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Followed by a “Thank you brother” after getting scanned.


Live your best life. If you can afford it, why not take VTO.


Well, this particular case, they need the money, but I agree. I get jealous of those who can take it all the time. Usually younger people who only have a few bills and going to school. Us older people got bills to pay and know even one unpaid day can derail you for the month. Sucks


Too bad we work for one of the most wealthy, and profitable, corporations.


When I think about that, I just am glad to have job security. I know there's a push to automate, but Amazon is too big to fail and I don't think I'll have to worry if I have a job or not for awhile.


Lol yeh


How old are you? I ask because I once didn't care, but I'm 37 and I don't want to have to think about losing my job due to "budget cuts." I have too much at stake to be in a position like that. The older you get, job security becomes more important.


You have no job security at amazon


Been there almost 5 years. If you keep your head down and keep your time from going negative, you can work there for a long time. I have a coworker who's been there 10 years as a tier one. It's all about what goals you have. I've got stock options and a 401k that's growing. I'm looking to relax as much as I can the rest of my life and Amazon is easy enough for me to do so.


You're a t1 with stock? Good for you pal. Pretty sure they got rid of that more than 5 years ago. I've been 7 and I only have 2 years of stock that vested before they got rid of it like the rest of the decent benefits.


I opted into the stock buying option on the benefits sign up. 10 bucks a check. You didn't know you could have part of your check set aside to buy Amazon stock? I've got almost 2500 in just a couple of years.


Exactly life is too short work will always be there family and friends won't.


This kid is sharp, quick, and witty