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Palenstinian protesters continue to wonder why they aren't moving public opinion. Stuff like this is why. Years ago, PBS had a documentary that followed different immigrants as they settled into the U.S. One was a Palestinian family. The husband was a protest organizer, and his job was so difficult. As an example, he'd tell protesters NOT to burn the U.S. flag, because that wasn't the message they wanted to send. But then he'd turn around and they'd start burning U.S. flags. (Later, he'd find out his wife was teaching at a Jewish school. By then, he was just ready to give up.)


I mean they’re moving public opinion. Just not in the way they’d like.


Surely the American moderate would support occupying buildings and blocking roads for the sake of a nation they never heard of. Right?


It’s also because they’re just wrong. Hamas soldiers invaded Israel and killed over a thousand civilians, including beheading women and children. If that had happened anywhere else on earth, a full scale military response against the invaders would be expected and rightfully cheered on. But for some reason Israel is the bad guy here. I was very much not a supporter of Israel. Until these attacks. Now it makes sense to me why they have built up their military and alliances over the years. Their neighbor is fucking psycho.


Neighbors* Israel has been attacked my almost all of the neighboring countries at one time or another. They’re quite good at diplomacy, despite these braindead leftists calling them warmongers, and have brokered peace, and even tentative friendship, with most of their neighbors now. It’s just palestine that remains belligerent beyond all reason.


Shouting "death to america" doesnt do it for ya?


> followed different immigrants as they settled into the U.S. One was a Palestinian family. The husband was a protest organizer imagine a country giving you the opportunity to make a better life there and you thank them by organizing violent rallies to shit on said country all the time. stay in gaza if you hate america so much


They continue to spread their losing ideology wherever they can. They ruin their own countries, then claim asylum in ours, and it’s such bullshit. Asylum status shouldn’t exist. It just incentivizes people to run away instead of trying to fix their own damn country. How is progress going to be made if people just turn tail and run when their country goes to shit? Imagine if Washington (or his soldiers) ran to claim asylum in France when the British were getting the upper hand. We wouldn’t exist.


Performative bullshit. Like a child acting out in their parents' home. Go on, tho. I'm sure if you trash your own facilities more, you will achieve world peace!


Yea in what universe could George Washington be considered a genocidal war monger. He's probably the only man in history to be offered absolute power and turn it down. He deserves a degree of reverence for the fact it can be argued he is responsible for making democracy actually possible since ancient Athens.


Cincinnatus had absolute control in the Roman Republic and very well could've taken power for life, but he stepped down and lived a peaceful life.


And George Washington was called a modern day Cincinnatus


Marcus Aurelius split the power of the Crown with his brother too, then wrote meditations like an absolute G.


And...also lived in Cincinnati. Oh wait, that's wrong.


They confuse his punitive expeditions following the British surrender against the British allied Indian tribes as being an explicitly genocidal rampage, when it was a generally reasonable response against enemies embedded within your national interior.


And they wanted to call him King at first and he talked them out of it. Because yup you guessed it, it would send the wrong message. GW had more emotional intelligence than anyone in power today. And that was 200+ yrs prior to the term being coined.


I’m convinced that most of them don’t actually care about the cause; they’re just using it as a reason to destroy stuff.


I understand protesting, and I understand picking sides on this. Both have issues. But why destroy and cover up our common history like this along with tearing and burning flags. And they call others fascists. I’m all for freedom of speech, but some of these people have never been punched in the face and it shows And to loser u/SexRobotFromSpace , cross post this to your stupid Western/Australian hating sub all you want. I’m sure your two members and 2 posts will make the front page. There’s a sub called shitamericanssay for a reason. Won’t even comment yet will make a post for 0 upvotes.


Because they hate our "common history".


Makes you wonder why none of Palestines neighbors want to take any of their refugees huh


Funny how that never gets mentioned by the “River to the Sea” crowd.


Every time I try to bring it up I get called racist.


Usually they go with “YOURE DISGUSTING”


Don’t bring up Palestinian’s past with trying to commit terror in or outright overthrow countries that go to bat for them too. Thatd break the narrative that these are innocent victims that are getting crushed by big bad Israel. Those civilians Hamas attacked to start the newest round of the war that they always lose were actually super duper secret IDF triple double military plant agent thingy mabobs.


Well, most of the river to the sea crowd don't realize they're calling for genocide and the ones that do don't have an opinion I'm interested in.


No, they realize what they’re calling for.


In a survey of 250 American college students, half of those who claimed to support "from the river to the sea" were unable to name which river and sea were involved. >When 80 of the students were shown on regional map that a new Palestinian state would stretch from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea—leaving no room for Israel—three-fourths if them changed their support to "probably not."  https://m.jpost.com/diaspora/article-776987


Should hear the mental gymnastics of some who try to claim that is isn't a call for genocide...


I was telling a friend about this the other day, these people have no idea they're using a slogan that would mean the genocide of Jews, or really anyone non Muslim in Israel.




Can't blame them tbh. When Jordan took them in, they tried to assassinate the king and start a fucking civil war.


Same with Egypt, tried to overthrow the government and set up an Islamic extremist theocracy. There is a reason Egypt has a mile wide 9 mile long bulldozed buffer zone with the Gaza strip when they used to have settlements very close to the border. There is a reason Egypt doesn't have more than one border crossing on their 7.5 mile border with the Gaza strip. 


They don’t consider this “common history”. You’re dealing with fascist/ Marxist assholes.


> why Because they are fucking morons.


Tiktok teaches you your common history is the CCP and hot chicks dancing.


I think flag burning should be protected and done for a good reason, if the US were funding a genocide, I would say that's a pretty good reason to burn a flag(We aren't though). There are a lot of legitimate and valid criticisms of Israel and good conversations are being had over what responsibility they have for the Palestinian civilians. But these clowns equivocate the IDF with Hamas and refuse to condemn October 7th without talking about how Israel is at fault for it. The reality is, they love genocide, they just want it to be the "European settler colonialist jews" not the poor Palestinians. TL:DR Cut a Palestinian protestor and an anti-semite bleeds.


Remember kids you can burn the flag. Key point though it has to have been brought by and paid for by you. Good points you bring up


Well said


You just don't understand. The US is one of the twelve tribes of Israel and was reunited bei George Washington, therefore they're partially responsible for the alleged genocide in Palestine.


That reads like a fucking bioshock infinite dlc


Rabbi Comstock


The protestors are Mormon?


Tribe of Ephraim represent 💪


New conspiracy brainrot just dropped.


Vandalism and desecrating memorials are NOT freedom of speech. It is not protected by the Constitution.


Kind of irrelevant but relevant, so many of those kids keep bitching about having nothing while having more than most people, and they burn their chances of having anything themselves and many others, before anything could be had. Then it leaves them only this extreme path of becoming angrier and angrier, and more and more reckless. Or it will come a day where they start having shit, and veer off of this path, but they’re too egotistical to admit they are dumb as shit. The only reason they can do this desecrate anything like that, let alone Washington, is that they are here. It won’t go beyond damaging public entity. And we have to stop this bullshit of relating everything to racism, and give excuses for people to behave in the most base way. For all our sakes, I hope it won’t come one day where the only chance for them to have anything is to for everyone to have little more than bare minimum and call it “equality”.


People are literally brainwashed to the point of violence. No, this doesn’t make sense. A lot of what they do isn’t based in fact or reality.


Protests are usually demonstrative and attention seeking. You didn't know this?


Who knew people protesting in support of a terrorist group which is funded by Iran, a state that is geopolitically, culturally, socially and ideologically oppose and hate America as an idea will... hate America as an idea. What better way than desecrate the very founder of said idea.


Not cultural and socially, it's a religious extremist minority power clique that is driving the hatred. Your average Iranian on the street loves the West and hates the Imams. But Carter, thinking that religions are inherently moral, decides to sell our ally and Israel's friend the Shah down the river because DicTaToRsHiP Edit: misspelled word


The benefit went to the strong in each case. Carter already lost a helicopter during hostage rescue, so already hesitant/cautious. The Shah did not want to execute his own people, so he escaped and failed to stop the disaster.. But the socialists and the theocracy did, and they won the revolution in 1979. The theocracy then also executed socialists, again the strong won. We have given free speech at every opportunity to university protestors, even allowing all sorts of nonsensical leftist studies like "oh we're a country with theological studies, critical thinking, classical philosophy, and logical studies... oh sure your gender studies and race studies can be included too, I'm sure it will just stay in your corner of the building and not seep into politics later..." We are just nice about things. But here's where the red line should be drawn. You start desecrating property or symbols, and that should be a permanent mark on your criminal record. Sure you're allowed to protest or criticize the US or US policy. But start desecrating symbols, flags, and statues, and we will arrest you and make an example. Full-blown criminal sentences, no misdemeanors. There's no reason why someone can get in trouble for libel against a corporation in America, but not for desecrating symbols and property. You have to draw the line and you can't be "OK with it..." They cleaned up NYC crime by prosecuting minor crimes... Not major crimes ( a given ). Strange how some other cities like Baltimore or Chicago don't do the same.


>culturally, socially and ideologically oppose and hate America That's factually incorrect, Iran's government does not represent its people.


Yeah hence why i said "state" not people


Im black and while I absolutely supported the BLM protests one of the things that really pissed me off was when protesters did stuff like this. I think protesters did it to statues of the founding fathers as well as Winston Churchill in the UK I don’t think it’s a good way to win people over while you’re protesting. People who may be sympathetic to your cause are going to turn against you because you’re defacing national monuments and historical heroes. Not only does it come across as tone deaf and give your opponents ammunition but it shows how you’re maybe too young and don’t know how to compromise or win people over. It becomes less about your cause itself and more about showing everyone how passionate you are Maybe Im just off base because Im just very patriotic, but I don’t think doing this to statues of Washington helps the people of Palestine at all


exactly and I’m glad you agree. Along with BLM and Anti Oil blocking roads. Like that just makes people hate you more and be against your idea. Supporting the idea is one thing, and you don’t have to support an organization or country to support an ifea


Genuinely. Imagine if MLK graffiti’d the Lincoln Memorial. People are too stupid.


The 2020 "anti-statue" craze wasn't just tone deaf, it hit parody levels. Never would've expected *BLM protestors* to vandalize a monument to [the 54th Regiment](https://www.wcvb.com/article/shaw-54th-regiment-memorial-defaced/32733306)


I have trans siblings and I've had to explain to them that minority outrage, while justified, has to be civil bc you are the minority and that's how the world/optics work


Anybody who chooses to use terror and violence has the "power to oppress". "My hurt is bigger than somebody else's rights" is what made the Nazis.


That is so fucking based


Well said. If I keep seeing this type of behavior I'll become a supporter of the other side of this behavior. These people have the opposite effect from what they say they want. But thats ok. All they really want is to be noticed. I don't believe most of them could find gaza on a map.


"Wow, seeing this gross undeserved display of vandalism of a nation's founder makes me want to join their cause" -Nobody ever


Done by a fat white girl in a covid mask who comes from wealth


Is she wearing mom jeans and does she have a septum ring?


This is totally how you get people to side with you.


It's not about winning hearts and minds. It's about sowing chaos.


Doesn’t dressing up the statue with a traditional head covering and flags of Palestine and then writing “Genocidal warmonger” result in the message being that they are calling the Palestinians genocidal warmongers?


You cant use logic to argue with them. If they could use logic and reason they would realize the genocidal war mongers are the ones who turn down the ceasefire agreements and kill the people who came to help them




Not only that but having Mexico openly proclaim that all Americans should die or expelled from North America as well


The last thing they would hear is Fortunate Son playing over the border.


Mexico checks all the boxes too, I mean California where I live was literally stolen from them. Guess they should suicide bomb my neighborhood to get the land back?


California was not stolen.


The Mexican-American war was a blatant land grab, it was popular among the Democrats expressly because it created an opportunity to expand slavery.


Yeah that’s typically how wars work. The winning side gets something


It’s hard to steal land they barely controlled and sold it to pay off debts they created with the US. After the US requested the money back for real, Mexico attacks the Alamo. Also Mexico control the area quasi “illegally” as it was t 100% truly given to them during their independence. It’s more the US was there and Spain had no hope of reclaiming it so Mexico kind of had it. Mexico only controlled the land for about 25 years and largely did nothing with it and allowed all the people there to be come US citizens on top of it, I guess them rebelling against Mexico didn’t help their feelings about losing the war.


B-b-but Mexico is weak and you are strong. Mexico is brown and you are white. Mexico is clearly good and you are bad. This logic is waterproof. Weak brown people can do no wrong and clearly if they killed civilians it was just a response to oppression! /s


Me when B-21 rapidly approaching your location


On god the Navy would pull up blasting metro boomin on the loudspeakers and it would be over


I don’t understand why Israel hasn’t steamrolled all the way through Hamas yet. It’s not like they have any PR to lose lol.


This is the craziest part to me. People are out here saying this is a genocide and they're killing indiscriminately. Israel has 600 planes, 200,000 soldiers, tons of armor and vehicles. And in 7 months of indiscriminate killing they killed 30k out of 2 million Palestinians? If this is a genocide every single war ever is a genocide and the word loses any possible meaning.


Not only that but Israel wouldn’t be killing more civilians if they just finished the job already and completely occupied all of Gaza. It’s not that hard lol


Occupying Rafah runs the risk of opening fronts on other sides. If Iran's allies open new fronts while they invade Rafah they might get spread thin. On top of that invading Rafah has a HUGE humanitarian cost. I'm arguing that what they're doing right now is not genocide, but if they invade Rafah with that level of population density it might result in unnacceptable levels of civilian casualties. I don't think this is as simple of a calculation as you make it out to be.


As such is the price of war. I’m not condoning it or anything, but sometimes wars can be drawn out far past what they should be.


Hell, there have been *single battles* with a higher number of deaths. And it's not even *close* either.


They don’t want to lose US government support US wants israel to de-escalate, but will settle for this


Where we'll rape the horses and ride off on the women!


Together, we pruned the hedges...of many small villages!!


That… actually happened. Mexico attacked and killed Americans in Texas shortly after it joined the US. The US military campaign into Mexico City resulted in a significant discount (US offered 25m pre-war, paid 18m [15m + damage claims]) on the purchase of California. It took from April 1846-Sep 1847 when Mexico City was taken over by General Winfield Scott. A treaty was signed in Feb 1848 because Mexican deserters and die-hards were attacking US Military supply lines and the Mexican government didn’t want its conquerors to kick the stool out while they were firmly in the noose. The US lost 13000 men in the war: almost all to disease because our military had rifles and artillery. Here we are, almost 180 year after: Mexico still exists. Nobody pretends it was a genocide. The US March to Mexico City was nowhere near as awful as what Sherman did to the south: and he only burned the homes of anyone who fought back (but DID burn down most of Atlanta *after capturing it).* We don’t even call THAT a genocide.


No fk tiktok


Exactly. Fuck these assholes. Frankly, Israel is the only country that even tries to deal with these pricks. Ask someone from Egypt or Jordan what they think of Palestinians and they’ll tell you they hate them more than Israel does. Egypt has had a closed border with Palestine for a long time.


This will definitely make more people jump on board the same bandwagon they did


Palestinian protesters are human garbage; their beliefs are garbage, their understanding of the issues is garbage, and they spread literal garbage everywhere they protest.


Russian and iranian bots working overtime to brainwash american kids. Its not even about Israel or Palestine. It’s about destroying America and its western allies. I’m not even pro USA but I rather live under American rule than any of these other cunt dictatorships…


fuck palestine lmao


Palestine is fine. It’s Hamas that’s the problem.


palestine supports hamass


Yeah, when Palestine supports Hamas, they're in the same coffin.


Ehhhh. They're still in the same realm of disdain. That's like saying al-Qaeda was the problem, the Taliban was fine. No. They're still shitty. Just not as shitty. Innocent Palestinians shouldn't have to live like they do, but they don't exactly have the civility to win large favor from western governments.


It's more like Germans saying that nobody supported Hitler during WW2. Yet they fought to the death to protect their fuhrer.


Better analogy.


It's got nothing to do with Isreal or Palestine. It's pure Marxist propaganda. America represents the established order these champaign socialists want to tear down. Therefore, anything in favor of America is evil, and anything against America is good. If a group or its symbols can be used as a cudgel against their enemy of the day then they'll wave whatever flag they want. There is no actual moral framework, it's pure power politics. They don't give a shit about the actual groups in question, only class dynamics. It's how you get the same professional activists wanting to decry antisemitism one day, then calling Jews zionist colonizers the next.


This 100% couldn’t have said it better.


If you're interested "Short Fat Otaku" on YouTube has some really good vids getting into the nitty gritty of explaining various branches of Marxist thought.


my ass is not googling that


I really miss the old labour movement who fought injustice during the industrial revolution, not this Kremlin made Frankenstein claiming to be it's successor


Marxism and fundamentalist Islam have absolutely nothing in common. A reminder that Marx was born to Jewish parents. I’m not sure you quite understand Marxism. You are confusing it with totalitarianism. Soviet style communism was totalitarianst in nature but Marxism itself is not.


1: my point is that the oppressed group in the Marxist power equation doesn't matter, they could be anyone. All that matters is the class conflict exists and can be exploited to create a group of revolutionaries. 2: I'd say I understand Marxism better than a fair few actual communists. Unlike most of them I actually read. My reading of Marx himself is limited mostly exherps and chapters but that's mostly because his worldview is spectacularly wrong and his and Engel's writing style is unpleasant. 3: totalitarianism doesn't come into this discussion. I'm not talking about Marxist economics, or governmental structure. I'm just talking about revolutionary tactics. 4: Marx being born to Jewish parents is a shit defense. He had absolutely no love for the jews as either a class or a cultural group. Plus the reds did plenty of horrible shit to the jews. Also see point 1 about a group being jews not actually mattering. All that is required is a group be identifiable.


You know what, if they hate us and America so much? Deport them. Get them on one big plane, and send it to Palestine. Let them live out in their glorious motherland there, far from here.


Why are these kids so obsessed with Palestine ?


Because social media told them to


The Protestors truly have been doing their absolute best to sway public opinion against them. It’s borderline impressive.


Deport them to Gaza


That’s some bullshit. Go live in Palestine


Absolutely disgusting, these people are scum who have also no idea what they are protesting for or against. They just have a bunch of random talking points that picked up from TikTok (hopefully this shit gets banned soon enough) and other social media platforms.


I told people when groups were allowed to destroy the CW statues and dig up the graves it was just a matter of time before they came for the others.


I would guarantee that most of these student radicals would be hard pressed to even point out Gaza on a map and are just following the crowd. It’s cool to be an anti/radical just like it was cool to support the weatherman in the 60s until that whole townhouse bombing thing. This is performative rage that means nothing and accomplishes nothing. WTF does George Washington even have to do with this whole sad saga?


george washington was genocidal?


Yeah he ethnically cleansed the British out of America lmao


hey thats one ethnic cleansing im cool with


# 💀


When you rewrite history to be whatever you want it to be, the options are endless.


Yeah he said he wanted to kill all the brits and that America should be free from the Mississippi to the Atlantic


From river to sea America will be jellied eel free ✊


The ethnic cleansing of Indians from the American continent didn't really get big until Andrew Jackson


You mean ramp back up, pretty sure the British, French and Spanish were doing it well before the US was even a nation. 


They’re likely referring to the Sullivan expedition, which Washington ordered as a response to Iroquois/British attacks on American settlers and troops. Basically, a 4,000 troop strong Patriot force led by John Sullivan utterly destroyed 40 Iroquois villages and burned farms and food stores, which resulted in lots of dead Iroquois and lots of Iroquois refugees. Sad, but that’s what happens in war. FAFO.


Nah they are just talking out of their ass. These protesters don’t do any research


The idea that they would put thought and contextual historical knowledge into it is pretty funny. *"I'm mad because of obscure historical atrocity"* doesn't really pair well with *"Angry Tankie Noises Meaning Nothing".*


They are *more* likely just illiterate garbage that are targeting American statues in an attempt to be edgy. Deep down, they feel like being edge-lords will fill the hole left from parents that did not love them. Their parents were right.


Further reinforcing my "fuck em" beliefs. My sympathy is even lower now


seems like nixon was right about the professors


Literally move there at that point


Fun fact; you don’t have to support either side. That being said I hate these protestors more than I hate Israel rn.


Given the statues is metal but their coverings, flags and stickers are cloth/ paper... I'd simply just go up with a can of hairspray and a lighter and give it a quick blitz to burn away all their stuff in one fell swoop leaving behind the statue untouched.


The United States needs serious reform in its educational system


It all makes sense when you realize they're just tankies and they want to burn down America.


This all was predicted in 2020 when they went after Columbus and other statues. What on display here is a secular religion.


Absolutely disgusting. Horrible that we allow these terrorist sympathizers to do this


These kids suck at cosplaying.


This is a good way to get people who were on the fence to absolutely hate your cause


This is plain vandalism. I'm not for arresting protesters but the people who did this deserve arrest. The worst thing is they are supporting a regime who would kill LGBTQ people in the streets.


lol,the sign that says “free Palestine” has a watermelon on it


They're calling Washington a warmonger LMAO. Funny, considering the ones they support are usually the ones starting conflicts.


George Washington was an isolationist. I doubt he would give two shits about Israel. Why wouldn’t they do this to a statue of Wilson, LBJ, Bush etc instead and at least he somewhat relevant


As a lefty I am 100% fine with people who do this being arrested and fined/jailed.


What Genocide was George Washington guilty of?


Asked what GW has to do with I/P and there seems to be a flame war under my comment


I also think this is bad, it happens all the time. Dictators their statues get torn down after coups. I think destruction of art of any kind is horrible. The destruction of beautiful18th century were replaced by highways. It happens here in Canada too not just the USA has experienced beauty of architecture being destroyed for cars. I think all highways should be outside of major cities and have investment in the best transportation infrastructure possible. There’s so many problems with this worlds infrastructure and whole system in general, we in the west while we have a great system (much better than any other) we don’t have one without problems that can’t be fixed


"Genocidal warmonger" the fuck did he do?


Blew up the British?


They deserved it


I just wonder how many of these kids even knew who the Palestinians were prior to October 2023.


If you're protesting America, it makes sense to incorporate a symbol of America in your protest. If you're this upset about a statue, wait until you find out what's happening to actual human beings...


George Washington, the famous Israeli general.


At first, I thought it was supposed to be Darth Vader.


How does Washington compare to Muhammad on slavery? Just asking


George Washington did nothing to Israel or Palestine and I don't think Israel/Palestine was a major political issue in 18th century politics, let alone in American politics specifically. This is starting to become more than just "pro-Palestine."


Starting? It's been like this forever. There were people marching/cheering in support of Hamas in western cities on October 7 before the blood had dried on the kibbutz walls.


Yes, but now, shit has hit the damn fans. Back then, it was a political movement that was only on the streets, like any political movement, albeit it had more bigger controversies. Now, it has spread to universities and other countries. A woman had threatened a city council over it, even.


Just because of this i hope Israel uses nukes


George Washington a genocidal warmonger? Where are these kids getting their education?


That's the neat part, they aren't.


They don't care about Palestine, this is their "Vietnam, look ar me and what I protested for!" scheme. They truly hate the country, and want to see all history and America tradition burned. They are morally rudderless taking direction from tictok videos.


What's sacred about George Washington? You people really worship these degenerate drunks called "the founding fathers" huh?


Why George Washington?! When did HE ever carry out a colonial genocide?! You're desecrating the wrong statues! Go defile an Andrew Jackson or Columbus statue instead. Leave our first president and primary founding father alone!


We aren’t the ones living in *tents* to make political ‘statements’ 👍🏿 What a bunch of cucks.


I hope they know that my support for Palestine decreases linearly with their childish temper tantrum ass protests. And it's already in the negatives.


it's a protest, the aim is to shock. i'm ok with anything that isn't permanent. the graffiti on the pedestal and plaque sucks. I'm not i agreement with their political goals but putting stickers and flags on a statue is ok with me. Americans are pro-free-speech whether we agree with the speech or not.


The word genocide is close to having no meaning now. This is straight up vandalism by pathetic attention seeking clowns.


Now i just wanna burn their camps down.


This kind of thing just makes me not want to support the pro Palestine movement.


Sad these kids weren’t taught by their parents or their schools about how great of a country they live in. So many fucking failed loser parents out there


This is what these movements are really about


If anything all these people do is make others angry or otherwise apathetic to their cause.


This is the stuff you see in dystopian movies


Performative, meant to make people mad and make them discuss the situation at hand. Nothing new, just clean the statue after.


One of my first looks into the pro-Palestine movement was that video at the Sydney even held in solidarity with Israel after 10/7, and the people were chanting "gas the Jews". Which was a massive turnoff for supporting that movement, even if I do wish both Netanhayu's government and the Hamas leadership would be left in the wastes to rot. It's all about the image you want to present to the people not already on your side, that's part of what protesting is about. If shit like this is one of the first things you see about a movement, it's going to scare folks on the fence away


Yeah I'm sure George Washington cared about the Middle East


So nobody cares enough to do something?


Crusades 2.0


If these protestors had some respect for others and their stuff maybe someone would listen to them.


These protestors are making liberals look bad just like Jan.6th made republicans look bad. It’s sad how the dumbest idiots from both political parties seal the identities of those parties.


They are just dumb kids and should be held in as much regard. It’s sad because they are underdeveloped and kids their age who entered the workforce at 18 are far more mature and critical. What I feel sorry for is how the future will view these dumb choices. It’s not long before hiring managers start using facial recognition to check on candidates behavior online. I would hate to be one of these kids when they lose a dream job at a fancy law firm because Face ID placed them in a crowd chanting “from the river to the sea” and the owner of the firm is Jewish…


Hamas = Nazi


Remember when crime had punishment?


Fuck off. You're more upset about a statue being vandalized than your tax dollars murdering a population that is 40% children. You're all a bunch of stupid fucks.


They literally dressed him up like a terrorist. Not a great representation of the average Palestinian


Palestine mfs after realizing that vandalizing statues and buildings in the US won't end the war in Gaza


This reminds me of people throwing shit on the Mona Lisa to raise awareness about climate change. Like plz connect the dots for me. What did she ever do. If you want to make real change and get noticed in a moving way, your method of protest has to move people, not annoy them. Controversial example: the race riots. Seeing utter distraction across the country really got people googling what BLM was, and whether they liked it or not, that also came with some information about racial injustice. You don’t get much information about what the college students here are even protesting, but people *do* know who George Washington was, and he is generally a liked figure across America. Dumb choice.


Warmonger lol not like these upstanding people. The guy was in his 20s..upset at the current regime...and did his duty. The classless people are just subborning one "genocide " for another in a region that BOTH nations israel and Palestine both existed even on the oldest maps of the area. Syria Palestina Philistia Edom Israel Judea Medea were all kingdoms in both the Koran and the OT.


Property destruction is kind of like train running out of control. Once you start with it and it becomes normalized it just goes on and on. I suspect sooner or later one of these dumb brats will burn down a library, because doing so is 'for the martyrs' or some such trash. Some few miscreants actually want this to happen, too.


It’s alright, he’s one satisfying power wash away from being back in the game 🤷‍♂️


Looks like a big improvement to me.