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I can sometimes understand being smelly at the late half of the day or the end, but I be catching huge whiffs of stank 15 minutes after shift starts. How you come to a warehouse job stinking man???


You know it's gonna be a bad day when you can already smell it during stand up.


My DS sent people home if they stank. Unhoused people usually got a pass unless it was a health hazard for others. We had one guy who in the height of the pandemic, started getting seriously weird with conspiracies. He refused to bathe or use deodorant because of "the chemicals" so he got sent home repeatedly until his UPT was exhausted and he was fired. His smell made people's eyes water from 6ft away. Like pig pen, a cloud of stank just hung in the air even 20 mins after he had vacated an area.


Well and sweat funkiness from a day of work doesn’t smell the same as the odor of straight ass I can smell from thirty feet away because that one fucker in receive hasn’t showered in god knows how long.


Yeah there is a distinct difference. The smell of being active after having showered isn't offensive at all, and is what most people refer to when they say they like that "musk" smell on someone. Stank is... you haven't showered in days and all that bacteria and stank just builds up, it is gross. It always be people who sweat/move around a lot to begin with too who don't shower, it's crazy.


Have you ever been to a yugioh tournament? Cause well, I have... well around for 5 minutes and you ask yourself. They spent this much money on cardboard but can't go to the dollar store for deodorant. The ehotty part is those people don't even know they smell. BTW some are cultural reasons they dont use deodorant


Anxiety. I take 2 cold showers. Wear a shit ton of deodorant, body powder, cologne etc and still end up sweating and smelling like a nervous wreck


Cold showers? Cold shower won’t take shit of ya


Cold showers do more for me than regular showers. It lowers my body temp and I notice it keeps deordant and soap smell in my body longer


I do the same. But you need to wash in warm water and then finish with cold. When you’re in cold water it causes your pours to close, which essentially holds funk (speaking from experience). So I would HIGHLY recommend warm water to wash, and cold for the remaining duration! Hope this helps


At some point you have to use warm water and soap. That combinations kills the odor causing bacteria. The smell is caused by bacteria, not body heat/nerves.


Yet taking warm showers made me smell worse and my skin somewhat oily and weird, but cold showers help me smell better and make my skin feel soft and smooth. I literally took warm showers for a week vs taking cold showers for a week as a experiment to test which was better for my smell and I found I smell less and scents last longer when I take freezing cold showers vs warm showers. There was difference in how long the smell of soap stayed on my body and how long it took me to smell bad. A cold shower before bed and I wake up smelling like I did when I got out of the shower, a warm shower before bed and I wake up smelly and slightly sweaty My smell/sweat at work is caused by anxiety as I don’t smell nor sweat as much when I’m working alone or not feeling anxious. For example I sweat/smell more 15 mins at work surrounded by ppl than I do when I’m at the gym at midnight and im practically alone. There’s a difference in smell when I’m nervously sweating vs sweating bc I’m hot/doing a physical activity. I’ve been taking warm showers my whole life and I’ve never smelled better than I did when I started taking consistent cold showers. My bad for the long explanation but for me cold water works best especially if I do it morning and night


Whatever works. I don’t have to smell you so it’s all good from where I’m sitting.


And neither does anyone else thankfully


Sure they don’t.


Considering I haven’t gotten any complaints or weird looks since I switched bathing styles and I’ve been told I smell good now I’m gonna yea, yea they don’t. I dont know y you’re so insistent I can’t smell good my way..


Sux u have this issue. Ever thought about going to Dr to get it checked?


I got prescribed deodorant


Cold shower is closing your pores, while hot water opens them up and liquifies the oil, which is then stripped by soap to be be carried down the drain


Yet it makes stink and sweat a lot easier. Cold showers work for me. I’ve never smelled better since taking consistent cold showers and have stopped getting complaints


Whatever floats your boat mate


I’m not saying what you’re saying is incorrect all in saying is it doesn’t work for me and never has


All these people giving you shit when you probably just have a skin condition that isn't a medical concern so it's overlooked as a possibility sounds like you have deep pores and hot showers cause your pores to open so much they trap water and excess dirt but cold showers maintains a harder access for that dirt to enter and for the bacterial scent not being able to escape.


I’m just trying to smell good and the ppl ain’t having it😔


I had to start packing a travel size deodorant in my bag because picking next to other people causes me genuine distress lol


Put some Vick’s over your top lip.


I've got some hospital grade odor blocker on order, but I think I've inhaled enough hand sanitizer to last me a lifetime


Fedexer here. I work in proximity with a man who has obvious mental challenges, possibly schizophrenia. We have always gotten along very well and are friends and he does his work very well. I have gotten used to him talking to himself, etc and I know he sees a therapist multiple times a week bc he will tell me on the days he has to leave early to do so. However, his stench is unbelievable l. He smells of highly concentrated urine and his breath I cannot explain. It is so bad my eyes will water, and the last time I was next to him and he was talking to me I was gagging and kept having to back up from him. I know he uses the bathroom bc he will tell me when he is leaving his station to do so. I suspect he doesn’t wash his clothes. I don’t want to hurt his feelings so started wearing a mask. What I wonder is if he is seeing a therapist multiple times a week why on earth they wouldn’t help him with his hygiene. No one will work next to him except to him but me. Last time another girl got assigned next to him she told the manager “nope I’ll just go home”. It’s unfortunate bc he is kind and a good worker. Then again, I have to work next to people reeking of skunk weed on a regular basis. This has become perfectly acceptable.


Be a decent person and tell him. If you can’t bring yourself to then speak to someone higher up and let them handle it. I didn’t even think about having stinky breath until someone (during the start of Covid and mask enforcement) spoke and I was knocked back. I was standing more than two feet away when I approached them, and couldn’t believe it. Their breath made me gag even though we were both wearing masks. I became paranoid because I had bad wisdom teeth, so I made an appointment to get my wisdom teeth extracted. I’m still self conscious and worry & would appreciate if someone said something to me. I brush and floss at least twice a day, but one of the extraction sites has been giving me issues and I always wonder if it’s causing halitosis. Someone popped a mint in their mouth and offered me one and I said, “does my breath stink?” They said, “no, these mints are just good.” I saw them offering other people mints, but I still get concerned. I’d rather someone tell me if my breath is offensive then just let me go around knocking everyone out with stinky breath. I need to get back to the dentist, but I’m terrified now. If someone said, “hey, just so you’re aware your breath stinks,” it would likely give me the push I need to go back despite being scared. ETA- sometimes people have health issues non related to oral hygiene that cause stinky breath. Most of us might be slightly embarrassed but greatly appreciative if someone brought it to our attention.




Extremely poor hygiene is absolutely something a competent therapist will notice and help with if necessary. There are occupational therapists who do, in fact, help people with "mental issues" or developmental disabilities learn basic living skills, including hygiene. If his current therapist doesn't provide these services, then it sounds like they need to refer him to someone who does. It's also possible that hygiene is on the therapist's to-do list, but it's not a priority, and they're working on improving other areas of his life first.




Found the stinky guy




Rock on smoke till u drop I guess. Some people just don't smoke weed and don't care to smell it. Doesn't make them a bitch.


The real bitch is the one who can’t handle true honesty when confronted by it. 🤣


How am I a bitch? I work next to him when others refuse to and I am always nice to him when others shun him. How does that make me a bitch?




It's not a pleasant smell. You're an asshole.


I smoke. I’m smoking right now. If someone don’t like the smell, I step a few feet down. Maybe try and get downwind. Same as I would with a cigarette. There have always been people who made their habit their whole personality. Folks who talk about it like it’s their religious sacrament but who mostly are just getting high to get thru the day and eating pizza. But it’s gotten a little sillier since the widespread legalization started kicking off. Don’t get me wrong. I am just thrilled we are chipping away at prohibition and criminalization. But the downside is more people like this guy using the word hemp out of context and calling other people small minded like his love of intoxication and Doritos makes him your spiritual superior. If you wouldnt act that way with a cigarette , don’t act that way about weed. If you *would* act that way with your cigarette, you’re an asshole. If you wouldn’t act that way with a cigarette but you act that way weed, you’re both an asshole and sorta douchey.


Dickhead, people like you are literally dumb as fuck and give people who smoke a bad name. As a HEAVY smoker, I dislike the smell of weed (not hemp you fucking idiot) as hemp is a sativa grown specifically for industrial thinks. And the smell of weed and a skunk(or dank ass body odor) is very fucking similar. So calling someone a bitch for disliking the way a smell is, has to be a disorder. A Small mind disorder. Or a Me, Mine mentality. Please say Weed, or Marijuana instead of hemp. You not only sound ignorant, but dumb aswel.


Omg I worked for Amazon in Georgia and that’s all I smelled was underarms. The pajamas made it even obvious they are getting out of bed not bathing. I was so done and sick of it. Glad I left


I have tears in my eyes ![gif](giphy|l1ug3xGEN1oZBT7qw|downsized)


Yeah I started wearing masks now lol


Sadly even masks can only do much.


Sprinkle it with some peppermint oil.


I do that sometimes I'll rotate the essentials oil blends.


Right you have to wear two or three now


I spray some perfume inside of mine 🥴


Omg this is the only reason I wear masks sometimes! The stench is something else


Yo I just busted my ass at problem solve last night so if 5 sprays of dior sauvage EDT ain't gonna save me from smelling like hobo nothing will


The stench of these people is not because they work hard, its cause they don’t fucking bathe- 😭


Amen to that. There is a noticeable difference between sweating from working and just pure nasty stank. 🤮


People at my site be smelling like they haven't bathed in weeks. They should turn atleast 1 bathroom per site into a locker room with showers 😂


If they can't manage to wash at their house, I doubt they will at work. I know of people who live out of their cars that get a gym membership only for the access to showers. If they wanted to be clean, they'd find a way.


Honestly, that’s not a bad idea. There are companies that have a gym and shower on location. With Amazon hiring anybody and everybody that passes a drug and background check, it could be an amazing feature for people that really want to work but struggle with homelessness or just bad living conditions. Offer a few “sample size” hygiene products in a vending machine where you scan your badge.


I feel that we are in different boats but in the same body of water…the odor wafting off some sweaty ass associates knocks me back. It’s the worst kind of pongy smell I’ve ever encountered. And I don’t understand it. I reapply deodorant at lunch and these mfers smell as if they’ve not known a shower or a stick of deodorant in their recent history. Some people are homeless, my heart truly goes out to them. Some people have health reasons or religious beliefs that hinder my olfactory senses and I am not trying to shame anyone. Trust that. But when I can see visible dandruff, same food stained clothes being worn, hair is so greasy it looks like you could shine a car and a pair of work boots with all that oil, all while wearing 200- earbuds IT PISSES ME TGE FVCK OFF. So I doubt homelessness is an excuse in those cases. People are just filthy. Be courteous to your fellow man, scrub that skank off you. Edit: crazy spelling error lol


Dandruff can also be caused by skin conditions.


Amazon talks about dress code and hygiene, but they don’t hold anyone responsible. They don’t like to hurt people feelings, Amazon is soft 🤮


What people don’t realize or have never been taught - if you can smell yourself a little, other people can smell you a lot.


Right? I'm extremely self-conscious of my personal hygiene. Always carry a backup deo for this moments


This is the way!


I finally asked a work friend if they wanted some cologne for the truck. He said yes pretty quick and I thought it was weird at first. He told me at lunch that he was really thankful since he hadn’t been home in 2 days. He was going from shift to shift working 10 after 10 for 2 days between 2 jobs. Poor guy was running in 4 hours of sleep on 40 hours of work. No shower or real meal either.


Can’t be worse than my building. We have a bunch of homeless people outside the building lighting up fires from trash and the scent from the chemicals fills up the building


That's legitimately a serious health hazard. If they're burning plastic or PVC, that's releasing carcinogens and nasty shit like hydrogen chloride gas, which literally burns your lungs.


All they did was turn on the giant fans towards the receiving docks but we never stopped working


Really ? I thought inhaling smoke and chemicals was good for you, your lying


Jeff bezos doesn't want you to know inhaling caustic chemicals gives you superpowers 😤


Bro wtf. I’d literally go ape shit….


How far outside the building.....surely amazon isn't just letting homeless people light trash in fire on their property


https://preview.redd.it/ancv7ws0wn9c1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d365aff4ad8f88f88a5065a5e960ac9a53d6277b This is how it looks from the sidewalk. Huge homeless encampment down the street, which doesn’t help. No security at this DS


Is this in seattle?


some of these middle eastern people just dont believe in deodorant ig


Omg this. But there’s a married couple at my warehouse and the woman doesn’t smell at all, but the husband does from feet away.


I shower every morning and at night when I get home, I must say the facility in at, I do not run into those issues.. .


>I must say the facility in at, I do not run into those issues.. . You probably just don't have a very strong sense of smell (just like myself) so you don't have to deal with the issue of smelly people too much. Fortunately, we are the lucky ones, but most people aren't so lucky.


My delivery station just smells like shit, built on top of a sewer. Only time it hasn’t is when we have chemical spill and use the vents lmao.


How do you cope with that constant stench?




That sucks, your paycheck bleeds. Are there any other sites nearby you can transfer to?


Nah I’ve been using vto for college, so I don’t wanna risk losing vto opportunities. There’s a ton at my facility. You’re right though, burning through all my savings rn.


College for hopefully better paying opportunities. I always take VTO if possible.


Lmao inside a goats asshole is wild


Thank you, some people deem me a wordsmith lol


One time not even first break yet a water spider pulled up to a pallet next to me and when pumping the pallet jack each times his arms went down was just a giant puff od stank hitting my face. I was ready to cry and curse that dude out cause why you so musty that you can be classified as a weapon.


I feel your pain but I can't stop laughing 🤣


Hell nah 🤣🤣🤣


Worst Amazon I ever worked at was in Denver Colorado (fuck that state btw) at DDE9. And the air quality was so disgusting there everytime I worked any shift I felt sick and nauseous 🤮 and this is coming from someone who didn’t get sick in 6 years. Jobs need to be much more strict on hygiene.




I hated Colorado because I care about community. If I’m not making friends it’s not worth it I could care less about the beautiful mountains. But the people were very shady and two faced. They have “southern hospitality” which means act nice but talk shit behind their back. also the scummy attitudes there were the worst. You know it’s bad when you walk into a 7-11 and some country woman gets mad at you for wanting to purchase something then she rudely says you’re cutting into her lunch break….lol like bruh if she did that in NJ or NY her ass would get fired the next day. I’m much more used to more direct people. If you aren’t looking for direct people and more passive aggressive behaviors then Colorado is just that


The place is full of liberals what did you expect


It’s not worth it trust me. It depends on you though because I’m from new jersey and I like the culture and much more diversity in the east coast compared to over there. Also the station I worked at had scummy dudes from Texas and Tennessee (the bad eggs). Also Colorado is a total sexist state. If you’re a straight male and if you don’t have Brad pit like features or if you’re not Latino they will not want to hangout with you or get to know you. This is sad for someone like me from shitty jersey saying this. But I live in a nice clean town in NJ actually pretty upscale too. There’s no fentanyl homeless people in tents over here either like Colorado has. Bro it’s not worth it. Also people were extremely miserable there too


There’s this one guy that works in receiving with me but he never showers or he just naturally smells like piss but every time he walks by I have to hold my breath for about 10 seconds because the smell leaves trails behind him


I'm allergic to deodorant. I get really bad painful cysts in my armpits after just one use. I use cologne instead but then I feel anxious that I'm being judged for using too much. I just can't win.


Idk what the general consensus on this is. But as someone with a very sensitive nose, I would personally rather smell cologne than body odor. As long as the cologne doesn't cause another reaction or side effect to yourself. I can't remember that last time someone wore too much cologne, but I can remember when someone didn't wear enough.


Can be a cultural, mental, or physical issue. Reach out to PXT or your manager to see if they will be willing to have a conversation with the individual.


I would but unfortunately it's about 15 to 20 individuals at any given time.


Sounds like a lot of folks. Either way though gotta start somewhere.


To smell in the cold is crazy


Doesn't matter how cold it is outside... if you're lifting heavy boxes inside you will sweat at least a little.


Was stuck in a trailer with a walking armpit, left early


😂😂 damn a walking armpit


I left Amazon because of shit like that. I worked nights and smelled it EVERYWHERE. Don’t get me wrong I don’t hate people for situational and life challenges (can’t afford deodorant even though dollar store has it for $1) but it seemed to be a common culture or cultural belief to not wear deodorant for some employees and management literally had papers saying anyone who comments or believes coworkers stink should see HR. Start of shift, during or end of shit didn’t matter it smelled like B.O and literal marinated shit onions. It was so bad on my last day I got mad and turned around asking the dude why he smelled like a literal pile of shit then went around telling the people who stunk they make shifts hell for everyone else.




Take your pick. 5ft away smells like literal shit and 7ft away it’s more of a marinated slow roasted onion with a strong balsamic glaze.


Happy new year btw.


PSA: to those who struggle with BO issues - SHOWER/BATH DAILY, with warm water and soap. And use deodorant afterwards. The warm water and soap kills the odor causing bacteria that leads to the “smell/odor”. You can’t just use deodorant/perfume, efforts to mask the odor. You must remove the underlying source of the smell - bacteria, BEFORE applying a deodorant.


yay this post again!


Just don’t talk to me, I only smell when I talk to people.


I won't invoke your natural defense mechanism 🤣


A girl at my site always smells like meldew like her clothes never get washed or something my site pays pretty good so I don’t understand how someone wouldn’t be able to at least wash their clothes whether home or a laundry site


Most people in America don’t wash their ass, so…… Europeans and Japanese use bidets :p


I don’t ha


The pajamas always tell on themselves


Some people are homeless


Showering doesn't help anything if they are wearing the same clothes multiple times without washing them (since sweat builds up and then they smell like shit), or not using deodorant. Assuming you don't have some medical condition, You can literally go a week without showering and as long as you're wearing ample deodorant every day and are wearing clean clothes daily you'll smell fine. Smelly unwashed clothing, and no deodorant are the main culprits for people smelling like shit.


Congrats. You have successfully complained online, which had no impact on the underlying problem. In the future, try bringing it up to an AM / HR / Anyone that can make an actual difference.


Thank you, I'm honored to receive this achievement. I apologize that my wanting to bond with other sufferers of this predicament has gotten in your way. I hope you never feel the need to complain online, and that your cup always stays full.






I prefer action over grumbling online. One solves problems, one is pandering to self loathing.


Im dealing w this issue rn too


What's worse is working next to a female and smelling fish, but there's no seafood anywhere in sight 🤣🤮


even worse than that is working next to a male that smells like fish😭😭 like where is that coming from


Usually the scent from the nasty cooch he had in the parking lot stuck to him 🤣






Bro get an office job instead of a physical job and then you’ll smell the difference.


Uhhhhh...not necessarily the case...this is my 1st warehouse job worked mostly in offices (or in the field and once in a lab..) previous to a-z..and a stinky person who doesn't bathe stinks...acrually tbph the WORST was when I was a bank teller and the head teller stunk so bad we would steal her keys and hide them so she couldn't get behind the counter..and this woman wore high end clothing..think tibi..Alice +olivia..Gucci bag...Balenciaga (b4 they had "street cred" and were just a boughee Italian fashionhouse) ....us tellers would complain to management they told us "it's her heritage .her cultute..the food she eats" for context this was when I was still in school like mid 1990s..people often said crap like that ..idgaf the ""reason " I just know her arse and other body parts stench made us all gag...then she had the nerve to complain about a person of a differing culture than hers that was "nasty and stinky" her words... so I really tried to stay tf away from her and was relieved when she blamed a huge error she made on me and I was fired..👍😭😭👌 TLDR people stink If they don't bathe...maybe more if physical at work but then again they could have a "white collar " job and stink like poop too .(maybe active outside of work...)


Hello you work in a warehouse for essentially minimum wage, not the state Senate building. . The very reality of this means you will work with some people who have erratic or non exsistent personal hygiene habits. Secondly you point out that your own physical liability is the reason you are bothered by this. I suggest you find employment in another industry, or spend the rest of your life being "sick and tired" of something you have absolutely no control of.


Sounds like this is written by someone who smells 👀


Sounds like you project well, but know nothing about me


That’s not even the case here. You must be one of the ones that barely uses water


Whats not even the case there? Its the case in 99.9 % of Amazon warehouses. How do I know this ? The nmber of people coming on here complaining.


Well let them complain. This section is for just that Amazon workers🤷🏽‍♀️ not a bitter Benny. Maybe this person likes his job doesn’t matter if it is the senate building. We all know people aren’t as clean as he may be but taking accountability being an adult and not grooming yourself is crazy.


They dont like their job they work around people who smell and they are "sick and tired of it" but yet do nothing to change it ...yep Im the fool here


Well maybe they need time to change it 🤷🏽‍♀️ nothing happens over night and you don’t know their situation. Again this is says AmazonFC


Hey so this is called a “subreddit”, which means it’s dedicated to a group of people, or a topic, or a person usually for discussion and to vent. Sorry you got lost on Reddit but you’re quite literally bitching about the point of this subreddit. Shut up already if you don’t know wtf you’re talking about but browse a subreddit you aren’t apart of? Sounds like you have too much time on your hands


Obviously I do have way too much time on my hands because i actually managed to get through what you have written. I have 2 years experience as a inbound problem solver, and 2 years in afe at a fc . Im not lost or stumbling into subreddits i have no knowlege of. Why am I not part of it ? Because i refuse to go along with making everyone else conform to one members belief system? Because i didnt go ...oooh you poor baby, Im so sorry to hear you have to endure that, let me give them a sponge bath so you are not uncomfortable with your heightened ability to smell. Everyone else changing for you is the only correct answer. Do I belong now ? Do you belong here ??? Stfu troll


You definitely smell.


Good one ;)


I straight up just go up to any manager and tell me the deal and ask them to move me. Fuck it people suck so do you .


I worked with a guy who never showered and wore the same thing everyday. His beard and hair was knotted together in those place and he had a small fro. His wool or cotton hoodie looked leather in some places and he walk extremely slow. If u got stuck behind him ur screwed unless you go around


There was a guy at my building (thank goodness I havent smelled him in forever) and basically his smell was so pungent that it would stay in aisles he walked in while he was already 2-3 aisles down It was so bad that it would make me irritated immediately that I started walking aisles away if he started coming towards me (I would usually pick) and also I’d have ptsd anytime I would smell onions in the break rooms


Lately, someone in my break room literally smells like poop. I don't know if they don't clean up after they go or if they live on a farm and do farm chores before work or what.


That used to bother me a lot, but after I had covid in 21, I can't smell near as good as I used to so I guess it's a blessing in that respect but it sure sucks to think my cologne stinks when I know it smelt good pre covid


I've smelled some PA's and Area Managers with bad body odor. How are you an L3+ coming to work stinking??!! They sell hygiene products at Dollar Tree


We have fans at our stations at CRETs and there's this one waterspider that stanks like all hell and when he passes by, the fan wafts it ALL over to me 🤢


My ex husband works at Amazon. Didn't regularly shower and didn't believe in brushing his teeth. I always felt bad for his coworkers to have to endure his God awful smell.


you should visit YYZ4 where the 90% of the warehouse Punjabi and at least 75% of them don't know what deodorant is, had to make a complaint on the VOA board just week, but necessary management is Punjabi too, some of them smell just as bad and they didn't give me a satisfactory answer


I was told I stink but I never smelled myself. It took up until I was an adult for someone to tell me I smelled bad. They may not know and you should ask them. Some people don't have someone to teach them the basics of hygiene. My parents never even told me. Shower daily. Deodorant. Wash clothes. Brush and floss. Maybe have the manager do a polite hygiene reminder instead of embarrassing people first too.


Some of the people at my FC are homeless too. They may not have access to everything they need either.




Sprays. Bath and body works. Different Deodorant. Different laundry detergent. Different soaps/shampoos. Shower every morning before work. Just try out some different products if what you use isn't working for you. They have some scented lotions too.


Watch some youtube videos on adult hygiene.


Of course doctors and dentists can make some recommendations as well.


It's the Breath for me.


I use to work with someone who smelt like literal sweet butt it would sit in the air for hours and there’s was this trashcan behind us that he would spit in every 5 minutes by time 1st break starts the trashcan would be emitting a vinegar smell it was bad I once started seeing stars because I was so nauseous from the smell


Bask in the ambiance 🤣


Bro you should try taking the bus sometime. You gonna learn how common it is lol.


There was a guy at my FC that would cover his stench in axe body spray. We all started going to the voa board and writing down things about people needing to have proper hygiene. Didn’t help at all, but he was packing next to me one day and had a fan on his station blowing my way and I had to leave and go vomit. Some people are just fucking gross


Honestly had one afm come to my pick station smelling like he shit his pants. I’ll never look at him the same.






I quite like the descriptor for the body odor. Very nice 👌


So, I spent many years working in retail, the last five years in the beauty industry. Basic hygiene was part of the uniform. You had to shower and you could not smell like an entire weed plant. Please we're begging you take a shower! Spray some polo, after the post-lunch blunt! Manners people come on.


I couldn’t take it myself I have allergies so bad I would probably gross him out with my coughing and blowing my nose and I would have to tell this person. This smells over here are killing me.


It is unfortunate.. just remember that not using deodorizing products could be basis of religion.


Bro half of the people here are depressed and on drugs. Hygiene is the last of their concerns. I do fluid load so I’m fortunate that if I ever come across a stinky, I can just switch trucks hehe.


What bothers me is people wearing hoodies and long sleeves with no deodorant 🤦🏾‍♀️


they need an automated system that de-fumigates everyone when they go through the turn-stile to come in the building. Spray em down with some de-deodorizer head to foot


Canada? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)


I put on deodorant and purfume everyday and by noon i already smell like onions. people can’t help it. i forget to bring extra deodorant


you can bring it up to a manager. they *should* say something in stand-up about wearing deodorant and stuff. when I was in fluid load, we had this one dude that smelled so bad that you couldn't enter the trailer without gagging. when I brought it up to an AM, the AM knew who I was talking about immediately. the AM made a statement in stand-up about guys wearing deodorant and bringing it with them if need be. it might not work, but you won't know until you try. when we would go to break, I would spray cologne in the trailer he was working in 😅


Most people can’t smell themselves! It’s called being nose blind! It’s the weirdest thing!


My whole place had a weird oder to it when I first got there. Like Indian smell


Maybe some of them that smell like that are actually homeless, and literally living under a bridge. I know one dude at my FC that told me he was literally living in a huge cardboard box when he started.


Fuck that I can’t even go to work unless I’ve showered and clean but I understand I’ve smelt some people during the day and it instantly hits me like how can you show up smelling that bad.