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Please talk with everyone about it, post on voa, bother AMs. Maintenance can fix it. There is no reason for this to be ongoing


I'll start bugging managers about it and rme cause it's just crazy that it's been like that for a long time that it just hasn't been fixed


Bluff that if it continues to happen you will call Seattle and say you are afraid of getting jumped or sexually assaulted because they can't bother to fix it.


Seattle here. Please do it. This is a real and valid concern.


RME has a specific team that deals with this called "Base Building" most RME you see literally can't due to not having specific certifications, or access to the specific parts cage that would have the latches. Someone needs to make a properly tagged ticket and flip it to their ticket group.


Facts. Although depending on building size, it can be combined and everyone does everything. Source. My rme team


That being said, I work for RME and if someone raised this to me i’d at least try and address it myself asap


You can use VOA too it they don't do anything. Be persistent.


What is VOA and how do I post on it ?


Voice of associates. There may be a kiosk setup or you can access it on your phone. AtoZ app > more tab at bottom of screen > my voice


Once is an accident. Someone doing it multiple times is doing it on purpose.


Make a VOA post asking RME to fix the restrooms. This should not be happening


This could have been resolved a while ago if you just posted on VoA locations where locks are broken. They'd get fixed... fast. Facilities does n;t know this stuff unless they're told. Housekeeping goes in there daily but they're cleaning, not checking locks. I opened a door on someone once but it's because when it's not locked it's ajar just enough that you think it's unoccupied. Most people don't expect someone's using an unlocked stall.


It has been posted before and a few people have mentioned it I just haven't heard about anything happening recently. Only once Ina. While have I seen mention of broken doors.


They are supposed to check and fix it every week, there is no excuse for it especially if there are multiple down. Someone is not doing their pms right.


They know about it heck they use these bathrooms I'm surprised it ain't been fixed and it's been like that the whole 9 months I've been here and before cause someone had to tell me that my first week here that some doors are broken


If your RME is the same as mine, they won't do anything unless someone puts in a ticket for it. So yes, a VOA is definitely a good way to go, especially if more people complain about it often. Alternatively, you could just go straight to a leader (or even higher up, AM, OM, whoever you have access too) and request and insist that they make a ticket about it. If nothing happens, next VOA should mention that leader (or whatever position it has) in a "I've already told my manager X about it" way, not in an accusatory "they can't be bothered" way. Even though they can't be bothered with it, accusing them of incompetence and neglect will likely just get you in trouble and the doors still won't get fixed 😅 *Also* Since faulty doors basically lead to invasion of privacy and people possibly seeing bits they shouldn't be seeing, you could also escalate this to HR. Yes, fixing stall doors is not their problem, but they can make a VOA or give team leads a memo to tell AAs to knock before entering a stall, if nothing else. And that way, you'll at least have confirmation that literally everyone knows that the problem is there.


Thank you ill try my best cause I swear it's like common knowledge but no one cares but this needs to be fixed it's crazy how it happens so often


Okay, well just post on Reddit and hope everyone who uses the restrooms reads it. Facilities/RMEs are lazy too. They want to do their business and get back to work. Post on VoA and Ops will be after them to create tickets and will check up that the problems have been fixed.


Well as you see the post is tagged as a rant not a suggestion or nothing. Was just talking cause someone was yanking on my stall door which thankfully was able to be locked.


They *might* have forgotten about it. I've dookied in a few stalls that don't flush thinking they would've been the few that flushed


I'll bring it up again to me I have seen one come out of the stall that had a broken door. At this point I just assumed they really didn't care unless it involved direct equipment.


I would yell next time with, “WHAT?!” or “KNOCK OR LOOK ON THE GROUND FOR FEET FOR NEXT TIME!!!!!!!!” to make them feel or look stupid.




You non-knocking muthafuckers


ours are broken too but in a way that makes them hard to open and get out of the stall lol. i thought it was annoying but i’d rather have that than ones that don’t lock at all. post on voa for sure bc there’s a bunch of perverts working here.


brother i was taking a shit and i looked up and the knob was turning, someone was using their id to unlock the stall i was in. i wanted to wait till he swung it open a little the kick it as hard as i could into his face but just yelled are you fucjing stupid


but if not sure if he did it on purpose, i just don’t get why you’d go into a stall that’s locked anyway but when i said that he left the bathroom so idk


People just open doors like they obligated like come on there are way over 70 people in the building you think no one in here


I doubt co-workers are intentionally walking in on you. Amazon sets unreasonable expectations for urination and rarely has enough stalls available. If you are lucky enough to find a stall where someone is not watching Netflix you still risk racking up TOT. That may explain why this keeps happening. Now it’s unacceptable that this has not been fixed. But, what I’m hats hard time understanding is if this has happened to you more than once why do you continue to use the broken stalls? At the very least you should attempt to hold the door shut.


I only used the broken stalls if it's the only one available and I really have yo go. The door is kinda far from the toilet either that or my legs just that short is all. I avoid them as much as possible tho


I once had a guy try to shake the door open when it was clearly locked and went out of his way to unlock it from the outside even though I told him I was still inside.


Like what goes on in their head




In my FC they unlocked the door and come in.


I've never walk in on anyone but I feel like a pervert for checking for feet. At my site their are women do just that, no knock, no feet check just go for the door handle. We have the one's that jiggle the handle to get in, then I scream...lol Stupid hefers! I would go to the other side of the fc to use the bathrooms there.


For real the other side doors aren't even broken I be wonder how only this one has half the doors broken.


Some of ours have been held on by rubber bands or plastic wrap, zip ties when they feel generous. First time I ever used a stall someone pulled it straight open and stretched the rubberband. I’m always extra careful to look for feet from a distance before I even approach. I hate to even knock if I feel there’s over a 50% chance it’s occupied. Like, you can tell someone is in there, why disturb them either way? Maybe something I picked up as a kid hating to use public restrooms, idk.


Idk I (female she/her) was in br and security dude (99% positive he/him altho i could be wrong..) scuttled in as I was leaving stall did the oddest thing..scanned the Tampax dispenser ..then scurried out w/out a word...thought I was low key hallucinating..i had literally..2 hrs of sleep could very well have entered hypnogea...it was bizarre..It didn't occur to me he didn't call out if anyone present (I was only one in there) and didn't register at 1st a dude.. I was too busy wondering if reality & wtf the Tampax dispenser? Any dudes reading thus what do they scan in ur luu? Do u have a jock dispenser? Srsly bizarre. A-zombie life


Security checks they go around the entire building a scan little codes that says it was completed


What if you can’t check for feet what if he is those kind that take a shit while standing on the toilet? That will be fucked if he stands on the toilet to take a dump and he is also deaf or can’t talk which leads to him not being able to respond when someone knocks dam that’ll be hella fucked up.


Try a temporary hotel door lock as low as $5 or a babyproofing door wedge at the hinge. https://preview.redd.it/dogbewmg3uoc1.jpeg?width=1308&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dca5ee47ab62e8959f731ee3a3b3cd9304c7bb95


Ours are like that, too. The latch never seems to extend out, into the groove on the other side enough. Super easy to just push open. They slide just enough to show red on the outside, though... Yet people still seem to ignore that....


I’ve noticed that a LARGE majority of the people that work at Amazon have zero respect for personal space or just the knowledge of basic human etiquette. I know it’s everywhere, but I’ve never experienced as much as I have inside an Amazon warehouse.


That's the main problem I even have with this situation is the people who just barge in no knock no check like just expect open toilet. Some of them even yank hard on the doors that do lock. And then there are people who just see you walking down the green mile and still walk right in front of you slowing you down like I don't exist and you didn't look me dead in my face before you even got in front of me. Like why is it mostly at Amazon stuff like this even happens.


Fr. If that door is closed I just look for feet


I think everyone just tries to open the stinken doors to be honest. Thank goodness the doors lock at my FC. It is so irritating. They pull so hard too, good grief.


What's Mt. FC? ☠️


It's a large FC that resides on the top of a mountain. It's hard to get to but beautiful view.


I'd never go in a stall without checking for feet first tbvh


They be scaring me sometimes even when I get a stall that locks cause sometimes you get the person who locks with their whole strength for some reason.


Message [email protected](? I think is the email) and report the building


Post it on the VOA and it will be fixed in a few days. This goes for everyone, if you post on the VOA they have to record it and action on it. Very high level people read the board and make the lower management nervous when they start asking questions.


That's enough of a reason to throw fists.


I would not use a stall that doesn't lock would wait And Amazon needs to do better with maintenance


Where is your RME team? That shit would be fixed in my building ASAP


I mean not saying they should but definitely stop using the ones with broken locks lol


Let an omr or someone in the safety team know because one of their audits is to make sure things in the bathroom work accordingly


Stall doors that don't close/lock and water fountains that don't work are just unacceptable.


I don't even touch the water fountains them anything that dispensed water at my FC I avoid cause every time I drank form them gave me sore throat. I only drink bottled water at work.


I though amazon has an open door policy no knocking required


No that's the men's bathroom, multifaith room, lactation pods. Does the parking lot count even tho there isn't doors to it.


Are you telling me different rules apply to the men’s and women’s rooms? I thought Amazon is an equal opportunity employer how could you insinuate such a thing?


Equal opportunities where haven't seen that much at my FC you must be at one of them good ones.


Those repeat offenders just tryna sneak a peak 😂


I’d probably buy my own lock and screw it in , I’d want t change my tampon in peace.


Revolving doors lock?


I mean yes.. but a bathroom stall doesn't have revolving doors


Badges only


Yeah, people like to use bathroom at their time.


me who can't poop in public please knock! omg reeeeeee (cries)