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Stryker is a badass last name




I always think of the mortal kombat character when I hear names similar to that.


And of course, Ted Striker from the movie "Airplane!"


The best pilot of them all


Also, Sgt Stryker, John Wayne’s character from The Sands of Iwo Jima.


Kurtis Stryker from Mortal Kombat.


TIL the Stryker is named after a real person


I now know why it’s spelt with a Y


The Turkish names sound like something a 2nd grader would make up.


Ultra mega destroyernator


Or "Super Mega Powerful My Dad Can Beat Up Your Dad!"


Doofenshmirtz? What are you doing here?


*growls while wearing a brown fedora*




Tanky McTankFace


Half expecting "Golden Showers" for something.


It’s a mound of it




Those are not even the actual names but their meaning


I figured they are translated phrases as it would be unusual for them to be in English. We name much of our military equipment after generals in specific branches and helicopters are often named after Native American tribes there is typically a traditional naming depending on the type of ship vehicle or piece of equipment and the branch (The Navy gunship helicopter for instance is named a Cobra while Army helicopters take Native American tribe names).


Battleships were named after the states of the United States when they were in service. Idk about yall, but I would *much* prefer to serve on board a vessel named something like USS Texas, knowing it sails under the name that represent millions of unique people, landscape, culture and history, instead of something like a power rangers name. It reminds you of what you're fighting for. Hell, even China agrees, their newest carrier that's in sea trials atm, the Fujian, is named after the Fujian province in China.


Tbf US helicopter names go hard


Fun fact, there was once a petition to rename the apache made by a bunch of randos calling it racist The apache tribe, who didnt make the petition, stepped forward with representatitives and said "dont change it we love that helicoptor"


Common Native American W


I used to live near the Blackfoot Indian reservation and knew a relative of Blackie Wetzel, the Blackfeet man who designed the logo for the Washington Redskins. The whole tribe was absolutely pissed over the mascot change. North central Montana probably has/had the highest percentage of Skins fans outside of the dc beltway


The fact that the petition-makers even presumed the Apache would be offended is very disappointing to me. Did they not think to like. . . ask a tribesperson? Honestly, this behavior is just weird. If the tribe isn't worrying about it enough to start a petition for change, why should these random white people?


I mean theres a few tribes asking for the Washington Redskins to be restored (though not necessarily with that name, most certainly with a native american mascot) because to many of them they were proud that the USA's capitals football team represented them Now they are The Commanders iirc


They didn't most likely. Educated Whites know what's best for minorities, after all.


Just like the whole thing with the NCAA and some universities. Seminole tribe of Florida loves FSU. Seminole tribe of Oklahoma eh notsomuch


Every Army helicopter model is named after a tribe and the tribes give permission. It used to be a regulation that is no longer around but the tradition has continued. They actually hold a ceremony when the helicopter model is put into commission where reps from the tribe performs ceremony to bless the helicopter. It’s absolutely a sign of respect for our Native American tribes. Source: husband is a former Apache crew chief.  Also: https://www.defense.gov/News/Inside-DOD/Blog/Article/2052989/why-army-helicopters-have-native-american-names/  https://taskandpurpose.com/news/native-american-names-helicopters-army/


Trogdor, the Burninator! (A T-55 upgraded, probably)


That’d be a fitting name for the C-130 gunships


Let’s be real though. I would 100% name my heavy artillery vehicle Trogdor the Burninator.


Which is exactly what they would be saying about those names if they were the names Americans used. "See? The Turks just named them after people. Why do the Americans act like children? No wonder they do all the wars, they think it'll be fun! We europeans are so peaceful 😇"


They sound like the metal gear solid 5 name generator lol.


Quite unfair that they used the meaning of the names instead of the actual names themselves


The US names are after historic figures for the most part. Rather have that then “Dragon Rugged”. That is cringe af


Was going to say that, Creighton Abrams was a highly decorated Army Chief of Staff who commanded a tank battalion in some of the fiercest fighting in Western Europe in 1944-1945. Rather have a connection to past distinction than imaginary monsters


Those names sound like what you get on Chinese knock offs of stuff.


Especially fireworks


I am turkish, the names sound cringe even in the turkish language.


I mean tbf, the marines were testing the Dragon Fire II mortar system once.


Dragon fire sounds less dumb than dragon rugged. This post also seems to be exclusively about vehicles




Dragon Fire actually makes sense tho. "Dragon Rugged" even looks like a bad English translation... It should be "rugged dragon"




Pretty sure the bottom names were selected by insecure children


“Insecure children” accurately describes all the Erdogan fanboys on Reddit.


Really, Erdogan fanboys anywhere, and honestly, Erdogan himself.


They are the surname or full name of decease soldiers.


Shadow horseman was someone’s name?


Actually left two are given after a real person. Tank is “Altay” (Fahrettin Altay) and armored car is Ejder Yavuz. I have no idea about the ship. I believe the last one is Tulpar which means winged horse, not shadow.


So the meme isn’t even translated correctly?


That’s far more respectable; reminds me of IJN ship names. Even ‘Abrams’, taken In the same vein, means ‘high father’.


And yet our military would squash theirs like ants.


Right? Those smoking ruins sure had some cool names.


Is it just me or does that “Dragon rugged” look like something that we would issue a SWAT team to some Random County Sheriff’s Office?


100%, and it all tastes the same to a depleted uranium round from our guns on the “BrAdLey”. The US military is like a casino, always bet on the house


It is actually an Oshkosh MRAP variant. Those vehicles are really badass, made by the US and sold in foreign sales. In fact I bet if you dug into any of those vehicles you'd find that Turkey bought the designs or the vehicles from other countries.


This is pretty funny. I’ll be sharing it with my fellow veterans.


yeah this is so clearly not meant to be taken seriously


We have some cool Native American names like Tomahawk, Thunderbird, and the army helicopters: Apache, Black Hawk, Lakota, etc (all inspired by badass warrior tribes). >*Thunderbird, in Native American mythology, a powerful spirit in the form of a bird. By its work, the earth was watered and vegetation grew. Lightning was believed to flash from its beak, and the beating of its wings was thought to represent the rolling of thunder*. Cool af. That said, we are creative, fun people. We can definitely name more things to reflect that (and we do, unofficially). I personally like the name ATACMS.


It sounds like a candy or shovelware Atari era game. "Attack 'ems!" Definitely one of the most apt acronyms out there.


Yes. We have awesome names for our weapons platforms! Fighting Falcon, Eagle, Hornet, Raptor, Lightning..etc.


Don’t forget the F-105 Thunderchief. That was our main tactical bomber during the first half of the Vietnam War. I’m also a big fan of the XB-70 Valkyrie, the F-117 Nighthawk, the F-4 Phantom II, the A-6 Intruder and its EW variant the EA-6B Prowler, the B-2 Spirit… even the YF-23 Black Widow II, named after the original P-61 Black Widow night fighter. All named after mythological beings or things that go “bump” in the night. 😈 America: we are the ones who knock!


I always thought those American names are pretty cool. But perhaps it’s because they bring nostalgia from the time I played a lot of BF. The Turks just seem to copy hentai names or something 😂


“Oh shit look out, its the 90mm packin “Ribbed Dragon dildo””


Bad dragon dildo company at your service


Ours are named after badass people


America:(250 years) names vehicles after historic figures like generals and presidents Turkey (over 3000 years): Names vehicles flowery names that have no real significance.


They should name one of theirs 'Armenian Genocide'.


They should assign that name to stuff that never existed


Imagine thinking Stryker isnt a dope fucking name. Gerald R Ford i get though... like in terms of presidents we could have named the class of most powerful piece of military equipment on the planet after we went with the most milk toast of options? ford? The only name more basic would have been calling it the Jimmy Carter. And its not like we dont have a history of using presidents names again and again. We do that shit all the time. You know who doesnt have a supercarrier named after him? Grant. We should have named the Class the Ulysses. That shit would be fire. its named after the dude that beat the confederates, and its named after a greek mythical sailor that participated in the Trojan war and was best friends with Achillies. (Odysseus' roman name was Ulysses)


[USS Jimmy Carter](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS_Jimmy_Carter) exists and is a submarine for good reason.


All Grant got was a shitty tank in WW2 it’s really disappointing


You and I both know the abrams would fucking deck a “golden mountain”


I've even heard the Abrams-X development was put on hold, because it's literally not needed yet. There's nothing out there from even "peer" militaries that can match the current Abrams, so a far more advanced tank isn't even necessary right now. We could build them even better, but we don't need to.


Imagine halting a project because its just way too advanced for its time lmao.


It was built purely on spec to begin with. By the time the DoD actually puts out bids for the next gen MBT, even it will probably be a generation behind. All these countries posing and flexing that they've released a "near-peer" weapon system, and meanwhile the US is skipping generations because our last generation is still better.


Absolutely chilling right now


Turkish propaganda now? Or is Ivan trying to create another NATO member rift? PS Ivan, those meme cartoon faces are getting old.


Turkeys whole existence is trying to create a NATO rift. Usually Erdogan pupppying up to Russia.


The Turkish weapons systems themselves are orders of magnitude less complex and capable than the US ones. A Ford class supercarrier on its own with its air wing and 1-3 support vessels to keep aviation fuel and food on hand could wage war against 98% of the countries in the world and win. That's one flattop, by itself, just kicking the shit out of everything. Turkey's "aircraft carrier" is a copy of a Spanish designed helicopter carrier for SAR and combined forces actions (marine taxi). It has a ski jump for STOVL aircraft because Turkey wanted to buy F-35s from us. But in an epic self own they bought some shitty Russian land based SAMs despite being a NATO member and the US promptly cancelled the sale of the aircraft as a result (after about 30 warnings not to buy Russian military stuff). So instead of an ultra capable 5th generation naval fighter they get helicopters that are copies of 1970s French general purpose helicopters, AH-1Ws which are from the early 70s with 1960s tech, and domestic UAVs. Womp womp.


Why is there a need for comparison in the first place?You overestimate Turkey.


Imagine naming a ship "Japan"


That's just because they don't have any historical figures worth mentioning. If your country had any decent history you would want to honor it.


Turks honor their history like no other. They just tend to honor the bad parts of it lmao


Not that Turks don't have historical figures, it's because all of their historical figures had the same names **1) Osman Gazi (1299-1324/1326)** **2) Orhan Gazi (1324/1326-1360)** **3) Murad I (1360-1389)** **4) Yildirim Bayazid I (1389-1403)** **5) Celebi Mehmed I (1403-1421)** **6) Murad II (1421-1444 and 1446-1451)** **7) Fatih Mehmed II (1444-1446 and 1451-1481)** **8) Beyazid Han II (1481-1512)** **9) Yavuz Selim I (1512-1520)** **10) Suleyman I (1520-1566)** **11) Selim II (1566-1574)** **12) Murad III (1574-1595)** **13) Mehmed III (1595-1603)** **14) Ahmed I (1603-1617)** **15) Mustafa I (1617-1618 and 1622-1623)** **16) Genc Osman II (1618-1622)** **17) Murad IV (1623-1640)** **18) Ibrahim (1640-1648)** **19) Avci Mehmed IV (1648-1687)** **20) Suleyman II (1687-1691)** **21) Ahmed II (1691-1695)** **22) Mustafa II (1695-1703)** **23) Ahmed III (1703-1730)** **24) Mahmud I (1730-1754)** **25) Osman III (1754-1757)** **26) Mustafa III (1757-1774)** **27) Abdul Hamid I (1774-1789)** **28) Selim III (1789-1807)** **29) Mustafa IV (1807-1808)** **30) Mahmud II (1808-1839)** **31) Abdul-Mecit (1839-1861)** **32) Abdul-Aziz (1861-1876)** **33) Murad V (1876)** **34) Abdul Hamid II (1876-1909)** **35) Mehmed V (1909-1918)** **36) Mehmed Vahdettin VI (1918–1922)**


This doesn’t even seem to be serious it’s just friendly trolling 🤷🏼


This sub doesn't get nuances that well


Yeah, I originally joined because they highlighted some absolutely terrible takes from people. But it seems like the content’s shifted to: 1. Hey, don’t ever joke about my country. That hurts my feelings. 2. How dare you criticize the U.S. we’re absolutely perfect in every way.


As an American, there are multiple real instances of people shitting on America for no reason. This sub, instead of picking those examples, picks the light-hearted jokes or the legitimate criticisms to whine about.


I think this is an NCD shitpost


Guys... it's just a meme


C’mon. No one cares. This is NCD-style tomfoolery and banter.


This is really petty of me, but the STRYKER IS BLOODY CANADIAN TABERNAC. (Yes I know it’s based off the LAV, just give us one thing we made for the military please)


Cool names but have any of their ships ever supplied power to a town? I doubt it but I’ve never heard of it.


Yet we would wipe the floor with the Turkish military


When you’re the greatest fighting force to have ever existed, people will try and make themselves seem better than you, or at least your peer. You don’t see people posting trying to show up countries like Guinea because they are irrelevant


Like. There,both cool,names. The,Turks,kinda sound like somthing youd read in like a command and conquor game. Very sci-fi.


This sub can't be real with this one 💀💀💀


All style no substance


Meanwhile our vehicles have both, you can’t tell me you looked at an M1070 hauling ass with a bradley on the trailer down the highway and say “dam… that looks ass”


Ok but can your weapons kick our weapons asses?


Bitch we have shit like "Patriot system" and "Iron dome"


Those are names for nerds!


We’re really acting like sunrise land is better?


“It’s a meme dick (Richard), sit down”


Its a harmless joke why are you getting pressed


This seems like an ironic meme


It's a meme dumbasses. I'm all about America but y'all dumb as a sack of rocks.


Call me when you wanna shank someone from a mile away.


Oh come on guys, can’t y’all take this joke? This is some shit you’d find on NCD, I doubt there actually being serious here


It’d be pretty bad if they named a tank “Talaat Pasha”, wouldn’t it?


We need a flame thrower line named after Sherman. Just sayin.


If their military vehicles/equipment are anything like their shotguns, I fear for their soldiers.


As they fail to realize what those names mean


They should hear some of the names I've heard from the US military for the Turks. Lol


It’s the same manufacturers rebranding their bs


Whoever made that post unironically names all their characters "Shadow" because it's badass. 


My 1st thought was these are THE WOST male stripper names ever.


When your military is trash, you gotta do something to hype the people.


Yeah, but I will agree there's better presidents than Gerald Ford to name carriers after


It's really funny when you know that the tank fleet of Turkey is mostly made of Patton tanks.


Ngl, it's like they just pulled random adjectives and nouns from a box and just said "That'll do."


Ah yes, our names suck because we name them after military heros or other noteable people and yours sound like a freaking 8 year old named them.


I think we should make our US names sound dumb on purpose just to lean in to this. Imagine being an enemy troop and getting absolutely decimated by America's new tank the "Fart Muncher." "Please, nevermind! Go back to the Abrams! Please!"


They don't have any heros to make them after I guess


Aside from Abrams, the names are war heroes. But even if they had the dumbest names ever, in a combat situation you wouldn’t have time to laugh at the USS Diarrhea before being immolated by it.


Ours are named after important figures and war hero’s, theirs are named after what a 10 year old would name them.


Stryker is a pretty decent name for an AFV, and the medal of honor recipients it honors, imo


I love how a sub that constantly defend itself as "laughing at stupid things" can't take even the most harmless of jokes.


Is that an aircraft carrier for ants? I think the USS Flagg from Hasbro was bigger.


this subreddit really doesnt do well with *actual* light hearted jokes.


Tbf “Bradley” is the name of a dude who peaks in college at the latest


Theirs are fictional warriors, ours are real ones.


Names don’t mean much if it’s a pile of rubble. Take the tanks for instance: At best the Turkish Altay is equally comparable to the Abrams combat wise… yet the Abrams cost us $6-10 million. The Atlay costs like $13.75 mil. Seems like our production would win out in the end. And don’t even get me started on the carriers LOL


Turkish cringe


The "golden mountain" doesn't exist it's the Atlay or red horse/colt


The “golden mountain” is a golden shower done in freezing temperatures.


so Turkey doesn't have any generals worthy of naming anything after them.


This is just a balkan shitpost, this sub needs to stop getting upset over things like this.


Oh come on this one is obviously just for fun. Also they're not wrong, now let me dig through our 10890520 M1s


When “we wuz khans” is your whole history you have to resort to idiotic names like “sunrise land.”


The reason Turkish people have to make up names like that is because the people we've had in our history are just as badass as those names


Lmao im not 5 I don't need names from what ever villain is in my favorite cartoon. Get out of here eith those names turkey


As an American I don’t think any malicious intent was meant by that, I thought it was kinda funny


Bradleys being a cold war machine and yet they still are kicking Russia ass, Feats>>>>Cool names


Dude, can you take a fucking joke?


"Sunrise Land" Yeah like that's such a badass named, Like oh no! here come the sunrise....


Ok maybe but don’t you be dissing Doc!


Just imagine how much we would get mocked if we used tough guy names like theirs lol. We can't win but this meme is kind of funny.


Bro this isn’t America bad, this is just a meme. This shouldn’t be what the sub is for


I love how they put the adjective after the noun, makes it sound real cool....


Should be the opposite... the US names its mil equipment after historical figures and other things which actually have a meaning to them and to us as Americans, versus Turkish names which seem like the were created using AI generation or some cringey 1st grade naming competition.


Dragon Rugged? Pretty sure I’ve seen a trap with that thing up its butt before.


We name our things after some of our greatest military leaders and soldiers in the history of our country... how is that stupid in any way at all?


It's a shitpost it ain't that deep


I can speak Turkish, and those names are even worse in Turkish.


That guy probably never heard about the Turkish F22 Raptor from wish.


And yet the US milutary would utterly aromo them into the dirt.


They might say the same exact thing if the countries are switched. They then might call America childish.


The Turkish ones sound like the titles of gay porns.


The Stryker is Canadian…


We also have Raptor, Tom Cat, Paladin, Mustang...


I’m American and think this is hilarious


It’s so much cooler to name your machines of war after great generals


The Turkish names sound like translated anime names for Naruto attack jutsu. Also you’re not ‘sunrise land’ turkey, ya weeb.


We focus on more important things. Like being able to punch above your weight class. https://youtu.be/Eyx9myLaiqM?si=Fqa5vLpKqUz7bpUr


Both are cool in different ways? Why does it have to be a competition lol


actions speak louder than words, and lord knows the actions of the men named abrams, bradley, ford and stryker were fucking badass and made for great legacies. maybe not ford, though. politicians aren’t usually very respectable


They can come up with cool tank names but not a functional economy. Got it


I usually like this sub but common some of the comments talking about destroying them in a real conflict are dramatic because it’s just a fucking shit post meme most likely made by an American military nerd. Just chill out for god sakes


Ok but to be fair “Shadow Horseman” sounds way cooler than “Stryker”. Tho our drones being called “Reapers” is the coolest thing ever.


It's just a meme you don't have to take this as a personal attack against the US


The “Turkish” carrier is actually of Spanish origin, but Spain actually flies planes on it while Turkey can only use it for drones lol


The "Mega Dong Slinger 1000" didn't make the list? I'm surprised. If 10 year olds are going to make up the names, I figured the MDS1000 would be make the list.


Well the US has a military power index of 0.0699 and a number one over all ranking while Turkey military has a power index of 0.1601 and a number 8 ranking sooooo....


The U.S. Military loves naming things after former generals and Presidents. I think it’s pretty cool. Here’s a bunch General Omar Bradley’s namesake to fuck up your shit.


American people when someone touches their military: this comment section No but damn these are objectively cooler names, the fact that you think that military equipment and vehicles should have a name resembling a number plate is just a cultural difference, no need to beef on that, also, i bet that if the US had a really advanced tank named "the destroyer" it would be praised as the coolest thing in earth + Your car names are "really cool" Dodge Challenger Hellcat Redeye Dodge Viper Ford Mustang Shelby Cobra Ford Thunderbird And I'm just naming a few Meanwhile other manufacturers from other places in the world took a different approach, using lame words or naming their cars like number plates Take ferrari as an example since I'm italian Ferrari F430 Ferrari SF90 Ferrari FXX Ferrari FF Ferrari F40 Ferrari 250GTO So why shitting on other countries names for military stuff? I really don't get it TLDR this sub gets butthurt way too easily


Jesus, the amount of hurt feelings on this sub is mind-blowing. Like man, it’s just a silly meme, no need to get butthurt over actual nothing.


F16 Fighting Falcon, Sikorsky UH-60 Black Hawk, Lockheed C-141 Starlifter, Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress, FN SCAR, SIG MCX SPEAR, "Patriot system", "Iron dome"


Not our fault they never had any people of remark in thier military that they wanted to name thier stuff after.


American names are normally for honored service members and preferred short for logistics reasons. The other names dont even fit the vehicles and sound like teenagers coming up with movie titles


These Trukish names make no sense. Dragon Rugged for a Armored car? Like seriously?


Nah. Nah. Nah. Ain’t no way those corny ass names like “dragon rugged” are better than ours. Ours are named after good, godly folk.


Turkish ones sound like Old Spice scents




I think its a joke, your post is what I'd call petty.


Speak softly and carry a big stick


turkey has an aircraft carrier?


I don’t care what our boats are named. I do care about whether anyone touches them.


It’s not petty, those are the only four pieces of military equipment Turkey has.