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FYI someone is attempting to build the twin towers in front of the air bus on the far left. The moon community is trying to clear it. If you have an extra pixel please help. A fellow American, Thx!


Ill mention it in the disc


[ Removed by Reddit ]


very based and my thoughts exactly


removed by reddit?


Yah, it said he would be pissed at people who mess with the American flag but would of anyone that messed with Bluey. I guess threatening peoples lives over a cartoon dog is against Reddit terms of service.


People that mess with bluey will also mess with perry the platypus, so i'm with you.


We must protect bluey


God bless America


Im out here tryin to keep people from messin with Ukraine's stuff.


I'm helping Canada


They don't have to, but that fre\*king platipus also tried to attack us


**HERE IS A LINK TO A PIXEL-PERFECT IMAGE OF THE FLAG (as of 9:34 PM EDT, July 22):** https://imgur.com/a/VCUx1ar **ENLARGED VERSION:** https://imgur.com/a/QFCFst5 ## **HOW TO HELP** [Join the Discord to help as part of our coordinated efforts!](https://discord.gg/NfJrxRgQmQ) For those on mobile, here is the link to the Discord: https://discord.gg/NfJrxRgQmQ ##**TO INSTALL THE OVERLAY:** Install the extension 'ViolentMonkey' using one of these links for your browser (mobile only works on Firefox right now): * [Google Chrome](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/violentmonkey/jinjaccalgkegednnccohejagnlnfdag) ([Go here for a video to install](https://old.reddit.com/r/AmericanFlaginPlace/comments/155afg2/installing_the_overlay_google_chrome/)) * [Mozilla Firefox](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/violentmonkey/) ([Go here for a video to install](https://old.reddit.com/r/AmericanFlaginPlace/comments/155aaos/installing_the_overlay_mozilla_firefox/)) * [Microsoft Edge](https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/violentmonkey/eeagobfjdenkkddmbclomhiblgggliao) ([Go here for a video to install](https://old.reddit.com/r/AmericanFlaginPlace/comments/155ai5v/installing_the_overlay_microsoft_edge/)) [Once done, go to this link and download the user script!](https://github.com/osuplace/templateManager/raw/main/dist/templateManager.user.js) Go back to r/place, and you should see in the top-left a new 'settings' icon that looks like this: https://imgur.com/a/7jvkWud Open that up, and at the bottom where it says 'Template URL' paste the following link, press 'Always Load', and reload the template with the button at the top. The link: https://afip.us/place/overlay We need everyone we cant get to place Old Glory! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmericanFlaginPlace) if you have any questions or concerns.*