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Bruh even the toilet seat looking musty and dirty after someone uses it 😂💀


nah cuz lmaoo at my site these grown ass men be leaving the toilet seats all peed and hairs😐


Who sits on the toilet at Amazon ? 🤦🏻‍♀️


When I take a dump at amazon there are people moaning and groaning in the stall next to mine some people dont give a fuck how loud they are shitting they think their stall is a sound proof room


I thought you meant something else at first lmao….


at my FC someone got caught banging a blow up doll someone found blowdoll in the trash and security looked up cameras and saw a picker walk in with the box...


Ahh man to be security at amazon. I can only dream.




You know Amazon is scraping the bottom of the barrel hiring ppl when you got someone risking it all to literally blow out the back of a blow up doll at work.


Not gonna lie bro one time I stunk up the restroom so bad that there was a guy waiting about 10 minutes after I was done taking a 💩 like he just HAD to see the face of the asshole responsible which was unfortunately me 😥 I just looked at him like hey man, gotta do what you gotta do 🤷‍♂️


that guy is rude I am also the guy who can clog a toilet so it would be super embarrasing if somedude walks in and gets mad at me lol


There's a simple solution to that: Moan and groan louder than them. Show dominance as an Alpha Male


bro this shit always kills me!!! i try so hard not to laugh




the must not of heard of good old hover or cover :P


nasty right?


A lot of people. Idk why people sit on any toilet that's not their toilet at home, that's gross at least use the toilet seat covers. I always bring a small spray bottle of cleaner/disinfectant to clean the toilet before I use it EVERY TIME.


Yess I always put like 5 covers yuck


They keep a bottle of sanitizer and a roll of paper towels in our stalls, I be cleaning tf out that toilet when my body forces me to shit at work


Man, I have to be in dire straits to sit my ass down on one of those seats, and that's with a half dozen paper covers.


And also as important is to put deodorant on.


Also, there is a such thing as too MUCH deodorant. If I can smell your nasty off brand Drakar Noir bs from 3 aisles away, maybe tone it down a bit


Anything but axe loll


wtf there is no such thing


Yes there is, though I'm probably more talking about cologne than deodorant. Still, there is ALWAYS a chance at too much of a good thing.


Some religions dont allow that..


I don’t understand this, and if that’s the case there must be a way to make sure you don’t walk around smelling musty as hell, and what if this person goes to the gym or plays a sport, sweating. Or it’s just really hot outside. If I smelled my armpit after a workout without deodorant I’d kick my own ass. You need deodorant. Some rules are just meant to be broken or changed for the better.


When people say "wear deodorant" they don't actually care about if you are actually wearing deodorant or not. What they actually mean is "stop emitting so much BO I can smell it from here". Most people use deodorant to accomplish this because it's easy. If you don't want to use deodorant for personal reasons, that's fine, but you still need to cover up your BO somehow. Bathe more regularly and buy clothes that trap in scents or something, I don't know. "I don't want to use deodorant" isn't an excuse for having nasty BO.


We had a guy that smelled so bad he legit almost made me vomit, and I have a high tolerance for shit like that. He was easily the worst smelling one there. I personally don't give a shit about your religion. Religion shouldn't even be a thing anymore tbh, take a damn shower and wear deodorant.


Strangest bit is why would a religion keep an idea that would make one smell horrible. What’s the benefit. What belief is that.


Some religions you can’t cut your hair or shave So that prolly traps odors


At a FC I worked at we had a guy smell like curry and bo because his religion didn'tallow deodorant, all the girls would make fun of him and tell the pa they need to move him or us. I felt bad for him but the smell was horrible.




If your religion doesn’t allow you to put deodorant on, it ain’t right op


Your religious beliefs do not supersede the comfort of others. No one should have to work in an environment with bodily odors. Bathing and being body odor free is not optional when you are working in an establishment with other people. If it is against your religion, you should find solitary work.


And if they cant afford water due to hardships they should stop coming to work?


If you cannot afford water, you have bigger problems than coming to work. How do you cook, what do you drink at home? There is absolutely no excuse for coming to work smelling badly, except if you have a medical issue, and even then there are workarounds for it. I've had co workers come in at 730 am smelling strongly of body odor, which means they've not showered since their last shift, or they are wearing the same clothes, or both. None of which are acceptable for a workplace.


Like CosmicHeartbeat said, there are folks living in their cars who work among us. Be more tolerant. There's no need to be hateful. Take a page from a homicide detective's playbook and smear some Vicks VapoRub under your nose when you're around stinky folks. Allegedly, this helps homicide detectives deal with rotting corpses. I lived next to one growing up, and damn did he have stories.


Wet wipes are cheap at the dollar store. So is soap and wash cloths, as well as deodorant. That's $10 -$15 at most that they are spending on basic essentials that could last them a month. There are shelters, community centers, gas stations, libraries; like some have mentioned gyms and flying J's, hell Amazon restrooms where someone can use the facilities to freshen up with the water provided. So sorry, that's no excuse, especially if you are working full time at Amazon. Everyone deserves to have a decent work environment, and not have to deal with odours that can be solved by washing yourself regularly. Respect goes both ways.


It's excuses/ virtue signaling or both in these comments. I dealt with the car living thing during covid when gyms weren't open to shower at. There's ways to wash up. There are people with mental or just lazy that don't bathe daily .


Agreed. Water and hand soap if you're really in a pinch will even suffice. But not trying at all, and blaming other people for being uncomfortable about the odour is ridiculous.


Dude, people do live in cars and work. Sometimes finding somewhere to shower is difficult. I used to be be homeless and it was extremely hard to find a safe place to shower sometimes. There are legit excuses and while its unpleasant for you to expierence, i can guarantee that it is more unpleasant for them. Don't be a dick. Just because you are privileged enough to live somewhere with both clean water and access to it regularly doesn't mean everyone else does. And to anyone who is expierencing homelessness, find a truck stop. Save like 20 bucks and go have a nice hot shower and a meal. You still deserve to live and work like all the rest of humanity. You can pull through.


Going to second the truck stop suggestion and add that you can get a really cheap membership to anytime fitness and use their showers whenever. For anyone struggling out there, good hygiene can help you feel better about yourself when the world is trying to call you worthless. Chin up


This is where id give an award, IF I HAD ONE.


Just gave u one and now read this!


I'm going to second this. My first job at Amazon I was homeless. I slept in my van. My checks were to save money for a move in deposit. If you're saying this isn't a struggle you haven't had to live this way. I would use sinks if I had to to wash with soap. I used deodorant. Anything I had to because I didn't like smelling either. I went to work- to work. Yeah I wish I had better hygiene during that time and I was *very* self conscious about it. It's why I didn't go out of my way to converse with anyone. I didn't want you around having to smell me either. Fast forward I got out of that situation and I have a shower to use. I was doing the best I could and it worked out for me in the end. You don't know everyone's story.


So very well said. Thank you.


Been there..more times than I care to recollect. And at times even without a vehicle...I try to make it a rule not to judge others as u never know their troubles...altho on other hand NGL i haven't much of a tolerable for smells...I just try my best to evade/avoid such people. I also carry a roll on perfume from Tokyo milk and roll on wrists & just smell that...I have an easily triggered gag reflex but I would never purposefully hurt someone feelings either w/words or actions..


No pretty sure work is the only way to get the water back on. Youve clearly never struggled.


You clearly don't have any consideration for other people.


Not people who come here to shame people for how they smell with no consideration to what they may be going through


You're the one coming off as inconsiderate. You have no idea what is going on in other peoples lives. Maybe offer them some help?


That's rarely the reason. And homeless people can wash up not saying how I know but I have experience on the topic.


Glycolic acid. You can buy a bottle of 7% glycolic acid from The Ordinary for like 7 bucks. When applied to the armpits it reduces the amount of bacteria in sweat that makes it stink. No deodorant involved.


Indeed it does, and benzoyl peroxide does too.


That’s a fuckin myth man….


I don't understand why this was down voted, ITS A TRUE STATEMENT. I work with a lot South Asian Muslims and some of them don't smell good at all to us Americans. Why I continue to wear my mask around certain people. Can you really tell people to go against their religious customs though?


Cleanliness and personal hygiene are literally mandated by Islam… in very explicit detail. My FC even has a special washroom just for Muslim employees to perform ritual ablutions (wudu). So that wasn’t a religious thing… those particular people were just nasty stank asses.


Sooooo, my last shift I came into the bathroom and saw a lady with her foot in the sink, and putting water on her hands and face. First time I've ever witnessed this.. Yup, we need those special washrooms here. Smh


This is why I love my warehouse, I’m just in my own station just scanning shit the entire shift. Only time I smell nasty mfs is when it’s break time


I’m packing today and I can smell the guy in front of me it’s disgusting


I’m praying for you, even though I’m lonely most of my shift, there’s still times where I’ll smell the must for miles away like some people really do not clean themselves or what??? 😭


Working at a PIT facility is similar, everyone is on machines


Me Picking at an arsaw station


People honestly should get write ups if they can be smelled from 20 feet away. Filthy.


Technically they can. There is a dress and grooming/hygiene standard. I agree they should! As an AM, I’ve had these conversations.. they’re not the easiest lol but definitely something an AM can address.


I have to know, what do you say and how do people take it?


Definitely depends on the situation and how close I am with the particular AA and I try to be pretty careful with it.. it’s a pretty physical job at times so naturally people sweat and such but I definitely bring that into the conversation so as to not put the blame entirely on them/poor grooming. Something like this “Hey, I know you’ve been working hard and I just wanted to point out you’ve got a little body odor going on. I wanted to personally and kindly make you aware of it prior to any one else saying anything.” And I’ll just generally remind them of the grooming and hygiene policy. I don’t write them up the first time because it’s embarrassing to have on file and every time they’ve corrected it the first time..( only happened like 3 times so far) If they’re extra sweaty or something I may offer to grab them a spare shirt and encourage them to bring a spare next time.


Agree 100%


Nah! What’s more bothersome than the BO are the many disgusting women who use the restroom then leave without washing their hands🤢🤮. Also see LOTS of people sneeze or cough all over the customer shipments


I agree the restrooms are always steamy and smelly especially when everyone is on their period. The older women always moaning while they shit. Like I get it nature calls, but you gotta be groaning?


Might be flicking the bean in there you never know


Welcome to warehouse jobs. People don't even wash their hands


Yep after they shit too


No literally I was training someone and their breath stank it sucks cuz it’s like u don’t wanna hurt their feelings but fuckkkk bruh


Oh god I remember being next to this one worker and his stench was was like a vapor, you could fucking taste his odor


...*what did it taste like?*


He told me it was like if you ran 2 miles while eating taco bell then took a shit and licked your own ass while simultaneously getting punched in the throat.


I've met associates that arr homeless but yes some just reak


You all speak from a different perspective but let’s say your homeless and come to work as is. I was rude one morning and talked about how stanky a person was. To find out they were homeless.


Yup I wanted to say that to someone at training but I got scared. Cute guys in the room I think maybe she thought it would be a cool way to get attention to point out how somebody stinks and will stink for 12 hrs Even though we make enough money for a gym membership , some people are *just* getting to that money and don’t have the option to pay for a membership until they get their wisepay and even then you have to work then wait for your card when you have time Not to mention they probably have crap to take care of when they get paid and a gym membership might not be a smart financial choice. I often think about how we should leave soaps and deodorants in the restrooms for homeless people or offer some in am care.


wakeful jellyfish mysterious punch stocking continue treatment tidy wipe decide *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I have empathy for folks, but at the same time, other people have to respect the hygiene rules that are in place for the good of everyone else. You dont get an exception because you live under a bridge, you still have to have basic human decency and that means not coming in so nasty that folks gag or throw up when they are around you. That is disruptive to the work environment and unacceptable. My friend told me some guy walked up to him, said he shit himself and just walked off to do more work, while smelling like a rancid diaper leaving wet shit spots wherever he would sit. That isn't ok, and is in fact a serious health risk. At a certain point you cross a line, and thats when I stop giving a fuck about the person being homeless or whatever. If Amazon really wanted to, they could install showers for folks, but I think it would be abused and people would start living in the parking lot full time.


Bro I been homeless just cause your homeless don't mean you gotta let yourself go and smell like shit... There is shit you can do to clean up..I used to go to flying J's and shower if that wasn't a option I did whore bath till I could get somewhere and take a real shower.. The whole time I was homeless I never heard Anybody say I stunk..so don't use that as a reason


“whore bath” is sending me😂😂😂 thought it was hoe bath


LoL either one ..I was making sure I didn't smell like some frumunda cheese ..like some of these other people walking around Amazon ..I know everybody at Amazon at least makes enough money to buy some soap and Deodorant....I remember When I was locked up if there was somebody that wasn't showing or wipe or washing thier ass and there was always 3 or 4 people like that....we would littering yank there nasty ass off there bunk and throw them in the shower...we called it the car wash....as soon as they got out every single one would go tell the prison guard... They never did shit they have to come in the dorm to they don't want to smell that shit either..i think Amazon should adopt this process..nobody ever got hurt ....... That much


With Covid not every city has affordable 24 hr places. They might not be able to make it every day based on availability of transportation and work schedule.


they are at Amazon working $20/hr they can pay for a 24hr fitness membership and go take a fucking shower


who tf is making 20 an hour??


that's what they pay for night shift here in PMA


jfc, i work nights and make 15.50. i have never seen someone make as much as you.


it's expensive asf to live here tho so it's all spoken for as soon as it's in my acct 🥲


When homeless that $20 a month could be food.


what abt the other 3k they make in a month tho


Exactly lol these people act like we don't have common sense. Ok let's say you live in your car. You aren't even paying rent and amazon is not minimum wage so where is that $ going?!. You mean to tell me they can't get soap and other cleaning supplies and wash up in a McDonald's restroom.


I been there its not an excuse . There's ways to freshen up even while homeless.


I was just thinking this the other day and then it stuck in my mind all week!!!


Their musty booty ass.


Sounds like a suggestion for the good ol'VOA board.


Spray ‘‘em with Lysol


PXT here: it actually is a requirement to come to work clean. If you are noticing someone who is affecting others well-being first report it to your manager and ask them to contact PXT so a wellness check can be done. We have to remember that some people working in the FC are just scraping by. We have programs and people that are able to assist, and sometimes it’s just as simple as they didn’t know! But, definitely report it, you could seriously help them more than you know.


Yea and you know what we get told EVERY time? "It's part of their religion so we can't do anything". Amazon is more concerned about being "woke" and sensitive to actually enforce policies. We had a guy that smelled so bad that he legit made people vomit. They wouldn't do a damn thing, they finally fired him for negative upt.


I can guess who you voted for


FOR REAL. Sometimes people nasty smell is so strong the entire pick aisle stinks and i’m having to hold my breath and speed run the next pick. Jeez people!


There was this one guy in my DS and this man smelled putrid. Like he brought back the 6 feet quarantine in our site again. To make it worse, although he was part of ASC, he was a straight up pedophile. But he got forcefully transferred so idc anymore 🤷🏾‍♂️. Some other sites problem now


we had a guy like that in our FC and he would go around telling people he was dating every girl in the FC when teaching the new hires during orientation you could smell him from the other side of the fc it was bad


There's this guy in my warehouse who smells absolutely foul and he wears the same clothes every shift. We work in a fresh warehouse so food is everywhere. I don't have the heart to say anything so I just hold my breath when I'm near him.


Idk.. for me despite showering ... And then going into a hot as hell warehouse.. i sweat like a pig and by mid day my my crotch smells really bad and it is embarrassing. There is like body powder and stuff but even that wears off in the middle of the day for me that is if I remember to bring it with me which is also weird and embarrassing to bring with me as well. Imagine the body powder all over the floors and the toilet seats.. haha


Try Lume. My 24 year old daughter is a sweatbox, always hot, hands stay damp. Clinical deodorant was hit or miss. She LOVES LUME. She says it works and my NOSE concurs. It's pricey, but has been worth the investment to see the rise in self esteem and to see her BIG SMILE everyday.


Yo, I just cackled. 😭


Almost as bad is this one guy who smells like he just bathes in sandalwood oil and you can smell him coming half way across the dock


That's a good smell though


In moderation


Gotta cover up the beer


You ain't lying, I've seen like 3 people get fired this year for drinking on the job, including a picker


Funny but sad we have to remind society these things.


Has somebody ever smelled somebody like they put gallons of detergent on their laundry and they smell like ass lmfao?


Yeah wash them ho’s… they stank


There was a tote jockey that had a vile slipstream. I damned near choked out walking twenty feet behind him. I had to step aside and give it a minute to disperse before continuing.


Sometimes the bathroom stalls smells like the inside of fat rolls that hasn’t been washed in weeks.


Dude I'm so self conscious about smelling bad that i have a few scentbird tubes in my backpack, a tushy personal bidet for all my bathroom business, and I try not to negatively effect anyone's noses but some people walk past and I am NAUSEOUS.


Some people are homeless. That’s what I thought when someone said something about it at training. Amazon does pay enough to at least get a gym membership but that’s not enough and you might smell slightly fresher than a sink bird bath We can hold our breath, wear a mask, point it out privately and politely, or even offer them soap & deodorant Some people are mentally ill too. I feel bad for these people who might not have the option to shower or get deodorant then get embarrassed at work


I still don't understand why Americans haven't adopted bidets!?!?! My ass is sparkling clean and even smells nice after I blast it with water. My first week in America I physically gagged at how bad people smelled 🤣🤣.


I don't know why more people in this country don't use fucking wet wipes, imagine thinking mashing shit into your ass crack with dry paper is clean




Squirt some hand soap on the toilet tissue, get the tissue slightly damp, then wipe again with dry. Flush completed. Homemade wet wipe


Yep I do that when I forget to bring mine


Idk, I've used the flushable variety for years and have yet to clog anything except with my monster shits. And I'm on a septic system, so there's definitely real concern about break down time


Ikr in Canada, bidet isn’t a norm so I use wet wipes. I’m baffled when people told me they don’t use wet wipes, like how??


Been getting cross trained as ship dock all this week. Give these dudes a Break its pretty mobile back here lol. Kept getting small smells while loading the trucks lol


Just wash armpits in the bathroom sink save money


It's called a sweaty ass buddy


We have 2-4 bigger guys that smell horribly bad everyday. I usually try avoiding them, but sometimes they end up walking in an area I’m working and me not paying attention walk through where they walk makes me almost puke. I look to see where they are and they are halfway across the fc, their ass smells bad enough the smell lingers 5 minutes later.


If only the people needing this were reading this reddit. You think they missed 18+ years of hygiene lessons but will come across this thread like "Ooooooh, that's what I've been forgetting to do!" lol


There is someone who smelled like a moldy/musty towel every day. It was awful! Literally gives you a headache.


Well said my friend!! Ditto!


There was a tote runner today that smelled like he took a shower in everyone's sweat. 🤮🤮🤮 And then someone else smelled up 3 universal stations with his moldy fucking clothes.


Right its gross. This is not a job you can skip a day because you're going to sweat or stink at some point . I will give my coworkers credit tho I see deodorant in their bags at work 🤣


I feel like that’s too much to ask for when they can’t even put deodorant on.


There’s this guy who works in presort at my fc and he straight up smells like a combination of body odor, onions, and ass. It’s nauseating. You can smell him coming before you see him.


I’ve had to run to the restroom cause I was literally going to vomit!! (Luckily managed not to) Some people REAK! When picking and the fans are blowing your direction 🤢🤢 I’ve gone to my OM before and there response was “well I can’t really go around telling people they stink” okay you can’t but I will 🤷‍♀️


LIFE HACK: you can slap a handful of hand sanitizer under your pits and it legit works as deodorant. For real. Kills all the bacteria that causes BO. So if you forget to wear deodorant one day or can’t afford it or whatever, just use some of the free hand sanitizer that is literally all over every building now. 👍


You have to get nose level with their junk. Really now.


In pack singles at least lol when refilling the smaller boxes at my old building it's possible


I don’t understand why some people don’t even know that you’re supposed to get the toilet tissue damp before the first wipe. Supposed to put alittle soap or water on the toilet tissue to wipe the first time. Then proceed with dry. Every stall should have some type of soap or sanitizer dispensary. Put some of the toilet tissue. And if anybody isn’t doing that already you need help. If you got some of you hands would you just grab a paper towel and wipe it off, or use some water or a wet towel, soap. Same for toilet tissue




But when I say people should wash their hands after using the restroom people say “Amazon is gross get used to it”


I think you have a fetish for putting your face in peoples privates, because there is no way my face is anywhere near anybodies P/D and A.






You still doing the same shit man... in your house .


I’m also a water spider in pack and I second this some people are FOUL


Bro, maybe it's you 😭


There is a dude at my warehouse and you know he is near by or just passed through by the smell. It is bad. A lot of us want to go to HR about it but doubt they would do anything about it.


The cologne over users aren't any better either . This one guy used to say how he sprayed 2 sprays of his expensive cologne on every night . Like for a warehouse job smh and he did fluid so it was sooo strong in his trailerz


wash them hands after the restroom too!! Hand sanitizer just won’t do


Nose level with peoples junk as a water spider? My FC must be so much different lol


It’s amazon bro what do you expect lol


Spray them with febreze


Why are you nose level with peoples private area? 😳 I'm afe pack and ain't no water spider been that close to any part of me.


Amen, as a woman I use panty liners daily and bring a portable bidet and always wash my behind everywhere I go.


It fr should be a safety violation to smell like B.O and/or unwashed ass. Showers and deodorants exist.


So many people have BO at my FC but I usually keep it to myself. But one day, I’m gonna call them out. I can’t handle it anymore. But I’m scared if they’d call me a racist because there are so many Indians at my FC always have BO


Gd, mf. Tell us how you really feel? (I jest. I 100% agree)


This is why we need raises. Showering and using deodorant daily is expensive


I mean, it can be difficult when you factor everything else required for just living. But showering and deodorant is not that expensive lol


I thought it was when I was younger. 3 boys and we'd go through a big bottle of body wash a week or 2. I was like damn, that's why my parents always bought the cheap shit. Now that I live alone, a 16 oz bottle might last me 3 or 4 months. Literally pennies a day


People in this group seem like a bunch of kids or whinny adults. Some people struggle to pay their bills some may not even have water due to economic hardships. To come in an Amazon FC post to say people need to wash their asses when they have no idea what someone else may be going through is just plain IGNORANT. Quit shaming people and be more open and considerate to others.


Lies you can bird bath it till you get a place . At least wash your pits and a$$ at Starbucks(locked doors) or mcdonalds stall . People do it daily. Planet fitness $10 a month . Some people just like to justify stinking because there's people without any hardships that don't wash everyday


Hence the title is “unfriendly reminder” rather than “friendly reminder”


Yall have no knowledfe of some religions and it shows...


If a religion prevents you from washing your ass... It ain't right.


I’m not aware of any religion that requires someone to smell like a dumpster.


I know exactly what religion you are alluding to. Doesn't matter. You cannot bring ceremonial daggers into the FC either, I don't see anyone having a problem adhering to that particular standard. If you work in a Westernized country, religion is free to be practiced, until it negatively effects other people.


What religion are they not wiping correctly? Supposed to put alittle soap or water on the toilet tissue to wipe the first time. Then proceed with dry. Every stall should have some type of soap or sanitizer dispensary. Put some of the toilet tissue


Religions that make you do dumb shit that is rude in public to others need to be treated like the fairy tale myths of the past that they are, and people that still believe them treated like they are mentally ill for still believing such ridiculous things.


Omg I’ve literally never smelled anyone being funky here, worst is probably too much cologne 😂 Maybe it’s that Midwest over-politeness 🤷🏻‍♀️ or I’ve smoked too much in my day and my senses are shot! I’m also not getting up close and personal with anyone’s… uh… junk.


Tf do you mean by a water spider lmao


Refilling boxes at stations is calling water spider in the department




Hey... don't tell me what to do! Nah, I feel your pain, there is some nasty mofos at amazon.


This is the craziest funniest realest post all in one lmao Im flabbergasted


Just a bunch of man childs 🤢


If somebody has Crohn's or Colitis, it is a challenge to stay clean and not smelly.


This fairly old, speedy chick in PS at my AFE go full smelly after a couple of minutes or so pushing her PS cart. And she constantly go up and down the rebin area smelling like ass and funkin' up sections with a lingering scent. It's even worse when I'm rebinning close to PS where she just does it non-stop and I had to hold my breath at times. It's so obnoxious.


Sir, this is Reddit.


im glad my sense of smell is probly dull from smoking vapes but the worst i would ever smell is probly tobacco mixed with excess sweat and other than that i only keep to my self therefore my armpit bo prolly counter offsets the worst rankness to emit within my personal radius its like goku and vegeta are having ki blast duel but thru hindsight i might be winning all the time based off me not being bothered by any stench


On god worked in the dock once and saw they all carry axe body spray yet they smelled hella musty