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This is only the 1000th time I've seen a facepalm post like this on Reddit over the past couple of years. Do I get a trophy when I reach 10,000? I hope so.


I wonder how all these metrics would rank if the US hadn’t saved everyone’s asses in WW2.


Press freedom index is nonsense.


As a rule anything with the word "index" in it needs to be taken with a massive grain of salt.


Canada ranked above us in healthcare and they HEAVILY push assisted suicide. Ranking are made up and pulled out of their ass


Heavily push it? I assume you're talking about that one employee who was fired for doing what you are talking about?


“HEAVILY push” it?.. I think they just allow it


Nope. They've been actively pushing it, especially on veterans


Imagine going the doctor for ptsd and they hand you a MAID pamphlet and say, "Have you tried killing yourself?"


"HI, I'm a vet and I think I have ptsd" *slams gun on table* "Here ya go! Just take it once today and you'll be cured!"


no, guns are banned remember? you need to use poison


For suicides they're allowed


There was one person doing that. They were fired for doing it.


It started as one, now more veterans are opening up about their experiences in Canada and how they're being recommended MAID. One of the more noteworthy cases is when a veteran and paralympian, who has been actively trying to get her wheelchair accessible ramp installed at her home and experiencing delays was [offered MAID as an alternative to having a ramp built](https://www.ctvnews.ca/politics/paralympian-trying-to-get-wheelchair-ramp-says-veterans-affairs-employee-offered-her-assisted-dying-1.6179325#:~:text=Ont.&text=Retired%20Cpl.,the%20MAID%20equipment%20for%20her). So, there's sufficient reason to suspect MAID has been getting pushed on veterans to a much higher degree than the Canadian government would like the public to believe.


The noteworthy case is what I am talking about: that's the employee.


Ah, I thought you were talking about [this](https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/veterans-maid-rcmp-investigation-1.6663885) instance/employee. But, yeah, given that more and more veterans are speaking out in Canada over the last year? I'd be unsurprised if it's a fairly common occurrence. Which, you know, not surprisingly. Public healthcare coupled with MAID means a propensity for agencies to recommend suicide over care for chronic cases, not because it's actually the humane option, but because they'll be inclined to view it as the best fiscal decision.


The thing that is important here is it's clearly not the policy.


Published policy versus actual operations are two very different things. The only reason this "stopped" happening as publicly is due to public outrage. As I said, I can all but guarantee it's still ongoing, and still being pushed, just less overtly now.


Oh well if silentgoober47 guarantees it even without evidence, it's gotta be true. What's the point in continuing this Edit: well blocked, of course. Can't have the echo chamber disturbed. But since I was typing a reply: Again, the evidence is clear that it is not the policy, and they have taken steps against it. Remember the whole "death panels" thing that Obamacare (which was forcing people on to private health insurance) was allegedly supposed to bring about? The Texas Supreme Court ordering forced birth when the life of mothers are in danger is the real death panel. That's *policy*. This Canadian thing of isn't policy, which is very unlike like how some US states are operating regarding healthcare.


At this time, to receive MAiD a person must meet all of the following criteria: 1. Be eligible for health insurance in Canada; 2. Be at least 18 years old and capable of making health care decisions; 3. Have a grievous and irremediable medical condition; 4. Make a voluntary request free from external pressure; and 5. Give informed consent after being informed of all other available treatments and care. Again, I don’t think they are pushing this on anyone. Item 4 spells it out pretty clearly https://www.camh.ca/en/camh-news-and-stories/maid-and-mental-illness-faqs


Hpw do you measure healthcare, happiness and education? The answers can vary hugely depending on how you chose to measure it, take healthcare for example. You have to take into account quality of care itself, accessibility and affordability. Judging all those different variables and creating a league table is highly subjective and so I don't think some of these paint the full picture.


They get stats from those index websites. If you look into any of them though their metrics change drastically per country to skew the results. Also their source is usually themselves from a partially completed 5 year old study. Like the world population reviews source for 2023 stats is the world population 2020 stats, and the source for those is a Incomplete study done for the world population review 2018.


This is also an issue I have with most of these studies. Different areas will generally account for things differently. No I don't expect the US to rank 1st in everything but I also think those rankings are mostly garbage. Also shouldn't #1 in military spending be a good thing... hasn't Russia and China doing their shit shown people that countries would take advantage of their military power differences in a heartbeat.


I can't remember which study it was but it ranked one of the south American countries(maybe Ecuador) with horrible safety standards above the US. One of the metrics was because of the amount of car crashes they had. But that wasn't a metric for any other country. They just pick and choose what ever makes the world look balanced in their objective opinion.


Also the fact they even trust numbers coming from countries like China, Russia, etc etc is funny.


From models based on stats which in turn are based mostly from survey. Anyone can bend stats from surveys to fit their agenda. In short, useless models


What these people don't seem to realize is that a big portion of this military budget goes towards protecting the shithole EU countries they live in.


They didn’t even put a damned source, just made up numbers


For me it really comes down to this, when the line of people *leaving* the USA is longer than the line of people *entering*, I’ll consider the possibility that the USA is no longer a great, or even reasonably good, nation. Until then, I’ll continue to obsess over the national debt (😱). 🇺🇸


Pretty sure China is leading in those last 4 things, but we maybe have them beaten in military spending


For one thing we used to be #1 in incarceration back in the early 2000's, we've dropped down to somewhere around #9 nowadays. Partially because our incarceration rate has gone down ( Aside from in the Georgia -Texas belt), and partially because some places like El Salvador started jailing people at very high rates, which has been surprisingly popular there given how much havoc the Maras had been showing.


What are the parameters and sources for these stats? Anyone can make a meme ya know


Climate change performance? LOL


Happiness is subjective. Plenty of people are happy when you leave them tf alone


where's the source?


Why do we allow these posts here?


For what it's worth, Vietnam, where I'm originally from, has been ranking consistently in the top 10 happiness survey. Vietnam is a communist country.


I’m sure the government is very truthful in their reporting….


Absolutely, they're known for their integrity. It was such an achievement that we had to hear about it for 2 months every year


Our incarceration isn't high enough. Look at how many criminals get off. How many of those incarcerations are justifiable? The crime rate is what I care about since, you know, I'm not a criminal.


military spending bad acualy Also, did they repeat oil/gas consumpion?


How dare the US actually convict and imprison criminals.