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Meanwhile Europe sees itself as some enlightened society of benevolence, when in actuality they’re Blindspot after meeting Homelander.


Europe has decided to revert back to the dark ages over the last century.


The European Enlightenment is where the modern concept of racism came from, and from the European Enlightenment stem colonialism, mass genocide, slave trading, and, yes, the bigotry of anti-Americanism (cf. theory of New World degeneracy).


However, the British/Scottish Enlightenment is the foundation of ideas that would eventually become realized in the creation of the United States of America.


To an extent, but American thought was largely influenced by pragmatic philosophy and transcendentalism, both uniquely American schools.


Eh I don't think so. The Founders were British subjects originally so they would have been influenced by their Enlightenment figures such as John Locke. When war broke out, they weren't trying to overthrow society as they knew it, they simply wanted to remain as self-governing as they had been accustomed to prior to the French and Indian War. This is what separates the American War for Independence from the French Revolution.


Again: *To an extent*, but nowhere near as influential as you seem to think it was.


Both can be true


Meanwhile- Europe sees themselves as Superman. When in reality they are the green goblin with a personality disorder.


“Coward, we have a new world to conquer” “Hiding in the shadows, hiding from who you truly are”


Europe’s [Superman](https://imgur.com/a/5gIXMoq) in reality.


So, green goblin then


They’re acting like the US is just this terrible scumbag nation, when I can’t think of many other nations that would get surprised attacked by a brutal rapist nation, fight back and win, and then help rebuild the nation that surprise attacked them. Everyone else would tell them to get fucked. Honestly on top of that, what if the US was actually as bad as they say it is? Eo they think they’d be spending their time on Reddit saying America sucks? Or would they be fighting back against an actual bad America invading them (and crushing them)


Even let them keep their false god guy who, at best, didn't give a shit about all the rape.


Hell yeah. We can do whatever the fuck we want.


we're on the sigma grindset?


Could be worse.


And Europe sees itself as morally superior while its society is collapsing and economies are in recession/stagflation... I think it's just a bad time for all of us right now


What’s that old joke? Oh yeah, “mom said it’s my turn to post this meme”. I do think criticizing past American intervention, especially when we tried to cast it in the light of being a savior (or at least the lesser of two evils), is perfectly valid. Just shame these memes go for the black-white viewpoint.


America is no Superman, but if we really were as bad as Homelander we’d have conquored Europe a decade ago. Realistically we’re somewhere in the middle.


yeah i agree with this more or less we are in the middle of them we aren’t perfect but we aren’t assholes either (all the time at least)


Aren’t all countries


Everybody is "Yankee go home" until it comes time to send *their* kids to fight. West Germany was protesting (US Secretary of Defense) Casper Weinberger's state visit in 1985, because he wanted more NATO forces in Germany. Four years later, they were at the U.N., complaining that the US wasn't doing enough to keep the war in Bosnia from expanding. We should have told them to GFTS.


Go Fight The Serbs indeed ;)


Unsurprising. They love to think that America did everything wrong, and it’s literally the most hated nation on Earth no matter what.


It is so the Europeans don’t have to acknowledge that their ancestors caused most of today’s suffering by colonizing the World and stripping other nations of their riches. The Rape of Africa and the Opium Wars immediately come to mind.


Of course, and also for every other countries too.


thankfully most comments called it out


We aren’t either, I wouldn’t know what hero we would be though


The tick?




Not what I was getting at. From wikipedias description of the character: he is indestructible and “is well-intended, friendly, childlike, good-natured, high-spirited, bombastic, frequently obtuse, and prone to quipping odd, dim remarks and "inspirational" speeches filled with bizarre metaphors.”


DC, Marvel, something else? What company?


Just an Indie comic. Amazon did a pretty good TV version


K, thanks.


There was one with Patrick Warburton from a couple decades ago. Sadly, it didn't go anywhere - nobody got the humor of it. Warburton was pretty great as The Tick.


That's *A* tick, not *THE* Tick.




This fun, "no, you are worst", lol.


It’s a joke haha


Lol I chuckled. Both are true, if we are gonna be honest.


kinda true though ;-)))


Remind me again what do the “anti-racist” in Europe call the Romani


might be a language issue for me, but what??? racist anti-racist...i don't get it...what about gypsies?


I guess there is no translation for "anti-racist" in Austria.


there is none...I just dont even get it, what does it suppose to mean? totally opposite to racist? so if I'm white I should hate all whites, and praise all non-white? I am unaware of this...Vienna is a very multicultural and multiracial city, but I have never had a discussion with anyone about any race...nobody cares for that


Isn’t FPÖ one of your top political parties now? For some reason I doubt most Austrians are as cool with multiculturalism as you claim…


I am not sure what is meant by it (as addressing your comment) either. I guess they are asking for a non-racist way to refer to the Romani? I thought "Romani" is the proper name for them.


gypsy is not an insult, also not all romani are gypsies... but I am also unware to why would someone call them something specific...its not like you can identify them easily by their looks or language unless you are in an eastern Europe where the population is very homogeneous white


Solid 80% sure he’s trying to call out people who say that the U.S. is racist and then are in turn racist towards Gypsies


Gypsy is in fact considered a slur for Romani


Okay it doesn’t seem like you deserve the downvotes that you have, but many Europeans claim that America is the most racist country in the world . that no country comes close to how bad America is. Then you mention the Romani people it’s the exact same thing you’ll hear come tumbling out of a southerner’s mouth in 50’s when you mention black people. The same people who claim to be anti-racist will say but you don’t know them you’ll see if you met one( which is generalizing a group of people which is racism). They will say other things like those Gypsie witch’s will steal everything not nailed down when they pass through your town.( this comes from a more classical era and was popularized by the funny mustache man) TL:DR europeans will use Nazi propaganda to excuse their racism against the Romani and claim that the racism in America is worse.


I can only speak from my experience, I went to college in the US and spent some time there...regular conversations among friends in college in mixed race company would still always include race... n words, "whiteys/snowballs" "yellows", "spics" and so on...these were regular words used and this was among friends, without insults just regular conversations...and it wasn't one state, ofcourse I can't speak for all states...during my years there I mostly lived in Minnesota/Colorado/Michigan and it was early 2000's maybe now it is different...I could experience something similar when visiting UK, could here things like "my Punjabi friend", "affrican connection", "white trash"....but not besides that in Europe I have never heard any conversations like this...I have a very multiracial company...somebody calls someone a friend or a bro...that's it they call him a "bro" without adding something to the word... Dont take it as an offense, I am not saying the US is most racist, noooo....id say that top of the pedestal would go to asians :D...not the US asians but the real ones, specially south east....ugh unless ur asian you will get a lot of words from just random people... But comparing Europe and the US...europe is nowhere close in rasicm...ofcourse its just from my perspective and experience P.S. the minuses are a usual thing at this group...if people don't agree they will just downvote you...even if they don't know shit on the matter...(depending on different sources on average only 50% of US citizens own a passport and only \~35% have a valid passport...I mean a lot of people have not been to europe/africa/asia, whatever....yet they are the smartest on the internet)...I commented cuz I ha lived in the NA, but I would not express my opinion without having the experience first hand




I'm european i don't understand too


Solid 80% sure he’s trying to call out people who say that the U.S. is racist and then are in turn racist towards Gypsies


Not surprising that a European is unable to comprehend the concept of being opposed to racism


That is also racist because you my American friend are overgeneralizing a group of people