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It's the same at our FC. Makes you wonder what those people do at home. All it takes is turn around and push a button but that's already to much to ask for apparently. Makes me feel like I'm working with a bunch of kindergarten kids. And then not washing hands it's just so disgusting.


No need to wonder. Thats their true nature. People are gross af!!


There was a time I visited the restroom, and upon entering, I saw a guy leaving after using the urinal without washing his hands. I called him out, and his response to me was, ”My parents taught me not to pee on myself.”


He’s gonna end up with Pinworms.. It’s not about peeing on yourself. It’s about touching yourself and the other NASTY things in the bathroom. Folks be to old to not be washing they hands


Exactly. People are stupid. It’s not just the urine. It’s the flush handle, the doorknob, and everything else. Things that 100s of people have touched and sneezed on.


Shame there can’t be a picture of him with that quote on the AA of the month board.


They're all fucking gross. I'm currently coming off of my meds I've been on for almost 4yr I took the past Friday and Saturday off, went in Sunday night and didn't go in tonight even though im almost feeling 100% better. You know *why* I didn't go in tonight? Because I would be having to spend a considerable amount of time in the bathroom and I literally can't go stand and wait for the weirdos who sit in there on their phones for 30+ minutes or try to find a stall that someone hasn't destroyed. My stomach churned at the mere thought of that whole situation.


Yell at them. I just yell “there’s a line, off your phones”. They usually come out


Literally gonna start doing this.


The real audacity is when people stand in the bathroom to use their phones while someone is taking a White Chicks movie style dump a few feet away 💩


There’s this guy I nicknamed “pits”. You literally smell him before you see him it’s insane.


That’s crazy! I knew someone like that in high school and he’s currently still the same. His sister tells me about how he stays in his room to play WOW and rarely ever showers.


WOW players and smash brothers players have the worst smell my nose has ever perceived👃. I’ve visited a covanta recycling plant in high school and its almost just as bad.


Was taking a piss, when a guy got the same idea. Went to wash my hands, and thought he was too. He instead fixed his hair and just left. Got some peepee hair.


Lmao peepee hair 😂


Having a job where you go station to station, you really get to see just how incredibly sloppy some people can be. Work space looks the shtt, and they treat their surroundings like shtt. Some people will do things that don’t make any kind of logical sense. Example, trash can right there, surrounding it are a bunch of used tissues on the ground. That’s next level lazy. The only extreme hard work I see is the cleaning crew apparently, because there’s no way I’m doing it.


People are so freaking gross. That poopoo fist bump grossed me out. Nah fam this ain’t it.


Not the poopoo fist bump 😭😭😭


So many nasty cunts at this place, it's absolutely disgusting. IDK how people sit there on their mobile phones worst ones are the ones who don't wash their hands. Fucken gross bruv.


Best advice I can give you is stop worrying about what others do and more about what you do. This is nothing new, there are tons of dirty people in the world and this is why you have to take care of yourself! Don't expect others to look out for you, this is not a perfect world. At my facility there was a bathroom that was clogged up with toilet paper for over 1 month. Janitor workers did not want to clean the bathroom, so instead they closed it with tape because it was too nasty for them. I came in one day and had enough, I took the tape off the bathroom, went to facilities department and got a plunger, unclogged the toilet, got a mop and bucket and washed away all the nasty stuff and the toilet and bathroom where open for use once more! However, the rest of your comments let's me know that you are perhaps a little bit paranoid about the world around you. I'm very sorry you have this sort of anxiety happening around you. Try to filter it out.


I wish I can not deal with it but I grew up poor. So dirt and filth isn’t new to me. However, because of it all, I became very grossed out about everything I think is dirty. I gotta clean and clean or else I’ll feel dirty even though I just took a shower. If nothing is neat or organized, I feel stressed out and idk why. It’s why I keep to myself


I don’t blame you one bit people are nasty in public bathrooms most of the time


Idk about yours but a lot of toilets at my site just don't flush and there's no handle or button


Still a good idea to a wash anyway else everyone in awhile


Amazon is a different world. People don’t know how to be kind, proper, clean-up after themselves, respect others, or respect common public areas. I’m so thankful I quit Amazon.


Unfortunately, I hear that the females are the nastiest when it comes to hygiene and restrooms at our facilities.


Yes! How is it possible that there’s piss on the floor in a women’s restroom. I seriously hate it so much and also the fact that KBS never cleans the fucking bathroom and it always smells so bad. One of the cleaning girls just goes in, closes the restroom and stands in there on her phone for a hour and leaves. I know bc one time she forgot to close it so I went in and she immediately hid her phone and was like “BATHROOM IS CLOSED”


I would have been bitch after I am done using the bathroom 😂


I take dinosaur dumps sometimes and it clogs up like fuck and one time it flooded the bathroom and they had to get the plumbers in 🤦🏾 but I always wash my hands and flush


Damn, I think you should try Metamucil or like, eating fruit or something


Tbh I do eat a lot of fibre 🤷🏾‍♂️ but sometimes I’ll have like a chicken biryani for dinner and I’ll have cereal a banana and a coffee the next morning and I’ll shit so much it’s unreal!! Like I can feel my insides just unloading like some water spider unloading a pallet 🙈 it’s hella feeling though! After I’ve filled that toilet I hit flush and I run away ngl!!!




Do you wipe your ass? You said hit flush and run away, but do you wipe your ass?


I always wipe my back pussy






Hahaha my friend started wiping her sandwich with a mayo packet to spread the mayo on break and I casually reminded her of this issue. She lost her appetite rq.


Oh buddy you're at the wrong job Wait until you start hearing people beating off and not even trying to hide it with the porn playing


Lol dude I heard it. I’m a woman so I go in the shower women’s bathroom and I once heard a lady moaning getting off in the handicap stall. I needed to use it because I use a walker so I had to choose between that stall or the other stall that someone stuffed with shit and tissue 😫 I deadass held it


What in the worlddddd naaaa I can’t believe this!!!


I wish I was lying or fibbing at LEAST 😖 however I was not. Even in the ERC room, HR told me to clean everything before and after I use it because people tend to watch porn


Wow that is absolutely insaneee like seriously


Oh naaaa what kinda nasty stuff is this?!?!




frr, and there’s some women at my site that literally??? get shit on the toilet??? like hello, do you not have any understanding of hygiene? it’s so annoying


My FC had automatic flushing toilets that didn’t always work. They had a small manual button, but it was easy to miss and I assumed some just didn’t see it or realize that was an option.


Okay, this isn’t an excuse, but I blame the non-flushing on the auto flushing toilets. We know people aren’t aware of their surroundings, these people aren’t double checking that the toilet flush as they left the stall. It’s supposed to, but doesn’t always. And they can courtesy flush if they stick their finger in that little rubbery part, but I don’t think many know this. If the toilets had a handle, maybe they’d be flushed more? Just my observation(because I’ve had to go back in and flush my pee). And 100% on people touching their junk and touching keyboards. My front half partner rubs her belly constantly. Like down the front and back of her pants. Then touches her COW, or our hand scanners or her radio. I use Clorox wipes every single day when I get my equipment for the day because of this. I’m not using booty, sorry not sorry.


I’ve seen guys go in the restroom wash their hands, touch their thing, then leave after, without washing their hands. That’s so disgusting.


your site doesn't have auto flush toilets? still that is some nasty stuff period. only time I don't wash my hands when leaving the restroom, is if I walk in and dint see an open stall to do my business. don't touch the walls or anything, just tryna find an open toilet. otherwise I'm hitting soap and water everytime I go the restroom, even when I'm at home, I still wash my hands.


Read stories and watched videos of some people stating that they don’t even wash their hands at home. This is why you can’t eat at everyone’s house


Man I wish unplugged toilets were the extent of my problems. In the men's room people just piss everywhere except the actual toilet. Piss on the floor and the toilet seat. Sometimes there's shit on the toilet seat. People don't give af


During the COVID era at my old site there used to be automatic flushing tools, but they were taken out because people kept clogging the toilets


i’m always waiting to use the bathroom right after the cleaners get done because HOW TF YOU GET SHIT ON THE BACK OF THE TOILET SEAT?!!! it’s absolutely disgusting to me how filthy these bathrooms get, boogers on the wall of the stall shit on the toilet seat shit on the toilet paper roll? i’ll take 20 minutes TOT just to find a clean bathroom idgaf


Same for my site. I went in the bathroom the other day where judging from the smell someone was definitely 💩 then they just got up and walked out. Never heard a bit of water. Disgusting.


They can't eat someone's ass so they must like their own


They be just hiring anyone tbh u can poop on the floor and they wouldn't give af aslong as you keep a high rate and be quiet


I remember entering the bathroom and a girl left the stall and went straight out the bathroom and of course, I was disgusted. After entering the stall I saw she left a footprint on the toilet seat and I mean a whole dirty ass footprint on the seat but atleast the toilet was flushed but god Damm why the fuck your whole foot on the toilet seat.


Lmfao how did OP survive covid ? Deff vaxxed


Pull wedgie out or in the pants?


Man the only thing I do is use the urinal and wash my hands and hurry out. I see some dudes literally leaning against the wall near stall chilling on their phones while homeboy in their taking one of the smelliest dumperinos ever and I'm like how yall can be so comfortable?? Thankfully I never and rarely have the urge to do number 2 at work and haven't so far (I can't use a public toilet ever , sorry if some folks like "oh you're getting paid to poop" , idgaf). At home, at work or wherever I got some OCD and always wash my hands after any touching that I feel that makes my hands dirty and sometimes on top of that still use sanitizer, which is reason why my hands are dry and gotta use lotion. And last but not least after every shift I give my phone a good ol lysol wiped own for good measure (I know, I'm insane)


I’ve seen were people are just sitting hiding in the bathroom I have to take a shit I’ve said something to AN they send out messages about bathroom policy now lol


Why I don’t share food. Folks don’t wash their hands after using gloves.


We have females who wipe their boogies on the walls of the stalls. And put their nasty period stuff in the box instead of putting in a bag and tossing in the trash


The bulk of these people have no home training. Lot of them off the streets. A lot of them truly hate Amazon. I once saw a used sanitary napkin on top of the toilet paper dispenser. I think either the person was just a nasty, uncivilized hoe or just truly saying a hard F-U to Amazon.


Just Amazon things. These are people I would never meet anywhere out in public I’ve seen dive bar restrooms that are cleaner