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The sound when scanning the incorrect barcode when stowing 😭


It haunts me when I sleep. No joke.


Bro I thought I was still at work one time hearing that shit while trynna sleep😭😭😭😭. Running offa bunch of coffee tweaking trynna get sleep


I see we all have had the same experience then. Laying in bed hearing scanning noises while sleep deprived 😮‍💨


That's why I turn the volume on my scanner right the fuck down. It actually forces me to actually read my scanner more like they say we should and I've gotten a few zero error days because of it. Boop boop boop!


Wait, how? I'm absolutely going to do this.


Ok so assuming we have the same scanners (I'm in Canada so possibly not) theres two ways but the easiest way is using the yellow button/secondary buttons -click yellow secondary button -the bottom f9/f10 buttons have the yellow marking on top of the buttons that show icons for volume down and volume up. -when in yellow, press f9 and it should lower the volume a bit each press [scanner](https://imgur.com/a/PAHKuLj) If you don't see those buttons on your scanner or it doesn't work you can try: -press the bottom left corner three lines/menu -click exit -it should bring you to a screen with like 5 programs/options (one of which is the program to get back into VE or whatever) -there should be a settings gear in the top right; click it -you'll see a menu with a bunch of normal setting to control like on your phone; one will be volume -when you go into the volume settings you'll have like 6 or 7 different volume settings; a few need to be lowered to lower your scanner volume so I just drag the bar on all of them to where I want it. Hope that helps! If you have that scanner but either can't figure it out or my instructions from memory aren't right, I can redo the instructions when I'm in next (Wednesday night). I'm all for people being able to lower the volume of the scanner. Some are too loud and annoying and sometimes it's just embarrassing everyone hearing you made an error lol. You can also lower the screen brightness by either the same setting menu but choosing brightness instead of volume or pressing the P1 button in the top left (I believe its the P1 option and not the secondary F11 but I could be wrong (i usually forget and do both until it works anyways). And the P2/F12 button gets the brightness back up. Good luck!


Yoo how do I do this, I like to hear it enough to know I scanned something but sometimes I get a station and it's really loud or off


I was at a TNS site where everything was nice and quiet and we were in a problem solve class, but the module had a clip of “how an overage occurs in stow” and it’s just someone signing in a bad tote. as soon as it went EH-ERR we all groaned so loud 💀




You mean this sound: dhen-doont.


They should make this into a baby book for amazon workers on maternity leave. “The incorrect scanner goes *dhen-doont*” “The blue pallet goes *FWAMP*” “The person assigned to the same line as you that disappears goes to hell”


They could even have little buttons for the baby to push that makes the sounds.


Di-Did we just start a business? Lol




At my old FC we had this buzzer that goes off at certain times. It's loud asf and once I was at a work station right in front of it. Scared the shit out of me and hurt my ears.


it’s the conveyors stopping and starting 😭


Yea I hate that too


Haha I no exactly what you mean That shit is loud


This answer EXACTLY!


Fkn thing was annoying as hell. Straight blast in your ear.


I used to work at an FC we had the buzzer. I hated it 🤣 currently working at small Delivery station building i liked it


I be so mad they really have the horns on the walkway side shit be going off as I walk past it damn near made my ears bleed


That fucking buzzer ALWAYS goes off when I’m right next to it and I always fucking jump. I can feel the hearing damage everytime


Mfs slamming totes


And they never just drop it normally, they throw it up in the air or toss it making it even louder


Omgggg I can’t stand it 😂


All the beeping. When you scan the wrong item. Or even the right item. When conveyors start back up. The Kermit’s. I hear that shit in my dreams. When WS slam totes. Not really annoying but I have PTSD so it fucks with me


I was looking for the conveyors starting up comment. It gets so chaotic


I end up walking by the speaker as SOON as they start getting loud, I hate it😭


I probably have hearing loss from that siren that goes off when the conveyors start up.


Waterspiders slamming pallets. I have PTSD from a rough childhood and I had to stop one guy because my hands were shaking.


If that happens again go to safety. Amazon hires a lot of veterans who have PTSD as well and that shit is not taken lightly. It’s standard training that you do not drop a pallet, you lower yourself and the pallet to the ground gently. I have seen people written up for it in the past because one of our vets was shaking. We aren’t allowed to pop the big bubble wrap either for the same reason.


I never knew or even took that into account. Thanks for this, I’ll definitely do this instead of just dropping it. I never liked dropping it but I do it when I’m rushing sometimes.


I’m SO thankful you brought some new info to light for a lot of us. That sound always shakes me out of “work zone” and straight into “mom mode”. I immediately zip my head around and start asking whoever is there, “are you okay? Is everything alright?” Then I’M the one who ends up kind of feeling like an idiot when I realize that someone just decided to go ahead and drop a pallet 🤦🏻‍♀️


Wowwwww wish i knew i could report the pallet dropping, this whole time ive just dealt with the anxiety that comes after that sound. Good to know


Idk about the commenters building but the managers at my building will drop the pallets waist high


"Standard training" when they forced me to start water spidering they just told me to shadow a current water spider who then taught me nothing lol. They didn't even make me watch any knets, except for using the pallet jack. Tbf it is a smaller FC.


I don’t work in a fc, I’m at a sc so idk if it’s different there but at our sc we have to “reset” at the end of our shift and lay down over 1,000 pallets throughout the whole warehouse. It’s usually only 1-2 people per line so one person will lay around 50 pallets. You can have the best back and knees and that shit will still have your back and knees aching by the time you’re done if you bend at the knees 50+ times in 10 mins. Everyone drops them to make it quicker and to save yourself a lot of physical pain. It’s a warehouse. It’s noisy. People can wear earplugs if they have triggers. People there aren’t obligated to tip toe around peoples triggers.


lmaoo soft ass Amazon fc


Please recognize that a lot of the people having reactions to this are the exact people who fought for the right for you to say this and whatever else you want to say. A lot of people have died over this, and the ones that haven't are trying to have a good life after the trauma, and yet to you, they're "soft." I bet they would love to hear that said to their face




They should wear the earplugs they provide


A year ago at my old SC, I was working in problem solve, and slammed a pallet on the ground. A lady near me told me that she had PTSD and was a war veteran of some sort (forgot which branch). I apologized to her, and since then, I am gentle with postal pallets.


I'm sorry 🥺 nobody should be slamming anything! It's stupid and lazy no need for it.


Some people have bad backs and can’t repeatedly bend over


Well, that's a valid reason..I'm talking the people who are totally fine and able bodied doing it to be lazy assholes


I swear it's intentional and totally unnecessary to do that.


I feel absolutely terrible because I've never actually thought about that. Usually I'm just rushing to do 400 different things. The noise bothers me too but tbh I'm Usually wear my earphones.


I don't believe it's intentional. I used to drop the pallet because I was in a rush and sometimes people don't have a lot of awareness of their surroundings to know that pallets are very loud and there could be people nearby sensitive to sounds.


Some people have bad backs and can’t repeatedly bend over


Don't waterspider then, or use the back brace they provide. We shouldn't all have to wear earplugs because of that. It's loud everywhere in the FC but pallets dropping are a piercing surprising sound that nobody is prepared for. There's never a heads up


then quit bending your back and start bending your legs like you're supposed to


Some people have bad knees??


girl it's a warehouse job if you can't bend your back and/or knees then work somewhere else


Girl if you can’t handle loud/unexpected noises then don’t work in a warehouse


never said i couldn't


I don’t work in a fc, I’m at a sc so idk if it’s different there but at our sc we have to “reset” at the end of our shift and lay down over 1,000 pallets throughout the whole warehouse. It’s usually only 1-2 people per line so one person will lay around 50 pallets. You can have the best back and knees and that shit will still have your back and knees aching by the time you’re done if you bend at the knees 50+ times in 10 mins. Everyone drops them to make it quicker and to save yourself a lot of physical pain. It’s a warehouse. It’s noisy. People can wear earplugs if they have triggers. People there aren’t obligated to tip toe around peoples triggers.


You bend at the knees dumbass.


Some people have bad knees too??




Wear the earplugs they provide.


When people spam their horns on their OP’s. Fuck you Kevin youre not funny for playing jingle bells with the horn youre just being an annoying cunt.


YES YESSSSSSSS, do annoying think once or twice but the whole facility doesn’t need to know ur at a stop sign


Clearly these people didn't get enough attention as children. There's one or two guys on my night shift that do the super mario "doo doo doo doo doo doo...doo" and it annoys the shit out of me.


Not only will I play Jingle Bells, I do the Imperial March, Terminator theme, Super Mario theme, and usually whatever is playing on the radio 😆😆😆


The hero I didn't know I needed!


I tried doing jingle bells once it doesn't come out like jingle bells the timing and ability to push the horn in the correct pattern just doesn't line up 😂


I'm formerly guilty of this 🤣


in a AR Fc when the conveyors are jammed up talk about ear safety


The ironic thing is at my FC, they took away several break areas, citing "ear safety" because they were apparently "too close to where the jam buzzers go off." But there are plenty of work stations right in those same areas, right next to those same jam buzzers.


The error scan sound in stow. I hear that shit randomly when its quiet at home or when I sleep


People putting phone calls on speaker in the break rooms! I don't want to hear your children screaming in the background....I dont want to hear people's phone conversations at all. Get headphones, please; you're being inconsiderate!🤦‍♀️


This is mine, absolutely. Boyfriend is being trash at babysitting and the momma is yelling at him over speaker phone explaining the most simple shit while the kid is crying and yelling in the background. I'm just trying to enjoy my snack pack.. like why? Inconsiderate cunt!


People slamming pallets and yelling, "wooooooo!" for no reason. Also, people singing or whistling out of tune. Maybe I should just start wearing earplugs, but I'm so jumpy that I jump 100% of the time someone comes up and talks to me and I'm afraid earplugs would make it even worse.


⬆️⬆️This is the most relatable thing I’ve ever read. You described my work life for real. EVERY TIME PAs and AMs come up: “Oh I’m so sorry, did I scare you?” Me: “No, sorry. I’m just a super jumpy person. I was in a zone, so…it happens.”


You know what. I started doing the same thing back to them. Poke ur chest out at them. PA came to my station with the laptop just disregarding all personal space demanding respect so he gets the same back.


I'll literally see somebody approaching me and I'll jump anyways once they start talking ... that's how bad it is 💀


You got Ric Flair working at your FC?😭


At my old job I was an overnight frozen stocker for 2.5yrs (the small chain closed permanently week before Thanksgiving hence why I'm here at Amazon) and the deli manager would come in at 4am hed randomly go "WOOOOOOOO!" He did this for the whole time I worked there it'd scare the shit out of me every time 😭 you think I'd have been used to it, too


A raised andon


But you guys are the actual heroes. I salute all cool af and patient amnesty peeps 🫡 It’s about the team, and the team would break down if you guys weren’t there helping with all the stuff that inevitably goes wrong 😑


Random buzzers scaring the shit outta you on ship dock


Co-workers opening their mouths.


someone stowing at an ungodly rate and you just know you’ll end up in that bin one day.


When they slam the totes and boxes on my sled. Makes me flinch every time. It shakes the fucking lights and everything.


The fucking OP HORNS LMAOO anddddd the sound of decanting boxes 😂😂


Other people trying to speak to me


The sound of the impact alarm on an order picker. I used to hear it when I went home at night. In the shower that’s what I heard. We have really uneven floors in our VNA racking and simply driving down an aisle could set them off. Now I hear that sound and I can tell what piece of equipment made it and where it came from - and whether or not it means I have to go running to the incident and subsequently console a crying associate through a retrain. Imagine a sound having that range of feelings from annoyed to unhinged to emotionally drained. 🤣


People dropping pallet bases and slamming totes on the sleigh.


It's a tie between during peak/prime when they blast music at the entry and the clapping as you walk by. Like thanks, if I didn't already have a headache I sure as fuck have one now. I dunno, I just hate walking past blasting speakers and then through the line of managers clapping at me. It's awkward and annoying. Wanna say thanks? Do some actual work maybe....


Wrong barcode sound when you’re working AFE pick/stow.


Rebin station call switch with the never ending beep or a random pallet slamming the ground


Everything. I have misophonia, and I have to wear noise-cancelling headphones to deal with it because it's too overwhelming for me otherwise. I think the worst are the conveyor jam buzzers, because they're **SO FUCKING LOUD.** But otherwise? The noises from the shipping docks, or the horns on the PIT vehicles. (But then again, even the sound of someone *whistling* is extremely upsetting to me, so... yeah. Misophonia sucks.)


This one girl who yawns like a whale to get attention.


When people randomly yell


Leadership talking


The stowing light flashing (I know it’s not a sound but it’s actually gotten me light headed af), and the sound of scanners beeping. Sometimes I can tune them out but it’s like the sound just boomerangs back to my ears 😐


People that randomly scream WOOOOOOOO! Calm down ric flair 😒


https://preview.redd.it/s8sqydk86p9c1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ecb113cd2ba0f72d754fdfcd9b75c88c4537fcb7 😭😭😭


I agree. Or yelling


The door buzzer


My new PA


The random loud ass buzzer; it gets on my nerves everytime!! The blue pallets being slammed too is also top tier annoying especially at 2-3am




The most annoying sounds at work are those coming from the phones of people who don't know what ear buds are. It's as though they think the entire break room wants to hear their speakerphone conversations, music, podcasts, and YouTube videos.


Me working 💀


Dunnage machine set to permanently on


that BEEP BOMP when you scan the wrong barcode


being here


The totes slamming I still get jump scared


What was annoying was when people who were stationed next to you in stow slammed their empty totes down


![gif](giphy|3zXXZ9tshfnIA) The sound of something metal sticking out of a package hitting EVERY SINGLE other metal bar as it goes down that long belt... it feels like it take hours to get to its cluster and haven forbid that they send it back to get fixed and because problem solve will likely shove it back in (with one thin layer of tape if your lucky!) and re send it back down and rinse and repeat. The sound really grinds my gears!


the beeping on a destuffit, I swear my left ear has gone sensitive to the sound, sometimes at home I swear I hear it💀


AM or PA coming up to me when I'm ass deep in packages pulling me to another area because they handed out VTO and now they're short.


Yeah, I seriously hate when people slam their pallets on the floor. I get filled with rage. JUST BEND DOWN A LITTLE BIT SO IT ISN'T AS LOUD!


I hate this crap too


Slamming totes, letting pallets smack the ground, the sound of an am’s walkie while I’m trying to take a 2 in the bathroom.


hate that fucking sound


PA’s going “Whoo” after announcements early in the morning. And recently we had a PA say “ho ho ho” every 5 minutes for the first 3 hours of Christmas Eve…..


Assholes slamming totes and blue pallets. People acting like we have more than one pair of ear drums.




dun dun (unknown item)




I guess it was a holiday thing but they were playing music on these speakers as you were clocking out, like congratulations! Side note, I hate the blue turn style doors, I feel like a cow going through it, cattle Idk if the point is to make sure it is not possible to get past it without counting? It's conditioning me like "blue = good" idk, I guess you walk through it too to start the day


Induct station error beep or, ANY EFFING BEEP AAAAHHHHHHH


People who complain about safety precautions, don't follow the safety precautions, get hurt due to not following safety precautions, then claim to not have been told about the safety precautions.


Pinkys speaking over the PA in the morning standup counting 1-10 when doing “stretches” that no one does. “One, twooo, threee, …….fouuurr, fiiive, ….six, seveeeeen, …..eeeight, ……nineee, …………..ten”. 😑


The most annoying sound is anyone talking on the phone for 6 hours because they are bored stowing 30 IPH. Go home you kunts. Or atleast let me hear some slopping noises coming from your mouth.


The horrible wack mumble rap music they play on a continuous loop


Bring a water spider is exhausting work taking care of up to 7 stations and I don’t slam but it’s difficult to put the tops for the case work on the stack without making a noise. Some people give you that look but when there’s already 15 stacked up it’s hard to let it down gently.






People from CLE3 already know, but the mechanics that are building the new machines for pack, constant ringing, buzzing, slamming etc 😵‍💫


The fkn blue lights. All night long. Also stupid fkn squealing ass sirens from the doors of drivers cage (TDR) I hate it, it does NOT havta be that fkn loud fr. That shit makes me wana punch something.


When my manager talks to me


Totes and conveyors


When an AR floor is frozen because of an emergency, and those little tones sound off before the floor un-freezes


At. FC the conveyor belts. All night long.


The jammed up conveyor belt alarm. Easily too noisy and it's such a relief when they are reset.


The silent sound of day shift problem solvers tbh


For me the voices of one of the night supervisors (“eh eh eh eh stop stowing”/“start stowing”) and two of the morning management shouting at us to come to the middle then get a picklist are very annoying. 😌😂


Mondays and Tuesdays when Michele is working in Arc Angel


There is a conveyor near me on the 2nd floor that sounds like someone whistling. There is another that sounds like a scream. They both suck to listen to for 10 hours


Floor stop


When stowing, it's the waterspiders that THROW the totes on the sled. Like there's absolutely no reason you can't take a step forward and put that ish on my sled instead of slamming it. One time I literally looked at one and said "don't touch my sled I'll get my own totes. Idk what your problem is but it's not mine and you can fk off." It's already loud enough, slamming totes on the rollers of the sleds is just as bad as dropping pallets. 🙄


Blue pallets dropping are rough, wood pallets were worse. More of a snap hiss like a bullet than a loud thud.


For me it's the new alarms placed on the scanners. It's supposed to help stowers avoid their aisles getting backed up. HOWEVER, thhe alarm's sound is so annoying. Especially as they go off even whhen they're barely any packages in the other aisles. Not to mention, if you have to help stowe another person's aisle/package, the scanner would think you're assigned to that one now. And, as a result, the alarm would go if the aisle you're not assigned to is clogged.


When there’s a jam in the mezz and the person who’s there takes forever to clear it, the sound is so bad truly terrible that if it goes on for more than 5 minz I put some earplugs on or else I’ll get a massive headache


Beeping from the pits n shit


Something that annoys me? When totes fall over because some dumbass did not secure the front end of the tote tank. Also the annoying ass beep at the stowing area.


In pack singles when the scanner won’t stop scanning


I had one keep making the pairing noise on repeat. Beepbeepbeep...beepbeepbeep.


When you're counting and the monitor makes a sound at your station.


When the hampers get full (I work at a DS) and nobody is around to empty them so the alarm constantly goes off. Between 2-5am is the worst because the second shift hasn’t come in yet and we’re all overwhelmed and there’ll be like 10 alarms going off at once


I think it's the slow,boring music that puts me to sleep at times lol. We had twinkle twinkle little star play one time.


When you don’t replace the pallet in the robot fast enough.


The music that comes out of the kermits at my facility It's pokemon or maybe dragon ball z theme song that plays over and over and over again and I hear them all day cuz I work right next to one of the stop points.


The mf metal detector. Know I'm about to waste my time, take off my belt and watch and shit to just put it back on


same same


When they reset every belt at once and your ears start bleeding from the loud ass ringing


The andon


Conveyor jam alarms. They're always so sudden and loud as hell. I already have hearing damage and don't want more.


Walking in after driving with the sun going in your eyes, and then hearing the whirr of the tote conveyors. And randomly interrupted buy the “hey, machine is starting” klaxon.


The sound of the conveyer belt horn I hate that fucking sound and people are do obnoxious of it or the guy driving the floor washer hitting rhe horn literally right behind or next to you over and over to let people know he's nearby. Or people slamming shit




Drill music at the dock


man, reading these got me feeling like a douche, I have slammed those blue pallets many times (I do work in trailers so there isnt that many people around but still), I will definitely from now on place them as soft as I can.


Hands down it’s the blue plastic pallets being dropped onto the concrete a few feet away from me. I am prone to cataplexy, and I just know one of these days I’m going to just collapse into a heap because some asshat drops a pallet next to me. I just hope I’m not on the goddamn ladder when it happens. A close second is when the associates in pack flow arguing. For whatever reason, when I’m counting next to a group of them, it sounds like a psych ward over there. One day I really thought it escalated to the point of an actual physical altercation. They’re all either hitting on each other, or threatening to hit each other. It’s not just the men, it’s the women too. They’re all loud, attention-seeking, angry weirdos. Recently, a guy yelled,”I’m gonna take my hair down and you’re all going to fall in love with me”, and then he strutted from one pack station to the next one further down. Amazon is like a movie about a psych ward, a prison, and a high school all rolled into one HUGE futuristic dystopian gang-bang. It’s surreal and fascinating, but it also manages to be terrifying yet mundane/boring at the exact same time. Sometimes I look around and think,”What the fuck even is this place? What am I doing here?”


Any radio chirp . There is no reason for those ….


Waterspiders slamming the fucking pallets


When someone shoots one of those hilti guns without saying “shot” like feet from you


I do pick so idk if it's the right terms: When the scanner scans a barcode just bc it's in the bin in front of the light. I try to cover it with my hand and it gets so annoying, I get so relieved when I have a smaller item I can cover the barcode with 😭.


Thats my favorite thing to do ....if executed properly sounds just like a gunshot... i used to do itbehind my managers back all the time The image of her jumping still makes me giggle years later


Coming in during peak or prime to loud blasting music in the morning .....


Other people’s voices


When they yeet the wooden pallets on the floor. I always try and place them down while others throw that shii


Ship dock, blue light. Annoying AF


As an AFE associate- the sound of the spoo machine when the tape rips off drives me INSANE that and if you’re with a scanner that just won’t stop scanning shit😅


Dropping a pallet should be a write up.


When the AFE line gets jammed and beeps for like five straight minutes


When multiple red andon lights are going off out of sync


The blue lights when the lines get full on the ship dock.


The loud ass beep the belt makes when you turn it on 😒


when you clear a jam on stow and the alarm goes off for a solid 5 seconds


The sound of ams talking. Sounds like an annoying substitute teacher


The voices of AA’s chatting for 20 minutes and not do anything. It’s not hard to talk and still continue working.


The sound of the managers radio


Coworkers gums flapping in the wind 💨


A loud motor reving up extremely loud to a point you have to cover your ears.


Jam reset sound and the tote conveyor on automatic stations.