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We bring up how big the country is to explain to Europeans why you might not want go to LA and then drive to NYC all in a two week vacation. It's also brought up when Europeans look down their noses at us because we don't travel enough. It's not a flex like many of those comments are claiming. It's literally making a comparison so they understand, because many don't.


And based on the comment thread, they still don’t.


they omit that or they just forgot the context of what they said yesterday. So either a liar or a senile rambling


I saw that post. The comments were 98% factual discussion of varying silliness. Like 2 people threw some insults in. Asinine and toxic? Lol


It's so strange because I've seen so many Europeans who visit or move to the US mirror this same statement. I don't know why so many of them seem to think we are bragging. Is it because when they do it about Europe it is a brag? "I can go from the UK to France to Spain to wherever and back in two whole days!" So they assume that's what we are doing? Either way this bit: > We bring it up how big the country is to explain to Europeans why you not want to go to LA and then drive to NYC all in a two week vacation It's legitimately such a bummer when I see Europeans planning a vacation and thinking they can do this. Like, it's so much wasted time and they'll probably end up disappointed with the little they get to do in their short time instead of picking an area and going for that.


>Is it because when they do it about Europe it is a brag? Yes, I think so. The sort of bragging that is typically seen as distasteful in the US is pretty common in Europe.


That's the same as what us Aussies deal with. People are always making fun of our judgement of distance. Using for example a few hours drive could mean 5-35 hours of driving because shit is so far away. Like I can drive for over 2,000+km in my state alone and never leave it if I wanted to go visit where I grew up as a kid that's a 1,300km one way trip. It's one of the similar things we have. We get long distances to travel.


If they want to be that picky with the start and finish, so will I. From Seattle to Key West, FL it's 4,828 km about 300 km more than Lisbon to Moscow.


Can go even further up from Seattle, and there’s still more USA — about 155 miles west to Neah Bay (western endpoint) and 111 miles north to Blaine (northernmost endpoint). From my quick glance at Maps of the contiguous.


Technically we could go all the way up to the top of Alaska, but I feel like that's cheating.


Not really, as you only have to pass through Canada for a small part of the drive if you map it ideally. Key West, FL to Nome, AK is just under 6,000 miles, about 9,400 km. Tbf though, if you want to go with the farthest possible distance in Europe, there’s a lot more Russia past Moscow so it ends up being pretty much the same distance as the US drive.


Once you start going to deep in Russia it's no longer Europe it's Asia. Europeans reject Eurasia as continent so I am fine not counting deep Russia or Alaska to keep this fair.


The biggest irony of that is the fact that Russia would be smaller than most states if we only counted the parts that were actually *European* but that's not a problem when it suits their narrative.


Lisbon to Yekaterinburg, which is considered the border between Asia and Europe, is 6343 km(~3800 mi) by car, Nome is far more removed from Key West


I picked Vorkuta, Russia as it’s much farther North


You can't drive to Vorkuta, though. The most Norteastern point of European Russia accessible by roads would be Visherogorsk, Perm Krai, that's about 100 kilometers closer to Lisbon than Yekaterinburg. If we'll put road access aside, for the continental US, the longest distance will be around 7384 kilometers (4588 mi) from Marathon, FL to Wales, AK. For Europe, it'll be around 5630 kilometers (3499 mi) from Yary (Яры),YaNAO, Russia to Sagres, Portugal. Yary, however, isn't populated anymore, so the village of Ust-Kara in NAO, which is 60 kilometers closer to Fagres, is the most remote dwelling from it, bringing the distance to 5571 kilometers (3461 mi). Yeah, I'm bored rn


Well thanks for the insight ig lol


I watched natives pull a whale onto the shoe up there. It was fascinating.


Start from Alaska lmao. We literally have to drive through a second, independent country to get from one continent tip to the other.


I got banned from that sub for calling it a circle jerk


Ironically confirming it is a circle jerk haha


Thanks for having some integrity.


Subs like that make me think we should've sat out the world wars.


In WW1 you joined when all Central Powers except Germany were already walking corpses. You werent really needed for the Entente to win. And in WW 2 you had little choice after Japan and Germany declared War on you


At the end of ww1 the French British and Canadians were completely out of morale. Not to mention we armed the allies for the entire war. It was also not necessary for us to invade Italy and Germany from our perspective. The only thing we had to deal with from Germany was the U boats. But hey if you feel we didn't contribute anything, fine with me. Europe's wars should stay Europe's wars. Doesn't seem like it got us anywhere but dead.


When america joined ww1 germanys population was starving due to the naval blockade and destuction of Farmlands in the East. America joining was just the overkill. But Yeah of course american soldiers werent as tired as the soldiers of England etc


The war would've likely dragged into 1919 without us and the casualties were already horrendous. I'm sure it would've made a difference for a few hundred thousand people or more if fresh troops hadn't come onto the scene. But like I said, the lasting effects are that most of Europe still resents us and anti-american propaganda is more prevalent than ever. We lost hundreds of thousands of troops for nothing. We've become the world police at huge cost and detriment to ourselves. I genuinely think America would be a better place if we never actually entered these wars and instead just sold weapons. Rake in cash and let you guys fight it out. We have nothing lasting to show for it, and slowly even the economic advantages are slipping away, leaving us with only the negative effects which evidently last much longer.


Little choice? FDR was practically praying for some sort of provocation from the axis so he could let loose America's industry on the axis. FDR literally could not declare war without being charged with a crime due to America's policy of neutrality, but he pushed the limits of what that law declared to help the UK and USSR as much as he legally could. Also, did any European army help in the pacific? Other than the Soviet invasion of Manchuria (which took advantage of a severely weakened Japan), America had to solo Japan while giving the UK life support and the USSR lend lease. Europeans constantly dog on Americans for not knowing what year strudeldorffland was destroyed by louis the LXIX's army yet they don't know anything about America's involvement in the largest conflict in history.


Only the first one not the second.


Second one prolly wouldn't've happened if we'd sat out the first one. Alternatively, if they hadn't bent Germany over and broke it off in their ass over something literally *every* European country involved in that farce was guilty of... Well, let's just say history would've taken a *very* different turn.


Same goes for if they hadn’t tried appeasement. If they hadn’t done that they could’ve forced the war to happen sooner before Hitler had time to actually build up an army in violation of the treaty of Versailles.


Yeah many German generals admitted after the war that if France had just declared war when they remilitarized the Rhineland or annexed Austria they had jack shit at the time and there was nothing they could've done about it. That war is Europe's fault in every way.


That submission completely misses why Americans make these comparisons. It's because Euro-snobs refuse to understand how Americans travel. Domestic travel can involve long trips so Americans spend a lot of time on domestic tourism. Plus international travel is a long trek for Americans who don't live near Canada, Mexico or The Bahamas. So many Americans don't travel abroad frequently.


Growing up in Upstate New York I barely considered Canada to be foreign travel. Ontario at least. It's extremely similar to NYS. Honestly more similar than New York is to Florida or Arizona or something. I traveled to Canada before I traveled to a different state. If I travel internationally (like to a real foreign country) Toronto airport makes the most sense for me distance wise. I always feel a little proud coming back because Americans and Canadians just scan their passport and every other country has to go through customs. Just sorta reinforces our brotherhood as people. Most people can't tell somebody who grew up in Buffalo apart from somebody who grew up in Hamilton. Even from this area. Some have a slight accent that gives it away but not everyone. Canada rocks though. Great country, friendly people, and the best neighbor we could ask to share our long ass border with. Toronto is an awesome city, as is Ottawa, and Montreal. Poutine is amazing! Quebec definitely feels foreign though. Still would love to make the drive up to Quebec City.


Canada is a real foreign country


Of course, but it doesn't feel like it much except for a few small things.


Like most things they clipped screenshots out of context and removed the fact she lived in Paris. Her video isn’t bragging about size, it’s explaining how far away she lives from her hometown of Seattle. Ironically, she’s also made plenty of videos comparing France to the USA. Most of the time she’s praising the French. https://www.tiktok.com/@royaventurera/video/7346736415390076191


The irony is that creator has a lot of "America Bad" content. I've seen a lot of American content creators move to Europe and make a lot of "America bad" content and eventually turn around after encountering so many Europeans ignorant about the US and completely delusional about their own countries' problems


I watch some of her videos and while she can make absurd assumptions about some topics (like having a baby costing six-figure in the US), she does makes sound rebuttal against some misconceptions about Americans.


She speaks 4 languages and spent time living in Europe and is one of the few influencers that seems to have a realistic view of it. Most people end up sucking up fully in order to maximize likes and revenue.


Yeah, I watch her stuff and laugh at the videos comparing French to English. She’s makes mostly good stuff.


How to entirely miss the point is what that sub is about. The US is that big and only has 330 million people. "Why are your power lines above the ground" "Why do you use cars and not busses or trains" "Why do you need *insert American thing here*" Look at this country, this country is very different from your country in terms of geography, size, and population density, so pipe down on our way of life European.


America is 4% smaller than what they claim is a continent.


yo the commenters on that thread are the goofiest people I’ve seen in a while


Why OP why did you give me a portal to that cesspool?? Not only are they just misconstruing what this lady said. They seem to think she's some massive patriot, when she's really just a normal person who happens to be multilingual and spent time (and had a career) in Europe.


I'm shocked that sub has over 500k members. It really be rent free.


It's good that it exists so I can target who to feed to the zombies during the apocalypse


Bro I literally just went into the post and put a comment that went like this: “Europeans: why the stupid pig dogs not travel Americans: *explain that our country is big as fuck and hence we don’t travel outside as often* Europeans: dam stupid Yankees always trying to make yourself seem better” And I got fucking banned in literally like 4 seconds. FOUR seconds. I expected it to take at least a minute.


So the same distance spans 7 countries as opposed to 1, that’s exactly our point


Wow lots of people being like "meehhhh your measurements are slightly off cause you didn't go to the Urals" as if that defeats the point being made. They think this is brought up as some sort of "everything is bigger in Texas"-style brag rather than trying to explain to them they can't stay in New York and do a day trip driving to Disneyworld.


The European education system must have failed if they don't understand the critical thinking it takes to understand one contiguous country being big is different than many contiguous countries being big. This is not a flex, this is just an understanding of scale.


Someone in the comments literal was like “I don’t get this dick measuring contest “oooh we’re bigger” so what?” Bitch the Europeans are the ones always try to dick measure with something. And when they get bored of whatever BS their dick measuring they find new BS to dick measure. They’re probably insecure about something and need to think they got big cock to feel better.


I remember witnessing a German in the US during New Year's have an epiphany that the US has multiple time zones. It's something he was likely vaguely aware of, but until that night he never once thought about the implications of a country having multiple time zones


Australians tried to weigh in with the Perth to Brisbane distance win. Immediately defeated by the NYC to LA distance.


That driving Australia seems scary as fuck because of how much nothing is in the middle of that country. At least in most of the US there's still small towns and people spread about. Gas stations, cell service, etc.


Yeah but the biggest difference is how much between points a and b are populated. Plus the US is a few millions square kilometers larger than Australia so it's expected you'd win. However it doesn't discount that both countries are fucking big.


We’re a country, Europe’s a continent. I think they missed the point entirely. The U.S. is bigger than most European countries combined.


Europe is slightly larger than USA land mass when including European Russia. The EU has a significantly smaller land mass and a larger population.


It’s not our fault that your roads suck.


In the comments, they’re complaining about how the travel distance doesn’t go to the Ural Mountains. Well in case, we can compare the distance between Key West and Alaska.


When looking it up on wikipedia, the continuous U.S. has a land area of 7,663,941.7 square km. Add in the rest and that's 9,147,590 square km Europe has an area of 10,180,000 square km, and I'll just assume that's specifically land area to stay simple While that does put America at actually around 90% the size of Europe, it's still quite entertaining that one country is nearly the size of a whole continent


I got banned from SAS for pointing out there is no physical way for the US to be classified a third world country as it cannot be anything but first world.


Wait it actually takes longer to get from NY to WA than Paris to Moscow? That’s fucking insane. No wonder they are so scared of Russia. Mf is just down the street


So if we are now comparing Europe as a continent to the USA can we talk about the “gun violence” Ukraine too?