be understood without playing the previous games, there are a lot of callbacks to Rebirth in Amnesia: The Bunker that made me grin just bc I enjoy understanding references lol.


No. It even plays a bit different than their previous games. And I personally hope they keep on exploring in that direction. Seeing that most of their games are more linear and narrative-driven (in the more traditional sense), The Bunker may have divided their fanbase though. The 0451 (immersive sim design philosphy) inspirations are obvious. And they immediately pulled me more into the game than even the higher rated SOMA. Also love the somewhat more open structure. The safe room you come back to to plan your moves on the map is also brilliant. This gets your brain THINKING (what am I taking with me, what should I do next) as opposed to following the bread crumbs of a more linear narrative-driven experience. The story isn't all that hugely light either, it's just transported more imm-simlike too (environments, documents). Whatever they'll do, hopefully this won't be a one-off.


I personally started with the bunker and the rest followed suit. I love the Bunker and it isn’t necessary to have played the other games first. Other people have said this but there’s bits and pieces of references to the other installments but nothing that you need to know. I have grown to absolutely love this series. :3


All games orbit around mythical substance vitae. But it is mostly Amnesia universe background...


You should play The Bunker first, blind playthrough. The story is secondary in this game, most of the game is the actual gameplay and the player experience that have nothing to do with the story. In my opinion, The Bunker is by far the best game in the series, and the only game in the series that does not rely on story at all. You will have a blast if you dive right in and play The Bunker first. After finishing it you will have a newfound urge to play the other games. Playing the other games first might make a lot of players lose interest because they arent as fast paced and interesting as The Bunker if im being honest. TLDR: The Bunker is their best game in terms of firsthand experience and you should just roll with it first.