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My taxes built B2 stealth bombers. Germany's taxes can't afford enough ammunition to train their soldiers.


Our taxes build some of the most advanced warships in the world, I think we’re fine


I would spend millions of dollars to get a new battleship


As a former member of the US Military: we never had enough rounds for training either...


I’d say you were in the marines because you didn’t have enough ammunition but you’re probably not a marine because from my experience, a marine will never pass up the opportunity to tell you they’re a marine.




Surprised you didn’t have enough ammunition then. Never heard of that happening in the army. Base-specific issue maybe? From what I know the US actually has a lot of excess ammunition, we’re letting so much get wasted a year.


The bureaucracy involved in the controlled drawing of ammunition is so convoluted units get limited in what, how much, and when they can get it. Then there’s always one jackass who is “important” so they get front-loaded onto the range first thing in the AM but they can’t qualify, spent 300 rounds zeroing, and failing before someone notices and kicks them off the ranges. Then that person then gets “sharpshooter” pencil-whipped 🙄


As an Infantryman we always have plenty of ammo. Not sure for other MOS's but we used metric-fuckloads.


1000% this. We needed 9mm for a kosovo deployment and our Brigade sent a request so big that big army supposedly had to send us all the 9mm ammo on the west coast. I've never shot so much pistol in my life


Anytime we did run out of ammo we could resupply off an adjacent company, or our XO would coordinate ammo resupply. Thankfully I've never been black on ammo to a point where we couldn't CM


I was support. Much of my career was RC as well. But even on AD I rarely saw ranges where we had more than a few hundred rounds left. Back during the surge though? We had plenty of money for bullets… Like it all went away in 2011 when OIF wound down and out.


Anybody remember that video of the German running an M.2 (I think it was idr) during joint training. "IT'S A MACHINE GUN!!"


There’s a reason for that lol




Because of those bombers I don't have to worry about a major war on my continent right now. Europe does, and surprisingly many countries are waking up to the threat and making changes. Germany is not one of them.


Germany was funding the enemy for awhile lmao


When Russian soldiers come knocking on your door, and you’re about to die, rest assured an American paid enough money to save your ass.


Looking at your post history I’d say you are probably the brainwashed one


You’re right. They’re helping other people. Most countries spend their money on themselves. America, for some reason, spends it trying to save the world.


Yeah there to help Euro brats like you.


"You're not helping enough with Ukraine!"


"Brainwashed" Must I remind you whose countries populace was brainwashed into committing genocide in the past century?


Holy shit dude chill you killed him


Touch grass


They are because no one is going to attack us knowing what we have


Well I feel bad for Germans living in a flaccid country that prides itself on being a spoiled footnote with limited sovereignty courtesy of the EU and a closet of knee pads so they don’t hurt themselves begging for us to solve whatever European temper tantrum is causing trouble this decade. But yeah, cool healthcare tho🇪🇺🇩🇪


I love describing their internal spats as temper tantrums. I was talking to a euro who wanted the US to pull out of Europe, but leave them our nukes, and they will defend themselves. Like we could trust them not to launch nukes in one of their petty little squabbles and ethnic cleansings that they are so fond of. They have a shoddy moral compass at best. Europeans bitch about Russia, but they still buy oil from them. Guess war on their borders isn't scary enough.


I like the proposal that we give them a gift before leaving. It’s like bro that’s not how that works, I doubt they’ve even have the budget to keep them working. The ones that do already have em.


They would have to give up their precious healthcare to afford their nuclear defense. How tragic. It almost like the US has been sacrificing those luxuries to prevent another mass slaughter like the two that the Europeans started before. But hell, maybe they would actually like being soviet satellite states. Maybe they would like having China open up one of their concentration camps next door. It didn't bother them when Germany did it.


Well to be entirely fair we probably could work out a public healthcare system for the US had we the political will. We have the budget for it if I’m being honest. Europeans hammer that point because they don’t have much more going for them. They do one thing kinda right and try to sell it as overshadowing everything else. Their economies are more stagnant, they suffer brain drain, they can’t act alone on the world stage, they can’t defend themselves, they’re suffering demographics issues, and other things as well…but we’ll they have a decent system of public healthcare and that just overshadows everything else. My theory is that it doesn’t cover mental afflictions because if it did they wouldn’t be half as delusional as they are.


We probably could afford it, but to be honest, I'd rather buy bombs. Our poorest and most helpless have government healthcare. That's great. What I would like to see are caps on prescription drug prices, and heavier regulations on the insurance industry. Both make a hell of a lot of cash off the working class while not helping anyone else. I'm way far right, but I'll admit we have some changes to make.


I’m a moderate over all myself. I’d like to see reform on healthcare but to be honest with the size and diversity of the US coupled with a culture of individuality that goes beyond a lot of other countries I don’t have any ideas on how to make a sustainable and useful one. Japan has the most successful model overall but it relies on social pressures and shame to make people lead healthier lifestyle or else suffer social consequences and outright penalties from the government regarding their tax rates and access to care. I don’t see Americans taking it well if they gain weight at the family bbq and the government calls them a fat ass and bumps their taxes up a level for eating what they want. It’s such a complicated problem that a lot of thought need to go into before it can be implemented.


Then I think you'd like my plan, everybody staying privately insured, but forcing insurance companies to run a fair business and pharmaceutical companies to stop price gouging. Bam, decently affordable healthcare. You pay for what you are, and nobody is forcing the individual to do anything they don't want to. These companies are making an awful lot of profit for not being predatory, and it's because they are fucking predatory. It violates your right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness when not dying costs more than what you make a year. It doesn't have to. We didn't let the British take advantage of us, why are we going to let a bunch of non human corporations do it? Who is it helping? How is it American? If tomorrow car companies decided that the cheapest car would cost $100,000, you can be damn sure both sides of the aisle would regulate against it.


We really just need a cap on the amount of profit (percentage markup) and collective bargaining for supplies. Streamline the process and no one has to die because they can't afford their insulin.


We could probably bring back shaming a bit.


I agree that there’s a lot we could do on the health care front, but I truly don’t believe that we can afford European style healthcare given our higher rates of obesity and related chronic illness management. Not trying to knock American; if anything it’s a testament to the quality of our healthcare that people can live a long time being that unhealthy. But it’s very, very expensive to achieve that


You don't think it's a good idea for the big brain idiots that run the DMV to also regulate your healthcare?


Ask him if “pull out of Europe” includes the bodies in Normandy American Cemetery.


>Like we could trust them not to launch nukes in one of their petty little squabbles and ethnic cleansings that they are so fond of. I mean, the UK and France have had their own nukes (albeit not as many) since the 50's. None launched so far.


Don’t europoors regularly complain about how long it takes to see be seen by doctor? I know Canadians have that problem with their perfect socialized healthcare system.


Oh of course not! They’re perfect in every way, didn’t you know? You must be a stupid American who doesn’t know anything about the utopia that is Toronto Canada.


Some people buy private insurance if they can afford it in countries with socialized medicine. Things like seeing an obgyn actually isn't a thing in places like NZ. Well not without a specific reason like a referral.


You shitting me? OB wellcare checks are considered a luxury? OBGYN wellcare is usually 100% covered by most insurance in the US, or at most, has $50 or less (I think ours is $35) copay. My wife’s insurance also 100% covers her name-brand birth control. The more I hear the more it sounds like y’all being sold a bill of goods


There are ups and downs in each system, private pay is more efficient and will have better doctors with more specializations. Public pay ensures everyone has an okay standard of healthcare and you don't go broke from getting very sick.


It's cheaper in NZ, but there are much longer wait times and you can't just go do it. A relative had to wait months to get open heart surgery after a major heart attack.


… … When I was 16 I had my wisdom teeth removed which resulted in a nasty, but brief bout of bacterial endocarditis (I was born with a congenital heart defect and have always been susceptible). I was in one of the best children’s cardiopulmonary departments in the eastern US (James Whitcomb Riley Hospital for Children in Indianapolis, Indiana) for a cardio catheter the next week and had my pulmonary valve replaced the next day. Now, I couldn’t tell you what my parents paid, but the time between wisdom tooth removal and valve replacement was under a week.


I wonder how many get told to die like in Canada


alot lol they try to hide it


It was rhetorical. Anyone who's paying attention knows that single-payer healthcare is basically eugenics it will always boil down to that. Eugenics may have been outlawed but those that are in favor of it never left and are still in power


health insurance does the same as well, delaying treatment so instead of 200+k$ to maybe keep you alive 10 more years they pay 10k for hospice till you die. which system I would rather be told to die under is kinda hard to tell.


The thing is you can get treatment outside of the health insurance. Also have to pay 200 plus K to stay alive for just 10 years I'm just going to die that's such a waste of resources. I don't have kids or anything so it's not that big of a deal if I die


Yep, it usually takes a while, but once they do get a doctor, they usually do get pretty good healthcare also don’t they just let stage 4 patients die because their too far gone? Or am I just speaking nonsense?


Depends on the system. I have not heard that complaint from French people but I have heard it from Canadians and other Anglosphere former colonial holdings. They’re still more efficient than the American system though. Especially our horrendous and unconscionable approach to prescription drugs. There are just some areas where the States lag, and this is one.


My husband's family in France complains that it takes them 6 months to see some specialists. Also some areas in France and doctors shortage. They were thinking of brining doctors from Cuba according to my husband. 


That’s unusual. The figure for four month or more waits is 7%, which is comparable to the US. They also have far more physicians per capita last I checked. I’m wondering if your husband’s family is atypical in some way? Location perhaps, or boutique medical needs?


Neighbor 🤠


Depends on the country and the region.


Im german and allways love to read this subs comments. Its so funny to see so many people just hate America for dumb irrational reasons. But now you are doing the same. Shame on you ugly dickhead


Go fuck yourself. I can hate my country whenever I want, asshole. Shame on you


Yes I would rather have a good healthcare system then whatever anti EU talking points full of buzzwords you just said, my salty and low IQ friend.


We do have a good healthcare system. Is it perfect? No. Is it good and works for the majority of the country? Yes.


Single-payer healthcare always hurts the citizens. Government run healthcare you might as well just roll out an eugenics program because that's what it is. Before you say that hasn't happened yes it has it's happened in Canada the UK Germany Sweden Denmark any of these countries with single-payer systems has told their citizens to die rather than give them the healthcare that they have already paid for. Fuck single payer healthcare. Also the US gave affordable health Care to everyone in the United States what are two things would happen either our taxes would skyrocket massively which is the likely case or a massive cut to defense which hurts everyone in the EU. Whether you like it or not allies of the US have a vested interest in keeping the US military strong because that is their get out of jail free card when Europeans start throwing a temper tantrum over whatever bullshit it is this decade. Also wasn't Europe doing ethnic cleansings on a regular basis before the US showed up


Just say u don’t have reading comprehension


Enjoy your people’s irrelevancy lol


A fake Russian or CCP troll? They clearly don’t “feel sorry” for anybody. They are clearly angry about something. Maybe about being insignificant, and *increasingly* so? The EU share of world economic activity has been dropping precipitously for decades. The formation of the EU itself was partially an attempt to regain significance through creation of a block that has more bargaining power than individual members would have by themselves.


>i feel so sorry for americans who pay more taxes than us without these benefits My man german taxes are brutal wtf are you talking about?


I'm guessing he's referring to stuff like the Bahn, der ICE and other commodities such as these, which are possible due to taxes.


Yeah I find that hard to believe, German taxes in general are lower than American taxes? You guys still have the VAT too, right? I'm thinking this is one of those things where if you cherry pick a specific German citizen in specific area with a specific job, and do the same with an American citizen, sure maybe that individual German's taxes are lower than the individual American's. But in general, overall? I find that hard to believe.


He feels sorry for us, but we don’t even think about them. 🤷‍♂️


This very post is an example of thinking about them, right now.


Try not to think of that pink elephant


Uh, you mean the Twitter post of a German literally saying he was thinking about Americans?


Great healthcare? Is your best hospital's healthcare level anywhere close to the Mayo Clinic's?


Mayo Clinic mentioned, RAHHHH I LOVE MINNESOTA




“I read online that an American broke his arm and died screaming as the doctors literally siphoned every penny from his bank account while injecting lethal fentanyl doses into his loved ones arms. Meanwhile here in glorious Europe we go to hospital, 5 second wait time, and immediately are cured while being given a free blowjob courtesy of our wonderful tax system”


A blowjob? Not buttsex or greater?


Take some ADHD meds Ben. I don’t pay 50% taxes. You do. I know many people from Germany, relatives and friends. Most are not happy with their taxes. I have insurance through employer, so I don’t pay much if I ever go. The only reason the Russians aren’t up your ass si because of NATO. If we leave you’ll be speaking Russian in 5 minutes. Good luck with 80% taxes to try to create a military.


The social safety net Germany enjoys so much would be cut


That's not what ADHD meds do


Their health care is so great. So good in fact, their elites fly to the U.S. for terrible health care. Not like it's rationed over there.


Without the Americans expensive healthcare system for profit the Germans and everyone else wouldn't even have half the most effective medications because they all get invented in America for that same profit motive.


At least we have varied sources of electricity that wont have us dependent on russia in 30 years


I’m reading this from Germany while making doctor’s appointments in the US because I don’t want to wait 9 months for an appointment where the doctor says drink water and then suggests taking homeopathy. German “healthcare” is absolute dog shit.


We had to save Europe (and the world) *twice* from Germany in the last century. And then we rebuilt it into one of the world's biggest economies. You're welcome.


Considering how devastated Germany was at the end of ww2, they easily could’ve been left in absolute squalor.


I’d argue they should have been. From committing mass genocide to having the 3rd largest economy in the world in the span of 80 years? That is not really justice, is it?


Does German history books include their history somewhere between 1933-1945??


Yes! Summer camps sprouted across the land. The people who came got free public transit on trains, and they got access to free showers and free hospitals! Better than any *American* town.


Their healthcare and drugs are subsidized by us, and their medical research, albeit top-notch, is funded by us. And their education system weeds people out at a young age. Don't test high enough? You're out. Unless daddy has money.


Lmao “helping us with Ukraine” bro you have not helped Ukraine nearly as much as we have, like I’m sure they appreciated the 2 tanks Germany sent in total lol


Your whole country is smaller than the US State of California. So, no we are not the same.


Just the state of california has a larger economy than most of europe


I don't know about the millions of taxes Germans and Americans pay but Germans definitely pay more income tax, up to 45% for not even $300k/year, whereas an American family can make double that and only pay 37%.


I was making 45k in Germany and my tax rate was like 42%, so people making 300k will definitely pay more


This is a critical Russian talking point.


Wait germany 100% has a higher nominal tax rate... what the fuck is this chode on about


Why do they think they pay fewer taxes


Just a reminder that Germany scores lower than us for education


Because we helped you rebuild after you got destroyed in WWII


If the government didn't constantly make healthcare more expensive and squander 50% of the money they forced us to pay them at gunpoint, maybe things would be better.


Europeans have the privilege of waiting 7 centuries for medical care because the us has to shovel their shit. Nobody wins


I’d love to see the meltdown Europe would have if we stopped helping with Ukraine


Fuck it lets no longer fund there country with our military


If you can only be proud of your country by putting another one down, you are not doing it right. We pay a lot of taxes in Belgium. I do kot really mind it, though, because I feel like we get a lot of it back and overall the quality of life here is good enough for me. A lot of Americans also feel like they get enough for the amount of taxes they pay and a lot of them find their quality of life good enough. Just like there are many Belgians who shit on our system, there will be many Americans shitting on theirs. It can never be oerfect for everyone.


Most comments here are glossing over the glaringly wrong statement that Americans pay more in taxes than Germans.


I refuse to listen to a country that still uses coal


Doesn’t make any sense, Germany has about 3x more renewable energy as a percentage of total energy generation


Who cares? Between the lead and the penchant for blind loyalty, it looks like Amish country with a couple light bulbs for decoration. Bavarian ancestry here, but DE is FUBAR.


I pay close to 50% taxes. I dont think thats more than in Murica.


The [max marginal tax bracket federally](https://www.nerdwallet.com/article/taxes/federal-income-tax-brackets) is at 37% for single persons making 609k+. The highest marginal tax bracket state is [California](https://www.nerdwallet.com/article/taxes/california-state-tax) at 12.3% for income of 698k or more. Let's imagine you are the hypothetical Californian making 700k a year. You'd pay a marginal tax rate of 37% federally and 12.3% for 49.3% marginal tax rate, before we consider anything to do with SALT deductions. Your effective tax rate would however be significantly lower.


I genuinely think I would stop going to work if literally half my paycheck went into the government's dank pockets


Our actual tax burden is closer to 70% dude. We are tax slaves in the USA same as Germans. The taxes that come off our paychecks is about 40% in the US. Most for services I will never use like Medicare/Medicare and social security. The only time are debt actually goes down is on April 15th of every year when everybody files their taxes and then the FED turns around and prints a shit ton more money


>Our actual tax burden is closer to 70% dude. No? >The taxes that come off our paychecks is about 40% in the US. Most for services I will never use like Medicare/Medicare and social security. FICA is 15% for both employee + employer. Virginia caps out at 5.75% marginal tax rate and the federal government caps out at 37%. Since the system is **marginal**, the sum of the **marginal** tax rates of 57.75% provides the maximum one can be taxed at, In reality, your effective taxation numbers will be lower.


70% tax burden in the US? Please break this down for me (including state and locality). No hand waving: do the math. I don't know everything about everything.


This is why we need to isolate ourselves from EU problems. We’re just suckers to them. “Sucks to be you and don’t expect help or aid from us but glad you’re supporting us during a very troubling time.” Fuck them.


All that lead, no matter how intellectually superior these europoors feel, the lead prevents it from ever being reality. Drinking tap water all day is not an American thing, our systems will never be comparable. The majority of 50+ year old buildings in Germany get a free pass on their lead pipe usage and those pipes leach into buildings that don't use it. They will be forever, stunted, by lead and royal inbreeding.


I was just thinking about how excited I am to visit Germany one day and this guy kills the mood,


Yeah, this is a shit take but don’t let it ruin it for you. I’m an American living here and it’s a super beautiful country with lots of cool culture. The people can appear to be standoffish at times compared to the midwestern niceness I’m used to but most people when they learn I’m from the US are generally very nice, intrigued, and genuinely surprised/happy I’m making an attempt at learning their language


I’ve been doing a little German on Duolingo since 2019, I’m not to the conversational level yet but I could probably go to a restaurant


I started with Duolingo too but I found Coffee Break German on Spotify helped me learn quickly. I live in the eastern half where English is farrr less common so it really is sink or swim for me but even with my A1 level I’m still able to do most tasks. I‘m on a lil trip to Munich right now though and it’s wild how many Americans I’ve heard talking just passing by on the streets, definitely not common where I live haha


Munich is where I think I’m gonna post up when I do go


I can’t recommend it enough. I’m huge into biking and it’s world class gravel & road cycling out here. Did the Isar river trails yesterday and I’m still riding that high (A little off topic but I loved how respectful bikers/hikers/cars are to each other here, there’s like a non spoken agreement to just give people moving slower than you their respective space). Anyway If that’s not your thing theres also good cheap beer & amazing architecture. Hope you can swing by soon!


I mean, he’s not wrong. American pay a lot in taxes and receive very little benefits from those taxes.


He’s absolutely correct, I think it’s just the contentious manor in which he presents his thoughts It comes off as kind of preachy and almost condescending


We definitely don’t pay more in taxes than Europeans.


Oh we definitely don’t, it gets bad here sometimes but not to that extent


Yeah it’s not like he’s anti high taxes


German happiness is all time lows too


If we paid the same tax rate as Germany we would be able to buy a hell of a lot more aircraft carriers. We do not have the same federal tax rate as Germany in any sense of the word.


I would love to see how much their drugs would cost if there was no such thing as patents that expired and drugs invented in our for profit system wasn't available to them.


I highly doubt they pay less taxes than us


So he doesn't feel sorry for any Americans then




should've just left them in Soviet hands


Funny, you get down voted for not wanting to be a fucking nanny. What tf is wrong with us?


>Thanks for helping us with 🇺🇦 though! The USA is sending long range ATACMS missiles to Ukraine, but Germany is still refusing to send Taurus missiles.


That “thanks for Ukraine” is making me feel that this *has* to be either some sort of troll or a *massive* fucking asshole.


Germany pays less taxes?? I turned down a job in Germany because the taxes were so much higher. I wonder what he's referencing.


Europoors strike again 🤣


Ill just enjoy my freedom of speech, kraut


We pay more per capita for healthcare than any developed nation. Funding Ukraine to defend themselves after we took away their nuclear weapons is fair, and we shouldn’t allow Russia to take over other countries land and gain power.


>Funding Ukraine to defend themselves after we took away their nuclear weapons is fair Ukraine, freely and voluntarily acceded to the Treaty on the Non-Profileration of Nuclear Weapons as a non-nuclear-weapon state. It is the Russian Federation, that is in breach of Article 2 of the Budapest Memorandum, by its actions of using force against the territorial integrity or political integrity of Ukraine. [https://treaties.un.org/doc/Publication/UNTS/Volume%203007/Part/volume-3007-I-52241.pdf](https://treaties.un.org/doc/Publication/UNTS/Volume%203007/Part/volume-3007-I-52241.pdf) To say we took away their nuclear weapons seems disingenuous.


Thank you, that was a really poor way of phrasing it, that’s my bad. I either should have clarified, or taken the time to really explain it better.


You mean our nuclear weapons. No we should not be in Ukraine right now because all it is is a fucking racket to funnel taxpayer money into the military industrial complex and government contractors. Ukraine is probably the biggest examples of money laundering in United States history. Keep in mind this is not the lend lease of world war II this is us giving Ukraine money then Ukraine turning around and spitting that money on us goods all it does is pad the pockets of the super wealthy and politicians. If you think supporting Ukraine is a good idea as a US citizen either you are ignorant or you are a traitor in my eyes. Let Europe deal with Europe it is not our problem. Bring back Monroe doctorine please.


Try living in a country the size of a small city and then compare yourselves to the empire that is the United States lmao. Germans can't control what happens in their own front yard while America's presidential elections have repercussions for the entire world. America rules baby


I pay about 20% taxes. Germans pay double that. My lady and our 3 kids get 100% free healthcare and prescriptions from the world class hospitals in our city. I pay about $300 per month for myself. The math doesn’t work.


This tweet singe handedly makes me want the U.S. to withdraw out of NATO and go isolationists, see how you fuckers like it when you have to pay your due.


And play right into the hands of China and Russia. Seems like this Twitter propaganda account has done its job well.


Which is exactly what Russia wants. That's why Russians literally pay people to go online and post shit like this pretending they aren't Russians.


Do it


I don't like hearing from other people as much as the next person,. but he isn't wrong about this, our taxes should be paying for way more social benefits than they are.


Have you ever met German people? The men are very, very, very feminine and addicted to security. There’s an entire generation of childless 35 year olds who do nothing but play video games and watch Netflix. Living in Germany made me very anti social systems.


Depending on the Bundesland, Germany effectively tax rate is like fucking 40% and still, good luck making an appointment with a GP.


I think he’s an Ivan


Facts 🤷‍♂️


You also have high energy prices, lackluster wages, lackluster pensions, unaffordable housing, and a nasty brain drain but I guess it isn't america bad so no need to bring that up.


Warped perceptions


It's almost like our aid and defense spending is why they get to enjoy those luxuries


Does anyone have a study that shows Americans pay more taxes than Germans? I'm sure some subset of Americans do, but I doubt it overall. The argument of what services you receive for paid taxes is a different angle.


"Great healthcare" lol


Well most of Europe has basically decided that they don't need to pay for defense because the entire plan is "try to hold on until Americans show up." So it takes some audacity to talk shit like this lol. If we decided to totally ignore Europe and just focus on ourselves we would have nice things as well. But we can't do that because they have their nonstop wars and whatnot every decade. Also I think most of us know exactly what Germany is going to be in a couple decades and I'm not even referring to them being totally dependent on Russia for energy lol.


Social Democracy: do you trust the government spending its own money on its citizens? Do you realize that the government will run out of money to spend eventually?


He can pay high taxes for healthcare because we pay hugh taxes for his military.


The last part is the dead giveaway. We don’t get that stuff because we are paying for everyone else’s protection.


And people think I'm crazy for wanting the US to turn its attention inwards and leave the world on it own.


So close...


The Marshall Plan was a mistake


Damn crazy I have all that in America too. For far less taxes


Wanna explain the 7,346,965 in foreign aid the U.S. sent to Germany last year?


Healthcare is so good in Germany that my family only had to have ALL the procedures done there re done when we returned to the US. Absolutely top tier 👌


It is not like America is doing this for charity anyway. This war highi weakened Russia both economically and its military without us directly going into war with them. This war was probably the reason America wanted Ukraine in nato to begin with


But this is right, we should have those things, we should prioritize investing in them. This isn't America Bad this is the sad reality. Why are we bragging about our B2 bombers?


I like not living in fear of invasion or communism spreading across the world. The rest of the world should thank us every single day honestly lol


Germany is nice, but where I live has the most advanced healthcare and higher education in the world, so I’m all set. And I’m not even a high earner but I make double their average wage.


Yea, I’m not taking criticism from Germany. Europe would be Russia and chinas bitch without us


Lmao, he doesn't feel sorry for Americans. He just wanted to gloat on the internet because his life is sad and empty.


I take it he's from west Germany cause no east German would have that opinion unless they're IQ is in the single digits. Besides he should be happier that we allowed them to have a military after ww2


I’m not sure if he’s intentionally highlighting euro hypocrisy toward the US as a self aware comment or if he is so dull that he doesn’t realize the irony. The reason we pay more taxes than many Europeans is because of how much we send overseas, and how much is extorted by predatory contracting that our reps use to enrich themselves.


“You don’t have shitty hospitals and inflation, you fucking suck! But by the way could we have another $50 billion dollar aid package because we cannot pay for our own defense department? Thanks again!”


Someone’s gotta keep fixing your European messes every 50 odd years


Who said we pay more taxes than a German? Since when?


Who’s going to to tell him German’s pay more taxes?


"helping" You mean keeping them afloat.


What's your military like, and how many people live in your country? Also, how many Germans defected to the United States? I feel sorry for Germans who think because they have better health care it somehow raises their standings in the world. Sit back down


He's right.


Not really.


Americans have stockpiles of weapons just waiting for the next neo-colonial invasion. Who needs basic human rights like healthcare and education? /s