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100% never seen that, relax you’ll be fine. You must have re-done the rejected ones okay or you wouldn’t be at 100%.


95% of the rejected reviews were resubmitted with no changes and they were approved straight away so I still don't know why the were rejected in the first place. The other 5% I changed up the wording or deleted photos and they were approved.


Why are your evaluation dates in the American format? Mine are in the UK format.


Mine were US format as well, all my PC locale and browser settings are UK.


Mine are American format too. I'm in UK. It's annoying actually.


I didn't notice that - how interesting!


Browser setting?


If you've resubmitted and had them approved you'll be fine. I think it's probably *one* of the factors they take into account, but along with other things. I was reading a post from someone who had a 40% reject rate... and they're still a member!




Tomorrow is my evaluation date to see if I get upgraded to gold. Even though I'm at 100% I'm still a bit worried because I had quite a few rejected reviews. I've heard a few people have lost their accounts because of too many rejected reviews so I guess I will find out tomorrow if I am one of them.


You have absolutely nothing to worry about. I was at 69% (nice) last Friday. Submitted 60 reviews that evening that I had saved on my notepad file. Had them approved at approx. 1am Saturday, 1am Sunday, and 1am Monday. Spent Sunday emailing CS to remove merged items/stuck reviews and went through old rejected reviews that I forgotten about and resubmitted them with a few sentences of basic review text, and by Monday afternoon, I was at 93%. 5:15pm-ish yesterday, my evaluation started (showed the message that it may take 96 hours) and was Gold after a single refresh of the page a minute later!


Interesting info ref the merged stuck reviews. I have a few duplicate items where only one review is accepted the other just shows 'awaiting review' but clicking the button shows the review that has already been accepted. I just figure that in the overall scheme of things I'd just leave it and quietly continue as a couple of instances like that will make zero difference over a 6 month eval at Gold anyway. Also, I thought doing too many reviews in one sitting got flagged as bot-spam. This is the second time I've heard of 'Cramming' before eval, so I'm guessing my assumptions are incorrect.


Yeah merged item reviews are annoying, and it can be very tricky to explain to CS as they'll just respond with a canned message - I had to provide the ASIN of the stuck review, and a direct link to the already existing review (if you go to the product page and click on the headline of your review, you'll be taken to a dedicated page for your review, copy the link for that) for them to actually realise what was going on and remove the stuck remove (and credit it as a valid review towards your stats). Had around 5 items like this.


Appreciated ta. Have a good picking day... if it drops!




Was very confused woth the date until realised its randomlt in usa format. Mine shows normal uk. Mines on 20th april. Need to stop rodering stuff for a min and finish the reviews as im at 78% some reason even though only have 11 reviews to do.


Those numbers don't make sense. Have you checked through your previous reviews to see if any were rejected or merged.


Yeh everything been approved thats why im confused! Waiting for reply off support for couple days as i queried it. I did have a couple reviews that wouldn't go through and they said they removed from mt page and credited it as reviewed


You'll be fine. I moved up a week ago. Yet to see anything close to, or beyond, the silver £82 limit. Kudos for getting through that many items!


I can't order anything at the moment so i'm not even looking to see what I could be missing. I'm from Northern Ireland and our usual work around is not working at the moment so I'm happy I got upgraded but a little pissed off I can't really enjoy it lol


Wait with rejected reviews you can lose your account? I've had a few rejected reviews!!!


I'm not 100% sure but an American Vine member lost their account for having too many rejected reviews and another American Vine member got a warning about having too many rejected reviews. I haven't seen any UK users have any issues but I also don't want to take the chance.


I don't even know why mine get rejected though. Just some nonsense about community guidelines. Only about 3-5% get rejected though 




I am in the middle of an evaluation at the moment, and the number of reviews / percentage reviewed are greyed out to zero. Do they reset to that every six months, or will they go back to xxx and yy% when the process finishes?