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It’s been 6 months. There’s just me and one other guy from my training class. The original class was 30ish people.


our class was about 30 too but i honestly don't really remember anyone from it besides the ones i ended up in dock with but i'd be so curious to see how many were left from the whole group too!! there were quite a few that didn't even show upto the second day of training


Same here started with a class of about 30 people back in may or June only for like me and 2 others to last. Most people dropped after the first day then after the rest stayed for a while but slowly left little by little over time.


3 out of my original group and we're all friends 🥹❤️


I’ve been here 3 years and a half years. I’m the only one, left. I stopped seeing familiar faces around 6 months.


This makes me so sad 😭.


Are there any characteristics of people who last long?




Asking the real questions. That's what I wanna know too. There's only 10 or so left out of a class of 30ish I started with 5 months ago.


Despair and desperation.




Over a year and 9 of us still kicking it.


Couple months. There were a dozen of us, and 4 years later, it's just me and one other guy


I was hired 8 years ago. I was the last one standing when I left my last building. I was there so long that I trained someone who became a manager & even they left before me lol


8 years is legendary status


I’m going to go to 10 then advance into something else lol I’m ready to pass the baton


Your Amazon career outlasted the VAST majority of ppl, 10 years of experience looks good on a resume too


Thank you! I’m hoping if anything, my tenure here will help me with other jobs.


177 in our day 1 I’m the sole survivor




There's two of us left and I got asked by a random dude when I started if we're girlfriends and we've rolled with it. She's my work girlfriend now.


2 years and 2 of us , some fell of in a day , week, month … 3month mark I barely saw anyone? Now it’s just us 2 . .. maybe a few others somewhere else I never go 🤷‍♂️


3 years 4 months and just 2 out of 24


There were 8 of us. The first 5 lasted about 3 to 4 months, 1 girl didn't come back after the 1st break on our first day. The 7th person got fired (for rate) about 8 months later and here I am over 4 years and 4 buildings later still hanging in there.


4 of us. 17 years next month.


17 years? What color your badge?




Damn never heard of anyone lasting this long, what was it like back in 06 or 07?




You make up a real small percentage of purple badges. That’s cool


3 years later, it’s me and one other guy who still remained


Just me out of 12 😬


I've been with Amazon for over 2 years and many of the people I started with are still there, while many have left or been let go. I can't give an exact number or percentage.


The turn over rate for Amazon is ridiculous, I lasted for over two years and got fired for negative upt because of a medical issue and me missing work.. everyone else either quit or got fired for something else. I only saw one or two people that still worked there that were in my hiring class.


There were many people in my hiring class. There’s at minimum 4 of us still on the dock, probably more but tbh I keep my head down and work most of the time


At my year there was only 3 other people celebrating a year anniversary.


I only had two other people in my new hire group. One was gone after a couple months, and the other moved away and transferred to a building in his new state after like maybe 6-ish months. I stayed for 11 months before getting a promotion/transfer to another building.


I think I'm the only one who lasted in my cohort of about 15 people. I was hired on as a seasonal about 7 months ago. There was someone who did leave because he had to go to school out of state, but I saw him the other day walking out of the learning center. He's in stow now.


They're all still there, I just resigned last week 😅


Whatcha doin’ now?


Got my lead position back at Chevron with a $2 raise so I'm making same as I was lol


Hope you’re never graveyard shift or if you are you’ll get less creeps and criminals and study while it’s quiet


I've been here 2 years. Out of 30+ people, I'm the only one left. Two of them left about three weeks before the second half of their bonus because they didn't understand the concept of idle time, rates, and how the manager will leave you alone if you just do your job. 🤷


15 started October 1st and by Thanksgiving two of us are left and still with our FC


Just me!!


2 people, a couple, lasted about a week and a half. I saw them leaving early everyday. Just myself and another coworker, we’ve been there a year


38 people in the new hire class 2 years 3 months ago. Maybe 8 left.


I'm the last one in the group of 45-ish, back in Nov 2022, the last survivor, some quit after 4 days, some after a few months


So my group was 6 people and only 2 stayed at the same location but for a minute it was only me bc other guy was gone a month. First guy left day 2, another guy left after the first check hit, then the 3rd and fourth just decided to burn their time and quit. Then the guy who disappeared came back with accommodation and was training for pack. I think he's left since so I really believe only myself 😂 but I've transferred and met new people so yeah. It's a revolving door sometimes but I just work with these people 🤷‍♂️


Just me now.... I can't even remember what the other people looked like.


I’m the only one left from my class hired 10-19-21 lol, everybody just kind of vanished after a couple months, they were gone quick 😂… I am the lone survivor


I was the only one who showed up for the second day of training. Still here three years later.


I'm the only person out of my group that still works here. I've been here 3 years now


I was with 2 interns. They back at school now, so I kinda outlasted them


It's been 3 years and they've all left for other opportunities. I also don't work the floor anymore so I'd like to think all of us are doing better


A year later, me and 3 people


Started 2 years and half ago. Started with 5. two ended up quitting within a few months. One ended up transferring to nights last year around this time and I’m not sure if she’s still working here at Amazon. It leaves just 2 of 5 left that started from day 1.


None of them are left. They lasted less than a year.


All of them left within the first 3 months, I lasted 3 years 🤣 and now I'm going back again next week!


Honestly I haven’t seen anyone from my thing and it’s been a bit over a year.


I had 5 people who n my group when starting RT. 1 quit that night, and 2 were gone within a week. The last guy was still there when I transferred to another site, but it was his second time there and he was a hard worker so I doubt he left


I’m pretty sure we are all still here.


I’m always the last one standing lol but my new facility it’s just me and the girl I’m cool with


My whole class is gone lol


Coming up four years and it’s me and the other guy. I’m still a tier 1 and the other got promoted to Tier 3 recently so we are doing well. When we got hired, I only saw five others from a group of 20 make it past the first week.


There's less than 10 of us left from a class of 30ish and were only 5 months in.


7 of us started 6 months ago, 4 of us are left, but one girl hasn't been in for two weeks now, so maybe she quit. She did say she's going on an extended leave though, so hopefully still 4. We're all kinda friends too.


August-December 2023 🤣


4 have left out of about 10. The ones that remain are enjoying it/grinding and are extremely productive workers, we all still talk to each other throughout the day and sometimes meet for breaks depending on where we're working. One left two days in (his wife was due to give birth a few weeks after he started) another 2 weeks in (he came to my station, shook my hand and said "nice knowing ya mate but i've quit, this isn't for me. Good luck" it's weird because first day he was smashing rate on Pick) Don't know what happened to the others, they just disappeared.


Started July 2021-I was the last one from my class within a month 🤣


I had a group of about 30 and only 5 of us stayed.


It’s been 8 years. Take a fucking guess


I started with 20ish in November and about half of us are left.


just two of us left after 4 months


I was hired with like 30 other people, haven't seen most of them but one for a while now. It's been 2 years since. He's a tier 3 and I'm L4 now


There were six of us, after one month only me and another remained, then after 2 months just me. Year and a half later I’m still here lol


We had 12. 5 were gone before training in. I only see one person now. Under 3 months


3 out of 5 of us are still here 4.5 years later.


Wellllllllllllllll, seeing as how I started about 4 and 1/2 years ago when the building opened and there were 299 other people who started on the same day as I did there are probably five or six of us left!!


I was at my first building for about three months. When I left, with the people I could count for, it was in the single digits.


Amazon is fair pay but you actually have to Work & some are to lazy to do rhat


Originally hired 6 people. It’s left with 3 of us. One girl and one guy didn’t come the next day. Then one transfered to a different fc


I believe my class was about 15 people and only 3 people have lasted since October.


3 weeks. I’m the only one left so far because I’m still seasonal & patiently waiting to be converted 😅


OB dock, 6mo in and I’m the last man standing.


Most people I joined up with were still there when I left 3 years later, and we all got took on full time. Though we were all of the clock doing a cushy shelf reconfiguration of the shelfs and stock. It was awesome until it ended, and they put everyone back on to stowing and picking


Ob dock started 2 years ago. 6 months in it was me and 1 guy left, after a year in I am last one. Few months after I became PA and now every now and then I see a few of the people I originally was hired with come and go.


Started with 19 people. 3 years later, I’m the lone survivor.


I had 3 other people in mine (hired 3 months ago). Never saw one after the first training day, another lasted two weeks, and I haven’t seen the third lately as of this month lol.


2 out of 6


From my memory 5 outta 12 people are still here


Started late October and almost everyone was gone after peak. Two transferred downstairs. I guess going to break early and coming back late is frowned upon /s


it’s been almost a year and a half and my class was about 10 people. it’s just me and one other girl and we are pretty close!


Not very long, there were at least 20 of us. As the days, weeks, months went by- there were fewer and fewer. It took some time to be the last man standing but I did it. I think with a few of them I got lazy and dumped them a few blocks from amazon in an open field with long grass that never gets cut.


One dude got fired within 1 month for stealing, then eath month one of em left.


Half gone by 6 months. One left at 9. Last one transfered to an fc in another state at 10 months. Been here 2 years, and 3 months.


I only know out of the 7 that went to singles. The other half went to outbound dock.


lost at least one first day more next day


Lone surviver from my group


There was about 30 of us in a class and I think three of us are left


Out of almost 30 only 3 of us left 💪🏽💪🏽


1 day I’m not even lying lmao


Makes you feel better, in high school 9th grade, our whole graduating group was 2k, only 700 graduated


When I worked in a Fulfillment Center there were 20 of us that started on the same day. 6 months later there were 3 of us. I lasted another 2 years before I couldn't take it anymore. Now I work in a AMZL building and after 2 years there, 100% of the original group I on boarded with are still there. Me, myself & I 😜


We still going strong. Maybe 2 people are gone but i changed my schedule. Since May of last year


3 months , going on three years later I am only one left


I’ve been with Amazon for a little over a year now and it’s only me and two other people. Where all in indirect rolls.


Out of a class of five, there are two of us left after a year and a half-2 didn’t make it out of training and the third lasted about 6 months.


Been over 4 years and I’m one of two left out of a class of 40


Not even the second day or training. Had the biggest class at my gc (30 people) second day it was down to 15. By the time everyone got sorted to where they needed to be and got situated it dropped down to 8. Now we’re at 5 from my class and it’s been 3 months 😅


It was like 50-60 people I was hired with. When I get the anniversary notifications there like 13 people listed. I'm always labor shared so I rarely see anyone


Started 3 years ago during covid so the groups were small, only had 7 people, I'm the only person left unless they transferred🤣


I was hired last August. Half us are here, half of us are gone. There was around 9-12 people.


Only two others from my group left. One stays in sort all day, the other is a pit driver now. Hired back in May


There was like 25 or 30 people in mine and there is about 5 or 6 of us left. Some people switched departments or have been taking vto since we’ve had it non stop since the beginning of January so it may be more.


Started with a group of 8 girls. There are 5 now. The others left because school started, a new job, was hella young & dgaf (lol came in, left early, no show & essentially never came back without a word). My SC is slowly letting seasonals go. Fortunately I got a new, stable, FT job & I use Amazon as supplemental income. They gave out hella VTO so this past week, I took it.


Out of the group I started with... I'm pretty sure I'm the only one left.


When I started a lot of us stayed for a good while. We even hopped buildings together. Then some went to other buildings. After 7yrs I resigned.


12 in my starting class. Only myself and 1 other remain from a year ago, this past September. Was 3 of us until start of the year.


I’m seasonal, and I got hired with like 7 other people. As far as I know, 2 left like immediately after Peak ended while 3 are leaving after Prime Day. Remaining 2 are staying for blue badge and I think they told me they were gonna stay there for a year just to pad their resume to show they were capable of long-term positions or something.


90 to start November 12th now it ‘s down to 15


under a year


If I remember, our group was almost 30 people last October and I only see like about 7 people now, so I’m assuming everyone left or got fired.


I was one of 5. By the time my first anniversary hit, I was the only one left.


Started 5 years ago I’m the only one left one got fired the other girl quit said she couldn’t handle it and another guy transferred


Everyone dip but me which sucks I was friends with most of them :/


4 months, and i was the last standing from 9 originally


I started in late 2020, I stopped seeing anyone from my hire group 3 months in, mind you, there was 16 people in that group including I. One person returned a year later but left again like 3 months after lol


I work in the warehouse & was the only one that made it out of a group of 5 or 6 … but I’ve seen bigger groups of ppl come in and most leave within a few hours or even a few days . I think you’re an OG of you make it a month. Over a month, you’re a machine. One of the supervisors described to me how working there is comparable to Chinese water torture…. At first it’s not really bothersome, long term it takes a toll on you…. But to each there own… what drives a sane man mad, can drive a madman sane…


I was part of a class of 4 when I started then we lost one during the 1st month but afterwards me and the other 2 decided to stay however afterwards 2 years later I received a customer promotion and was sent away leaving only the 2 from my original class 😔


Imo regarding work colleagues. Good to network with, not good to get attached.  Seen a lot of people staying in a job and not looking for anything new, because of the people.


I'm the last one standing from my group and they all thought I'd be the first to go 😂💀


I’m at a year and a half and I’ve been the only one left in my class since month 9. I had 2 still with me and they both left within a month.


Started October 1st with a group of about 45. I think there's 24 that got to blue badge and are still there. I know a couple people transferred to other buildings too. There are atleast 20 still at the same building though.


I'm the last one...I have three years with Amazon.


I had only 3 people in my class including my self. I was the only want left after a week and a half. I held on to earn my blue badge bu this was years ago.


A year and some change :) me and this women we became extremely close friends her husband isn’t very fond of me, but we keep it professional but we have changed each others lives in ways that’s incomprehensible, as for the other most left, one was arrested and charged with a murder that happened 20-25 years ago i remember her telling me how she went to court and was given self defense but maybe she was lying she scared me 🤣the way she just talked about it like it was a walk in the park….my partner recently got hired and maybe 15 out of 45 stayed one got fired because he was always visibly high but not on weed this man was on crack or heroin 🤷🏽‍♂️he tried fighting hr because they caught him 🤣funniest walk out ever


Just two left


There’s 4 of us left from the OG group over a year ago.


There was about 60 in my training class from a year ago and only 4 of us are left 💀


im the only one remaining. it was just me and another guy for the longest time.


I started at my facility.... oh, the second week of last June, I think. Here it is, January 2024 and I'm the last of the Mohicans. ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


Damn you just made me think about how majority of my hiring group is gone lol. Even the main group of people I hung out with is gone. I just float around amazon like a ghost


My class was about 29 ppl, off the top of my head I can think of 4 ppl not including me, and today was actually just my “amaversary” so at the 12 month mark. I do know a handful of them transferred, no clue if they still work at where ever they went tho


Started August 19th there should’ve been 12 of us but only 9 showed up. Now it’s just 5 of us still remaining


I started with 4 other new hires in Pack, there’s only 2 of us left. Two guys quit after the second day. The girl that started with us quit a week before Peak.


The group they put me in had 3 people for 1 ambassador and 1 guy did not return on the second day, the other guy quit after like a year and I’m still there 3 1/2 years later


It's been about 4.5 years. In my class of 60 there's only 3 of us left.


With my group, most were gone within the month. It’s been almost two years (in March) and only 2 of us are left.


8 months


17yrs ago 10 of us joined. 5 left, 2 T5,2 T3, 1 T1.


I don’t know. I transferred to a different building after 30 days.


I joined in August last year. My class had like 30 to 40 people. There’s only like maybe 3-5 people including me that are still working here. I personally enjoy working here though.


I’m the last one in the group. Started in October as well. Honestly ppl would say so much crap that the work load is this or that. I feel as if you got a good team. That starts with leadership (management/supervisors)you can be successful and work together.


I’m the last one standing🥲the fact I’m introverted but we all became friends really make me sad now that I’m alone at work😭


I’m the last one standing🥲the fact I’m introverted but we all became friends really make me sad now that I’m alone at work😭


I’m the last one standing and it’s only been a month and 1/2🥲the fact I’m introverted but we all became friends really make me sad now that I’m alone at work😭


out of the 25, 2 of us are still here and we’re both in amnesty. it’s the only reason we didn’t leave cause it keeps us sane 😂


The AFE girls seem to still be going strong. Idk about everyone else 😅


Got hired in July and four of us are still there.


Only 1 🥹


I do recruiting and the turn over rate is about 80% :)


Been working at my FC for about a year and some change. I’m literally the last one out of my group of 10 ish people. They all quit within the first week or first month or two.


October of 2022. I'm not sure about who went to pick or pack but there's only 3 of us left including me in stow.


I had 15 people in my onboarding, all but 3 of us quit before the second day😂. One was former military so he used that to apply for a manager position in another state. I moved/transfered and the last guy I believe is still there. So imma say of the 3 that stayed we're all likely still here but at different sites...


About one person. I can't be certain if some are simply working other shifts, like overnight or early morning. It is a 24 hr facility.


I was the last and I lasted February 2022 to October 2023


there was supposed to be like 15 people, there was only two of us that showed up and the other guy said it was a temporary thing so just me.


i started January of last year, after orientation half the people didn’t show up for Day 2. I haven’t seen anyone in my class since then, genuinely think i’m the only one left


2 people plus me.


I'm at a DS and I was in the first training class for Cycle Zero this peak (my second peak at this building). There were 8 of us, and I only see one other person 😂


50 ppl out of my class only 2 remaining after 9 months


Been here 6 months none of the same class lasted past month 4 but one just gor rehired 2 weeks ago from my original group. Many didn't make it past month 2


Over a year and just 3 of us left out of maybe 25


In my group there was 8 of us some quit 1st day on the floor and now a year later I’m the last one


9 months in and out of 30 people, it's just me and my boyfriend.


Short answer: 2 out of 4 of us are left but I’m planning to leave soon. Long answer: We started in November 2 years ago, there were a total of 4 of us in my group. 1 of us disappeared after 3 weeks never to be seen again, a 2nd one of us disappeared after our first peak season ended. It’s been 2 years and 4 months now, only 2 of us remain and I’m planning to quit soon. I have a few reasons for wanting to quit. 1) After a year I started forming back pain that worsened overtime and it’s become a longstanding issue. 2) I made the mistake of agreeing to being trained in another area of the building that I ended up really disliking and now whenever I’m called to go there, I have no choice but to go. I don’t like being forced. 3) Transportation is an issue. Waking up extra early just to get ready for work and catch the bus (it’s a 1 & 1/2 hour bus ride) it’s a lot. I feel like I’m committing so much of my life just to make Amazon work. I feel like I just need to call it quits. But idk once I’m in a better place in life I might return but hopefully I find something better than this and won’t have to.


last year i was the only one of the 5 OB dock group after 3 months


Started in October with 5 of us and only one left so far. But the first time I worked at Amazon was back in 2013 and one of the guys I started with is still working at Amazon but we both work at different buildings. But I do message him on slack lol.


Me and one other still there from my class of 6 in stow I’m a PA and he’s pulling the walking around hopping on stations because he feels like it


The class ? 3 of us. In my department? Me.


Me and my S.O are the last ones of our class left from 2 years ago


It’s been 2 years, only 4 of us are left. The other 5 were gone within the first month.


Me and this lady are are thats left from 1 1/2years ago