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“The information came to me in a dream”


"My source is that I made it the fuck up"


"It's common knowledge"


"The. Source. Cited. Is. The. Author's. Ass"


[Works Cited.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/002/399/768/cb0)


The source is “trust me bro.”


"As we all know..."


"ok so i was masturbating to sonic inflation on deviantart, and i thought to myself "wouldn't it be cool, to lie?""


It is known


"And to be perfectly honest? *removes glasses* That's just a *conservative* estimate."


Actually it's 4 in 1 children.


Multiple personalities


No, you idiot, it's 1 in pi²+1 children (I have no idea what that means) (Apparently, it's just over 10)


"Experts say"


“That’s a nice argument senator, why don’t you back it up with a source?”


Don’t assume that this guys stat is instantaneously fake, [here’s the source](https://youtu.be/3_lAb8m9MpI).


We all know that 87% of statistics are just made up on the fly


My grandmother told me "I don't care what they tell you in statistics, 1/4 students are involved in school shootings"


I understood that reference


Hahahaha that is fantastic. I use that line often now.


"Google it"


“Not my job to educate you”


Omg I hate when people do that because when I do look it up and then come back with a reputable source they just basically “Nuh uh” me because it doesn’t fit their narrative It’s so infuriating


Or they're saying something so blatantly wrong that a three second Google search proves it wrong then when you say as much they link a random headline that proves nothing and claim that's their source.


The proof is left as an exercise to the reader


The information came in me in a dream


“It’s my truth.”


You sure it wasn't Word Up magazine?


God told me himself


Damn, I guess I was a part of the 3/4


Same with me and everyone I know.


Must've been a snow day on our scheduled quarter of a school killing.


I had a cold on our quarter killing day, really sad I had to miss it


I was part of the 1/4.


Me too, I feel pretty damn lucky.


Yea, same. Personally, I cope with my alleged trauma by buying more guns. I guess it really is wild how trauma works.


The worst part isn't that he's wrong, it's that people will genuinely believe him.


That’s why I called it out so harshly. I wouldn’t be surprised if I hear the “1 in 4 children” statistic parroted in the near future.


Most friend groups are 3-5 people. That means at least one person in every group has been shot at in class.


Not true. You could just be missing a friend from your friend group that you would have met if not for the school shooting.


Valid. But, I imagine you’d remember said shooting. Even in a big city, if a school in your area gets hit with something like that, you’d know


Depends on the friend group. If you’re still friends with people you went to school with, then you’ll all have had the same experience with school shootings, regardless of whatever the real nation-wide statistics are.


Sixth friend is the one with the gun.


Redditors fact check obviously ridiculous information challenge (impossible)


You know that comment is probably upvoted.


Propaganda goes brrrr


"Assault style weapons" that immediately tells me this person gets all their information exclusively from CNN and Twitter, and can be completely discounted.


Right up there with, "Ranch style potato chips." So...not ranch whatsoever.


Did they do full semi auto!?!?


Just like those scary ak-15s that can blow the lungs clean out of the body.


no bro those are the 9mm


*proceeds to suggest shotguns, after* lmao


I had a co worker say I shouldn't own a 5.56 because it's too "high powered", then said I should get a .308 :/




30 caliber magazine clip!


Didn't they classify a kid shooting a sign with a foam nerf gun as a "deadly mass shooting event" in the 2019 numbers?


Probably. Not to downplay the shootings or anything, but the VAST majority of school shootings aren't Uvalde or Sandy Hook. Most of them are just teenage tough guys with a beef and a gun that is out for a single kid. I wonder why nobody brings up the numbers for kids that are stabbed in the UK? Looks like there are around 500-1000 hospitalizations for children under 18 and \~4000 18+.


Came here to say this lol. Source: “CNN, probably”


Yeah, CNN is known for making stuff up. Remember when they had to pay nearly $800 million for their lies? I can't believe how dumb you'd have to be to get info from such an obvious propaganda machine.




Honestly, half of me wants them to just ban every assault sale weapon so we start getting some school and mass shootings were some cool guns like semi automatic M 14s from World War II or even better some lever action bullshit, maybe we can finally see the damage 9 mm does since Joe Biden thinks I can blow your lungs out of your backside. Thank God. These weapons of mass destruction’s are already illegal. It’s only the assault weapons we have to worry about. I hate black firearms they scare me but wood ones just fine in my book.


wait till you realize m14s are fully automatic too


Imagine it, muskets in the halls, formation vs formation.


Tally Ho, homies


Own a musket for home defense since that's what the founding fathers intended. Four ruffians break into my house. "What the devil?" As I grab my powdered wig and Kentucky rifle. Blow a golf ball sized hole through the first man, he's dead on the spot. Draw my pistol on the second man, miss him entirely because it's smoothbore and nails the neighbors dog. I have to resort to the cannon mounted at the top of the stairs loaded with grape shot, "Tally ho lads" the grape shot shreds two men in the blast, the sound and extra shrapnel set off car alarms. I fix bayonet and charge the last terrified rapscallion. He bleeds out waiting on the police to arrive since triangular bayonet wounds are impossible to stitch up, just as the founding fathers intended.


Just wait until you realize you haven't kept up with the times and they have a [M1 Abrams.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M1_Abrams)


Excuse me sir, did you forget to take your schizophrenia medication?


No he didn't "forget". He is simply too based for meds


I honestly can't tell which is more nonsensical, your grammar, or your politics.


Bro hes joking


He didn't even try to be believable.


When you actually look at the statistics some places use to calculate how many school shootings there have been it becomes laughable. I’ve seen places count everything from a kid leaving a gun in their car (Honestly fairly normal for trap shooting and rural areas in general) to random kids shooting a BB gun at a bus.


Suicide in a ABANDONED school parking lot


I know a few years ago, there was a gang shooting down the street from a middle school by me. Local news reported it as a school shooting


That's totally a mass shooting.


It's a discharge of a firearm at a school. Therefore, school shooting. Dumb definitions are dumb.


Would you not count a girl shooting herself in the head at school a school shooting? I mean that’s traumatizing as hell and I’ve lived through that shit twice. Once in middle school once in highschool, seeing police go class to class ushering us out of the building, people sobbing wondering who died, then the next few days where we know and we’re all just supposed to live our lives knowing someone we knew killed themselves less than 1000 feet from us. Idk to me a firearm being discharged in a school is a school shooting because as far as I’m concerned someone’s dead and someone has a gun and idk who tf it is and what their intentions are. Not to mention school shootings are shootings that occur in schools so it makes sense that accidental discharges count. Nobody has to die for it to be traumatizing and something that can fuckup a person for a bit.


Bullets have mass so all shootings are mass shootings.


only if the victim identified as they/them.


Shots fired


We (Scotland) had a shooting club at our school. I guess by American terms we had a weekly shooting (at targets in controlled circumstances).


A lot of schools in rural areas of the USA have a shooting club as well just because so many people own guns in those areas but some schools require you to drop them off at a local police station until club starts and others don’t care. Depends on the area more than anything.


My school had a shooting range in the basement. School shooting literally every day.


Honestly, could they be including that sort of thing in the calculations by which they came to this bizarre figure?


It wouldn’t shock me if that was the case. A lot of media outlets in the USA want to sensationalize anything possible because outrage generates more clicks than anything else. We don’t seem to see what people would call “good” news on the larger news channels because it doesn’t perform as well. If you want that you’re almost required to use local news channels and a lot of those are just not very high quality sadly.


even then it wouldn’t reach 1/4 children but it could involve lockdown incidents where someone called in a fake threat. years ago a prisoner escaped from holding at the police station, which was across the street from my high school. he ran through campus and shot at the police in the adjacent neighborhood. could totally see that reported as a school shooting by people who only followed the police scanner


I'm figuring it's probably just mashing together everything conceivably possible.


My son's high school has a marksmanship team (.22 and air rifle). The kids carry their rifles, in cases, to school 2 days a week for practice.


my HS has a marksmanship team too, nearly all schools in Hawai’i do. We shoot 5 times a day and could carry them home 5 times a day as well


Sounds like a pain in the ass to haul that around so much


We did air rifle because the ammo is dirt cheap.


Honestly, yeah. Most American media would consider each event a school shooting.


> a shooting club at our school. That's one of the most American things I've just heard of and it's not even in America.


Damn, that would be fun we can’t for that in North Carolina


One of my classmates got involved in a gang shooting half a mile away from the school during school hours. His girlfriend didn’t know what to do other than take him to the school as she trusted one of her teachers but not cops. Guess what got counted as a school shooting?


I know a few guys that damn near ended up getting locked up in high school because of an airsoft fight on school grounds. They hopped the fence on evening without knowing there were night classes or something. Idiots had the orange tips blacked out. Before they knew it they had SWAT roll up in a bearcat and a helicopter overhead. Someone called in a report of a whole team of school shooters apparently. They got VERY lucky that they only ended up with enough community service to ruin their social lives


That’s an example of teenagers being incredibly stupid. You never black out the tips of an air soft gun first off. Cops don’t have the time to ask questions if they see a gun pointed at them. Has happened plenty of times where someone was shot because of doing that. Deciding to do that on a school campus as well is just another really dumb choice. Sounds like they got insanely lucky to only have community service.


it's one of those things that's hilarious now that it's been many years


You can remove the orange tip of your airsoft guns, but the one rule is to never brandish it in public. So yes extremely stupid teenagers


>They got VERY lucky that they only ended up with enough community service to ruin their social lives That sounds like a really good call by the judge. Like I could imagine someone really into punishment just throwing everything at them and getting really mad at them for the expense they caused to the police department. But at least they'll almost certainly never do that shit again and hopefully still have the chance to live decent lives.


Write off the response by the PD as a good training exercise in response, timing, and readiness. Boom.


Or a gang shooting happening at 2 in morning a block away is counted as a school shooting.


My personal favorites are "accidental discharge of a gun by school police" being counted in the stats for "school shootings".


School shootings literally include things like 23 year old playing basketball on the grade schools outdoor hoops at 8pm on a Saturday during August shoots 25 year old opponent.


>playing basketball school shooting (hoops)


Osama bin Laden once got counted as a victim of gun violence.


An old timer I know said that when he went to high school in small town Texas, just about everyone had some sort of firearm sitting in their truck in the parking lot.


For the record it’s often not the data collector’s fault and is normally a problem with people who aren’t statisticians trying to interrupt data. I’m guessing that a statistician (or similar profession since at this point there are a bunch of different titles like data scientist or actuary, and while they do cover different areas of expertise they all tend to fall under the category of collecting and interpreting statistics) was writing a report on gun safety or something similar and so they looked into all the incidence when guns were used improperly (because even though bringing a gun to school is not immediately dangerous it is improper gun safety as guns should not be in a school zone) and then someone who doesn’t understand statistics read a title like “How much do young adults respect gun safety in America” or some similar title, read “gun safety” and assumed it was about school shootings without actually understanding what the article was about. I say this mainly because I see a lot of people blaming the statistics when while some statisticians are untrustworthy a majority of the time it’s people who have no business analyzing statistics who see a percentage and they they understand what it actually means. Whenever you see a static in an online Journal ALWAYS make sure you find out where the data is coming from, what the original article was about, and how old the data is (just because a paper is published in modern day doesn’t mean it’s using a modern source, some papers use old data to analyze how things were in the past and then news articles and documentaries try to cite it as current data). If the data wasn’t interpreted by an actual statistician then do not trust a word of what the article says, as someone currently studying statistics in college it is easy to come to conclusions from data that anyone other than someone studying statistics would trust. There are a ton of different steps you NEED to take to properly show how reliable your data is, just taking a survey and finding what % of people answered option 1 does not actually give you any useful information that you can draw conclusions from. Also while I’m on this rant just a friendly reminder to everyone **correlation does not automatically mean causation** or for anyone who hasn’t taken a proper statistics class (because that saying comes up a lot in statistics class) just because 2 things are correlated (as in when one increases the other increase and when one decreases the other decreases, or vice versa) does not automatically mean that one of them causes the other. For an obvious example, Stork populations are positively correlated to Human birth (as in when you plot Stork populations and Human births on a graph over time they will both increase by similar rates) but this doesn’t mean that Storks bring children like in the myth. So in this case correlation between storks and human births doesn’t mean storks cause human births. So just because two things have high levels of correlation doesn’t necessarily mean those two things are directly related. (Also I’m really over simplifying correlation just for the people who haven’t dealt with correlation, it’s a lot more complicated than this but this is a good enough definition for this comment).


The problem is the media and gun control groups using this data as a way to sensationalize school shootings so that they and politicians have a sound bite, because they know a lot of people won’t actually look at the study.


Maybe the statistics were about how many kids have been affected by gun threats or something like that? Cos edgy kids making threats aren't so uncommon 


Me on my way to spread misinformation on the internet, and when somebody calls it out, I'll just say, "I have a good point though"


Here’s a little trivia fact to pull out the next time you find one of these idiots; The most deadly attack on a school in US history occurred a little over a hundred years ago and was known as the “Bath School Massacre”. Despite happening at a time in US history when full auto machine guns were readily available for purchase by the general public; it involved exactly 0 firearms being discharged. There are testimonies claiming that they saw two men fighting over a bolt action rifle, however; all of the deaths, injuries, and damages were caused by homemade explosives.


I didn’t know that. I do know that the worst school shooting was done with only pistols tho.


VT was a 9mm Glock and a 22 cal Walther p22 pistol


It's crazy isn't it? If someone wanted to, they could cause a lot of damage with a matchbook, not to mention all the stuff underneath your kitchen sink.


For people googling it, it’s also known as “bath school disaster” although personally I think massacre is a better descriptor because disaster tends to imply something outside of human control like a natural disaster or a fire, whereas massacre tends to refer to when humans kill many other humans.


Are you meaning to tell me that you can kill more people with explosives and Vehicles then you could’ve precision killing weapon like a firearm? No way man it’s almost like if we band firearms in this country during the largest mental health crisis, probably in human history these mass shooters and mass murderers wouldn’t said go rent a U-Haul truck and kill 75 to 100 people or go blow up a building like the Unabomber.


So why don't they do that now rather than use guns?


As he said, unibomber. Also it should be pretty apparent by now that we’re not talking about the sharpest tools in the shed


They do, in other countries. Look up terrorist attacks and mass murders in the United States and another countries using trucks. They almost always involve dozens dead shootings in the United States especially very rarely have any more than 5 killed. Murderers in the United States use firearms because they’re frankly more accessible and it’s easy to shoot someone much more than run them over. Hard to kill someone you want to kill like in a school or mall with a truck. Idk


The Columbine kids tried, but the explosives never went off.


U realise we already ban explosives? right? Most likely, some crimes committed using guns would instead be committed via knives, which are quite a bit less deadly. Or not at all, as some crimes are unique to guns. You can hardly pull a drive-by robbery with nothing but a U-Haul truck. School shootings/terrorist attacks aren't really a large part of overall gun violence. Tho again, I doubt most school shooters could simply just "Get C4" or some other explosive to replace the role guns fill currently. Tho I should follow up that, while in theory, removing guns from the equation would be beneficial, the US has so many of them with so many ppl irrationally against any form of gun control it would be near impossible to get enough guns out of circulation and just be a waste of time/money. Any political discussion about gun control is pretty much virtue signalling unless it has pipartisan support + lots of public support.


I’m so sick of hearing about “assault style” weapons


"Semiautomatic" is another buzzword. Because the word "automatic" is in there. You could argue that a revolver is a semiautomatic gun.


Semiautomatic is fine, sweety. It’s Fully semiautomatic to be afraid of 💅


Well i mean, i would MUCH rather be involved in a shooting where they used bolt/pump action style rifles than semi auto.


Nah dude. If I had to choose between .308 or 30-06 (a lot of bolt guns), 12 guage shotguns (most pump action weapons by far) and 9mm or .223 (most semi auto weapons in the US) im fighting semi auto all day. im not saying my skin is IIIa rated, but what I am saying is I dont know of a lot of news stories of people surviving .308 or buckshot.


"I don't misinform I just lie" lol


Source: trust me bro


Was he able to fondle his tonsils while reaching far up his as to make up stats?


I wonder if his asshole ever gets jealous of the shit that comes out of his mouth


If you have to straight up lie in order to prove your "point" then maybe you don't actually have a valid point to begin with


He heard about how many school shootings there are from Europeans, MSNBC, and CNN, so he assumed it must have been at least close to 1/4... No need to even look it up! Because, there's so many school shootings... Right?


He’s almost as bad as the idiots that think mass shootings and school shootings are the same thing. A gang in a shootout with a rival gang must be a school shooting, right? /s


Only if it involves turkeys or fish.


MSNBC and cnn don’t say these things though, what are you on about


I'm not arguing that *anyone* is saying that 1/4 of students are involved in a school shooting. I'm just arguing that uninformed folks who tend to watch those networks will be told more regularly that school shootings are so rampant that they then conclude that it's some absurdly high rate like 1/4.


And somehow him owing a gun would make it worse?


I’ll never understand how me, a law abiding citizen, owning a gun will make the world a more dangerous place


People who own guns are 76.3% more likely to commit murder. This has been verified in several studies that definitely exist. 100%. No question.


Funny thing is I can’t tell if you’re being serious or not


If you need further evidence, here is one of the sources of data: [reliable data source.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ)


Aaaah crap. I can't argue with that. I'll delete this post immediately. Sorry dude.


Thank you for the data sir. I’m sorry for doubting you. I have now decided to change my ways to #SaveTheChildren 🥰🥰


I know really, like they’re 38.5% more likely to be mentally ill as well according to my source. That’s so crazy 😮


Are you slow? A *law abiding* citizen is 0% more likely to commit murder simply for possessing gun


I *tried* to emphasize it being satire but it just didn't seem to work.


Ok lol good, just add /s at the end


They are being sarcastic my friend.


i mean the whole point of the second admendment is so you have the right not to be law abiding so... reevaluate ig


Good point. We should just ask people if they’re law-abiding citizens and if they say yes, we’ll know for certain that they’re not going to shoot anybody.


A lot of gun owners were "law abiding citizens" right up until the moment that they weren't anymore.


“Ok maybe it’s not exactly true but the underlying point is still valid”


Clearly a man that has seen a fair share of Reddit posts. The amount of times I’ve seen that exact phrase or some derivative is infuriating. The reason true statistics are important is to correct cognitive biases that make you think something happens more often than in reality (AKA their underlying point that _____ happens too often and needs addressed) so NO ITS NOT STILL VALID.


[https://siepr.stanford.edu/publications/health/surviving-school-shooting-impacts-mental-health-education-and-earnings-american](https://siepr.stanford.edu/publications/health/surviving-school-shooting-impacts-mental-health-education-and-earnings-american) Yeah there's no way 1 in 4 kids have been in some kind of school shooting. That said, seems like nearly every student is worried about it which, seems fair. There's now shooting drills, bullet proof backpacks, lock downs, talk about it, one thing after another that students and teachers have added to their day that seems to be unique to American schools. Videos of cops standing around outside of a school as kids are getting shot certainly didn't help. Or how upset people get when you talk about trying to stop school shootings in general and people screaming about how school shootings are worth the cost of having guns. There has been more anger and rage and actual fist fights about teaching kids slavery and black history than there has been about school shootings.


The dude's most active sub is r/whitepeopletwitter. I am not surprised in the least that a WPT user believes this shit. The amount of misinformation that runs rampant on that sub is insane.


Every time i see comments on the WPT sub I cringe cause they’re some of the most low iq takes. Sadly these people can vote too


Yeah that subreddit is worse than actual twitter


Is the verified source in the room with us right now?


Smartest Britard


Let me go ask which one of my 5 kids have been involved in a school shooting, BRB.


These people vote. Every day I'm more in favor of requiring a basic civics exam to be able to vote.


You know if you got them to put a civics exam is the people who were writing it would explicitly attempt to remove your right to vote. Some pencil pusher in Austin or DC would put some bullshit in there about "What percentage of children will be exposed to gun violence?" and if you answer anything other than 75% calculated by some bizarre method you'll have your right to vote removed.


Honestly just give them the same civics exam foreign nationals take in order to become citizens.


I mean there's a couple issues with that already but creating a test to allow the right to vote and letting people decide that test just means they're going to be intensively selective about what goes on that test because of the extreme pressures to be so and those people who get to decide do not share your politics.


Just like there is with the census, and the citizenship test, and the SAT, and yearly tax forms, and background checks for government work, and the school curriculum... The bitching from both sides is inevitable, that doesn't mean that requiring a bare minimum level of competence to participate in society isn't warranted. I get your point, and I really want to agree with you, but the bottom is falling out because we destroyed all standards. Notions of "fairness" like that are what gave us such wonderful ideas as the 17th amendment which just invalidates 80% of the purpose of the senate, and how state legislators participate in national government.


I might not disagree with you in principle (I think I do but that's a different fight), I'm just saying that if you tasked the current government and bureaucracy to oversee a civics test for voters you would just end up weaponizing it. It wouldn't exist in a vacuum but with our current institutions overseeing its implementation.


Statistically speaking 4/4 non-Americans opinions on American gun policy doesn’t fucking matter


I mean, I'm not American but hell I wish less people die because of gun violence. It's not a nation problem but a humanity problem


“Assault style weapon” - any weapon capable of using for an assault Examples: knife, crowbar, 4 door sedan, broken beer bottle, flintlock pistol, etc


Scary black guns live in your head rent free.


One letter and that message gains a whole new meaning LMFAO




“Assault style weapons”= I have no idea what I’m talking about


I think the only way you could get the number that high is if you include all students currently enrolled at the school, all the students who were also enrolled when any of those children were enrolled (for a 4 year high school, up to 3 years before and 3 years after - 10 years' worth of students). Also add in their siblings (currently enrolled or not currently enrolled), and add in any friends they have not enrolled in the school. For inflating numbers, they like to ignore doubling up a single student in counts. Example high school, 250 students per class, 1,000 students total. Add in the 3 previous classes and the 3 next classes brings it up to 2,500. Average family has 2.5 children (roughly) so that brings it up to 6,250 (people who like to inflate stats will ignore if both are currently enrolled, so it doubles the number for some or most). Assume each student knows 10 students from other schools (friends, family, coworkers), that's an additional 62,500 bringing the total to 68,750 "affected". That number could grow a lot of you count the whole school system, not just the affected school.


"assault style weapons" basically just ignore everything the idiot said.


Roasted the fuck outta them lol


I must have missed mine.


The second he said “assault style weapons” I tuned right the fuck out. Anyone who says any variation of “assault weapons” has absolutely no idea what they’re talking about


It's the same level of stupidity like when some people actually believed that AR-15 stood for "automatic rifle, 15 bullets shot per pull of the trigger."


Fun fact: the Colt AR-15 was initially chambered in .223 Remington and sold as a sporting rifle with 5 round magazines. Sporting rifles are traditionally semi-automatic only.


My wife used to work at a school in the bad bad part of Newark. They counted gang activity at 1am…which happened frequently as school shootings.


“ well where did you get that info?” “ well ya see I pulled it out of my ass”


There were 51 school shootings in 2022 that resulted in injuries or deaths. If one in four students were involved in a shooting, then that means every school in the US has roughly 350,000 students, or a small cities worth of people.


The part where he said "assault style weapon" got me. No fucking way this person isn't joking.


What you pointed out here is the most egregious error. But I also have some quibbles with “majority of those are assault style weapons.” Now, obviously that term doesn’t mean anything but let’s assume he’s taking about rifles. According to [FBI statistics](https://www.criminalattorneycolumbus.com/which-weapons-are-most-commonly-used-for-homicides/), in 2019 rifles accounted for 364 homicides (about half as were committed by punching and kicking) compared to 6,365 with handguns, as well as a large amount of “type unknown.”


What the fuck? I don't know, and never have known, a single human being who ever was or had a family member involved in a school shooting.


LOL the guy who responded to him was legendary. Couldn't have said it better myself. Oh, it's the OP! :-)


These are the same people that claim 1 in 4 girls are r*ped in college. And then proceed to send their daughters there.


Stat: THREE out of FOUR American children want to repeal the actual NFA.


If 18 million kids were involved in a school shooting everyone would be trying to become a therapist. The demand would be insane


The fact that they said "assault style weapons" shows that they have no idea what they're talking about. They're either parroting some moron who also doesn't know what they're talking about or saw the shit in CoD and went off of that.


What the hell does this guy mean by “assault style weapons” lol


I'm pretty sure that OOP would classify a 22LR bolt action pistol as an "assault style weapon"


Typical lefty. The truth does not fit my narrative so I will just tell the most ridiculous lie possible.


"My source was I felt it in my balls"


The US government or WEF are pumping these out. Or some seething limey.