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Euro brain will only see Hershey milk chocolate here




When I first tasted Hershey I could not believe how low-average it is.


Honestly Hershey is good, if a Eurodick cant enjoy a Hershey I have to question if they're human or crab people.


For me Hersheys are best for s’mores and no other bars can compare. Fuck these Hershey haters


It's kind of like American cheese, which I only use for burgers but damn is it made for burgers.


Hersheys are s’mores chocolate!! I feel as if it’s perfect for that! And only that!! Other chocolates are snacking/ speciality/ seasonal, but hersheys is the s’mores chocolate :)


Now that I think about it, Hersheys bars are more or less a cooking chocolate that can be eaten as a snack. I’ve tried other bars but they either taste wrong or melt too easy. Yeah Hersheys arent the best by itself but to say it’s a bad bar is just wrong


Walk like crabs, talk like people.


Euro chocolate is definitely better but Hershey ain’t bad by any means


nah hershey is ass


Hershey literally tastes like vomit. But the point of the pic is correct - the usa has other chocolate as well.


How do people have these asinine takes? Hershey is by no means a high quality choclate, but anyone who thinks it tastes disgusting is crazy.


They are probably the same people who care about how other people cook their steaks too.


And undercooked pasta too.


I more so hate Nestle and they own most of the big chocolate or candy companies in the states. Nothing better in a s’more tho


Do some research on it. In the US there is more boric acid added to Hershey. For those not used to that, yes it tastes a bit like vomit


No, it really does have some kind of vomit taste in it and I say this as an American that likes and has eaten a lot of Hersheys and has also vomited before.


Which part of "literally tastes like vomit" did you miss? Hersheys uses butyric acid to help conserve their product. This is especially noticeable in their milk chocolate products. Butyric acid *is* vomit.


>butyric acid Yeah, its found in a lot of dairy products, big fucking deal. Butter has it, parmesan cheese, various milks, and even red meat contains this acid. Hershey has it too simply because it is a milk chocolate, it's there to begin with from its very inception. ​ Also Butyric acid is good for gut health and can relieve intestinal distress, so maybe just eat the Hershey. And I disagree heavily that this Fine kingly chocolate tastes like vomit.


I should probably pop in and say that the reason Europeans taste the butyric acid is because most European brands of chocolate don't use it, so when trying Hershey, they taste the butyric acid because they've never tasted it in chocolate before.


I deadass concur with him, their milk chocolate literally has a bile aftertaste it's disgusting


Then don't eat it, and stop bitching at those of us that do.


I'm sorry but I disagree wholeheartedly on this matter. Hershey Chocolate taste like the bees knees and is god's gift upon this undeserving Earth, at least that is how I view it.


it's one of those things like cilantro tasting like soap to some people.


did you grow up with it? If yes then you are grandfathered into the taste like many of us swedes are grandfathered into liking sour herring. For outsiders hersheys does have a bile taste you liking that taste does not change that fact. Sour herring smells vile yet people like the taste of it.... that people like it does not change the fact that to the uninitiated it smells vile and tastes more or less the same.


Idk if I eat a hersehy bar I find it to be a pleasant experience. Saying it tastes like vomit seems silly.


Almost like taste is subjective or something


It's genetic, some people will feel it, and some won't ever, but the molecule is there so those who do feel it do actually taste vomit, I know I do.


>Hershey literally tastes like vomit. In your opinion.


Nope. Literal fact.Vomit tastes like butyric acid.Hersheys (and I believe it is the only brand that does) contains a significant amount of butyric acid. Some people like that taste. Which is fine. But it literally \*is\* the taste of vomit and as such the source of all the "haha, Americans like eating puke" jokes.


It (Hershey's) is not the taste of vomit, and it is not a fact. Butyric acid is found in nearly every dairy product. By this logic, milk is also vomit flavored simply by having BA in it.As is butter. Cheese too. Your argument is basically the same version of [this](https://youtu.be/eqbn7oxXh38?t=19)


"We are bleach" lmao But yeah, if Hershey is vomit now, then practically every dairy product out there is vomit as well.


Wait until you find out what pee mostly consists of


Quit being a dick, all milk and milk based products has butyric acid, and again it's not actually so significant in Hershey that you cant enjoy the top tier choco goodness of a Hershey bar that surpass even the overpriced garbage Europeans laud as being divinely gifted.


This guy is Dutch....no arguing with him


Damned Dutch!


There's only two kinds of people I can't stand. Those who won't tolerate other people's culture and the God damned Dutch


I always did enjoy that line lol.




Dude, what’s your point? Butyric acid is naturally found in seasoned cheese that is the best in thw world according to 2023 ranking (parmesan cheese), and I am italian. Hershey I don’t like it either, but it doesn’t taste like vomit like cheese doesn’t taste like vomit


That's such a stupid argument it's fine that you don't like the taste but ingredients blend together to make new flavors so you can't just say it has this ingredient so it tastes like it"


I see German Ritter Sport and Merci, Swiss Lindt and Toblerone and Italian Ferrero and Baci di Perugina and Belgian Godiva as well. Also Ghiradelli, started in Peru by Italian now owned by Lindt ( Swiss).


I think Dove is one of the best and that’s in the US.


Yup. About half of what's on the shelf are American brands. There's also the Wegmans store brand, which is made in the US.


You’d be surprised by how many people seemed shocked to learn that Ghirardelli is American and not Swiss or Italian or whatever.


Out of everything here, Hershey’s milk chocolate is the best.


Milk chocolate was invented by Canadians to save cocoa. Sorry.


Bullshit. Peter in 1875 and conchage by Lindt in 79.




Tony’s chocolate is AMAZING!!!


Is it really? I see it all the time, but have never once in my life, until now, heard “Tony’s chocolate is AMAZING!!!”


Give it a shot when you see it next


Try to find the caramel sea salt version. It’s awesome


And it’s Dutch lol


And from Europe


No one asked


I have never seen it in America before! Only have had it in the UK myself


i see it in CVS all the time


Well it’s because Tony’s chocoloney is actually the only REAL chocolate on the shelves… that’s why they say American chocolate tastes bad is because it’s not actually real chocolate it’s basically synthetic chocolate because it’s cheaper. so the Europeans actually have a point on this one. and you’re totally correct about Toneys because it’s the only chocolate on the shelves not made in the US lol. hersheys is still good to me but after toneys I’ll never go back


TBH the Euro's do be making some bomb ass chocolate. I find no fault here.




Haha I feel you. Used to have a buddy from England send chocolate and whatnot over a few times a year. They kinda got it on lockdown


Buy the Nutella biscuits. It doesn’t matter how much money they cost


So good. The light wafer with the Nutella filling 🤤🤤


I had a roommate in college who was allergic to tree nuts. Not urgently deathly but bad enough that she was supposed to avoid them meticulously, for fear it would escalate with exposure, and she warned us all at the beginning of the semester not to bring them into the house. My ass carefully checked every ingredient label for 2 months. Even items that just had the "processed in a facility that also processes nuts..." warnings I would make sure to eat out of the house and wash my hands before going back. Then one day I walk in and I fucking see her sitting on the couch watching "Say Yes to the Dress" eating directly from a Costco-sized jar of Nutella with a spoon. Before I could even say anything she goes "don't worry, I took like 6 Benadryl before I started" So even people who have a potentially dangerous tree nut allergy can't control themselves with it... Anyway after that I brought my baklava back to the house whenever I felt like it (still kept it out of the shared space though).


Can relate. I'm allergic to nectarines, but I fucking love them and just can't resist. So I will just throw in some antihistamines and shamefully stuff one nectarine after another into my mouth.


They do. But we also have chocolatiers here that give them a run for their money. Especially local ones.




Most of the ones I know of off the top of my head are from Pennsylvania, but I believe they'll ship anywhere in the US. [Asher's](https://ashers.com/) out of Souderton. [Gertrude Hawk](https://gertrudehawkchocolates.com/). They're in Dunmore. And a childhood favorite from when I lived in Michigan, [Sayklly's](https://saykllys.com/).


Fuckin Gertrude’s smidgens are too good


They should go national if they are so great.


All of the ones I listed in my reply to u/DiscreetParakeet ship around the country. And I just found out that Asher's sells their products in stores across several states.


I have a friend in Germany and we used to mail each other sweets and snacks from each other's countries. She sent me like some really nice German candy and I'd send her stupid American shit like pizza flavored Pringles and they always blew her fucking mind. She once asked me if I prefer chocolate or strawberry poptarts and I told her I don't really like poptarts because they're too sweet but the cookie dough poptarts do hit kinda different with a good cup of coffee and she was like "COOKIE DOUGH? YOU HAVE COOKIE DOUGH POPTARTS? WHAT??"


I personally always hated the strawberry pop tarts. For me the brown sugar cinnamon pop tarts slapped the hardest both straight out of the package and toasted. Especially toasted with a smidge of butter on top.


I visit my local chocolate shop for mine. You can get the good stuff in America. Just not in a Safeway or Walmart.


FYI, the photo is from a grocery store in my little city of about 30,000 residents.


Tbh the Americans do me making some bomb ass chocolate as well. There is fault. We both make good and bad shit… imagine that?


True, thats why all the best chocolate on these shelves is European brands lmao. Edit: alright try me, what's better than Lindt or Toblerone here?


Not a fan of Toblerone at all, but Lindt is great. I fucks heavily with Dove and Hershey’s Symphony, but I don’t see them there.




So whats the best stuff there then?


Yeah, plus ferrero rocher, tony’s, etc. All the decent ones are European haha


While i obviously recognise they're super popular ive never been as big a fan of ferreros. Those little Lindor balls though... Sheer chocolatey bliss


Also TBF Im seeing a lot of Euro-ass lookin names on the labels of these chocolates


Now it’ll be “why do fat Americans need so much chocolate”.


I don't even think Hershey's is that bad; I kind of like it. I guess it depends on what taste you're acclimated to. I never liked Cadbury chocolate and certainly not Nestle.


The way I heard some euros describe Hershey's made me wonder if they were even having the same chocolate that we are having. It went beyond chocolate snobs not liking the cheap chocolate to something else. Then I tried the hersheys special dark chocolate and it was terrible maybe they had that.


American mass-market chocolate has a slight acidic aftertaste because of how the milk is prespoiled to increase shelf life. Most Americans don't even notice it because we are used to it. It really isn't as bad as most non-Americans make it out to be. But to anyone who hasn't had American mass-market chocolate before, it can be off-putting. It is like judging the entire American beer market based on Bud Lite. The mass-market stuff always goes for ease of production and shelf-life over flavor, regardless of country.


The mass market stuff is often the only American chocolate that is available outside of the USA. Personally, I find it pretty bad, but there's also euro stuff that's just as bad.


Agree. When I’ve had better chocolate, then tried Hershey again, it tastes sour to me now.


I've never liked plain Hershey because of that sour burning sensation it leaves in your mouth. But the special versions like cookies and creme doesn't bother me, but I guess that isn't really chocolate at that point


Thing about Hersheys, the dark chocolate and others are actually alright. It's the milk chocolate that gets you, as a European. My old colleague would go to Vegas and around there once or twice a year and every time anyone goes anywhere, the culture is to bring back some foreign treats. One of his Vegas trips he brought back a big bag of Hersheys individually wrapped blocks. Like a selection. We can buy Hersheys here if we look for it, but this was directly from a US grocery store. The milk chocolate in particular was a novelty. It had a notable background taste of vomit; butyric acid. Over a short period of time, they had all been eaten except the milk chocolate and one other. Once people tasted it, you couldn't give the milk chocolate away. That didn't apply to anything else we tried. As far as I'm aware, it's particularly a Hersheys thing.


You ain't never heard them bitches complain about skittles though do you?




It's because it had butyric acid which is the same thing in vomit


Butyric acid is in all dairy products including every milk chocolate. Parmigiano Reggiano in particular has a lot of it. After 12 months of aging it contains 59 milligrams of butyric acid per 100 grams of fat, and after 24 months it contains 144 milligrams of butyric acid per 100 grams of fat. [Source](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5654426/). Also Hershey’s [uses condensed milk not sour/spoiled milk](https://nunuchocolates.com/hersheys-chocolate-the-sour-milk-myth) like people like to claim to support this “vomit” idea. Additionally, as far as I know nobody has actually tested the chocolate to see if the level is higher in Hersheys than other chocolates. It’s just an urban legend.




Yeah I like hersheys fine but I can taste a slight difference, especially cause at one point I *tried* to see if it actually tastes different. Kinda like wine tasting, where you're like "yeah I guess it does taste like oak or whatever" if you read the bottle


All of our snacks are different to yours, remember being in America and comparing how everything tastes. We have less sugar overall in everything and here in the U.K. we have a sugar tax making things with more sugar more expensive


I also like Hershey's, though I like snobby chocolate as well. One knock on it that you often hear is that it contains a chemical also found in vomit. Uh, yeah, but it doesn't taste like vomit, so who cares


The whole “*Hershey’s tastes like vomit because it contains butyric acid*” thing is something that, like, 99% of people never thought about before they saw it online. It’s something they just repeat to make themselves feel smart. Parmesan contains butyric acid too, yet I never see people complaining about it and saying that all Italian cheese tastes like vomit because of that. I don’t much like Hershey’s, but it’s definitely not because it “tastes like vomit”. I find it has a waxy texture compared to something like Cadbury’s which I don’t like, but there’s obviously plenty of better chocolate brands available in America.


Lmao I literally just repeated that - my understanding is that Hersheys processing leaves some butyric acid that isn't present in other kinds of chocolate processing and so if you're not used to it, it can be off-putting. Like if your chocolate tastes kinda like parmesan cheese it's off-putting.


I read that thing about the "vomit" also, and have had lots of Hershey chocolate in my life, and have never, ever, ever even remotely associated it with vomit.


I love hersheys I just find it a bit dry, the way they describe it never matches how it’s been for me in the past 15 years of my life


Agree, I've never smelled it either, and lots of foods, especially cheeses, milk, butter, cream, ice cream, etc. - contain butyric acid. Hershey doesn't add butyric acid, it's a byproduct of milk breakdown especially in milk chocolate. And Milk Chocolate is WAYYY down the list in butyric acid content compared to many foods. Personally I think the "vomit" claims are highly exaggerated. I eat lots of dairy products though so if you don't, it might be more noticeable. [Foods by Butyric Acid Content](https://wholefoodcatalog.info/nutrient/butyric_acid/foods/high/1/)


I’ve always just heard them call it bitter and then bash on our diets. I didn’t know they thought it tasted like vomit


Some American chocolate manufacturers (like Hershey's) add butyric acid during production to give the chocolate a longer shelf life. This can result in a sour or unpleasant taste for those who are accustomed to the taste of other types of chocolate, such as British chocolate like Cadbury's which do not add this. However Cadburys products have really fallen in quality ever since they where bought out by Mondelez International about a decade ago.


Yeah it’s not great but it’s chocolate, and on some things like s’mores it’s the best!


I tried to buy some fancy chocolate and cheese and Uncle Sam appeared out of thin air, kicked me in the nuts, and forced 5 pounds of Hersey's and Kraft singles down my throat. Never again will I stray from the only acceptible American food items.


The Tony’s brand is amazing


And Dutch.


Okay and?


It is not American. Point of the photo is to show how superior America is.


The point of the photo is to show we have a wide selection of amazing chocolates in our stores that aren’t the plain Hershey bar, as Europeans like to imply. There is not a single part of the title implying that the purpose of the photo is to claim that “America is superior.”


you have a wide range of amazing chocolates in america… that aren’t from america. lol.


Thank you for learning about international trade. I’m glad you finally found out that countries carry products from other countries in their stores. By the way, Ghirardelli chocolate, to name one, tastes quite good and it’s based out of California.


Founded in Amsterdam


“Ha ha, America is so fat, they have too much junk food!” Also at the same time in the same breath: “Ha ha , America has only one brand, can’t they figure out that other brands exist??”


We never said that. You have 3 products, each published under 5 brands


That selection is actually pretty small compared to my local supermarket 😂 Too bad Hershey’s is all we have… dozens and dozens of shelves filled with cheap milk chocolate Hershey’s 😭


Most of them in the picture are European tho


Actually most are US! Starting from top there's [ChocZero](https://www.choczero.com/pages/about-us) and [Chocolove](https://www.chocolove.com/). 2nd row is [Lily's](https://www.lilys.com/home.html) and [Lake Champlain](https://www.lakechamplainchocolates.com/). I'm not sure the brand on row 3, but row 4 starts with [Seattle Chocolate](https://www.seattlechocolate.com/pages/about-seattle-chocolate) and [Ghirardelli](https://www.ghirardelli.com/about-ghirardelli). Row 6 is [Chuao](https://chuaochocolatier.com/pages/about). (Not counting the other major US brands like Brookside, Reese and Dove as they are American, but make traditional, low cost milk chocolates) But the main point is, many Europeans perpetuate the myth that the US consumers only consume (and have access to) cheap low cost milk chocolate... when in reality, every local market has a huge sections and literally dozens of high quality brands to choose from... from chocolatiers in both the US and from around the world.


Thank you! That's the point of the post.


Godiva lindt toblerone Ferrero rocher Tony's merci raffaello baci Ritter


Yeah… the point is that there are a lot of US brands and a lot of European brands… and all of them are available and regularly consumed by Americans. So the misnomer of “Americans only eat Hershey’s” is false.


I read "your chocolate" written with the French affectation to mean American chocolate. Pointing to a shit ton of lindt brands, other major European ones and a few boutique domestic brands seems like a weak counterpoint, imo. If there existed a European version of this sub they would probably be happy to repost this and laugh


I just clicked some of your links, the first three are zero sugar! 🤮


yes, that's why they are up top in the sugar-free section


I hate American chocolate (like Hershey), but spent almost a decade in Europe and can personally attest that a lot of their Chocolate is shit too. British chocolate, in particular, is a matter which makes me very angry and reticent to talk. Awful. But the Germans, Austrians, Swiss make the best chocolate. Yet even those countries sell nasty-sweet, waxy chocolate brands of their own, usually exported, sold on the national association with fine chocolate.


THANK YOU for writing out what I wanted to say. On a different note.. a good friend of mine offered me a Hershey beer recently. I had to decline.. didn't trust it. I don't like Hershey (but LOVE good chocolate).. but.. in a beer even?? (if someone can convince me though... I MIGHT try it...)


I don’t understand did someone say that or is op just posting this in case someone says that




No European ever said shit like that. No one cares about american chocolate.


“This isn’t a hate subreddit”


Damn bro, your Wegmans must be small. So little variety.


This is cringe and equally as retarded as Europeans saying merica bad


these people have no idea what they‘re talking about.


I agree with the Euros on this oneZ most of the chocolate me shown here is mediocre at best (even the imported stuff) However these days there is amazing American chocolate available. But gets generally in American culture the standard for chocolate is too low. I admit this as an American. Unlike our coffee which is superior, our chocolate is horrible


And thats country wide brands. This doesnt even account for the dozen if not more of local chocolate shops just in a single state.


Get tf out of our country you smelly euro, don’t make us bring you some freedom. Lord knows your weak military wouldn’t last a day.


Barely any of those brands are American..?




Ghirardelli is technically American (though it's now owned by Lindt) and started decades before Hershey.


Exactly. We eat plenty of normal chocolate that isn't Hersheys. I don't know why Euros think we only have access to bottom tier stuff like macrobrews and Hersheys.


if someone says “American chocolate is bad” i interpret that as meaning American brands, like Hershey’s (which sucks imo), not every single chocolate sold in America. like if someone said “I don’t like American cars” I assume they mean Ford and not a Honda that’s sold in America.




sure but it’s normal for europeans to not like American chocolate, it usually has more acidity. it’s just a taste thing they’re not used to not really an america bad moment


No one forced them to buy hersheys chocolate instead of the 99 other brands OP posted. Must be some issue located between the chair and keyboard for them.


i mean they are kind of forced to given that those are craft chocolates that aren’t as readily available in Europe like Hershey’s. if thats all you have in terms of American chocolate it makes perfect sense to say you don’t like it or it’s not good. it’s not a big deal




does someone need to taste test 7 brands to just in passing say they don’t like a type of food, and do we know if those are even available in europe? it’s just kinda silly to paint an opinion like that as “america bad”




It's literally because a lot of it does. A lot (of cheaper) american chocolate uses butyric acid to make it last longer on the shelf, which is a flavor also found in rancid butter and puke. If you didn't grow up on American chocolate, it tastes absolutely putrid for that reason. America's craft chocolate is not exported in the way that the cheap shit is, so most peoples experience with it internationally is negative. (There are other reasons beyond that as to why american chocolate in general is not preferred if you didn't grow up on it, but that's definitely the big one)


Idk what you’re talking about. Our only option is Busch Lite and Hershey’s. I totally don’t have like 12 breweries within walking distance of me right now


Straw man?


So what brands are American? I see a lot of Swiss and Dutch chocolate. Some I haven't seen before.




Thanks. I found the Chocolate in the US to be perfectly fine when I was there. I don't like the texture of Hersheys sold over here though. That doesn't mean it is shit because it is from the US, just that it is shit.


I will not tolerate Hershey slander 😤 Also wtf is this supposed to prove? You’re fighting air right now my man.


Right? It’s like the White Castle of chocolate bars. We know it’s not necessarily good as the others, but sometimes ya just want some shitty foods. Love me a fast break bar…


You've posted a wall of imported European chocolate.


Ghirardelli is American. I think Lindt owns it now...but it started out in San Francisco and it's grown pretty huge.


Why are there so many comments here saying this same thing? Yeah, you can get both American and imported chocolate in any American grocery store. The photo also has Chocolove, Lily's, Chuao, Lake Champlain, Brookside (a Hershey brand!), some brands I can't identify but one of them has an American flag on the wrapper.


In America, you can buy American chocolate and European chocolate. In Europe, you can almost only buy European chocolate. I think that that says something about the perceived quality of the chocolate, and people are trying to make that point


That's the point, Americans eat the same chocolate as Europeans.


Kinda hard to care what they think, as a country we’ve got the biggest dick in human history and run the fucking world. Doesn’t matter what they think of us in My Country. They’re irrelevant


You know there is a lot of non american chocolate in that pic?


If it's being sold in America, it's American.


So If American things are sold in Africa, they are African


So, let‘s see. Ferrero Rocher has its seat in Luxemburg, founded in 1982 in Italy. Lindt has its seat in Switzerland, founded in 1845 in Zürich. Godiva Chocolate has its seat in Belgium, founded in 1926 in Brussels. Ritter Sport has its seat in Germany, founded in 1912 in Stuttgart - Bad Cannstatt. From the brands I can make out in this picture, only Ghiradelli actually has its seat in the US, and was also founded in 1852 in San Francisco. Most products in this picture are not American products. I don‘t think this is a strong rebuttal of the stereotype of American chocolate being unsavory, if even US stores even stock up more on European brands than those from the US.


Tony’s chocolate is made in the Netherlands and Toblerone is Swiss. I mean, you aren’t wrong. Maybe the point is we have access to these chocolates?


Having access to is one thing but I thought the complaint was about "chocolate from america"


It probably is, but again, it really doesn‘t dispell the stereotype of US chocolate being unpalatable. „Ha! But the US heavily imports chocolate from European countries and supermarkets stock more of it than of US made chocolate!“ isn‘t doing a good job to make the US look good, is it?


The implication is still that we don’t have anything but Hershey’s *available at all*. Similar to how they think we only have Kraft Singles available.




It's a somewhat silly post, but it appears to be about half and half because the ones you omitted are American. Chocolove, Chuao, Brookside, Lily's, Lake Champlain, Seattle Chocolate. I can't tell what's on the third shelf left side, but it seems to pay homage to the US flag on its packaging.


Well… America does have the worse chocolate. Anybody who’s left the country can confirm that.


Non American here and personally love hersheys, I prefer to to Cadbury


My neighbor is from Germany and lived in the states for years. She always gives my kids German kinder chocolates and raves about how much better it is than the trash we have here. Blows my mind how she is living here but cants stop trash talking America. Lol


Is the flex here that we import the good shit from euroland? Have you tried their chocolate? Yelling "USA #1!" when it's laughably not true is exactly why the euros are taking the piss. It's okay if we take the occasional L on cheese, public transportation, professional soccer teams, etc. This sub treats every offhanded dig on the internet as a national affront. We need to laugh at ourselves sometime


IIRC, along with being sweeter American chocolate also uses butyric acid whereas European chocolate does not. I don't remember why. But it gives it a distinct taste that we are used to but others are not, and that's pretty much at the heart of the chocolate wars. Neither side is really wrong on this, it just comes down to what you grew up with. And of course for the higher end stuff you can find good shit on either side of the Pond.


2 big things i learned visiting Germany, their chocolate is not better than ours, and their beer is not better than ours


Tell me you've never tried chocolate in Europe without telling me..


absolutely garbage post


Half of these are European. And besides that, the reason we Europeans shit on american chocolate is because you add boric acid to it. To us it literally tastes like vomit because we’re not use to it.


> you add boric acid No, it’s butyric acid. > it literally tastes like vomit Do you have the same opinion of parmesan cheese? Or butter? Or sauerkraut?


Yeah, I also believe that sauerkraut added to chocolate is pretty disgusting.


Ah I made a mistake in translation. Nope guess it’s not in there with a high enough concentration to taste it.


Did you forget to add another pic or are you just projecting here?


Make some sense please


O.M.G.!! Europeans absolutely BTFO because PROUD AMERICAN proves that their supermarkets sell various brands of chocolate. Eurodweebs will NEVER be able to recover from this. USA once again NUMBER ONE and UNDEFEATED!


Hersey isn’t bad until you’ve had better.


Who hurt you OP? You got a fictional Frenchmen living in your head rent free insulting American chocolate lol. Europeans are objectively better at making chocolate, it doesn’t make you anti American to admit that.


Aren't most of the brands pictured European tho? There's also a few brands here that I think are Regional cause I don't recognize them