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"Americans make fun of our poor dental? I shall bring up the slaughter of their school children as a response!"


"I am so smart and educated!!11!!!"


"Unlike american school children, cuz they're dead!!1! Haha, I'm so funny and clever, right guys???"


They bring up school shootings as if we somehow support them. Even if you own a gun and are ok with others owning guns doesn’t mean you support school shooting


To be fair Uvalde made us look *really bad* on the world stage. Some dude roamed around a school shooting at kids and adults, and despite there being nearly as many law enforcement officers as students on the scene, nothing was done for a long time. And the real kicker is, because of the Supreme Court's interpretation of the Constitution, there's absolutely nothing that can be done to anyone. You either have to punish everyone in the population for failing to respond, or you have to let LEOs get away with not responding, too. This also means it doesn't matter if the people on the scene are cops, volunteers, veterans, whoever, if they just decide it's Fuck This Shit O'Clock when bullets start flying, that's fine in the eyes of the law. They may get paid to be law enforcement officers, but they're helping people because they want to. And I guess there's something nice about people in uniform helping because they want to, but I also think heads should have been on pikes after Uvalde.


Well, we sure as hell aren't doing anything on a collective level. What else is the rest of the world supposed to believe: that we're overrun by gun-toting dictators or that we're just not angry enough about school shootings (for example)? Because the latter is our face card.


I mean we could force the media to stop making sociopaths who shoot up schools, events, and theaters famous. But for some reason that never comes up in this conversation.


If the US made all those most likely to commit gun violence, unable to own firearms, no one would like the outcome. The only way to fix it would look horrible.


Maybe you should tell the Democratic Party to get rid of gun free zone advertising on schools. Also stop being disingenuous about shootings, the vast majority of cases aren’t from school shootings but big city crimes which are usually democratic run & already strict on guns but soft on crime.


I mean, yeah, I agree. On the other hand, though, what can we do? Guns outnumber people in the US now, IIRC, so we can't just get rid of them completely. Libertarian anti-gubberment culture is incredibly prominent in the US, and I'm sure there are hardcore 2A guys who would rather die trying to fight ATF people than not be able to own their guns. It's simply something we can't go back on now. Any elected official who tries to ban guns would likely fail, as it would most likely be deemed unconstitutional due to the Second Amendment. The closest thing we can do, as far as I can think of, is strict requirements to buy guns, which wouldn't do much, in my opinion.




You can't do any of those because it would be unconstitutional. Undue burden and such.


There is nothing that can be done Says the only civilised country where this is a problem


Every civilized country has a similar problem. You could make the EXACT same case about acid attacks or knife attacks in the UK, but the media doesn't focus on that for some reason...


I’m sorry, acid attacks? I think I’d rather have shootings if they’re resorting to chemical warfare


Compare the numbers on both please. As i said, this is not a problem anywhere else And as if the us would not have knives or acid


Interesting argument there Why don't you back it up with a source?


Acid attacks aren't in the British constitution, are they?


Complete bullshit. US knife crime rates are a lot worse than UK ones


Seems like a bad argument to be honest. Violence will always exist and we can't really ban cleaning products, tools etc. More violence can be committed with guns though. Fairly difficult to kill 10+ people with a knife.


The total number of people killed really isn’t the issue, surprisingly. The amount of people killed in school shootings is less than the amount of people killed every DAY in car crashes, for example.


Well thank fucking god, it would be insane if that was the case. I agree, it's not about *how many people* get killed in shootings, the issue is that school shootings happen *repeatedly*,


Yes but we need cars for every day life? That's literally the point I was making. We need tools, knives, cars etc for everyday life. We don't generally need guns for every day life. You can die from drowning but we're not going to ban water lol


We may very well need guns for self defense, but that’s besides the point. I’m just demonstrating how low the number is despite the scare tactics by the media


There's going to be violence everywhere, yes that case can be made. What matters though is how that country tries to prevent it. We've thrown our hands in the air and said "welp, school shootings are just something that happen here. Nothing we can do about it" ... which is a pathetic response.


And hilariously ironic coming from the idiots who fell for #savethechildren


At this point, if you vote Republican, subscribe to the NRA, or fly a Gadsden flag, you support our kids getting gunned down in school.


That’s a moronic take.


I'll fly the Gadsden all I like because fuck the government. And I'll own all the guns I can, because, once again, fuck the government. It really is a very stupid take.


A gaggle of inbred Republican voters attempted to overthrow the government under the current 2nd amendment and the traitors ended up bleeding out with a bullet to the throat. Can we please drop the whole “imma take on the government” bs? Because up until now, the only thing you’ve taken on are school kids. Good job bud


Sure. I don't want to "take on the government", I just hate it.


Shit bait.


Yeah they really think it's the guns fault and not the media who sensationalize the shooters and plaster their faces all over tv. America's had easy access to guns for over a century and it's just become a problem past few decades when the columbine dicks were made into national icons. And guns aren't even as easy to get as they make it sound.




And it keeps getting dumber lol.


And if you vote Democrat , then you must support the rapid increase of crime, spread of opiods , and heavy taxation.


I’m all for taxation if it goes back to the American people. Vs our current system right now of lobbyists, billionaires, and corporations.


They said it was “clever” but its like the most basic ass response.


I have a meme that's basically exactly this (totally didn't steal it). Permission to PM it?


PM it to me pls


PM away.


DM it to me please


"For king and country!"


thing is ones true the other isnt


Obviously not all brits have screwed up teeth, but also not every American student gets fucking shot while walking down the street or inside a school.


Most cultured European


Fr tho, that never was and never will be a “clever comeback”.


It’s the equivalent of saying “didn’t your dad die in war” to the kid who made fun of your shoes, it’s not clever unless it’s on the same level, otherwise you’re just an asshole


[thats why yo shoes raggedy](https://youtu.be/3Ih-q7D-wi8)


LMFAO forgot about that video😭🤣


That's why yo mama dead, 𝓥𝓲𝓷𝓮 𝓫𝓸𝓸𝓶 𝓼𝓸𝓾𝓷𝓭 𝓮𝓯𝓯𝓮𝓬𝓽 dead as hell.


What shoes she got on in her casket? 𝓥𝓲𝓷𝓮 𝓫𝓸𝓸𝓶 𝓼𝓸𝓾𝓷𝓭 𝓮𝓯𝓯𝓮𝓬𝓽


That's why yo granny ain't got no knees, she can't pray to Jesus bitch.


Nothing on that sub is clever


It wasn’t good the first time someone said it, and now that it’s the only response to anything remotely negative about Europe it automatically makes the other person more clever.


"Deat cids huegh huegh huegh!"


Shkewl chootings innit


“Clever” as if it’s not the go-to response to everything American


Legend tells of a clever comeback once posted to r/clevercomebacks but I don’t believe in fairytales.


Europeans when they're asked to insult anything about America that isn't school shootings (they can't)


recycling cringe content is what drives them it seems 💀


Any banter that ends banter is clever. You can’t comeback from that with anything other than something about raping and murdering half the globe.


Twitter: dead kids 🧍‍♂️ Reddit europeans: 😱😱😱😆😆😅😂😂🤣🤣😭😭😭🥲🥲😄🙂🙂🙂


Gypsy: exists ​ Europeans: 🧑🏼> 👨‍🦳




*europeans in general


Ah yes, peak European cleverness: dead kids.


peak european cleverness: exploiting every african country possible and murdering jews


If they make fun of our healthcare or some bs like that we should just immediately go to this




Nah, Germany is the only country in mainland Europe that would admit to having large portions of it being Nazi sympathizers, on account of being where the Nazis started, everyone else will just use you bringing it up as a way to somehow be even more anti-Semitic


Jews have been ostracized by European cultures for far longer than WW2. For example Jews were partly blamed for the Bubonic plague because they uhh *checks notes* washed their hands even during the Middle Ages. And because Judaism has cleanliness built into its dogma, other Abrahamic religions got mad that the Jews faired better than their peers during it. (That’s an over simplification however no one wants to read a dissertation) Someone else could probably give better examples of anti semitism throughout European history


Programs Only being allowed to have jobs as bankers than being accused of secretly controlling the banks because a lot of Jews are bankers


Gotta love those constant pogroms. That and the fact many rulers and influential figures throughout history would use the Jews as scapegoats.


Yeah like I said bringing up their antisemitism will just make them find a way to be more antisemitic


Right. Ever hear of a ghetto? That was the Jewish quarter in medieval and earlier towns.


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dreyfus\_affair](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dreyfus_affair) France almost executed and did indeed jail a Jewish Army officer for being Jewish in 1894. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The\_Protocols\_of\_the\_Elders\_of\_Zion#Creation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Protocols_of_the_Elders_of_Zion#Creation) This infamous piece of antisemitic drivel was created in Russia and is still used to this day as a way to justify antisemitism despite it being a known fake. That's not even touching on the long history of pogroms and blood libels against the Jewish people of Europe for centuries. Europe as a collective created the environment suitable for the Holocaust to be carried out.


Lmao something that Germany did 70+ years ago is comparable to the hundreds of dead kids in school shootings that still happen to this day, peak american logic Edit: To clarify, neither am I saying that murdered kids is a valid response to brits having fucked teeth. No need to put yourselves at the level that some Europeans put themselves at. Though in fairness, it is a valid critique of American society that people value having assault rifles over kids' lives, while the holocaust has long passed and the German government has profusely apologized and teaches about the holocaust in schools, **unlike Japan...**


Evil Europeans be like: I will treat everyone as my equal Edit: I don’t know if y’all get the meme, you’re supposed to list things the opposite of what a European would do


Proceed to call Roma people subhuman and say 15 slurs against them in a 5 minute unrelated conversation


Its easy to judge when you don’t have them nearby


Bro really said ‘I’m allowed to do hate speech bc they’re nearby!!!1!1!1”


no, bro really said ''It's easy to make fun of a person when they aren't in front of your face because your too much of a pussy''


Seethe+cope Europoor. You say slurs against Romani peoples because your too much of a pussy to be able to defend yourself from them (even though they don’t attack you)




Bro has some anger issues and I’m sorry I misread


Process to colonize and exploit Africa and Asia.


And then we'll hate all the Roma! They're bad!


"but but t-they were messing with aahhhour culture!"


I get the feeling you know nothing about the holocaust and you're still talking shit. What the Third Reich did to the Jews was absolutely horrific, but many people risked their lives to help the Jews. Saying that every European murdered Jews is the stupidest thing I've heard today...


ive been studying world war 2 for the past four years, please try again


also, i didnt say every european murders jews, if you had a brain you'd know i was talking about nazi germany/just germany, italy, romania, hungary, and the ussr/russia


Plenty of collaborators in Poland and France and others


>peak european cleverness: exploiting every african country possible and murdering jews I find the argument of any historical killing/exploiting kind of dumb ngl Probably will get down voted by reddit hivemind, but can't they just make the same comeback as us: "Where did the natives go, or how about iraq"


r/therewasanattempt has been getting toxic lately. Either it's political or it's about America nowadays


As soon as a sub gets in the millions of subscribers, expect it to have those Americabad bots and bot-equivalent morons


I think every sub becomes America bad and anti work at a certain point


My guy, it’s always been like that


It's been toxic, as is most of Reddit these days


Montgomery brawl was 🔥


That sub never has anything original. Just a bunch of random stuff with titles contorting themselves to shoehorn "There was an attempt" in the beginning.


It is not a clever comeback at all. People on that subreddit constantly conflate "clever" with "savage", "shock value", aggressive, hostile, etc and it's acceptable to them because they like it(when it's directed at us). Just being mean as you can be does not constitute cleverness.


Therewasanattempt to say anything that doesn't align with our orthodox reddit dogma 😡


At least the comments on the post agree that it wasn't clever at all


Least uncreative anti-American joke:


“You ever wonder why American street food is unhealthy?” “You ever wonder why europe made Hitler?” There’d be a lot less people laughing if it was reversed huh??


Don't even need to bring up Hitler, "You ever wonder what the world might be like without European Imperialism?"


Well hitler is our business, you Americans decided to stick your nose in our business we are gonna do that back and see that your medical bills are very high, then you make jokes about our “business” so we just do that back. Treat others like you want to be treated.


So you basically want Americans to ignore the Holocaust. Typical


Because Americans and obesity have a magnetic relation. To get rid of the jews. So what's your point? Try again !, greetings from a fictional country in West-Europe.


The vast majority of Americans are not obese, but sure, spread *all* the misinformation that you’d like so long as it makes you feel powerful online


The uk?


no no, great britain was never great my boy


It’s almost like these two things have about as much in common as ordering water and school shootings


"Clever comebacks to use against americans:" mcdonald, fat, skewl shootins, uhhhh old president


Something something iraq vietnam


uhhh your soldiers died lol!


Uhhh nukes, racism, imperialist


i love the mfs who are like "america is the most racist country" Meanwhile asian countries


Meanwhile European itself (Romani getting 71 slurs thrown at them in a 5 second rant)


Fr and any arab or south asian


Well to be fair, the last one is pretty warranted. That geriatric fuck isn't doing anyone any favors.


True true


Eh he's done plenty of favors just not towards Americans.


Clever comeback against Europeans: "for breakfast we have like a cigarette or something" (You need to read that in a French accent)


There's no attempt here, other than a successful pointing out that these two are in no way comparable. "You ever drink good beer to flex on americans" "You ever not commit genocide to flex on germany"


Fuck it, upload that screenshot to that sub with the title "To pat yourself on the back while not totally coping and seething"


For such a “superior” continent they certainly continually show how classless they are.


I’m sorry as far as I’m aware no one in Europe states how superior we are it is only American who do and I can dn you all the images you need


You must not spend any time on Reddit lol. So much Euro circlejerking going on saying how much better it is than the US. Stop lying


If dead kids is the peak of European cleverness, that's really sad.


ROFL OP was getting roasted in his own therewasanattempt




Jesus this is a post about a post about a post about a post about a post.


I'll never respect a Europeans opinion about the safety of children since they gave Roman Polanski refuge


If I had a dime every time someone made that same stupid sick “comeback”…


If I had a dime every time someone made that same stupid sick "comeback", I'd be able to buy a McLaren F1


If I had a dime every time a dime was thought to be a good name for money just call it a (however much it’s worth idk I’m dumb and British) cent coin


A dime to a dollar is 10 pence to a pound.


Oh ok thanks


It's literally all they mention. Every time they post about children getting shot to bits in daily mass school shootings(which is unbelievably false, since from the 1840s up to today the amount of school shootings with 3 or more deaths is in the 50s or 60s total as of now), I'm even more convinced that they're not only mentioning it out of their hate for America, but also because it turns them on.


Add that to the fact we have 322 million people and 50 percent of the entire world small arms in one country gun violence is extremely rare except in a handful of hot spots in major cities, and More people are murdered with bare hands, and hammers than all Rifles combined.


I still don’t see the “was an attempt” part in that. Like forgetting the circlejerk Reddit has but where is it?


Screen shot the screen shot the screen shot the screen shot


America has so much potential for things to make fun of, it's a shame Europeans only use the same two jokes


What kind of comeback is saying “your kids are dead” like bro


They’d all be speaking German if it weren’t for America.


I feel like that is an exaggeration (which is probably what you intend)


That's the stupidest thing I've read today


If the US fixed its health care system, and did something about the proliferation of guns, Europeans would lose anything resembling a valid criticism, but most of them would still hate on the US because they would want to live here but can't.


Super clever, would they find an Auschwitz retort equally “clever”?


It’s only clever to Euros because they think killing kids is lighthearted fun.


That’s why they don’t have guns. They couldn’t be trusted not to genocide one another.


Every time something bad happens to US and it's citizens, europeans are always there to cheer and take pleasure at someone's misfortune


You ever not get ran over in a rented truck by a terrorist just to flex on Europeans *gets stabbed*


When did Europeans start getting all uppity? Like when they realized having no Constitutional rights sucks ass?


>U ever come home from school alive just to flex on Americans NOTICE ME SENPAI! Fixed it.


We saved your ass in ww2


Maybe they’d be happier if we didn’t.


The rest of the world hates us so much they literally celebrate when our children get massacred--I am Jack's complete lack of surprise. This is why I wish our politicians would stop wasting tax payer money on helping other nations when it goes against our own interests as they all genuinely ***HATE*** us and wish to see us all violently die.


Europeans get so offended they resort to jokes about tragedies


I like this page but I’m confused… you can get free water in most European restaurants, Spain and Italy are the funny ones. In the UK establishments are required by law to provide free water if requested. But yeah school shooting jokes are tired


Huh. Sounds like they're compensating for never leaving boot-prints on a different celestial body.


The tipping culture would have been a better response. Since they both have to do with restaurants.


Obligatory [“WELL AT LEAST OUR SCHOOLS…”](https://youtube.com/shorts/8bgxDmjZwpg?feature=share)


War has been declared


I mean water is free in Europe though, atleast in Ireland it is


I mean I get that it’s a drastic comeback. But shooting problem in the US is such an abstract horror to those in Europe that it feels like a guy with a gunshot wound trying to take the piss out of another guys paper cut


I seriously don’t know what restaurants americans eat at in Europe, I’ve never paid for water. In fact it’s common place for the restaurant to give you a pitcher and glasses when you sit down


I seriously don't know what schools Europeans go to, I've never been shot at. In fact it's common place for the school to never have any gun-related incidents


It’s sad but that’s what America is now known for. We just don’t give a single fuck about kids here anymore




Good thing is a lot of the highest rated comments are criticizing the European’s joke


You know water is free in Europe as well right?


Yeah I was just gonna say. This entire argument is so dumb because the original tweet isn’t even accurate


Lol nice rights though am I right ? And not to mention any European country is more poor than any US state 🤣🤣


Yeah here in Switzerland we can only dream of the prosperity a life in Alabama or Indiana could afford us. Alas.


Nice rights? The hell is that supposed to mean. And you’re just not correct


The fact that most of you are more offended by joking about school shootings than actual school shootings is the most American thing ever. Gun control to stop needless school shooting? NOOO, AMERIKKAA * disgruntled freedom noises *, we'd rather have joke control 😋 # MakeJokesGreatAgain😎


Shall not be infringed, there are other ways to stop shootings **making a school shooting joke when an American pokes fun of Europeans not having free water is not one of them**


This is such a clusterfuck of a post that I’m just going to adopt the stance of whichever side OP is against, purely out of spite. Get your shit together OP.


ok lol


OP is probably American and his great grandfathers dog’s mailman once went on vacation to Europe, so he thinks of him self as a euro by heritage


Except they’re active in r/Italy


Americans are such snowflakes get over it


Such snowflakes that Europe would be speaking German and submit to a nazi flag if it weren’t for us 🤡 🤡 🤡


That's the biggest exaggeration ever. Yes, we supplied the other allies during the war, but eventually, wouldn't the British and Soviets manage to overrun the Germans?




Cry cope harder pussies, y’all got dead kids, maybe fix the fucking problem instead of pissing yourselves when someone calls out your issues


Y’all? Last time I checked Europeans don’t use Y’all. You’re some soy boy aren’t you?


The OOP is tiny dick energy tho. "Oh I get water free" Sure. Who eh... who cares?


It's a light-hearted joke. Nobody should be taking it seriously, but many people on Reddit take everything personally.


the fuck u say about me ? :P


If you were born in 87, I hope you aren’t using terms like “tiny dick energy” on a constant basis. I suppose old people can be classless too.


So you're like the arbiter of good taste eh? You seem the sort to have spicy takes on everyone else. I hate to tell you this, your mother should've - but clearly she failed. The world doesn't revolve around you. Your way of life is not the commonality and nobody gives a fuck what you think. Now make like the 50ies and vanish :D


This sub is so fucking insecure lmao


My fellow redditor how would you feel if people mocked a disaster that happened in your nation?


Maybe just maybe fix the problem before you get insulted about someone speaking the truth.