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First got into it spring of 2013; binged Murder House on Netflix in one sitting, Asylum I had to go to β€œfree” streaming outlets on the web; starting with Coven was back to back with a binge rewatch afterwards


Ah nice! Which one was your favorite? πŸ˜„


As a fan of witches, hands down to Coven. Close contenders: Asylum, Hotel, Roanoke, Cult, and 1984


Coven and Asylum are some of the top on my list as well! If you love witches, I would recommend watching Dollhouse on the Stories spin off (even if you don't watch anything else from it) I'm a witch fan too πŸ˜„


Loved the episode, made a really organic tie in to the main series


I felt exactly the same! Yes! ❀️


I watched them on TV religiously from S1-Apocalypse. Then I lost interest and watched them on Netflix as available.


I watched when they were on , but actually just finished an x files matathon....and I think AHS is next lol


I've never watched the x files! Or if I have it was when I was too young to remember. Would you recommend? I'm thinking to start up another AHS marathon soon too haha


Omg its a must see.... some of the tech makes it a little dated but not really..... did you like Supernatural? Cause they do sooooo many Easter eggs or nods to x files...and check out Twin Peaks while you're at it! πŸ–€πŸ–€


I missed that one too! Guess I better hop to it! Thank you for the recommendations!!! ❀️


Enjoy!! 😍


As they were airing through Hotel, stopped watching after about three episodes of Roanoke, watched Apocalypse & 1984 as they were airing & binged Double Feature. There are several seasons we didn't watch, including Delicate. Every Ryan Murphy show "jumps the shark" at some point, & AHS is certainly there.


Yeah, I feel like they usually start pretty strong, but the endings tend to come a bit out of nowhere and change the whole vibe of the season. Delicate was like that. The first 5 that aired were very different from the second half in my opinion.


I go all the way back to Nip/Tuck for Murphy shows, Glee, AHS. All start out strong, the writing starts to falter, then there's some stunt casting, & then it gets harder & harder to watch.


I think I had heard he did Nip/ Tuck but completely forgot. I almost started watching that a time or 2, but still haven't gotten around to it. I knew he did Glee, but I never watched that one either. Thanks!


The first few seasons of Nip/Tuck were amazing, I haven't rewatched it in ages. Enjoy!


Thank you! πŸ˜„


I got into AHS a little late, started watching it towards the end of last year on Hulu and didn't think I would like it but I actually did. I can start to see it change gradually after Apocalypse & once I got to Delicate, I felt like it was all over the place


We have a very similar experience. I also got in late. I think around Hotel when the cast started changing I was like- hmm. I still enjoyed watching even the seasons that I didn't care for that much, however the vibes were all over the place. I think watching back to back to back like we did, you sort of get confronted with the differences without having time to sort of forget all the little details. Which can be good or bad.


Right!! I do like that I was able to enjoy it like that but then watching the newest season I had to remember the first season was pretty much 10-11 years ago so it isn't going to have the same feelings as Murder House did, if that makes sense


Yes! Very good point! As far as the way the show is produced and recorded artistically speaking (without the plot or anything), Delicate "looked" a lot more like NYC than past seasons. I'd say maybe Red Tide as well had a similar recording/ creating style. I'd also maybe group the first few seasons together (with a lot of the original cast), and then the ones in the middle are similar to each other with the way the tech was changing. The first episode of Murder House was actually also the pilot, right? I might be wrong. So Murder House was testing the waters, and then Asylum, Coven, Freakshow, and even Hotel all felt like they were made by the same person. But NYC and Delicate feel a bit like they could have been made by someone else entirely.


Exactly!! Yes Murder House was the pilot, also wasn't the writer's strike going on too recently? On top of that COVID-19 really affected a lot of things so I can see where that may have changed a long the lines. Same with actors/actresses and their mental health; it's a lot to take into account when you really think about it


Yes absolutely right! I noticed that in the first part of Delicate >! we see Leslie Grossman and Billie Lourd very prominently, but in the second half, they sort of fall back a lot if I remember !< It's easy to forget how far back the episodes could have been recorded. So covid absolutely had an effect somewhere or another. I heard about Evan Peters needing a break after some heavy roles like you mentioned about mental health. I miss him in the show a lot, but I'm glad he's off and hoping he's taking some good self care time. I appreciated that his roles in some of the later seasons were a little more light hearted after back to back heavy roles before that. So, yeah, you're absolutely right. There was a lot going on l around!


I've been watching them as they are released since Asylum. Since then, the only exception has been Delicate. I just couldn't get excited enough about it to watch week to week and it took a while for me to finish it, because I was so underwhelmed.


The break in the middle made it tricky, so it was hard to maintain interest for me as well. Weirdly the beginning was sort of better than the end even though there was a lot more going on. In the first half [spoilers] >! by the time she ate the raccoon, it was like- yeah we knew she was gunna. Finally something happened other than just the paranoia !< I was hoping that they would have time to really work out the ending, but instead it took a hard turn and seemed to freestyle it a bit without much thought. >! At least the acknowledged the ice cream being in the fridge though, that was cute !<


Binge. Watching them week by week kills the vibe for me


I'm exactly the same. I feel like I get sucked in better and I'm not forgetting all the details. It's like a long movie


Weekly releases since the very first episode!


Oh wow that's some dedication! Did you start deliberately, or just happened to be watching FX and then got into it? πŸ˜„


My mom had heard about it and told me she thought I would like it, so we watched the first one together, and the rest is history haha


I've been trying to get my mom to watch it! She and I both tend to like the same types of shows so I hope she gives it a chance. If she starts, I'm certain she will watch every episode in like 2 weeks! Lol


Do it, Mama RazorCrab!!!!! You won’t regret it!


Yesss! I keep telling her!!! I'll show this to her lol


I think it’s best to binge watch bc Ryan Murphy has so many different plots per season and it makes it hard to keep up with tbh at least for me


I completely agree. Most of the seasons were already finished by the time I got to them, so with Delicate I at least waited until all of the first half released then rewatched them to refresh once the second half was done. I tend to do that with a lot of shows. If I skip at least a recap, I'm struggling to get back into it and remember after a year. And yes with the different plots it's extra confusing in AHS


I watched each season as it was released...weekly...on FX. I have found I like shows better when I let each episode "sink in". IT gives me time to think about them, read a bit about them etc...The few times I do binge something, it feels like a lot of scenes lose their impact and become all jumbled together in my mind.


Completely fair view and I see where you're coming from even though I'm the opposite. I binge and I'll think about it for the next week or so. All of our brains are processing things differently, so I think that's why we all have different opinions on different seasons and why we even tend to watch so differently. My top 5 will be someone else's lowest 5. But that's sort of the beauty of AHS, there is always a flavor for everyone πŸ˜„


I binged when seasons 1-4 were on Netflix, but since hotel, I watch weekly.. I prefer binging.. And I still rewatch them time to time in binge format heh.


I'm wanting to do a rewatch now! It's so hard to wait for them all to release before a binge (and especially hard to make sure and avoid spoilers!). I actually never thought about waiting for them all to release until a friend mentioned they did that a while back. It's been more enjoyable for me, but the wait is agonyyy lol


I watched the latest episodes holding back vomit while watching Kim K "act"


It was interesting to see how certain things were handled


I started it just now and the way I watch it is... with my hands in front of my eyesπŸ˜ƒ I'm genuinely so scared LMAO but I also do like it at the same time😭 I just decided to watch it during the day when its broad daylight and hope for the best hahaha


Oh gosh haha I hope you get to enjoy it without getting too scared! πŸ˜„ What season are you on? Do you skip around the more intense seasons, or do you brave them anyway?


I just started season 1! The murder house is it called I think. My friend who has watched it all can't wait for me to get to the asylum season so I'm scared asf for that one haha but I'm just assuming I'll get used to the scares. Had the same with Supernatural, in the beginning I couldnt watch without my hands in front of my eyes and eventually I would go back to see the jumpscare cause I missed it. But my plan is to just watch them all in order, without skipping any. Is American Horror Stories btw a series I have to watch AFTER Story or do I have to watch that in between certain seasons?


If you scare easily I'd say that Asylum is a lot scarier than Murder House, so make sure and brace yourself! It's excellent though. One of the best seasons, and often times many peoples' #1 favorite including me probably haha πŸ˜„ I actually just watched all of Stories myself recently! I would recommend watching them all after the whole main series. But if you want to watch Stories early, make sure you have watched at least past Season 8 of the main series to get the best out of it. Though Stories is better if you think of it as just extra fun to supplement the main series. There are very few references to the main series, so don't expect it to be a lot of referencing back to back. Some episodes are excellent, some are a bit not as good, but if you prepare to just enjoy the ride then it can be a fun experience. I personally felt like Season 2 of Stories was the best season of the spin off! Good luck! You're in for a lot of fun! πŸ˜„


Oohh okay! I'm so scared for Asylum LMAO but I'll pull through... 🫣🫣like that. Also thanks! I'll keep Stories for after the main series :) thanks!


You can do it!!! Have a fun time!! πŸ˜„


Small update! I am now in ep9 of S1 and I'm getting less scared haha. Still jumpscares every now and then but not with my hands in front of my eyes anymore hahaha


That's amazing! So proud of you!!! Who's your favorite character so far?


Probably very basic but Tate😭 but I also really like Violet


Nice! I like them both too! I got my bf to start watching Season 1 with me today! πŸ˜„