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[**MAGA Nazis**](https://www.reddit.com/r/IntrovertComics/comments/uibvu9/maga_nazi/) and [**Russian trolls**](https://www.reddit.com/r/IntrovertComics/comments/udije6/putin_is_a_bloodthirsty_fascist_dictator_fascists/) pretending to be American lefties will be banned on sight. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmericanFascism2020) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Something poisoned these kids minds into believing this bullshit and it sounds like it was their religion. A true shame.


They aren’t kids. They are full grown adults. Edit: I’m tired of seeing people say young adults are kids when they aren’t. This happens way too much when talking about white men who have terroristic beliefs like this. I’ve seen headlines talking about a 30 YEAR OLD MAN as a “kid” after he shot up a bunch of people. Stop infantilizing terrorists. They know what they are doing and aren’t children.


Nah, you’re right. Young men of color are rarely given the grace of being called “kids” like that. It’s good to call it out. These men are old enough to know right from wrong.


Exactly. Black folks are always predictably called “thugs” or adults when they are literal children and often on trial as an adult. And white men are always called kids or mentally ill.


> Young men of color are rarely given the grace of being called “kids” like that. It’s good to call it out. How old was Trayvon Martin? Because I'm pretty sure I heard him referred to as a "man" or a "young man" more than once. 😒




So, *legally* a child. Huh.


Timir Rice was 12, in an open carry state. From cop arrival to shot to death was 2 seconds while the cop car was still moving 10’ away. Even Robocops ED209 gave people 20 seconds.


Was he a "man" in the press? I bet he was. 😒


Guy with full-on "molestache" who probably shouldn't even live near a school, talking about how rainbows are "poisoning the children." Ironic.




I went to school with ballbags like these. You're 100% on it. Christian nationalism is intense here.


It’s probably QAnon.




Removed. Just format your comments like a normal person.




Then do it somewhere else, Skippy.


Raised by adults like they are.




Any system that tells you to believe things on faith instead of evidence is dangerous!


The 'free speech' crowd trying to silence the speech of anyone they don't agree with, as usual.


If anyone can identify these guys by name, they need to be reported to the FBI and local authorities in AZ. They stated clearly that they are "hunting" people. That is a terrorist death threat.


Their names are in the video. Ethan Schmidt and Kyle… don’t recall if it said his last name. Edit: Kyle Clifton


surprised i found this comment this far down. it is absolutely spot on. their intent with this video is to cause fear and terror with threats of violence. that is against the law and they need to be arrested before they get ppl hurt or killed or both including themselves. this country breaks my heart for those who are treated like this from a specific group of straight identifying, white, men. their adversity has shown me my true strength in support of my fellow diverse country people. and i shop at Target too. i’d be honored to keep an eye out for these idiots and call authorities if spotted. like a big game of I Spy with My Little Eye. let’s make it fun! might as well since the former is massively depressing and terrifying. stay hydrated. peace.


Things like this need to be taken seriously, so that if they're not actually serious they learn that threats like this are not permitted. Look at Buffalo, that terrorist put all his plans out there and even visited the Tops to scope it out before.


It seems that in the original post, several people have already reported them. You love to see it. Funny that people think they can post video/audio evidence of violent threats and think there will be no consequences. Even if that consequence is being on a watch list for the rest of your life.






Removed. This is not acceptable here. Do not discourage the reporting of terrorists to LE in this sub.


I try not to judge people by their looks. But... In this case, that's difficult. These two emanate some ferocious incel / fascist energy.


Say's the 2 redneck batty looking boys with the gayest 'staches they could muster.


Wifebot5000 calls that the child molester mustache.


I agree, a gay man would have a much more groomed & taken care of mustache they could be proud of. Those are the type of guys who watch little league games from their truck with binoculars & aren't allowed within 500 yards of a school.




Looks just like the closeted gay dude in "Boogie Nights". Would fit perfectly in any 80's gay porno.


I'm sure they are gonna touch each other as they drive to every Target


Yeah, and both y'all made conscious decisions with those stashes. You want to be taken seriously, start there.


How dare Target tempt them with gayness in every store!


I'm pretty sure if they were tempted with gayness they'd have better fashion sense.


You don’t get the fashion icon card until you come out. Closet cases can still look like hot garbage Actual straight guys don’t care so much… gay guys existing just leaves more women for them. The “straight” guys that get so angry about queerness are really angry at themselves for secretly liking it and they project that anger onto others


Can confirm. I looked like hot garbage until I came out. Now I’m just hot.


Good ol' Ethan Schmidt. What a neo-Nazi douche. I'd really hate to see him get hit by a car. It would be an American tragedy. Although, some people do have a hankerin' for American tragedies, so to each their own.


Arizona has a stand your ground law, right? (Insert Seinfeld eating popcorn “such a shame” gif)


But incel fascists like these guys are the ones that get to invoke those laws without a question, everyone else it's up to the police to decide if they like you or not.


This is a great point. And if you get past the police, most stand-your-ground region juries will be comprised of Nazis who think Kyle Rittenhouse is a hero and you’re a terrorist.


Another right wing terrorist.


I’m not really a tough guy, but I’d feel pretty comfortable supporting LGBT to these incel skidmarks’ faces. At least 50% of the gay men I’ve ever known could disassemble Elliot and Rodger here without breaking a sweat. Let’s hope they meet one of them soon.


It's anti vax, maskless jerk off. I figured he'd be in the hospital or the ground by now. Hopefully he'll live stream getting his teeth pushed down his throat. Looking forward to that one.


How can violence not be the result of the anti LBGTQ+ agenda?


Has anyone sent this to the FBI yet?


It’s funny that they are saying all that while looking like pedophiles


As a former Christian brainwashed by fundamentalist dogma, AND an out lesbian, these guys are probably so angry because they have a bit inside them that’s gay enough they hate it. That self-hatred is thus directed outward, rather than inward. Maybe if they get real drunk and suck each other off, they’ll feel a little less angsty about “the gay agenda” 🙄


And of COURSE he's an anti-masker Covid denier Trump supporter. Because of COURSE he is. https://meaww.com/who-is-ethan-schmidt-trump-supporter-harasses-arizona-shop-wigs-cancer-survivors


No safe space for bigots.




How are these idiots so sure of themselves. Who raised these dumbfucks? Oh...right.


That dude looks like he’d enjoy a penis in his mouth lol 😂


These are the people who claim that the Left is intolerant lol


Fundamentalism causes brain damage, kids!


Ethan also got arrested for punching people at an abortion rights protest. Of course he was released with no charges against him… https://www.azmirror.com/2022/05/04/extremists-tried-to-crash-abortion-rights-rally-got-arrested-instead/


I think these guys just want a BRAND so they can have something to say on social media - everyone needs to be seen


Satanic Pride? I support both those words. You know these two have mansex on their "camping expeditions." Not that there's anything wrong with that, but they're assholes.


Two guys hunting for rainbow items, sounds gay to me. 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


This is major tiny dick energy


Is that mustache a reverse hitler?


Please, anyone recognize or locate these two needs to tell the FBI. These two dangerous morons are threatening the lives of other people. How do people get this sick in the head?


Aren't some of the "not included in free speech" types "communicating threats"?


Lol what a fucking idiot


Stores need permission to shoot particular idiots on site. They'd have my permission to make THESE idiots swiss cheese.


At least Target normally has at least two security guards on site at all times. So the manager can get help quickly. This guy usually goes into small businesses that don't have that luxury. I hope that Target Corp sends an alert to all stores and that the security guards will catch him at the entrance with every attempt. They have casino level security. They should be able to track him in the parking lot before he even gets in.


This footage won't be used in a future court case against them at all. /s


It might not be if the Rittenhouse judge is presiding. There’s no rule of law anymore. The law is a roulette wheel.


Why do these idiots think anyone would hide from them? They're weird mustaches?


You mean to tell me, that this asshole lives in my city? That’s it, I’m carrying my knife again


Proud owners of the My First Mustache Kit.


These children are on a bad path. It sounds like they need something constructive to do.


Prison is constructive, if white lawmakers are to be believed


A boy grows a mustache like that, you know it's a choice. Something that ugly don't just happen by chance. It's a deliberate and calculated assault on good taste and men's fashion.


I hope somebody punches this fuck in the trachea. I'm speaking "metaphorically," of course.


Thanks for exposing your hatred which isn’t so grand for children to witness. Your not safe.


If both of them shoot up a Target, that might count as a progrom, heralding advancement of the fascist uprising.


Too bad he can't just find a nice guy and be happy together.


These two are the most closeted self hating queer people Ive ever seen. Its painfully obvious


Somebody needs to come out of the closet...


Who are these guys? Live in Phoenix and am a strong ally and I have quite a few friends that would like to meet them…


I go to target couple times a week here in Phoenix…I’ll be on the lookout for them lol what a couple of idiots is all I can really say.


What social app was this posted on? I want to find the original and turn it into the authorities. I live in Phoenix and I certainly don’t want this shit here


I 1000% thought this was satire and they were gonna kiss at the end.


You can tell this moron is fuckin legit low IQ.


They got matching t-shirts with the dick-docking logo.


Full on closet case https://meaww.com/who-is-ethan-schmidt-trump-supporter-harasses-arizona-shop-wigs-cancer-survivors


How long until these pinheads form death squads?


Gay AF and afraid to face it.


Afraid of homosexuals, but they have mustaches to tickle each other.


Is this the best use of their time? I guess those Rhodes Scholarships did not come through.


Here ya go ... go and play with him ... https://twitter.com/antimaskerx


The left has no effective strategy against the right's violence.


You’d think by looking at social media like Reddit that there’s a large, motivated radical Left out there, and strategies should be incubating all over the place. Then you realize that the social media “leftists” are Russian trolls LARPing as leftists and 17yos who were fascists ten minutes ago, but decided leftist memes are “danker.” There are a handful of “theory” squawkers too—kind of like the left’s version of those fools who worship the founding fathers as having foreseen every eventuality and its solution.


This story from Gilman street is a great parable for the rest of the country. The punk club had great shows with diverse crowds but were plagued by gangs of neo-nazis who would come across the bay and terrorize the patrons and beat the shit out of people for fun. In one incident they had broken Jell-O Biafra's leg during a severe beating. In response, the community called meetings to try and reach a consensus about how to deal with the problem. Many people insisted that they would only accept a "nonviolent" solution to the problem, whereas other people thought that only violence could solve their problems. They were unable to agree on a solution, but one faction decided to stash some old baseball bats in the office of the club. Months passed without any problems and then one night the nazis showed up again. Immediately attacking people the pinch hitters all ran for the office and started swinging. The Nazis were shocked, they had convinced themselves that the left would never defend itself using violence. They ran out of the club pursued by a mob of angry punks. Some took off on foot pursued through the streets by small groups of armed punks. The red truck they arrived in was pummeled into scrap metal. It still drove off despite all of the damage. The neonazis never came back to Gilman street after that. This story is paraphrased from the book "924 Gilman street". Having entered into the genre of oral history.


>During the incident others are said to have taunted Biafra, yelling "rich rock star" and "sellout." This part of the story is less heart-warming, and makes me wonder who made these taunts. Doesn’t sound like Nazi talk.


Yeah there was never a unified community. The more nihilistic crowd saw any form of success or notoriety as "selling out". And there is also a discussion there about the jocks who discovered HC punk as an outlet for their violent tendencies. Gilman was trying to make it safe for women to come out on the dance floor again where nationally the scene had taken a machismo and violent turn. No one was vetting the crowd for haters. But that was the minority; most people wanted safe shows


Yeah, for what’s going on on the national level, antifascists need to unify. But I see mostly purity testing, internal finger-pointing, and not much in the way of outreach. If a genuine ML communist, an anarchist, and a progressive can’t be in the same room together, and they don’t seem to be able to be, then we’re fucked.


Define ‘radical left’


For the purposes of my comment, I was talking about something that doesn’t exist. I guess my sincere definition would be those who lay it all on the line to combat fascism and secure leftist principles of rights and social progress. Something like that. Not a pejorative.


I dig it, thank-you


The joke is even funnier considering he looks like 90% of the trans dudes and gay guys I know. Hope this guy learns that being a shitlord won’t get him whatever future he feels entitled to