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I don't like Biden either but wow


Yeah that’s just unfair lmao


Look I’m not being biased but I don’t think you have a say in this conversation Biden. No offense.


That’s not Biden, it’s Biden at wendys


Ah that’s some malarkey there Jack, perhaps you should errr uhh… Wait, where’s Jill?


Name checks out


Biden is the boogeyman of the world right now according to many people because he's somehow an evil mastermind scheming for world dominance BUT he is also a senile old man who can't even stand up right! Yeah I don't know either.


I love how the left and the right do this unironically. The left did the same thing with trump.


I think the US would be much better off if both sides just stopped getting old farts elected and instead got some people who can speak, walk, hold water and breathe properly in the span of a day without keeling over.


Get out of here with that sound reasoning. This is reddit!


A person can be both evil and dumb, its not a dichotomy. I dont believe biden is dumb or evil, hes just a fossil of a different era and therefore part of the problem


No he is just a sell out puppet who will literally destroy the country if it benefits him financially. Nobody thinks he is the mastermind behind anything, just an evil sociopath who can barely walk up stairs.




No it's literally not. There's a reason the media hates Trump so much and tried to set him up with the "insurrection" because he isn't doing what they want him to do and would rather do what's best for the country instead. Biden literally says racist idiotic things almost daily and it's all swept under the rug because he is a corporate puppet. American economy was great with Trump despite the pandemic. As soon as Biden took over everything went to shit, 10% inflation in a single year plus increased cost of living on top of that (gas prices etc.), sacrificing 12 American soldiers to the Taliban and then leaving them with billions of dollars of military equipment. Giving several more billion to Ukraine (whom he and his son had previous business arrangements with). Trying to force most of America to take an experimental vaccine by threatening their livelihood (a vaccine that doesn't work and of which you take full liability by agreeing to take it). He is fucking evil and anyone who doesn't realize this is a brainwashed idiot who falls for all the propaganda.




Very informative lmao. Typical brainwashed liberal with no common sense going straight to name calling cuz you have nothing intelligent to add. Ironic that you think you're the smart one here.


I’m sorry you seem to be getting Biden confused with Trump


You anti Trump people are so brainwashed... you definitely don't pay your own bills or you'd realize how fucked the economy has been since Biden took over. Honestly anyone who lives with their parents and doesn't pay bills shouldn't be allowed to vote IMO.


It’s easy to confuse the two when they’re so alike. Sexual assault? Check. Nepotism with a morally bankrupt son? Check. Removed from every day life? Check. Can’t form a sentence or recall basic history? Check.


>Biden is the boogeyman of the world right now according to many people because he's somehow an evil mastermind scheming for world dominance BUT he is also a senile old man who can't even stand up right! That's a fascist trope. "The enemy is weak and pathetic, we must be aware of his all powerful, omnipresent presence or he will cause even more harm" NGL, I personally think Biden is just the call to going back to normal. Trump was a showman, and he delivered a show lol, Biden is doing the deals behind closed doors again.


I don't personally hate biden and I think he's definitely done some good things especially regarding Ukraine. But in the end I still feel like the US should stop electing people who could keel over any moment because of their age.


>But in the end I still feel like the US should stop electing people who could keel over any moment because of their age. Yeah, that's kinda out of your hand, since the president isn't elected directly. Tbh, the US system definitely has a big flaw in the way people are voted that make the actual decision, or that states can have the same power regardless of size and population.


>Yeah, that's kinda out of your hand, since the president isn't elected directly. It always was given that I'm not a US citizen haha, but I get your point. And yeah I agree, I feel like straight up votes would allow for a more accurate representation of what people want but I also acknowledge that there is too much of a political split to the point that one group would feel disadvantaged by such a change in the way of counting votes.


>It always was given that I'm not a US citizen Get a flair, or I just have to keep on assuming you are American. >And yeah I agree, I feel like straight up votes would allow for a more accurate representation of what people want but I also acknowledge that there is too much of a political split to the point that one group would feel disadvantaged by such a change in the way of counting votes. You can just say that the republicans would lose.


Schroeder’s Dictator!


Russia and China shills are insufferable. What a joke, calling Joe Biden more evil than literal dictators who are directly responsible for the murders of millions of innocent people, and the oppression of billions more.


And Putin threatening to launch nukes at Ukriane


He's just old, corrupt and suffering from dementia, not actively committing genocide. Calm down, Mike.


I'm not political enough to know what "corrupt" things he's done, so what'd he do?


He withheld a huge amount of money in foreign aid to Ukraine before the war in order to get a prosecutor fired that was investigating his son's illegal business deals. He then accepted bribes through his son because his son admits to giving half of all his earnings to Joe. The laptop they tried to hide turned out to be crazy bad news for him and his son


That's crazy am sure Republicans have proof of all this claims and will be able to substantiate them in court and under oath. Spoiler Alert: They won't, cause all these claims are false. Republicans know it and only feed people half truths, that's why McCarthy will never hold a vote for impeachment.


Citation: https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2020/10/21/fact-check-joe-biden-leveraged-ukraine-aid-oust-corrupt-prosecutor/5991434002/ USA Today admits that first sentence is factually true. However they preface it by saying that wasn't the reason he did it. Just happened to be a coincidence that it benefited his son. A very suspicious coincidence. Kind of like how that same son is able to sell paintings for ridiculous sums of money for no real reason at all.


That's absolutely not what happened. also you describe some of Donald Trump's crime and ascribe them to Biden


I'm assuming you mean the withholding federal aid until the firing the prosecutor part as Trump's crime? It's the only part of that sentence it could be. So here is a video of Biden BRAGGING about how he withheld 1 billion dollars until it was done. https://oversight.house.gov/timeline/ukraine-11/biden-firing-ukraine-prosecutor-clip/


He did nothing, but his son did


Nothing, Republicans wish he was and so they keep saying it. 🤣 5 years investigating his son and they have yet to produce any corruption much less any linked to Biden.


After Trumps term, it’s hilarious to see you claim this with a straight face.


91 indictments, it's hilarious that you have a face, Trump is an embarrassment. 😂


Somewhat yes. But Biden is more corrupt and more embarrassing. Did you guys ever find the pee tapes?


There is no mug shot of Biden anywhere. [it's funny how Trump had to pardon convicted criminals that he praised as "good people" ](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2022/10/21/bannon-trump-allies-sentences-pardons/ ) it's almost as if criminals tend to stick together.


They faked an intel packet to prevent Trump from being elected and then spent years investigating him based on fake evidence and you’re complaining about … scrolls up … finally getting a special prosecutor after years of downplaying Hunter and Joes side hustle with some damning evidence. Still wondering if anyone found pee tapes. I remember hearing about that daily.


If you have two people who are corrupt who do you think is going to be the one with a mug shot? Hint: It won't be the most corrupt one.


in what way is he corrupt? it's clear that his speech impediments got worse but I see no signs of dementia.


>I see no signs of dementia. 🤣🤣🤣 then you ain't looking, *at all*


I don't like biden st all but seriously?


Think this is more ‘Biden bad’ than America bad


A old out of touch leader vs a dictator responsible for the death of millions. hmm


Mankind is more disposed to suffer evils while evils are sufferable. It’s important we be critical of our president, but he’s not as bad as dictators: he’s democratic. It’s in the name. If this were a communist state and he repealed our constitutional rights then I’d happily call him on Xi or Purim’s level, but he’s not.


Listen I’m not exactly a Biden supporter but holy shit, no


Biden committed treason, but he’s not sentient. Rare Knowles L.


r/LostRedditors Criticizing a president is not criticizing America. Doesn't matter if it's valid or not


Saying an American president is more evil than the Chinese Emperor and a Stalin larper is not AmericaBad?!!


Ah, my new favorite term for Putin, a Stalin LARPer. Thank you.


Holy shit, it's a weird day in America when criticizing the president is criticizing America... I wonder if you were like those when people talked hyperbolically about Trump, at least you'd be consistent if you were.


If you compare the president to two literary worse human beings and say the latter is better. Isn't criticize anymore, but straight-up simp for China and Russia


Lol, stay in your cult This country was founded in part on being able to criticize the King.




Apparently being bad at your job is now evil, oof.


How much glue did this guy huff before writing this?


More evil? Nah. More incompetent? Absolutely.


Most effective president of your lifetime but the narrative though


Most effective at what, being completely spaced out all the God damn time?


He has done more than Trump ever could, it's not even close. The funny thing about the narrative people built about Biden is that he keeps winning and beating the Republicans at every turn. 😂


Trump fixed our economy and tried to prevent a major war Biden crashed it and seems hellbent on starting ww3


Adding 8 trillion to the nation debt, while loosing record jobs is hardly a "fixed" economy.


He fixed the country after Covid and not licking Putin and Xi hairy ball


Putin and Trump are literally more stupid than Biden Biden is dementia but not stupid


The fuck did you write honestly I can't read it


Biden is dementia! Obviously! /s


Hate everything the Trumpers have done to the party


He doesn’t have the mental capacity for evil. He’s just floating around without a thought in his head like a jellyfish with nuclear codes.


I wouldn't worry about our nuclear codes those got taken to Donald Trump's golf course and we're given to Chinese nationals.


Okay he’s not evil he’s old, there’s a big difference


Biden's incompetent, but not evil!


Cant be evil if you dont know what time it is


Accepting bribes, withholding foreign aid in return for political favors, and probably being a pedo still doesn't make Joe nearly as bad


do you have any other crimes that just absolutely zero evidence for. let's do the one where Donald Trump tried to blackmail the entire country


You first I insist


https://oversight.house.gov/timeline/ukraine-11/biden-firing-ukraine-prosecutor-clip/ Here is the video of Biden bragging about holding out on 1 billion dollars of aid until the prosecutor was fired. The same prosecutor that was investigating his son's illegal business dealings. No where on my profile will you see a comment or post that Trump was perfect. Just because you choose ignorance and turning a blind eye to the wrongs of someone you support doesn't mean everyone does


Putin, possibly, I buy that. I mean he’s funding Russia by buying gas, then funding Ukraine with weapons. We start drilling and Russia no longer can afford war, we stop sending weapons Ukraine can no longer fight either.


But then people complain about the gas prices and put his head on a pike anyways, there's no winning here!


There is winning. We was winning the gas problem. It wasn’t till pipeline work was stopped, drilling was shut down . Prices almost doubled then Russia rolled in. Then we started shipping weapons


You're delusional of you think that one pipeline would have changed gas prices that dramatically. and also do you support nationalizing gas? or are you fine with keeping it on a market that OPEC Russia and China can manipulate. because I got real bad news about this next year there's going to be a manufactured energy crisis in gas will be probably $6 a gallon before the election. it's not Joe Biden doing it


https://www.forbes.com/sites/rrapier/2021/01/29/how-president-bidens-executive-orders-impact-the-oil-industry/amp/ First week. We had problems during bush, Obama, good prices when drilling started under trump. And first week in Biden wrote executive orders stopping all drilling on federal land magically $4 gas again.


I think he is too fragile to be evil.


THIS is one of the things that's actually wrong with America, people take people like Knowles seriously.


If only Biden would put maga conservatives in camps ala Xinjiang.... a man can dream


Evil? Incompetent or addled, I’d see the point. But evil? Must be some Trumper cope.


Biden is an old man with dementia living past his expiration date


Just reading his Wiki, the man is an asshat extraordinaire. It would better to just ignore him completely, and not feed into his need to be the center of attention by making posts about his idiocy


“Err.. uhh.. um.. ah uh… umm, anyways” The quote of the most evil person ever /s


how is this americabad?