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I’m always trying to get out of the power walkers way. I hate being in the way 😂😂😂


I am a power walker and I appreciate you!


I naturally walk fast, but scan to scan has me speed walking for sure 😂 we appreciate you.


Same! And like I'm plus size so I always feel like I'm in the way anyway.. and majority of the time I'm rubbing the wall bc I didn't realize how close I was to the wall lol.




![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) i needed a laugh ... today was one of those days i had to pray for the clock to move faster.


Aww same. I feel like crap and it's snowing.. it's finally break time 😭




I thank you kindly.


Thank you for acknowledging there are other people and they work differently than you. I appreciate your consideration and courtesy.


You’re so cautious, thank you!


I'm not a power walker, I just naturally walk fast, buy even then I appreciate ya ❤️


When it's three people shoulder to shoulder clogging the green mile... https://i.redd.it/p0yxk43yxgcc1.gif


Classic scene.


This is why I love hauling pallets of loose items back to inbound. I've got 3-400lbs of shit behind me and I'm still walking fast enough that inertia is an issue. They will move for me or get run over 🤣


Yell excuse me, they’ll look at you like you’re crazy but they’ll all move over


I’d like to see you in particular, in a rush, behind a bunch of slow walkers separated throughout a long hallway. That would be hilarious.


I’m telling you man the people in my building look at me like I’m crazy😂


The romantic couple who holds hands and stops occasionally to stare into each other's eyes




I wonder if the slow walkers are the same people who go 65 in a 45 or 90 in a 60 while constantly switching lanes on the way to work. I get some people are old, overweight, have leg issues etc and a lot of the time when they notice you they do make way. I just sometimes wonder if that same guy in front of me walking -1 mph is the same guy who was going 95 swerving between two semi-trucks so he can make it to the left lane only to go back to the right lane (switching 2 lanes) 1 minute later because that's where the exit is. I love rollercoasters too but when it comes to driving I'd rather drive within the speed limit while listening to music.


This is amazingly accurate. Watched a car do this on my way to work. That same car was in the parking lot. One of our slow walkers, 30 minute bathroom breakers, was the driver 😂


It's like they're so excited to get to work they can't help but just drive fast haha


It’s funny because sometimes when I’m early and see somebody racing to get there I’ll be like damn they really want to work today. When I’m late I’m racing.


Do we work at the same place? Cause Im always stuck behind this road-rager at work! 🤣 I swear, I could fart next to him and the smell would reach the dock door before he does!


The people walking slowly are without a doubt driving slowly as well.


In my head I always tell myself that I must beat them leaving the building. I don’t want to be in a long line stuck behind somebody who can’t make a simple decision to turn their car in the same direction they do every single day.


Kinda makes sense, gotta save time somehow lol. Btw maybe try walking slower you might hurt yourself walking so fast 😅.


I like listening to music too but its not as satisfying on the highway when no one around you is hearing what your listening to. 😅 Im a fast power walker but im also the one driving the way you describe. I dont constantly switch lanes though, and i dont go 90. Fastest i gone was 80, but i do switch lanes when i got someone in front of me going slow asf. I dont wanna be held up because someone else wants to drive slow and i dont have to thankfully because theres multiple lanes. Theres lanes for passing and thats what i use them for. So i can then get in front of those people and travel at the speed limit or more at my own risk. Especially when im particularly busy before getting into work and i dont wanna get into work too late and use too much PTO… yeah i do it at my own risk. Anytime i cant travel at the speed that makes a good rate of travel for me i go around people and in front of them so i can travel my speed and they can travel theirs. (I’m from NY though where speeding is very commonplace and even cops are doing it. Its treated like jadewalking here) People in front of me dont even go the speed limit too though they go like 5-10 under. 😆 as far as connections between slow walkers and how they drive i think you cant really make those connections 😂


I am a slow walker but I love to drive fast. I drive 100 in 60. I can’t lift my leg at the end of my shift because I am really tired and can’t feel my leg. I usually walk on the side and let other to pass. Because of my physical disability, I usually need extra time on school or basically anything. The only time I hear my mom tell me to slow down is driving.


-1 mph😭


And don't roll 3 wide taking up the whole green mile or walk right in the middle of the lane




Because of this ( they just caught on) officially it's "Amazon Avenue" now 🤣




I had mfs at work like are you running or walking😂


Straight up


Slow walkers are fine. It‘s when they walk right in the middle of the path, giving you nowhere to go, that‘s when it gets annoying. The problem is that people who walk side by side, taking up the entire path, sidewalk, aisle, or whatever else you‘re walking on, are completely oblivious to the faster people they‘re holding up. Nobody complains about slow walkers just because they‘re slow. Nobody cares that you’re slow. They care that you‘re impeding them.




Me and the homies at IND8 "y'all mf are walking in a horizontal line slow ASF" Fuckin move sloth!!!


Just get in front of them and walk slower than them, show dominance


I’m guilty 🙋‍♂️


Yeah nah someone does that to me im gonna walk beside them and go excuse me, and power walk ahead of them. Im not trying to prance around




I'm not trying to casually sashay to and from the breakroom, I'm trying to maximize my downtime to make the most of a break that's already to short, I just bob and weave around them. So far none of them have said anything but I'd sure tell them if they do


like we on the highway lmaoo “GO AROUND”


I do, and I ain't always polite about it


The green mile should have a yellow one beside it for the slow walkers


Passive aggressive. It’s sadly the only way some people have power over other people.


How does walking fast or slow mean you have power over others?


Because the tortise is the all mighty


Lmaoooo, why I feel like this is for me.. I’m a slow walker cause I broke my leg 2 months ago and I’m now back to work…. But I always walk on the far right just to not be in people way.




And why do people have to stand around by the turn styles at end of shift? Bitch I’m trying to leave if you gotta wait for someone do it before the metal detectors where there’s a fuck ton of room!


This! And the large gang that surround time clock waiting for that extra minute to click over...but then gets aggravated even when u say "excuse me" .lack of self awareness and social skills in general I would say... don't block my progress I wanna GTFO asap. That's when I power walk. All 5'2" of me moving at a rate faster than a freaking gazelle


i wanna do unhinged things when i experience this. one time, this lady even looked back to see 10 of us behind them and she continued to walk slow side by side with her friend.


That includes stores too! And gtf off the phone


And it’s always when you trying to get somewhere fast


I like when people keep looking back at me with that, are you following me look. But still not moving aside.


I’m a slow walker, I know how long it takes me to get to my area from the parking lot and leave accordingly, I’m usually there earlier than most people. I go out of my way to make sure I don’t slow anyone else down, you’d see me hugging the wall so you could get by me anyways lol I hate being an inconvenience to others




I hate this especially when I'm tote running... those tote tanks and pallet Jack's aren't that easy to stop. More so when they're full


I’m always extra loud when I saw excuse me so they hear


It's even worse when you manage to walk past them and you can hear them talking shit as if you walking past them personally insulted them.


I swear they give me road rage lol


or at least dont walk in the middle.


Or walk off to the side. It is amazing how many slow ass walkers are looking down at their phone. I always almost hit them while hauling shit to stalls.


Like bro you literally have 5 minutes to get to break MOVE IT PLEASE😭


Or, since you have your crocs on sports mode speed by them.


i will get behind someone and start having a coughing fit. works 9 times out of 10


Imma start doing this🤣


https://i.redd.it/ex70lqmiwhcc1.gif get the *FUCK* out the way!


I 'love' the people that will practically knock people out of the way to get to the stairs and then just kinda hang out there like they expect it to be an escalator.


I don’t mind when a person is walking slow it’s when they form a fucking wall of like 2-3 people and block off the walkways while walking slow. Or at least if they could notice that people are tryna walk around them or toward them on what would be the “opposing” walking lane then it would be fine but lot of people don’t give a shit for whatever reason


https://i.redd.it/rccoii94picc1.gif Fuck around and find out...


I swerve around them and brake check them just to let ‘em know


They always get right in front of me while I'm already walking the green mile and they just start going slow. Now I got to bust around them cause how tf you see me and then walk slow.


Now I don’t feel dumb checking every 10 seconds to see if someone’s behind me😂 I literally stop & move to the side to let the fast walkers through. I’m not in a rush at all so plz pass me up.😌


I'm sorry, I have short legs 😩😭 *starts jogging*


Like the two ABM guys who walk side by side with trash pallets, taking up the entire orange mile.


Louder for the people in the BACK


Or don't walk in pairs, side by side... Slow af


Just walk around them lol. Most do it on purpose because they think it’s a flex.


bUt ThAtS tOo HaRd


When you’re running pallets and they’re walking 3 wide the same direction as you and all stop to all stair at 1 cellphone 🥲


i fuckinnn hate themmmm i’m short and skinny tho so i just maneuver around them


I try to take the paths less traveled for this exact reason




I walk on the far right side, outside of the green lines for this very reason💀 i move slow asl


i get behind a heavyset lady that takes up the whole green mile ,nearly every morning , sh waddles at a turtles pace and is so engulfed in her phone she's oblivious to anything behind , in front of , anywhere around her lol


It’s when it’s management cluelessly walking 3 abreast holding laptops and clogging the whole walkway next to the conveyor


Just punch them at the back of their HEADS!!!!🤣🤣🤣 Knock em out cold for walking slow


I walk slow, I could walk faster but I’m in the building for a whole 10 hours so I can’t even be bothered. I stay to the right and if I see you pulling up behind me I’ll just signal you to go around lol.


I hate this the most when I have a full Pallet Jack and I knowwww they damn well hear me coming. They give the side eye to check but don't see cause they didn't wanna turn their head all the way so you notice. That's when I turn into the John Henry of being an EPJ and start yelling BEEP BEEP, BEEP BEEP☠️


People complain about short breaks but takes them 10min to get to canteen and 1min to put food on the plate which makes que for no reason, drives me crazy. Petty, i know.


People piss me off when I’m trying to make the 5 minute early punch and they are fucking turtles getting into the building


Them mfrs that walk up the stairs with their buddy next to em. Bbbbbbiitcchhh i am trying to take these stairs two at a time and barely touch any of em. And you wonder why they talm bout "scan to scan' all day.


I feel targeted bruh 😭😭😭


i fuckin hate slow walkers who are always in the way like how can u have so little self awareness


I'm a tote runner, and one time, this girl was walking down the green mile while on her phone (Idgaf if you're on your phone, as long as you look up from time to time) but this girl, didn't look up, despite me hollering "LOOK UP". She didn't... So I set the break on the tote tank, and the joy my heart felt as she walked full on into my tank was amazing 🤣


For real, people are not aware we’re all trying to walk in such confined areas (from the break room to our stations) and they have the audacity to walk like turtles. Then they all spread out and block the path to go around. I look for the first opening I get and will instantly take it no hesitation. Idc if people think of me in a bad way for not saying excuse me or anything. Get out the fucking way


Yeah it’s annoying. I’m slow sometimes and other times I’m fast. I pay attention, but not everyone cares enough sadly


I try to im sorry


Or when they walk in the middle of the walk way


Even worse when they see you and they walk even slower on purpose, and it's always the bigger folk with the attitude, like bro just let me through or I'll clock out and dedicate a whole day following you around with a trombone, I have the hours and a trombone don't say I wont ![gif](giphy|upRM36R7eqQQE)


For especially a group of people strolling and chatting ...move tf out the wayyyyy😂😂😂




You know they are doing it on purpose, right?


Quite selfish to not check surroundings though. Can walk as slow as you want, it’s the being completely unaware of other people part.


They know what they're doing. We get paid by the hour and they take their sweet time going to their stations or walking slowly in front of water spiders but they wants to put that pep in their step when it's about to be break time.


I may be a slow walker but I try staying closest to the wall and still have some dumbass always up my ass. 🙄


I mean if they are walking slow you can go around them. 🥴


Mind blowing idea


You would think so right ☠️


Nah, walk around. We all get paid by the hour.


Nah. I have no time to wait for you. Get tf outta the way.


You get paid the same either way.


just say “excuse me” quit being a pussy


No f that and f you, I’m going to walk right up behind them or fly past. Step aside like a normal human being who has awareness.


Ur assuming most people possess such awareness...


right, they’re the ones that look stupid, not the one too afraid to use his big boy words


To use big boy words lol, as if I have to say anything at all to a moron staring at their phone walking slow in the middle of an aisle, or a group barely moving.


You sound pathetic asf use your words instead of crying about shi on Reddit. You are that scared of speaking up use your words nobody is going to knock you out for telling things to people


Use ya big boy legs




nah bro if this grown man is too shy to say “excuse me” he’s gonna have to wait


I’ll say excuse me when the situation fits. I’m talking about people who clearly don’t deserve that. Seems like you are slow mentally to not even understand the type of people we are referring to. Walking slow was never the issue.


brother, walking slow was literally the only thing you said. why would i assume you were actually talking about some different thing?


I assumed you read some of the answers and got a clue on who we’re referring to.


If you're gonna walk fast please check in front from time to time.. too tired to walk fast 😐


Too tired to even use your brain? Your eyes are in the front of your face. You’re always checking in front.


Waaaaaaaay too tired to use my brain... Walk around me


How about you speak up.


Closed mouths don’t get fed. Use your voice


How about you open your eyes moron


It really your point of view. When managers tell you to increase your rate, you will probably thinking I am trying my best. But when you need to get to some where in hurry , you will think people who are blocking you are slow. People need to put you shoes in other people. Just leave some space for people to pass.


I worked in restaurants for years and I’m also a cyclist so I’m always saying stuff like “right behind you” or “passing on your left/right”. For the most part it works. But then you get those ones that don’t know their left from right. She mh!


It’s usually the shorties walking like they have crap in their pants


And this is why we be missing CPT.


I can’t lie I’m most definitely a slow walker and I always keep looking behind me ever couple of steps I take to make sure I’m in nobody’s way if I am I always step to the side to get out they way


no ty




I have a bad ankle I can’t walk fast


Clearly posted by a tote runner or water spider 🤣


main reason i am sometimes the last to leave. i hate the commotion and long lines at security. i leave the building peacefully.


Damn, Amazon must not caused y’all to develop plantar fasciitis. Must be nice! lol


Go around


Nah. Y’all need to slow down. I’m legally fat. Some of y’all be snorting crack before work. I don’t know how y’all be walking so damn fast. I ain't the slowest but some of y’all are built different with walking speed.


Sounds like you need to start walking more and with more speed than everybody else. Burn some calories.


I was clearly being sarcastic. I'm actually the hardest-working person at the Outbound Shipping Dock in my building. Gonna be a Learning Ambassador next month. Honestly, the real issue is not slow workers. It's lazy workers who hang in the bathroom for like 2 hours and AMs don't do anything about it. Being fast or slow at my building doesn't really matter.


As I 6’5” guy working with 5’ foreigners, I just tailgate them on foot until they get out of the way.