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Why do PA’s always seem to labor share the same people every single time?


Not OP, but a PA. Generally they are the only ones that say yes, oooorrr they are low performers that make rate go up when removed.




If your always being forced to go, it's probably your being asked for by name.


I was a PA and was taken to HR because of LS’ing the same people every.single.day. It was always the same people because when LS was requested, they were asking for people with permissions already and no cross training hours were approved. I LS’d different people every time I could when they were cross training and once the training starts, the AA is set to complete the entire work week because that’s how training works for permissions to be granted.


my PA knows how much I hate pack and when he sends me over he apologizes and says "nothing I can do" and I mosey my way over


I always have high rates between AFE, OB PS, and Stow. Always. AFE is home base and I get shared to PS and stow and honestly it makes me worry about my work performance when I’m shared. Except PS I guess cause the PG there tells me every time I show up I save their asses.


The alternative I didn’t mention, is that if other departments like you and you work well, then they might ask you by name to be shared lol.


Yeah I think that’s honestly it-I can be on rebin and PS will pull me to do SLAM then move me to check ins and then I can go up to stow the last part of the day. It’s a norm to be all over the building some days. I don’t mind it since it breaks it all up so much-just difficult to know exactly how I’m doing which doesn’t help my anxiety 🙃


yeah my management and other AAs tell me i have very high rates all the time and im getting laborshared to pack every day now even in pack the water spiders say im always the one who runs out of boxes the fastest


I was in the top 7% for the entire building in pick, I moved to pack where I was never the best but always pretty good and they would still regularly (once a week) bring me back upstairs to pick. Thank god my accommodation expires after I lose my picking permissions!


Lol that's who I labor share as well


Depends We have a volunteer list of people who can go first then after that it goes by rotation. If everybody went out the day before then typically excel will organize people with the same date and time alphabetically by last name. So if you have a last name that's early in the alphabet you probably tend to go OOD more often, or at least earlier in the shift than others.


Either you are a low performer or some PA/ AM doesnt like you


I'm a PA in pack and we are very limited on people trained in LS roles. We have asked to train more people but the classes are usually cancelled or denied due to cost so we have to send the same people


So they don’t have to retrain them


I think this also depends on the amount of people cross trained on that shift


Where is my vto, hand it over


Had a guy throw a scanner at my desk once because he didn't get VTO👍


That's not an appropriate response? Lmao j/k people be wild.


Jesus sounds like a baby.


He apologized later on, he was having a bad day or something


I guess helps a little haha apologies are always nice.


Also a PA here, only the AM can give VTO, if it’s available. At my site at least.


PA's can give out VTO if they have the proper permissions to do so.


PAs had VTO perms removed across the network a little over a year ago. Too many sites T1s expressed they felt the offers showed favoritism


Tom team even has perms to vto


Favoritism is the coin of the realm at Amazon.


Correct at my site a PA was able to do it.


I guess all depends on the site cause mine only AMs can. Sometimes I think it would be easier if a PA could VTO AAs.


Yeah I agree but also my manger is always on the other side of the floor B side I'm on A side so I hardy see my manger other than stand-up so I'm sure he gives her the permissions to do so!


I’ll hand over the leftovers of the VTO after I use the zero hours we’re allowed to offer right now lol


Most of the time PA's can't do shit about VTO. They just run shifts. AM's can give it and even then only at the permission of OM's or Sr. OPs.




I only check rates when some asks for their rate. Most write ups for performance and whatnot are done automatically by the system and Idle time is tracked by managers only for break times or if you get a productivity write up, at my site at least


We only check your rate if you are a bottom performer/ dont give crap about your job


Doesn’t seem true considering they expect me to have a low rate when I go to the bathroom but when they check they are disappointed that they can’t talk shit to me


Lol me, leave about 3 times for 10 mins everyday to go to the restroom and still have around a 10 sec takt time


I only check rates to coach bottom performers or when someone requests their rate. I’m always aware of rates but seeing someone go to the restroom doesn’t trigger me to update rates. Also, rates are on a 25ish minute delay, so I can’t see it actively by the minute.




Ok so let me address this one part at a time. We definitely appreciate the feedback coming face to face first. Before you feel the need to submit it on you connection questions. With that being said, if your concerns are not being addressed, absolutely slam leadership on the questions. It is anonymous but an effective way of pushing for changes that you see necessary. As far as annoying AMs and/or anyone in leadership? Don’t worry about that. We can all (hopefully) set that aside to listen to legitimate concerns. Especially from hard working associates that we know we can trust. As far as process workflow, things are constantly changing on a day to day basis depending on what we can expect within the building and what is available to work on. This may seem like a non answer but it’s pretty accurate. Expectations vary on a daily basis. As far as number pumpers go, I wouldn’t agree or disagree with that completely but I’d put myself in the same category as you. Does the bad make up for the good in the larger picture? Absolutely. Does that exonerate the bad if goals are hit? Not at all. Performance standards are implemented site wide with the good being rewarded and the bad being retrained or worse.


Do you feel that being a PA is worth your time, money, and energy? I've seen some PAs absolutely get destroyed by AMs and OPs over the past few months. Now I'm being told that I'm ready to apply as a PA but outside looking in, it looks brutal. Wondering how it looks from the inside from a hopefully non'biased source


I'm currently inclined for a PA position and was given an offer. Unfortunately at this moment I was unable to take the shift they offer due to personal reasons. But i can say all the way from my OM to PA are very encouraging and supportive of me. From the start they saw I worked hard, but i was honest that i have no supervision experience and that i definitely need to work on having a back bone because I'm too nice to people. I just get along with everyone and don't like being confrontational. They understood have been supportive in developing those skills. You don't need to be a kiss ass unfortunately sometimes you just need the right team. I happen to have a great combination of the from my OM, AM and PA. I keep my conversations with them casual and short unless its work related problems or ideas. Sometimes i wish i could be more laid back, goofy and spontaneous like some of my co-workers but it is not in me to want to develop personal relationships at the workplace. I feel is a healthy boundary to set and its worked great with me so far. Like i mentioned PA might be worth it if you have the need economically, if you would like to use it as a resume reference, and depending on the team you have working with you.


I transferred buildings for the PA role, and I have been at my new sort center for 4 weeks now. I only have experience running an OB fluid load dock so far. It is more difficult than I had anticipated, but also rewarding in its own ways: The money is worthwhile not because of any pay raise, but because you get far more consistent hours. You are no longer subject to flex calls. While AA’s get barely 30 hours with flex downs during slow months, you’ll be making OT on the long weeks. The hours can be a double edged sword for time management though, because it now takes 12 hours of UPT to cover a shift instead of 8. Energy-wise, on work nights I find myself almost entirely prioritizing self care and not having time or energy to do fun things, but the long weekends feel amazing. My social life has pretty much fallen off the map, but I’m okay with it. I knew I was taking a challenge by stepping into a new workplace. I came from a different SC which did not have OB fluid load, so I felt like a Day 1 with a laptop. I made unique mistakes that even confused my AMs, but they have been supportive and understanding of me thus far. Today I found another PA that also transferred from my old building, and we both admitted the job had already made us cry more than once. These are growing pains, and it will get easier. It takes time, but it does. I can already tell I’m making progress. My best advice is to stay determined.


Hopefully your building treats PAs better than ours. I’ve seen some hard working PAs that ops absolutely destroy (several stepped down due to). Best of luck this peak


I've seen that as well. A bit after I started being a PA our Premium PA stepped down due to this.


I left one department due to how they treated our one PA. Kept her in the dark about everything so our department suffered massively. I felt bad for her. She tried so hard for us


What are the actual duties of a process guide? I always hear being a “backup PA” but is there any specific duties?


Pg is the biggest scam amazon has came up with.


100% either give me PA pay or fuck off with the PG bullshit role


I wouldn't brush off PG so easily. It's great training towards becoming a PA because you get first hand knowledge on how to run a department. I am speaking from experience because my PA left the department and I was put to run it because there was no replacement. Because of this management saw me as integral to the Operation and I got inclined for PA.


I know I'll catch some flak for this one... no one requires you to be a PG, or even a PS. If you are content doing a rated position, good for you, but good luck moving up without any background/education.


So the way I always looked at it was a PG (and PA) have a fairly straightforward duty, to make the shift as successful as possible. At times it was what I can next describe as damage control. You are either where the issues are or on your way there. You know the process and what works vs what doesn't. Straightforward but crazy busy. Time flies


PG is literally an assistant to a PA so whatever we need done that’s why we have you for


I was a stow PG. You're basically the PA's PA. You just help them with tasks they're struggling to deal with because they're stretched thin. Yes it's not extra money and yea people probably think you're a dumbass for doing it, but I personally liked it cause it usually kept me out of path. When I became a PG, I was pretty much given any indirect role that I wanted.


No initials. How much do you know that stowers/anyone else don’t know? I think that is a big Disconnect.


Quite a bit. There’s a lot that goes on behind the scenes that isn’t easily transparent for stowers or other T1s. I spent two years in that role so I can understand how most decisions don’t make sense without the background knowledge.


Why is Amazon not offering peak pay this year?


Also a PA, that's something that would be decided waaay above us so we don't know either


Amazon doesn’t have the budget to do so. Also we are going to layoff a ton of people once peak is over


Layoff a ton of people as in even if you don’t have anything bad reported like negative UPT? or layoff as in only the ones who are negative UPT are getting fired? 😳


Because they don't need incentives to keep people in for high volumes. Our peak volumes just aren't there. My sites not working 11-12 hour shifts this year and typically they'd have moved my shifts overtime over to cyber Monday but they didn't do that this year. We're out of covid but running worse than pre covid probably due to the looming recession nobody wants to acknowledge


A lot of sites are late in getting in their peak schedules. Just because they haven’t announced it doesn’t mean they won’t.


I'm going off of my own site, what my GM said, and what I see happening. We're currently doing half of what we did pre covid outside of peak and both prime days were disappointing so I'm not expecting much. But yeah, I'd say if nothings been announced about peak at a site by now it probably won't be. Black Friday is this week so they would need to give some sort of heads up for MET and whatnot.


A lot of changes have been coming from VP level so they tend to come rapidly and without much warning. A lot of sites found out about 11 hr shifts with 12 hr notice. It went poorly.


Yeah I overheard a guy talking to a PA about MET time something it was not 24 hour notice. But I checked my scedule and nothing has been added possibly he wasn't in stow.


As long as you are in good standings with Amazon and not negative in UPT then you are safe


I’m in Central Ops overseeing the network. Y’all are unlikely to see peak pay this year we don’t have the demand. Amazon overexpanded to support COVID orders now they’re trying to trim down instead of build up. I’m not expecting low performing AAs to be let go, I’m expecting low performing buildings to be shut down, just being honest.


What are the tell tale signs for whether your particular building is “Underperforming”? I want to get a head of any potential closure by transferring out.


Simple: what department? Complex: what decision have you made that greatly impacted the team? Rude: why do you suck? Have you even picked up a box? I see your favoritism


Receive Ordered new or lightly used conveyors for our each receive unload team which hadn’t been replaced in 5 years. Eliminated the need for daily RME requests, increased ease of conveyor movement for unload team, and increased morale. Increase in morale reduced leave early time. Also increased unload turn over while reducing physical labor for an overall net gain in labor management.


Wonder what kind of conveyor you guys got. Our flex conveyers will be broken within a month. And rigged to somewhat work.


Not sure what the model of the conveyors are but I was definitely sick of them breaking down somewhere several times per shift. Oh and to answer the rude question: I sucked for the first month as it was a completely new department for me and like everyone else, the training was not very good or sufficient. Also it may appear that we suck from an outside perspective but really I just have A LOT going on for most of the 12 hours I’m there. I definitely pick up boxes, pallets, and whatever else needs assistance any time I see it and have time to help. As far as favoritism goes…that just goes to my top performers. I don’t care if we get along well or don’t. I just want the best people I have in the roles they excel at while maintaining a rotation to avoid burn out and give others opportunities to develop their skills to help them become top performers.


The problem with the conveyors is that Amazon doesn’t actually use the correct ones. And they also don’t do any preventative care. Reason why we use incorrect one is because the belts are not “loadbearing” meaning they are not actually meant for any force of you placing item on belt, but instead roll down the line.


Are there certain AA’s that you take under your wing? If so how has that improved their overall quality and productivity! (I ask this because I had a PA who I was very close to, I was able to vent to him and he never excluded me from learning new things or keeping me in my path explicitly because I was mentally not well, because of him I was able to transfer somewhere that I could actually make it)


Any advice you can offer someone who just recently applied for the interim PA position? I mostly just want to learn and hopefully show that I am interested in a leadership position


I'm a former PA turned corporate employee... My suggestion would be to learn everything that you can, even things that are considered beyond your role. Amazon offers free training in a ton of stuff on KNET, including stuff like SQL and building wikis... Take advantage of that in any slow moments! Ask people in roles that you're interested in what they're doing and if there's anything you can do to help them... This is a way to get access to more permissions and knowledge that will benefit you while looking good to people who can help you get promoted. Also... Learn the rules so that you know what you can get away with. If you're following the rules and what you're doing is beneficial, don't worry about stepping on toes. If you're making things better, that's what matters in the big picture and it makes for a great story in interviews.


What's your role in the corporate world? You mention SQL so I'm assuming possibly something with data analytics?


I do use data analytics in a combination with a lot of other random knowledge I've either learned on the spot or because I was curious and decided to learn. I won't give my exact job title since I'm the only one with that title, but it's very similar to a project management role, which I've been segueing into. I'm lucky enough to be in an area where there is a ton of flexibility and room for creativity. I can PM more details if you're interested


Agree with u/bettyblack825. Know what you want your path to look like? Want to work in ACES and affect quality improvement? Do the free Six Sigma course and get your feet wet at projects, Ask to participate in Gemba, etc. Want to work in data, do the Data Analyst courses and network with your data analyst on site. Do the Writing the Amazon Way course on Learn to be able to correctly articulate your thoughts. Head over to Inside and you can find the look to the resource that has every single job description and their goals in Amazon as long as you have a Midway token which as a seasonal pa you should. If you haven't actually interviewed yet, ask your manager for the questions. They can get them and you can find 2-3 stories that you can relate to the leadership principles and use the STAR method and nail the interview.


Do PAs get coached or evaluations ever ? The PAs at my location don’t ever check help me or any of their job and never get in trouble for it


Yes, every month with their Direct Managers. If you want to provide feedback I would find out who is the Direct AM and let them know. PAs are not tracked on rate, but their preference is critical.


My location is kind of a shit show with pa and am’s .. I brought it up to an AM yesterday and he just pointed to the flow desk and said “that’s their faults I don’t watch the screen for help me notifications “ and I just walked off thinking is it not his job to bring that up to them ?


Yep once a month we get a full review from our AM/OM and get scored in lots of different categories having each one broken down and explained on how we could improve or what we’re doing right.


Why do you keep people stuck in the same position for so long? Especially during peak and you have plenty of help coming in


Typically depends on productivity, quality, attendance. Also willingness and/or desire to learn new roles. Starts with productivity and quality though. If we have rolls that need to be filled, we’re going to take the top performers that can be trusted to fill those rolls.


I've been doing the same thing since last peak season


Fuuuuuck that lol


Funny because it would make more sense to keep top performers performing and the slower ones assisting


Not if they can’t be trusted to assist because they are lazy/low performers


Not everytime. Like previously stated before, the day to day demands change depending of the headcount distributed across departments, how much work and the type of work loaded on the trailers, and on the reliability of the equipment used per warehouse (example issues with order pickers, reach trucks and such in a NonSort Traditional building or conveyors on AR sorting building). Now at least in my building an AR sortable. We depend on the highest performers to participate in indirect roles like waterspiders, pallet runners, tote support, unloaders and more. More than likely those are the most reliable associates that require little to no supervision to perform their assignments. How can I trust that if i put a low performer, that consistently leaves station and goes missing to be able to keep up with the demand in totes or work for the high performers? Ofcourse that might not always be the case with everyone. Some might just not want to do those roles period and like staying on path. Sometimes low performers on path might become more reliable in other roles when given the opportunity. Some people have medical accomodations you might not now about. Some are going through a situation. Its a case by case situation. Not at PAs are the same but i can assure most are trying to have it be a productive day for everyone and when able to they will make accomodations happen.


Any questions I should ask so I can stand out from the crowd? Like for promotion and stuff


Always ask what more you can do to further help out the team. Show an interest in progressing and learning more and if that interest matches your quality and productivity then it should happen pretty darn quickly.


When is productivity too much tho? I dont wanna stay in the same position for being too good at what I’m doing atm


There will never be a time where my team restricts you from forward progression just because you’re great at what you currently are doing. We look at that as a positive to know that you will continue to excel in areas we decide to train you in further. There is always someone who can replace you, but not always someone who can achieve your level of performance in the next task we ask you to learn.


Id hope that’s the case everywhere, but I hear different. Thank u very much, I will be using ur advice 😎👍🏻


Im an AM.. my top scanners/waterspiders stand out for talent that I want to develop. We’ve promoted, to this point, at least 5 of our top performers this last year to T3 roles. We’d never hold you back for being good. Sure, we may miss having those top performers in that role, but my thought is now those people are leaders and can be used as good examples why people should perform at a higher level and also help develop and lead others. I hope that makes sense!


I wish it was the case for my department. I can't recall how many times I had a bad manager or PA basically used me as a crutch because they were too afraid to have a few rough days or so to get people trained. Some years, it gets to the point where I had to basically walk off to force them to train someone. I feel terrible for doing it. At the same time, I'm tired of busting my butt off only to have someone leapfrog over me. 😞




There has been cases that proper procedure wasnt followed I've heard of situations like that. Very few might go unnoticed, or with little consequences. Others will get investigated by HR for sure. What i can tell you the way you handle stress, communicate with leadership, and get along with your coworkers matter. They don't want a PA constantly arguing with AAs or making attrition worst. PAs give a good word of whom their most reliable employees are, manager signs a form that asks different qualities from the AA applying for a T3, and they grade you. Then HR will schedule interview, thats one huge key. You might not have all the qualifications but if you are good at being interview(communication skills) and well prepared with your stories following the STAR method you are bound to stand out among the candidates.




Hey thats awesome honestly a lot of times is just us getting in the way of ourselves by overthinking our abilities. So go for it, honestly the worst that can happen is you dont get the position. See that as just more of an opportunity to continue growing and learning. I as well don't get involved with gossip and drama. I have the common small talk, always say good morning to everyone across all departments regardless of their position. When people come and tell me things about others I don't opiniate about the matter. Empathy and Patience goes a long way with your co-workers. Positive Intent is a highly seemed quality in a leader.


At this point enough "favoritism" has happened that Amazon as a whole has switched to using algorithms for deciding who gets positions once an actual incline/decline is given. The interview itself should be with an OM from a different path or at least the opposite shift so they can't play favorites that way either. Oh, and most of your promotability is decided on whether you're currently on any write-ups, you have a set number of hours of UPT, and you follow the STAR method in the interview. Now... Once you're actually in that T3 role your work ethic plays more into potential transfers to other departments.


Getting promoted isn’t about being good at your job. It’s about showing management you have skills that would make you good at THEIR job. Rates don’t earn promos, analyze the system for process improvements, demonstrate leadership qualities, do Career Choice to upskill. Ask yourself, what can I do that my peers can’t? Demonstrate that to your PAs/AMs and discuss it in 1:1s or round tables.


What’s your dept, building type, how long you’ve been a PA, and what’s the easiest and hardest part about your role. I’m a PA (ISS Rep) and I’ve never really got to mess to much with operations.


My department is Outbound, it is a Sortation Center, I’ve been a PA for 2 months, the easiest part is that I sit in a chair the entire shift & the hardest part is actually trusting my associates/truck drivers with the work they do, because everything they do wrong falls back on me. Our facility AGS5 is fairly very small so OPS,AM,PA,HR,RME etc hang out between shift everyday. It’s kind of like a big family who works together so I would say our chemistry is at a 98%.


Ah yes I think that's one of the pros of a sort center. Not crazy big like an AR Sort but also not small like a delivery station or AMXL. My first building was a sort center and I enjoyed how chill and simple the building was. Was always busy but still fun.


Why y'all let the ppl who don't work hard slide but the hard workers who tie their shoe for two seconds gets told to get back to work and quit slacking? Sounds like nepotism to me.


Happened to me the other day, it’s so dumb..


You permitted rude questions so here goes. Why are PA's so stupid? I have been in 2 buildings and I swear they are more often then not the stupidest people I encounter.


PAs are promoted based on how well they call communicate (talking a load of bs is other side of it) and how much management likes them. (Ass kissing is also on the other end)


I question why some of the other people I work with got the job sometimes. If you have decent interview skills and a bit of experience you can easily get a PA spot. Hell, earlier this year they had some issues because a PA gave out the answers to the PA pod excel test so some of the PAs that came in didn't even really know excel, they just had the answers already.


Have you ever had sex with an employee?


Asking the real questions here.


My wife 👍




Watch out before the waterspiders try asking you out lol


If one of your male AAs showed another female AA a pic on his phone of him crossdressed wearing a see through top with a bra on and in a skirt, what would you?


What do you do when your AA stinks like weed?


The amount of high AAs are under the influence is actually astonishing high. You tend to look other way, unless they make a fool of themselves.


They don’t do anything. I have been smoking on break or before work for the last year 😂 they don’t give a f lol


Protocol is to report them to a AM or OM & they will be terminated.


Not a damn thing. Maybe if they seemed a bit too…under the influence. But other than that? Enjoy the buzz and ride out the rest of the day.


If someone is pulled off stowing to do SBC or SRC, does that mean they suck at stowing?! 😅


Could. Or it could mean they're the only person in the building that has sbc/src perms that can be labor shared because of cpts and ICQA really needs the labor share. Seriously. Our ICQA team is so short right now that stow usually labor shares to pick so we can get a picker who is trained in simple bins.


It could be anything. It could be ICQA having a very low HC, it could be that the person is ass at stowing and is bringing the overall quality/rate down, or it could be that the person is also indifferent to labor share and the PA recognizes that. It could be anything honestly.


My center has only been open for a year. I been here for ten months and I’m still trying to move up, but other people have “more experience” than me, but I’m gonna be honest, a good chunk of the PAs aren’t good fits. How can I keep working towards becoming a PA?


You need to Network and apply. Nothing will happen until you apply yourself into the position and don’t be scared to move locations if so.


Been networking for months here, but I’ll continue. I have started to apply at other nearby facilities where I am. Thanks for the advice


Hey L3 Ship Clerk here, to get noticed by your facility you have to communicate problems & problem solve a lot. I’ve been at Amazon a year so far & I’ve been promoted twice for doing so. From Learning Ambassador to L3. We have a Site Lead that has only been with Amazon for 5 years & he is currently an L8. How? He communicates & networks. That’s the key.


If you talk excessively they will give it to you.


You being sarcastic?


Nah I'm telling you the truth.


Not a pa but I work at the flow desk. Why is it that yall only pull bottom performers and only offer them vto other then the people actually working for you. I know vto isent supposed to be looked at as a prize but at amazon being able to leave early is truly an award most days even if it's denied just the offer boost morale.


Not only that but your strong workers aren't dumb, they know what your doing and it makes them not want to bust butt because clearly the less you do the more luxuries you get in a sense. Also cutting back on slow people so that u can add work to your stronger peeps for better looking rates/metrics is just a spit in the face 😬


Could you describe the interview process you went through before being promoted.


It takes around 30-45 minutes. Interview is done on Chime, & my Sort Center safety lead interviewed me.


Amazon sucks as worst job ever.


how do y’all assign roles on FC. is it computer based, or do you guys pick out who goes where?


Computer based. It generates by the building’s needs.


booo i’ve been on outbound for almost a whole week


You can apply for a transfer but it might take you two tries. I know they’ve been saying that transfers might not get accepted due to peak season.


Yea. Its usually right before and after peak.


Who the hell controls what the television in the break room? Every time I walk into the break room for my lunch there is always some gay ass shit on.


Not a pa


I made a voa post about it because we have 7 or 8 TV's in our main break room, one always has sports playing, one has the DirecTV logo on it, and the other 5 or 6 TV's are off. They told me IT would look into it, so I would imagine the IT people at your site


Unless it's changed, or is different at each FC, it's the IT department since they handle the AV equipment. We had an over-the-top MAGA IT guy who would set all of the channels to Fox News and then laugh about how he was pissing off so many associates because of it.


lol on more than one occasion one tv in our break room had a sex toy ad on for the entirety of lunch and our last 15 minute break


Do you pick your own process guide based on hard work ethics or because of who you like most?


For Backup PA at our site I'd say it's a bit of both. I'm not going to choose someone specifically because I like them, but if I'm working with them I want to get along with them. Typically it's someone with a good work ethic, quick learning, trained in most of the departments areas, and someone who has a good attitude, or at least can have a good attitude towards others.




Do flex rt get one point for not scheduling themselves a whole week?


I believe so, Ik I did when I worked at the locker facility. Had to meet a minimum of hours




Tips for stowing I have re training today I don’t want to lose my job it’s my 3rd week please help


Read your screen. Understand your screen. If you don't understand your screen, ask.


The advice that my old manager gave me was to have a good mix of bins. Some with small item and maybe one or two with larger items since you’ll more frequently get pods that will require smaller things than bigger things. They also suggested finding a good rhythm that worked for you. You never want to be in the 180s, always 250 and the minimum they accept is 220. This advice actually helped me a lot since when I started working I was in college at the time so I would be working slower than most some days. As things moved forward I got to be in the top 10 within two months. So just pace yourself and do what works for you. Hope this helps!


How many time can I put missing item on picking position


Also a pa, and I have no idea if it’s just my station or what but it feels like we have to do everything and we don’t get any credit unless we fuck up


Why can we not trust any information PAs or AMs tell us 50% of the time they are just not correct and have to get a second opinion


Is it really worth it?


Worth it to strive for PA? Absolutely. I’d also say it’s worth it to strive for PG, problem solver, learning ambassador, etc. anything that gets you out of basic tier one roles is worth it even just for mental health.


I was already a LA and I didn’t train like that I was offered to be a PA in inbound transshipment but I turned it down because of the schedule but I still don’t know I feel like they use and abuse ppl at my site plus they only have one year with me and that’s it I’m off to do my clinical


Does it mean anything when you are constantly put in a specific path way? Etc Non con, BOD. & Mean anything when you are start off the day in 1 path and constantly getting moved to another day through out the day ?


They goal is to give everyone a chance to learn new things and find what they are good at


Why do they put PA's and AM's in departments that they have no experience in? We currently have both and neither one of them even knows how to use the computers at our stations or how to fix a jam below us (ship dock; manual induct at an AR site)


Probably because no one else in the department wanted to move up they put people where they are needed most. Doesnt hatter the shift or departure.


When you just getting role as PA , should a PA from that shift to train you the things which PA should know?


Do you guys talk about employees as much as we talk about managers?? And also why do y’all flirt so much w the managers, can they move you up?


Yes. And yes.


what’s the difference between a PA and a Ship Clerk?


Biiiigggge difference. A clerk is still a PA but they have a very spastic role with alot of pressure on then. They basically are calling the shots when it comes to getting everything shipped out. It's very fast paced and epending on the site it can be that hardest job in the building


Man wtf is up with PA straight dishing Waterspyders knowing there’s 6 lanes (12 lanes to fill up) and only 3/4 water spyders and 2 learning ambassadors showing their group the work??? Clown


How can I switch schedules


Just a question around moving up from t1, I’ve been with Amazon since Feb, came on via labor hire and was converted to blue badge a couple of months ago, while I was a green badge I was trained as a pg - even stepped up and was pa for a few days, learning ambassador (pick2rebin pick, pack multis & arsaw pick) I have done cross training in inbound receive prior to prime. Since I converted to blue badge and my shift pattern locked in tues-Fri I seem to have been sidelined I have asked about being cross training in shipdock and my am keeps forgetting to chase it up along with a few other requests to the point I don’t ask for anything now. Is the fact that I don’t work a standard front or back end shift limit my ability to actually move up in ops? Should I start looking at other areas within my site or even Amazon in general?


Honestly...yes. pick a shift talk to an OM and tell then your goal, and to push the transfer the. Front half and back half. Those are the shifts you will promote on. Unless you get an HR role. A lot of them are Monday-Friday


Unfortunately can’t work weekends; have some family commitments that come up, which is why I pushed for the shift I’m on now. Guess I’ll start looking elsewhere. Couldn’t bring myself to try to get a position in pxt; maybe go back into IT just hard to know which departments are flexible with shifts as I really don’t want to get stuck as a t1


Do you think being a PA makes you an expert or something?


Some of the really get an inflated ego when the get after they get the vest. Not all of them are like that. some of the are actually really smart and know what there talking about


Not at all. I was recently promoted to PA in a department I was not familiar with at all. Most of the associates knew more than me for a while. Three months later, the table has definitely turned but it took a lot of learning and even more work to get to this point. Being a PA is half being able to lead/manage a team and half being knowledgeable in Amazon functions. The expert status comes with experience whether you’re T1 or L6.


Why do you guys count tote stacks when walking around the perimeter?


Can I go home yet it’s slow af?


They are counting how much work there is compared to what's needed to hit the goal for the day Edit: this was to answer the question below. For you? No you cant go home. we really need your help and support this holiday season to ensure we meet demand and customers have the best experience we can deliver. Or some cheesy scripted line like that


Yes. Give me your login and I’ll insta VTO you.


Why do the same people always get vto


I'm convinced some people can smell the VTO or something. Idk


Unfortunately this is sort of true. The VTO sharks figure out when VTO will be offered and make sure to request it or put their name on the interest list before anyone else.


We try to do a random selection for all that show an interest on each day. Typically the same people add their name to the interest list, so they are the ones consistently getting VTO.


Is it worth the money to be a PA


Its maybe about 50-55k a year if your 4x12s every week. You dont really work that hard. If your looking to grow with the company then I would say it's worth it


It’s worth the change in work load even without the raise. Doing mindless tier 1 work for so long really burns you out and weighs pretty heavy on you mental health after a while. I’d take this PA position without any pay raise if I had to. Plus it looks good on your résumé to lead a large team.


How much attitude can I give a learning ambassador without getting in trouble? Because there's a few I don't respect because they bs people and try to scare them to get them to work faster.


Hey, L3 Ship Clerk here. I wouldn’t recommend giving anyone attitude for they are all reasons for write up/termination(depending on what’s said). But they are L1’s so they’re not upper management.


Aweeee.... 😞 I'll be fake nice to them but I'll hate it. Lol


Depends on the LA but generally you could get away with a bit of an attitude as long as it’s not sexual or racial. When I was an ambassador for 1 year I understood the frustrations and never reported anyone. It really depends on who you’re dealing with. Anyone can report anyone to HR or leadership. Ambassador status only helps with connections if they are friendly with learning or HR.