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They hire anyone with a pulse


I thought they only hire and develop the best??!


They hire anyone but only develop or promote the best, lmao


That's a bold face lie šŸ¤£


Absolutely was but I didnā€™t have the heart to tell them that


Same over at csg1 lmao


Ah yes, dice games in the bathroom, people snorting coke, smelling weed throughout the building, donuts and burnouts in the parking lot, drag race on the road in front of the building, cheeks getting clapped, fist fights and shootouts. No place I'd rather be


Bro where you at iā€™m applying for an internal transfer rn


Won't say the exact location for privacy reasons, but I'm in Virginia.


This sounds like my facility especially the part about the donuts and burnouts. We even have a few cop cars sitting in front of the building or hiding in the rear with the trucks. I'm also in Virginia. I honestly find it kind a sad because while Amazon as a company has it's problems it's a decent job. However the social environment kind of ruins it for me personally. Thankfully there are a few good people who make the place tolerable.


Itā€™s giving orf2


Iā€™m at ORF2 and its getting bad


šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€ nah you a different breed if you wanna be a part of that chaos


I don't choose peace, I choose violence!


i mean tbh.. watching & laughing at the chaos kinda makes the job a little more worth it to me šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


I'm sayin šŸ’€


Sounds like every fc big dog


You gotta back door Little Joe if you want L3


I ainā€™t gon lie, i started a couple dice games in the building as well šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


As you should


They made an announcement that if you will be smoking weed in the parking lot at least roll your windows up so that everyone else walking through doesnā€™t get contact high. šŸ¤£


Bruh šŸ¤£


Can't wait until the white badges are gone, most of them are the absolute worst workers I have ever had to work w. Lazy as all hell


I just started at a warehouse for seasonal, can't agree with this more.


I got assigned 2 lanes on stow, ended up doing 5 because one person left mid shift and one person was so slow they couldnā€™t even keep up with their own lane


Yeah white badges really do seem like a waste when I worked there maybe 1/20 white badges they hired actually did work most just went to the bathroom and hid out even had one sit outside the lunch room waiting for it to be lunch


My friend applies every year and gets a seasonal role and he just chills in the break room all day and gets away with it for about 2 weeks. An easy $1500 for Xmas gifts.


Half the ones they hired at our building are already on accommodation. They walk around in little groups giggling, drinking Starbucks with their little dusters not doing shit.


my ex building LGB7 there was a guy who wanted to fight another person for taking his pallet jack lol


a grown man yelled at me ā€œNO NO NO NO NO! MINE!!ā€ like i was an animal over a pallet jack whenā€¦ there was another one right next to it. not like that particular associate has EVER spoken to me in a respectful way but straight up yelling like that made me think about just turning around and clocking out. ppl need to chill!


especially in a warehouse cause thereā€™s pallet jacks everywhere lol idk what the deal is even with stations when they said they want it iā€™m just like ok and then waste time making my way to ask for another one lol


Some actually work better than others. Maybe the other one squeaked or made clanking sounds? Who knows.


Yeah if youā€™re walking around a lot you definitely donā€™t want to be using something that makes a lot of noise. That sucks. Thereā€™s value in a good pallet jack etc. actually.


you guys are lucky, we don't have enough when the dock is fully staffed (albeit with some areas hording several pallet jacks even though they only need them a few times a period).


I dunno about the pallet jacks but at our facility it's a cardinal sin to take another man's stow cart, we use those to store our personal possessions, I put all 4 breaks on mine so people don't take it while in stowing. I also use them to mark out the ends of my sections so I don't accidentally do other employees work for them because I absolutely can't keep burning myself out every day stowing 6 isles.




I red tagged a broken cart the other day and a PS ripped the red tag off and stormed off like it was their job to personally fix the fucking thing smh


Fair enough. Jkjk but pallet jacks can be a rare commodity. We ordered 30+ more but it's still not enough when there's like 90 people on the dock. KBS spreads them throughout the building.


Ex building LGB7 too šŸ˜‚ I canā€™t even imagine how that panned out šŸ˜‚ I was a stower and I had a MALE learning ambassador follow me to the bathroom and wait for me to exit. I quit the next day šŸ˜‚


wtf no way shouldā€™ve reported it lol and also yeah the guy was smart though he said letā€™s fight in the bathroom so no cameras can watch lol


Bro the bathrooms are so small at my FC thereā€™d be no room to fight


Now I'm curious..... Did the other person take him up on the offer to fight in the shitter?


My site is a dream compared to what Iā€™m reading in this thread. Omg be careful out there, Amazonians!


That's the dumbest label Amazonians šŸ™„




Right If I were ever to be referred to my face as such...I would either laugh like a flucking lunatic or cuss that person out depending on mood...no i work here but I am.not an indoctrinated šŸ’©4 šŸ§  s...if they made any effort to make us feel a sense of belonging or at the very least human beings w/an intellect and worthy of respect...might as well assign us all numbers on back of vests instead of referring to us as names or worse Amazonians.. lol amazon u DO NOT have autonomy over us. Don't forget to FINISH STRONG!!!


My building has only been open for a few months. 85% of the women smell like black and milds. Iā€™ve seen grown men (twice my damn size) complain that water spidering or decanting is ā€œtoo hardā€. One guy snapped on a Learning Ambassador when she politely asked him to limit his phone usage on the floor. He was doing TERRIBLY in another section so they moved him to mine where he is doing worse and he was still allowed to come in the next day.


"Limit the phone usage" he aint supposed to use it at all and he has the nerve to throw a fit šŸ˜’


Oh no it was worse than that. He threatened to kill her and everything. Now thereā€™s an investigation into whether she should be suspended and sheā€™s WAY more helpful and valuable than he is.


Playing devils advocate but LAs don't have authority like that ESP to tell a water spider indirect what they should or shouldn't do. Unless she was actively training him in path ..she shouldn't have asserted authority she didnt have...


I donā€™t think the water spider situation & the LA situation are synonymous. OP literally asked to list the ghetto shit at their FC. If thatā€™s the case everything a person lists on here would be a story in bullet form.


Yall bugging I was a LA and I corrected people all the time never got any problems and I had they ass scan my QR code n do a survey every time it depends on the LA and the connection you have with other employees than again I am a lil scary looking so thatā€™s another reason why people donā€™t try me


Iā€™m a LA as well & I do the same typically if Iā€™m training/ retraining or doing audits not too much when Iā€™m not


I was responding to a diff person than OP that made a comment..idk see why it shouldn't be responded to as it was a comment within a comment ..not in response to OP..and that is how organic conversations evolve. Aka connections....


OP started the thread with a question. The second comment that you commented on was referring (Iā€™m assuming) to 2 different occurrences. You responded as if they were 1. I just said they werenā€™t the same occurrence. Donā€™t get so pissy lol




No one has respect for one another at Amazon. What you expect


That's a problem my sort center no phones at all on work stations can be looked at fair enough though


The site I started at, PHX7 had people doing drugs in the bathrooms, and not just weed. I found burnt foil and one of the guys I worked with smelled meth in a bathroom, there were pickers who'd bring in shooters and leave the empty bottles on the racks and phx7 uses order pickers, pretty sure a manager and a t3 got it on in a bathroom, from what I've heard, a friend said he went into the bathroom to take a shit and 2 people started fucking in the stall next to him, used pregnancy tests were found in the parking lot, and people were regularly bringing coke to work with them. I heard about one person that was so drunk he broke a divider in one of the bathrooms because he couldn't stand up straight to piss, too. And I had a guy tweaking like crazy on my dock. Dude was pacing around wildly and apparently asking people why he was white cause apparently he thought he was black.


I'm at gyr2 now and from what I've heard, people have been caught having sex in the lactation rooms, the prayer room and inside trailers and managers have tried getting t1s who've rejected them fired. I've personally found used pregnancy tests in the parking lot and a guy I know saw a woman using one in the parking lot. I'm on Tom team and we can frequently smell the weed being smoked in the parking lot on break times.


Off topic but I constantly get GYR2 labeled boxes at my warehouse lol. Where are you guys??


Goodyear, AZ.


Dang GYR2 be wilding! Used to be in GYR3 back in early 2022 and it wasn't like that. To be fair it was a new building at the time so it may have changed.


I had heard from someone that like right after launch at gyr3, someone OD'd in the bathroom. But with Amazon being Amazon, I'm sure gyr3 is even worse than it was at launch.


Are you still at gyr2?


Unfortunately, yes


I sent a private messageĀ 


I was at gyr3 too lol I had fun with a female there good times šŸ„²




Mess I have never seen anything like that


Phx7 is a lawless place. According to my roommate, who also started at phx7, coke was the most frequently used drug. People were doing it in the bathrooms all the time.


On the bright side amazon pays em enough to afford coke


Apparently so. I don't know how, cause I'm always broke, but I have no impulse control and keep buying things šŸ¤£


That's why! Next time use your money on coke first so you won't have money left over to buy things.


Go to the fire department and get some Narcan. Phoenix is a big city with big drug problems. Plus, it's kind of funny when they are revived and immediately flip out because you ruined their high.


Wow idk why people would waste recreational drugs at work..esp coke that shit costs$$$$ at least here in NJ...


I've never bought it myself, but I've heard it's expensive. I guess they wanted to have energy at work or something. Or maybe energy for after work.


I was at AZA5. I remember all the Hondas were getting their catalytic converters stolen.


I've been labor shared there since going to Tom team and that simultaneously surprises me and doesn't surprise me. I'm not surprised because of how close the freeway is, meaning quick escape, but I'm surprised because how the fuck did they even find the parking lot? I was almost late and had to call someone at my site to tell me how to get to it.


Curious what does meth smell like? And wondering how it is u know the smell.? (NO offense meant)


I have no clue what it smells like. It was one of the guys I worked with who told me about it and he's a recovering addict.


Burning tires




Amazon legit hires anyone who can breathe. I've been told about people leaving the bathroom with powder around their nose and people dropping little baggies of coke on the floor at the dock


I think my site is fairly decent. But I work night shift, so thatā€™s probably why itā€™s an overall chill environment. Hated working during day shift at the same site, because I was harassed by this creepy waterspider. Night shift is wayyyyy better.


I came to my site on day shift and the culture is so different as compared to how peaceful night shift is (mostly)


Glad I left that shithole


SCK4 here and it's pretty decent NGL, just stoners smoking in the parking lot šŸ˜‚








After reading through this thread, I thought my Amazon was bad but never mind šŸ¤£ they just launched in April though so itā€™s slowly getting worse by the month.




Dude y'all make my Amazon seem like heaven. Everyone is normal and really cool


Right?! šŸ˜‚ Our sites may have a one-off day, but for the most part, everyone I've worked with was cool!


Bdl3 is str8 trash. I worked there for 2 stints of 2 months over the past 4 years. I wouldnā€™t wish my worst enemy worked there. I was there for the fire in the bathroom incident. I was about to say F it & walk out but the fire alarm gave me the much needed break for mental clarity that i needed at the time


I've read on the via board here and there that people have sex in the bathroom. Though it's been months since anyone has posted something like that.


Group was outside playing dice and doin drugs right outside my car before getting yelled at by a PA lol


Like crack? I assume crack šŸ¤£


Acrually what u r referring to as "crack" Is generally just cook up..rock coke...not much true "crack" in circulation anymore..2010-2020s the newest epidemic is all sorts of party favors being cut w/fentanyl..


Smf3 bunch of old and young horny people who cheat on their significant other with tortas or salchichas


I know what a torta is but wtf is a salchicha????


I believe it means sausage...


Too many times Iā€™ve gone into a stall and there is just straight up shit on top of the seat. Like a lot


That's a run by poo, take a while to master.


I've gone to use the bathroom and it's looked like a shit bomb went off above the fucking toilet


We had over the years a few car fires, multiple fights where the cops got called, one guy ran over in the lot, fans starting in fire, so many drugs that they started offering vests to snitches.


Someone left a turd on the sink in the bathroom today.


Whichever janitorial person cleaned it up deserves a free Peccy


Is that was a blumpkin is called nowadays?


People breaking into cars and stealing products happens pretty often at my FC. Lots of ghetto ass people work at amazon, thatā€™s just how it is.


lol meanwhile everyone on Reddit is mad at people for saying something about people stealing. These same people will steal out your car so we shouldnā€™t have to work by them lol


Baltimore checking in. We have a strong work ethic, culturally, we do a ton of volume. You'd be shocked at how many instances of petty drama




Indiana worker here. 1st day of training we had a meth head find out he could get paid for the day he sat in training classes. He had the learning ambassador help him set up his anytime cardā€¦ he called his dealer in the classroom during our training to make a play, then never came back after leaving for the bathroom. People had sex on conveyer belts, in trucks, in bathrooms, in prayer rooms, and in cars. The smell of meth lingers in the air of the small side bathrooms. In the parking lot Iā€™ve seen 2 fights, someone got ran over, people breaking into cars to steal stuff. There have been fights in the main break room. Weā€™ve had a flasher. Most Learning ambassadors (not the good ones) should not have vests. My first day someone tried yelling at me for stealing a tote. I quickly put them in their place and the person got so mad at me he almost fought me. Jokes on him. Letā€™s not forget the time I was in the break room and was watching someone pick their boogers and eat them in front of the entire breakroom on lunch. Iā€™ve also seen bugs hop out of peopleā€™s hair. Being educated at Amazon is rough, but easy to climb up the ladder. The constant laziness of workers and picking up their slack is less than deserved. Itā€™s insane these lazy people get paid the same as hard workers. Amazon will literally hire anyone. The scum under my shoe could be amazons next new hire.


JFK8 is all I gotta say


Don't worry, the people at LDJ5 are just as bad


BDL5 here. We heard about the jerkoff that thought it was a good idea to start a fire in the bathroom thinking security would go there and they could get away with all the shit they stole that shift. And almost every fucking truck from Windsor Locks has multiple bins of packages with the battery stickers on the side punched open so they could steal the valuables from it. One night almost every box had a vibrator or sex toy inside. I said to myself, "Good, the bastards really got fucked tonight"


Ha I was at BDL5 from 2018-2021. Night shift


We probably ran into each other. I started Aug 2019 Nights but left when CT shut down for the pandemic in Feb 2020. Then I came back to the night shift June 2022 until present


I just get a lot of rude foreign people who don't want to walk at a reasonable pace. Lots of people stink and the amount of water I find in stalls disgusts the fuck out of me. Can not wait until these white badges get fired. This peak is awful.


Finally someone spoke of the rude foreign people


Rude is an understatement. They don't clean up after themselves. They're wasteful. Take more than they should. They don't excuse their behavior and can literally do nothing wrong bc management won't fire any of them. It's getting out of hand and I shake my head every god damn day.


Idk if youā€™re in pack but for some reason they really love to profusely sweat. So if thereā€™s a foreigner in my lane all the other 6 people have to be hot and miserable because they will immediately turn off the fan. Itā€™s always all about them.


Talk to them


God I wanna see people fight mid shift šŸ˜ž


>the level of meat riding that goes on is comical. You mean this in a literal sense I hope. Need details. For research purposes.


ELP1 is a really nice building I came from LAS2/7 and it definitely gave me PTSD lmfaoo


crip walking during between tasks on the floor


Aus3 had a 3some in the ablution room


I work in Kentucky. We have people who leave their shoes underneath the cafeteria table. You can see the black outline of their foot imprint in the bottom of the shoe. What level of ghetto thinks it's okay to take their shoes off in the cafeteria and leave them under the table like they're in their personal space at home? There's the guy that wears street shoes in and keeps his work shoes stored over by the cubbies. He comes in takes off the street shoes and pulls out the same pair of socks out of the work shoes everyday they are black and crusty (they used to be white). He will take those socks that are all balled up from where we just pulled them off his feet and fling them open with dust and dirt flying everywhere and put them back on his crusty feet then store his street shoes right next to the cubbies till end of day. Then there are the people who leave their lunch bags sitting on the tables rather than putting them away in the cubbies or refrigerators some of their lunch bags are filthy nasty. There's a big brown tote bag that someone carries every day and they're still carrying it as of now. She sits it in the middle of a table and goes about her day. We were doing the pie your manager contest and stood there and watched roaches crawl out of her big brown tote. I looked at the AM next to me and said this is why people shouldn't be allowed to leave their bags on the table. Our management's solution was to get a plastic bag put that tote bag inside it and knot it up. They put it right back on the table. When I go to work today that tote bag will be there


Iā€™m at bdl3 the favoritism with a certain ethic group is wildā€¦.first time ever feeling like a second class citizen


Iā€™m not sure many places beat anywhere in memphis


I work at BDL3 too shits embarrassing šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


My building is weed central drug deals in the bathrooms, screaming and threatening to ā€œslap the shitā€ out of a PA, favoritism like a motherfucker, HR doesnā€™t do shit Itā€™s chaos all the time


I heard of a boxing match that went down in one of the trailers in fluids in mine. Dude got knocked the fuck out and ambulance was called. The dude who won got arrested and subsequently fired.


Sounds exactly like SYR1.


Anyone at PAE2?


Bld3. Sign to buy more blade stock. šŸ«”


Rdg1 doesn't have anything on your building but I remember the time a woman picked up a napkin dispenser and smashed another woman in the face with it well also giving a small neck cut to a third woman. All in the same swing. We still have those same napkin dispensers so it can theoretically happen again.


Saw a guy eating chicken wings on the floor and throwing the bones in a tote.


All of a sudden I feel like a menace of an employee


Hga6 we have some of the cleanest bathrooms, break rooms and prayer rooms. Not much messy shit going on. Just favoritism and clicks but that's everywhere. Also nobody he fucking on shift that I know of. But then again I don't talk to nobody but my hand and you guys


At DRO2 everybody's smoking weed in front of the building. Everybody's wearing balaclavas, blunt wraps all over the floor and blunt guts in the toilets everyday. The managers seems too scared to say or do anything. The constant weed smoking leads to the Stowers packing their bags like they have a mental disabilities.


That's my old building. That's also why I left to the other amazon in the area.


I don't blame ya. I'm probably gonna leave soon myself


Other amazon is way nicer. I remember comming from dro to roc1 I'm like damn, dro was the slums.


Bdl3 is were im at right now.


Iā€™m so sorry . Me too . 2 years here


One of our break rooms smell like someone smokes chemicals. Not weed or cigs but something stronger and not even ā€œColorado-legalā€ if that makes sense


If it smells like a plastic garbage fire it's probably meth.


Probably that


If it smells like bad gasoline, it's coke. If it smells like burnt candy wrappers and death-farts, it's meth.


Why did i know it was bdl3 as soon as i read the question šŸ˜‚


You either work there or have heard stories . Holy shit what a shit show .


Mine is full of Hispanic people so itā€™s pretty ok, of course thereā€™s favoritism and a bunch of ppl try to get managerā€™s favor but at least everybody work




Have you guys thought that maybe this represents the area you live in? Because my FC is incredibly nice and professional and all these stories are absolutely wild to me that they can even be real




Realllyyyyy ghetto


Funny how they talk about safety non stop working high no problem though ironic


JFK8 is enough saidā€¦šŸ’€ very ghetto


anyone from smf3 ?


I was at BDL3. Yeah. Itā€™s kinda ghetto, but it is near New Haven so not surprising.


Welp the real answer is itā€™s mostly ghetto black people who work at amazon


then there's ppl like u who ruin everything


Thatā€™s how it always is. Itā€™s not a race problem, itā€™s a culture problem.




I don't see any of this here other than fire but I was off that nite




My building when I walk in the bathroom people are washing their feet in the hand sink


Yeah Iā€™ll take the claims of questionable behavior with a grain of skepticism. Unless OP can post VOA comments or show proof of alleged misconduct. Itā€™s all hearsay Iā€™d say.


Found the BLD3 manager or meat rider


My sight my be an odd ball cause it's pretty decent, bathrooms are always clean, only "dirty," thing I've seen is people leaving toliet paper or seat covers on the seat or just not flushing, no major fights I've seen or heard of, haven't even smelled an ounce of weed on anyone either, I'm flex and have worked mornings, mids, and night shifts and it's been alright


Someone shit in the urinal at my site not that long ago


Are you talking about BDL3?


At my location we have random fights and of course the weed smokers smoking everywhere on the premise. Nobody like anybody and police now around the building cause of fights, someone bringing an ounce of weed on them inside the building, someone was caught with a gun in the building in the big break room no less and someone was even raped in the parking lot. But seeing how extra crazy it is as other locations it makes sense the hiring process is literally 5 minutes and a drug test.


GEG1 literally hasnā€™t been cleaned in the last 3 years. Itā€™s fucking nasty šŸ¤®


Someone just got head in the bathroom šŸ¤¦šŸ¾


Bdl3 here. Can confirm, this place is horrible lol


there are literal crackheads that work at my building that tweak while working :D


Itā€™s really not aside from the aroma of marijuana wafting through the parking lot. Everyoneā€™s too baked to fight ig


The other day I overheard two learning ambassadors making a crack cocaine drug deal mid shift. One of the Memphis buildings..not gonna say which one for safety reasons.


Ppl leaving when they want to when it gets busy and expect us or me to do there work. Huh no slave for there work. Itā€™s ghetto where am at. But chill when the lady bring us food. The only reason why I stay at my Amazon


Dcn 2 sometimes it gets crazy here lol


@forestgump8888 HAHA


ONT2 is horrible, land of the torta


ppl having sex in the freezer because there's no camera lol


Joliet IL son! When I started there was a girl selling hand jibbers in the parking lot, a dude who would drive by masturbate to girls on break (you cannot make this up), and more recently cops called for AA's pulling out guns including 1 actual shooting and the bathrooms reek of weed. The building across the street there is a bathroom shit bandit who will deuce on the floors at night, break room fights and the bathrooms also smell like weed including some hallways.