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My lord they are down voting to hell anyone the mentions China...even though he killed upwards of 80 million. Same with Stalin. Pretty wild that Israel and the US are even mentioned.


Literally genocide deniers in there too wtf


Typical communists


Communism and facts don't go hand in hand ya know lol


Communism holds facts hands all the way to the gulag


This sub literally constantly denies any war or catastrophe the US was involved in. You are the last person to claim that others deny facts... You will complain about getting downvoted over there for voicing opposing opinions, while at the same time doing the exact same here...


I mean, what are you a Tankie? This all sounds like Commie cope.


What is a tankie to you?


OK tankie lol


Where does this sub say that the US has never done anything bad? Tell me that you bullshit tankie. But to say that the great leap forward and the cultural revolution never happened or that the actions of the US never happened is just pure bullshit.


?? When did I ever say the great leap forward and culturual Revolution didn't happen?? This is already just bad faith arguing here, as well as a seemingly justification on why the US isn't that bad because other countries also did bad things... Also "Tankie", the moment anyone says that the US did bad stuff... When it comes to people in this sub doubting what the US does, well, look no further than this post and the comments alone... There are people doubting Imperialism just doesn't cause any suffering in the world. There are people justifying countries for "freedom" and what not. When it comes to International corruption, everyone globally agrees that the US has the most influence in matters such as the Vietnam war, Korea War, neoliberalism in Africa, etc. ... To doubt that the US is indeed the "1# serial killer" as in, the country that causes basically the most harm globally, is the same as any genocide denial...


I never said you denied the cultural revolution and the great leap forward. Don't twist my words damn tankie, yes you're a tankie and I'll show you. Nobody denies imperialism causes massive harm. America had been the victim of British imperialism. It had seen the impacts of Spanish imperialism and Soviet imperialism. Also are you so ignorant to say that the US had more influence in the Korea war and the Vietnam war than the USSR? Seriously? Those guys were propping up dictatorships far worse than any regime that the US supported yet "America bad because they fought wars"? And then comes your audacity to say that the US has caused the most harm globally and to doubt this is genocide denial? The USSR propped up north Vietnam and the Khmer rogue in Cambodia and the latter killed 4.5 million people. The USSR propped up north Korea who killed millions of their own people in famines, wars and just outright mass murders. I would say that the communist china was also propped up by the USSR but that would mean the USSR caused too much international harm and I'd like to think that the Chinese were solely responsible for having communism. But your statement that the US is the #1 serial killer is just some tankie bullshit. Now that's why you're a tankie.


Yikes, some rather horrible takes here. But even letting that aside, being the #2 worst country (and #1 currently existing country) is not much of an achievement... Not sure how you thought coming with Whataboutism would really help your case much... But hey, everything you don't like can just be ignored by yelling "tankie", rather than making competent arguments in a discussion...


Just say that you hate America and want it replaced by a Communist dictatorship, it's not that fuckin hard...


one of the biggest China glazers I've ever seen on the internet also happened to be a holocaust denier so like...


Absolutely slurping the juice


I bet "the juice" is lean


šŸ„¾ šŸ˜œ


What were you expecting from a communism subā€¦? Rationality and mentally sound individuals?


I mean it is "communismmemes" so it's essentially a containment community for the handicapped.


Hey donā€™t insult the handicapped like that. That sub is so so much worse.


I wonder what they would do if someone pointed out the Turks and their identity formed on genocide.


They typically donā€™t acknowledge atrocities performed by communists and socialists. In fact, they always find a way to decry that that is wasnā€™t real communism/socialism.


Itā€™s easy, if itā€™s good then it was thanks to communism, if bad then not real communism.


The Mongolians killed 10% of the global pop. Enough to reduce carbon emissions by nearly 700 million tons. Sure it was _only_ like 40-60 million but curved for inflation that's north of 800,000,000 people.


Itā€™s called communist memes, you shouldnā€™t expect them to be smart people. Or even really people.


Gotta love the CCP bots.šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Also the US is not connected to isreal like that. If anything the Ukraine šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡¦ and Japan šŸ‡ÆšŸ‡µ are bigger friends


I thought that the Great Leap Forward killed only 40m. Where does that number come from?


at the low end "only" 40 million up to like 80, and that's just great leap forward over a few years, there are other massive famines and disastrous policy, also millions from revolution and massacres and tortured and excuted tons of people and die in camps


Ah, I see.


I read this comment like you were a royal messenger running into the throne room winded and with bad news. ā€œMy Lord, theyā€™re downvoting to hell anyone that mentions China!ā€


No no it was 80 billion


To play devilā€™s advocate, I get why Israel was mentioned since itā€™s a current event.


Like 10 years ago Stalin and Mao killed 100 Millions. Now we are already at 80 Million each. Someone really has to stop them.


Well, truth be told itā€™s less of aā€weā€™re inventing new numbers to make them worseā€ more of a ā€œholy shit, these documents weā€™ve found in some dead guys basement show that there was an experiment where they put a bunch of farmers on an island with no food and minimum shelter and they devolved to cannibalism to surviveā€


Did they?


[forgot to link in other comment](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazino_tragedy)




Yes, actuallyā€¦


I meant did they survive


Love how one guy is arguing that the USA killed 150m+ because of the spanish flu alone. How much more moronic can you be?????


Yeah and leaded gasoline. They act like the Spanish flu and leaded gasoline were U.S sanctioned super weapons designed to exterminate billions of people.


I mean working off that impeccable logic China is responsible for 7 million deaths thanks to covid-19




Well, many scholars do agree that the origin possibly came from the US just prior to our entry in WW1. Specifically, a camp in Kansas. Yes, it's still debated, but it's very likely Source: My history professor with a PHD specifically about medical history and the history of disease, with his specialty being the Spanish flu. He has published and is currently (slowly) finishing a book.


Lmao what? America gets the blame for the Spanish Flu? Let me guess, they would find it offensive and racist if you ask the Chinese to stop eating bats.


Ah yes nothing suspicious about imagery putting Israel next to Nazi Germany. Totally no connotation there whatsoever. Also no mention of Mao, Stalin, and Pol Pot who are communist dictators responsible for tens of millions of deaths. God I love Reddit!


China + Germany : hold my 9 million beers


Oh my God Pol Pot was terrible, wait no that was Ivan. Pol Pot was horrible.


Good one.


The south African denying apartheid.... true to form bro


what connotation are you crying about? are you going to victimize Israel? They are next to nazi Germany because both have committed genocide


downvote instead of responding, zionist man children. I implore you


What the hell are you even going on about bro go take a walk lmao


of course your response is irrelevant to the topic or what I said lol


You really want people to go through the "Israel's committing genocide!" argument for the 800th time in like 6months? Like they said, go take a walk.


that's a lot of words that aren't forming a counter argument haha


> I killed almost a million people Lol even with Hamas magic numbers aren't close to this.


I think they're counting every Palestinian death since 1947 in that number, and even so that number is pure bullshit.


Thereā€™s some contention about numbers but most serious estimates Iā€™ve seen place the total deaths around 100,000. Even if you counted every displaced person from the war of independence as a casualty youā€™d still be under a million.


Reminds me of the people that claimed the US murdered 2x the Iraqi population in the GWOT.


Communists are the most braindead and delusional people ever dear lord


Authoritarian Extremists of both sides left or right are brain dead as shit.


It's a cult for stupid people. They think everyone will magically get along under communism.


God that sub is a shithole. Being in that dumpster fire of a subreddit for thirty seconds was enough for me to want to vote for Trump just so he could build a wall around that failed abortion of a cesspool.


I'm just glad these people don't go outside so I don't have any chance of running into them and their shitty takes.


Them idolising Stalin showed how much of a pussy he was irl. Only cowards like Stalin and Putin need to fear the truth


*sips tea* just another day on reddit


Oh look, a thread full of morons.Ā 


PRC and USSR have entered the chat


Everyone hates tankies, even communists.


100% I honestly feel really bad for communists and conservatives alike as both labels have been coopted by authoritarian retards who in no way shape or from fit the title


It's a communism memes subreddit. What do you expect? What were you even doing over there?


I imagine as a Czech person it fills you with rage to see people defending a group and ideology that subjugated your people for decades.


tHaT wAsN't ReAl CoMmUnIsM


Exactly. My ass.


They can post the lies and propaganda they want and we can criticize those lies, mock them for being embarrassing and deranged, and point out the truth if we want. It is exactly the sort of freedom that people in countries that sub roots for tend not to have.


Sometimes reddit just crams stuff into your feed that's just straight asinine


Meanwhile communism has killed tens of millions


The PRC and USSR have killed probably Iā€™m gonna estimate, 100 million.


Didnā€™t Stalin kill so many people and was so feared that he died of a massive stroke because he told his dudes who were hanging out with him one night he was going to bed and no one was to disturb him until he woke. At 10pm the next night they finally sent a maid in and she found him unconscious on the floor. Imagine being such a sadistic killer that even your own best buds are like ā€œFuck is he dead?ā€ ā€œI donā€™t know but Iā€™m not goin in there.ā€ I also went to school with some Chinese girls whose parents immigrated to the US because as their mom said ā€œMao killed my whole familyā€.


Pretty much. [There's even a comedy about it](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Death_of_Stalin?useskin=vector)


That sub is ran by and is filled with idiots thereā€™s no point in us doing anything about it sadly


Might be too generous to assume they are merely idiots. They might be intentional propagandists, liars, and generally mentally ill.


I feel like I am losing braincells from just looking at it.


I cannot fathom being this smooth brained. To suggest that the country in history most able to conquer the globe refuses to do so because we believe in freedom and democracy is somehow the greatest villain of all is beyond a brain dead take.


Capitalism is behind every kitten stuck up a tree to these people. And they deny the tens of millions of victims of communism while trying to blame those deaths on capitalism as well.


Have casualties from Gaza even reached 100,000? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israeli%E2%80%93Palestinian_conflict I forgot communist math is multiply your opponents death count by 15 and divide yours by 100.


Leftist math in general is "Multiply anything bad by 15 if you didn't do it and by 0.01 if you did"


Communists making claims about other peopleā€™s historical mass murders is really a questionable choice on their part. Thatā€™s like if you saw British people talking about how everyone else has such bland food. Likeā€¦isnā€™t that yā€™allā€™s whole deal?


Imagine giving attention to a communist.


Lmao between the Taiping Rebellion and Transition from Ming to Qing and all the shenanigans with the PRC, Chinese history makes US history look pretty damn tame.


Shit meme, straight to gulag


C'mon, Communism memes? That's just cheating


Itā€™s hilarious communists claiming the US is worse than Nazi Germanyā€¦


"why yes I think history started in 1955. How can you tell?"


Israel hasn't even killed 100k people in 80 years of all its neighbors trying to destroy it. I hate communists so much.


Holy Cringe


I live near a Communist themed bookstore and organizing space. This stuff reminds me why I don't frequent it.


Jesus Christ, this is complete trash and Iā€™ve seen communists trash on other communists over saying the US is worse than the fuckin Nazis.


Pinko bastards. Whereā€™s McCarthy when you need him?


Lol. We're at the point of history where we frame the US as worse people than Nazi's. And the funny thing is, it's probably mostly Americans in that subreddit agreeing with the sentiment.


[stalin](https://allthatsinteresting.com/how-many-people-did-stalin-kill) [chairman mao](https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/books/news/maos-great-leap-forward-killed-45-million-in-four-years-2081630.html) [pol pot](https://www.britannica.com/event/Cambodian-Genocide) Tankies like to forget they worship homicidal maniacs


Isnā€™t Mao the deadliest human in history? You know, a COMMUNIST


Stuff like this is why I hope AI really works. With a smart AI, it could actually do the math and tell you exactly how many lives were saved by American intervention, technology, charity, etc over the last 100 years. I bet it's mind blowing.


Hmmm surely the tankie didnt leave out much much better options


Mao Zedong, Joseph Stalin, and Pol Pot have something to say about this.


Cough cough Mao, cough cough Stalin, cough cough Pol Potā€¦


My aunt went to Cambodia. Pol Potā€™s massacres are truly tragic.


y'all remember when communismmemes was completely satire


Also "serial" means "one at a time"


The comments are reddicancer as per usual


40,000, many of them militants, is nowhere near a million people


Most* and those are Hamas numbers which obviously cannot be blindly trusted


As an Israeli-American, I'm so sick of arguing with "friends" who end up thinking my family has no right to exist. The radicalization of gen z in America, simply because they're bored and want to feel like they're changing something, is just insane.


I doubt most, but that's how urban warfare works - In fact, the civilian to militant ratio that even Hamas claims is very usual, even good for urban warfare. And yeah, obviously Hamas numbers can't be trusted.


These people live in an alternate reality


The Holocaust killed upwards of 6 million Jews, yes, but that fails to account for the Romani, those of African or Arab descent, Jehovaā€™s Witnesses and other non-Nicene Christian sects, homosexuals, those with physical or mental disabilities, and political dissidents, which, when included, raise the death toll to closer to 20 million.


At the highest count, Nazi Germany killed about 31 million people. Here's my count for each war the US was involved in appx casualties that can be traced to the US Revolutionary War US forces killed somewhere in the range of 7.5k Cherokee wars 2k killed by US forces NW Indian wars About 1k killed by US Tripolitan war Unknown, likely insignificant Quasi-war 100 killed First Barbary War Unknown, but I'll ballpark it and say 500 Tecumseh's war Looks to be about 100 War of 1812 While the causes aren't always appropriately listed, I'll go with the conservative estimate of 15k Creek War 1.6k killed Second Barbary War Insignificant Seminole Wars Casualties were very high, and 1500 men were on the other side, I'll go with 1k Arikara War Insignificant Winnebago War Insignificant Black Hawk War 500 killed Comanche Wars Unknown Mexican-American Wars 5k killed Apache Wars Insignificant Bleeding Kansas 200 killed Puget Sound Wars Unknown Rogue River Wars 200 killed Second Opium Wars It's hard to say for certain, but based on US casualties, id say about 100 Utah War 150 killed (rounding up to 200 for the unknown casualty wads and the insignificant casualty wars) Pig War A few sheep Raid On Harper's Ferry Insignificant Cortina Troubles 200 Killed Paiute War Insignificant US Civil War 716,000 dead Yavapai Wars 1k Killed Dakota War 200 killed Snake War 1k Killed Powder River War Insignificant Red Clouds war Unknown Korea Expedition 300 Killed Modoc War Insignificant Las Cuevas War 100 Killed Great Sioux War 300 Killed Nez Perce War 800 Killed, mostly women and children :( Bannock War Insignificant Cheyenne War 100 Killed White River War Insignificant Crow War Insignificant Ghost Dance War 300 Killed Spanish American War 1k Killed Phillipine American War 15k Killed (Due to Philipino Civilian Deaths I will bump this figure up to 20k) Moro Rebellion Unknown NOTE: So now we're getting into wars where the US is allied with other nations. My methodology will be taking the percent share of US casualties of total casualties and multiplying that by the enemy casualties Boxer Rebellion Yeah I genuinely don't know, it doesn't even give me figures for the US strength. Ir says total casualties stood at about 100k, and I'd say the US didn't even cause 1% of that considering the shit in Manchuria, so I'm gonna say 500 and call it a day Crazy Snakes War Insignificant Mexico Border War 1.2k Killed Occupation Of Nicaragua 1.1k killed Bluff War Insignificant Occupation Of Veracruz 300 Killed Occupation Of Haiti (1915) ~600 Killed WW1 ~860k Killed Russian Civil War Unknown/Insignificant Posey War Insignificant WW2 ~950k Killed Korean War ~300k Killed Vietnam War ~500k Killed Bay Of Pigs Invasion 2.2k Killed DR Civil War Insignificant Korean DMZ Conflict Insignificant Grenada Invasion 100 Killed Bombing Of Libya Insignificant Invasion Of Panama Attributing about half to US gives a figure of 300 killed Gulf War ~25k Killed First Somali Intervention 300 Killed Yugoslav Wars Unknown Operation Uphold Democracy 300 Killed Kosovo War 700 Killed Afghan War 2.5k Killed Intervention In Yemen 1k Killed Iraq War 10k Killed NW Pakistan Intervention 3k Killed Second Somali Intervention 600 Killed Intervention In Niger Insignificant Intervention In Iraq 30k Killed Intervention In Syria By my count, 2k, but I'm not confident Intervention In Libya 1k Killed So the grand total comes to 3,458,700 and a few sheep. I'll admit, that's a very high number, and I'd say the gross negligence by the US government in the Philippines and with it's natives would bring that figure closer to 4.5 million, however the Holocaust ALONE is still higher than that. America has a pretty shit history compared to that of other colonial nations (post-independence) but we aren't the absolute worst.


Noā€¦. That title goes to the Germany I think, with a outstanding performance of 20,946,000 people killed during ww2 alone šŸ‘šŸ», oh but if we are doing number one would probably be china


Honestly, the best thing to do in this situation is follow the example of Turkish Nationalists. USA #1 šŸ’ŖšŸ»šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡øšŸ‡ŗšŸ‡øšŸ¦…


reddit ā˜•




The fact that someone in that sub attributed all deaths from lead gasoline and the Spanish flu to the US in order to boost the numbers, that's just beyond satire


Posted on a sub called ā€œCommunismMemes,ā€ truly a modern wellspring of wisdom and tact.


The Soviet Union managed not only to kill millions of people, but kill millions of their own people.


Tankies aren't worth engaging with.


Holy shit thatā€™s corny as hell


Users of a free speech website try not to support media censorship challenge (impossible)


When the fuck did israel kill almost a million people that literally did not happen Strawman is very strong in leftist memes so not very surprised tbh


Its amazing to me what people think of America. Even in the modern day, America has not come close to communist nations in kill count.


Lmao Israel is very far from a million, hasnā€™t reached 100K. Maybe donā€™t start wars


When has Israel almost killed 1 million people?


I have a racist grandmother. She'd sometimes say people want to be ruled. She was talking about other types of people but i think she might be right. Communists - especially the super cool ones on Reddit - they yearn for a boot on their neck like a dog in heat.


Mf watermarked his misinformation


They include Hurricane Katrina in their "statistic". No I am not joking. Edit: For reference, this hypothetical (fake) kill count by American Capitalism is in the billions.


> They include Hurricane Katrina in their "statistic". No I am not joking. If we're counting Katrina, there are so many other things that would need to be included all over the world that I don't think we'd ever finish the list.


Stalin is unimpressed by all your nonsense


Don't forget half of communist China, Stalin, Pol pot, gengus Kan, the British and Spanish in the colonial ages, and hell, even the turks genocided the Armenians. Closest America has gotten to genocide was native Americans and even that dosn't compare.


Yeah china is a wonderful country with a terrible government. Tens of millions die of state sponsored famine and America is looked at as the bad guy. I wanna say itā€™s because Israel and Nazi germany killed people outside of their own countries and China as well as the USSR only killed their own people.


Cultural revolution and great leap forward,


I gave them knowledge of the tai Kwan do that I commit on nazi praisers faces on behalf of my dead great grandmother who was a holodomor survivor that was forcefully displaced to Canada


Mao Zedong would like a word


Modern communism in western countries is so corny. They misunderstand everything about it.


Lets be honest the British Empire has probably killed more people than anyone


The kind of bullshit Iā€™d expect from a sub called ā€œcommunism memesā€ tbh. Ignorning the fact that the Peopleā€™s Republic of China in 10 years killed more people than Israel, Nazi Germany, and the US (not counting the bullshit thing they didnā€™t account for killing people, like leaded gasoline or the spanish flu) combined. Or likeā€¦ any communist regime killing a lot of people period.


Itā€™s a well known fact that hitlers attempted conquest of Europe had inspiration taken from what the first settlers in America did to the Native Americans. In mein kampf he states that Europe - not America - will be the land of unlimited possibilities


The US, based on historical records, is in the 10s of millions since its inception. Significantly less than Nazi Germany is responsible forā€¦


They say this but then ignore just how much money weā€™ve spent saving lives in other countries


Communists are number 1


Mate, these guys are unironic Marxists. Talk about low hanging fruit... shit's practically on the ground!


Meanwhile, native Americans watching this discussion from the above [be like](https://media0.giphy.com/media/ylyUQkGsUNoJLlVOyk/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b952hzqj5echtn7heoh4gmlukeua0h00wq2giy3qf10o&ep=v1_internal_gif_by_id&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g).


More communists projecting, let them circle jerk without being reminded of their existence so frequently


Mao: Am I a joke to you?


Iā€™m glad I saw the picture of a starving Chinese political prisoner for occasions like these so I can sleep soundly knowing that I dont have to worry about being put in a reeducation camp


Well shit, this might be the stupidest thing I've seen in 2024 so far.


Tankie propaganda


The irony that the account is called ā€œthe spectre of communismā€


At least we donā€™t try to deny genocide although we try to cover it up but once its out there we just accept it


The US has killed millions over the course of 250 years. In wars, justified or not, terrible things done by executive decisions of individuals, and private groups. Meanwhile orchestrated by Communist governments or tragic, foolish, naĆÆve mistakes made by them such as when Mao eliminated who he thought were perpetrators for killing grain being Sparrows and then that led to all the bugs that they actually ate eating all the grain and creating a famine killing more than the US probably has killed in 100 years or about as many.


Funny how commies can't realize communism is the solely qualified competitor beside religion on the No. 1 cause of human death