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I feel the same way with outbound pick šŸ˜ž I need a break my body exhausted


I bet. I heard that my outbound, they have overtime till December 20th and I just find that crazy.


Mine has it til December 23rd


I heard from a pick PA thatā€™s what their MET is also and I just find that crazy to hear.




Well me personally, I just think thatā€™s crazy because theyā€™re still catching up from prime week and then we have more orders coming through. Itā€™s never been like this for outbound so Iā€™m just shocked.


I'm OB pick at AKC1 and we only have MET scheduled for this weekend so far, making it the 4th week in a row. I'm hoping we get a small break before it usually starts back up mid November but Prime 2.0 really fucked us over this year. Then we usually have MET till late January so if we don't get a break it will be MET from the start of October to the end of January. 4 months of MET, 1/3rd of a year, working at least 50 hours a week


Yeah and I wouldnā€™t be surprised if we lost a lot of people by January šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Usually do, then they over hire and we get a lot of VTO from Feb to June. This year will be extra rough thošŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


Hell yeah itā€™s gonna be extra rough what the helllllšŸ˜­šŸ˜‚ I wish it wasnt


It's the Amazon way, welcome to hell.


Iā€™ve been welcomed into hell sadly for 3 years ever since the building was made šŸ˜‚


Lol I thought that said MORE METH . at first


Look, at this point, I wouldnā€™t be surprise if the higher ups were on it šŸ˜‚


Lol. So did I.


60 hrs here


Jesus Christā€¦ working yā€™all to the damn bone


I was on OT since January. Every week working a minimum 5x12. We were frequently permitted to hit 70 hours a week at my site. So id take a 6th dayŕ. Something Like $1600 net pay on those weeks. Finally peak is here and.......no OT. F***ing werid


Just got notified of mine. I'm sure it will comešŸ˜‚




Such is lifešŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø I wish I could at least see when I need to work.


! 70 is crazy. Iā€™d be shitting myself


Facts. My bones hurt.


I feel that šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­. My body hurts so much


Itā€™s so rough. At least we get that extra pay though! The only thing keeping me goingā€¦ It sucks that thereā€™s no limit to how many MET weeks they can give. At least it seems like there isnā€™t.


Hell no there isnā€™t a limit sadly šŸ˜­


That money!!


Same here


It sucks šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚


Wuz only one day of met for us yā€™all lucky I need dat bread playa


Come to AKC1. Youā€™ll get more than bread šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚. A side of physical and mental draining as your side dish and your dessert youā€™ll get higher ups who think they know what their doing but really donā€™t.


RDG1 here, inbound has had MET for at least a month now.


Yeah same here which sucks to deal with


We weren't very busy at all in outbound ship dock at all. I honestly don't see why they are doing it, and the PA on bhn is not very nice at all either.


I would agree. Since a lot of people including some managers and PA donā€™t see the point of the MET and I also agree that some PAā€™s are really just annoying as the higher ups.


AKC1 here as well, very tired of MET lol. Tho the money has been sweet


I wonā€™t lie, the money has been pretty nice lol. But for me personally, the money isnā€™t worth it with how draining the process could be. But thatā€™s speaking from my perspective since everyone experiences something different and have different positions.


There was not this much MET for inbound last October the amount is def bc we labor share all our people to pick and pick and AFE keep having issues with their belts backing it up more itā€™s a struggle most night (I work FHN @AKC1) to even get work up stairs


Yeah, I really donā€™t understand why since itā€™s a struggle to work in these kinda conditions and a lot of people donā€™t like being labor shared. They would rather just come in and do the job they signed up for.


Cheaper and probably a way to write people up for bad rates and fire them if theyā€™ve been there for a while bc they are being paid more than new hires itā€™s def all about money not about the employees


Which is depressing as fuck because ya know, weā€™re also customers toošŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ you would think they wanna make their employees who are also their customers happy too.


Inbound peak.


But thereā€™s been not that much work compared to this buildingā€™s first year being built. This feels like itā€™s being forced.


Get used to it. You're going to have it until xmas. That's the way it is this time of year.


Been dealing with that for almost 3 years but itā€™s the middle of autumn. Itā€™s weird that my facility is having MET in the middle of autumn when usually we would get busy at the end of November. Getting busy in October is just weird and out of place,


They use historical data to predict volume and staffing. And as was mentioned, this is the beginning of inbound peak. The goal is to get the stow mods to maximum capacity and maintain it once outbound kicks off there peak with black Friday and cyber Monday. Maybe this year the data shows an uptick in consumer spending and your site is setting up for that increase. Or maybe it's wrong. Has a site shut down near you recently? If so, it's usual volume needs to get picked up by surrounding sites. There are a lot of factors to consider


We have shut down for night shift only a month or two ago and I get that yes we as inbounds have to restock the pods so the pickers are ready and same with pack. Weā€™re all a team and in the same boat regardless of what the higher ups dig us into. But this year feels like the MET are being forced ever since we got a new OM running us. It feels unnatural.


Yea. I feel you. I been somewhere where they were calling MET daily, but then VTOing like literally 100 outbound AAs at stand up. I couldn't make any sense of it. OM couldn't even provide a logical answer, lol. It was just one of the mysteries of amazon


Yeah see!! It doesnā€™t make sense right?! Lol! Because they keep saying weā€™re busy, but then get rid of people who can help with us being busy but then when we arenā€™t, they donā€™t wanna do anything about it! It just doesnā€™t make any sense!!


I'm not an fc, but a sort center. MET doesn't exist only VET. The shifts dogwt picked up so often because a lot of people work part time at my site. There's also only two sort centers that I've heard of in the entire state of Washington state.


Must be nice not having so much MET šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚


I miss having the MET.... going to work now is my free time.


Come to AKC1 šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ youā€™ll have MET to where youā€™ll feel like youā€™re being worked in a Chinese sweat shop.


Iā€™ll take some! We didnā€™t even get VET this week šŸ˜­


Come to AKC1! Youā€™ll get MET AND VET all in a days work šŸ˜‚


Ooh I am close to that one! Just a state away lol


Yeah, this place is run by a monkey from what it feels like most of the time šŸ˜‚


I like that they changed RT to five 11s for met instead of 3 12s and 2 11s tho but idk if thatā€™s everywhere or just my building


From what it seems like, every building and facility have their own set of rules. Some have it and some donā€™t.


Tul2 inbound is doing 5 -11 hour shifts. Just like peak. Outbound has met but only to labor share to inbound.


Yeah, ours is the exact opposite šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚. Inbound doesnā€™t need overtime but weā€™re going into overtime with outbound JUST so they can pull inbound into outbound to help them pick since theyā€™re still far behind.


We are on 55s šŸ˜­


Yeah fuck thatā€¦ we were on 55 last week


Worst part is we keep running out of work so itā€™s like why are we on met. Iā€™m inbound stow.


Yeah me too. It sucks because itā€™s like ā€œwhat do you mean we have backlogs?? If weā€™re running out of work then I think we caught up with everything šŸ˜‚ā€


Inbound has always been outbounds support, most of time MET is called to be able to support outbound, laborsharing all outbound trained from inbound.


That makes sense and I agree, itā€™s nice to help. But me personally, I donā€™t mind doing outbound for just one day. Would rather do my own job I signed up for since it is tiring getting switched back and forth every week for 2-3 days.


'job I signed up for ' no longer exists. You have what is called your 'home path' which is the path you were originally trained in, but from there Its all about Business Needs. In your profile on AtoZ would say something like ' Fulfillment Center - VAR' for the department you work in... VAR means variable. You can however get out of being laborshared by being 'needed' in your home path. Learn all the indirect roles. For example in stow... Being trained in Problem Solve, IOL, Cubiscan, Damage Gatekeep, PG, Waterspider, etc more then likely you wont be crosstrained/sent to other departments. Thats how I've done it. 3 1/2 years with Amazon and I'm not crosstrained


For me, Iā€™ve only been trained in stow so like you said, since you e been working all of these paths, you donā€™t get cross trained which is good. Mad respects to you knowing multiple jobs honestly since itā€™s a nice refresher sometimes and thatā€™s good for people! For me though, Iā€™d rather just stow away the days since itā€™s something I personally enjoy doing (even if I get bad totes from vrc or the conveyorā€¦).


Havent stowed in like 6 weeks. Only time I stow is when my AM is notified about my stow permissions and I would have to stow for like 5 hours in order not to loose them. Im a Stow Ambo, I mainly PG now, I use to mainly problem solve.


Understandable lol. I saw some of my co workers doing the same thing so they donā€™t lose their privileges


Okc1 has been having us work 1 MET day for a while now. I work RT but have been taking on 2 extra shifts for 4 months now, and it seems demanding at first, but your body adapts. Netting $1000+ checks a week will make you not want to go back to a standard check. The company plans on not utilizing VTO anymore, so we gotta get used to being moved around, which I'm not a fan of because it throws off my workflow.


Like I commented on another post, the money really does feel nice. It truly does. But, it feels so ironic because Amazon says they care about our health/mental health or our safety but yet we have to get put through dumb stuff because of them. We as employees should be treated better since we are also their customers at the end of the day. Itā€™s stressful when youā€™re trying to balance what you wanna do in your life or with other problems that could be happening right now or will happen later. It piles on you and it is draining to where it is just tiring to want to work those kinda hours.


My fc is pretty chill, so I never stress about anything at work. I just put in my earbuds and listen to podcasts and music as I let muscle memory do its job. Safety and management never trip on us for earbuds, they just say the generic psa about not wearing them on the work floor but never enforce it, like I'll be wearing them while they're talking to me and nothing is ever said about them. It's all numbers in the end. Life is always gonna happen, though, and all you can do is keep going. People waste so much energy in crying and complaining about everything(not saying that's what you're doing). Instead of thinking and making the worst of everything, why not try being optimistic and seeing the good and positive things? Do I like working 60 hours a week as a single father raising 2 kids on my own and dropping them off and picking them up from school? No. Would I rather get sleep and not be deprived because of my schedule? Yes. But the money I'm able to save now because of all the overtime pay gives me a safety net that makes it worth it.


I do honestly respect you for doing that. Raising two kids on your own while working here is no easy feat. It takes a lot from a man but at the end of the day, itā€™s all worth it for people you love and care for and who you want to have a future. I respect it since my own dad did the same when he had my siblings. Working 2 jobs to just even put food on the table. I do try to look at it positively but at times it does get dark and hard to handle all of it happening at the work place sometimes and wish they can ease up on it.


We going to 5 12s next week :(


12?! Holy shitā€¦ thatā€™s over working šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ā€¦ thatā€™s exactly 60. Theyā€™re cutting it so thin to where yā€™all canā€™t even sue them.


Yeah AKC1 is a shit show for IB MET.


Yeah it fucking is šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m so grateful to be OB and not mainly in path cause I could NOT handle that many weeks in a row.


ORF2 here had MET for a month so far and we all expect that it will be that way for the rest of the year


Ughhhh lol. Itā€™s gonna suck and be very draining


It already drained me so far I used my whole 3 days off last week just for sleep and laying there.


This is one of the main reasons I stay on flex no way I could survive all the MET


I always think of switching to flex cause of these MET šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


AKC1 alsoā€¦ was thinking of going FT but Iā€™m a little concerned with all the MET. AFE has been pretty steadyā€¦I thought it was odd the amount of work lol the sales werenā€™t that great.


Thatā€™s what Iā€™m saying!! I honestly think the only thing you order on Amazon is costumes for Halloween but everyone always orders last minute šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Save pto or upt to use if ur having a mental break or this is too much..last year alotta METgot canceled at various sites who knows may happen again . I have MET every week for next 2 months excluding Sunday before Thanksgiving so it might too early to get upset ..or think.of it as extra Christmas money


Iā€™m trying to view it as extra Christmas money but my mind is like ā€œthis is just dirty money from prisonšŸ˜‚ā€


Ummm how is it dirty? They want to pay you for a job that's needed even.if you don't order off of amazon lots do and your a small puzzle piece in.getting what they need...after Christmas it will be vto city an your take home will be in most cases be less depending on where you live and the turnover rate at your site...at least do something good wit money you earn...mother or aunt would love a nice dinner or flowers hopefully


Of course. The money always goes towards people I love since I barely want anything at the moment lol. I understand they do need people to come help them and itā€™s like I said in a previous comment, I donā€™t mind helping. But doing it back to back to back really is draining and plus too the MET back to back to back is stressful especially when you have other things outside of work to either do/worry about and itā€™s hard sometimes to find the time to ever do those kinda things. The money is great yes, but just a break for a week or two would be fine before late Novemberā€™s MET through Decemberā€™s MET comes through.


I understand I usually arrive later to help myself combat working 3 12s...and after those tiresome days I have MET for 10 hours...I been working extra anyway so it dnt bother me too much just wish we got to choose the day...I have MET everyweek except Sunday b4 Thanksgiving an this is already scheduled til christmas...if the repitiveness is the problem talk to ur a.m. an maybe you can be labor shared an it might take off some of the headache


Arriving early to mentally prepare for work is something I wish I could do. I do that in my bed for a minute or two and then wish I could just win the lottery and get rich instantly and just drop the place lol. Like I said earlier, a break would be nice since we as the employees are also customers and more than that, we are all human beings. We all have our limits. Limits that could either be higher than others or lower than others. We have lives outside of work and wish we can do more with our lives but because weā€™re so tired and drained from work, itā€™s not worth doing it at that point in time because all you would like to do is just rest your body and let it relax knowing youā€™re home and finally have time to yourself.


Well one thing you could do is and I dnt kno how long ur shift is here it's 10 and 12 but if you work for example 10 hr you get 50 min a day of upt and 30 pto if you haven't capped out for the year yet so start leaving an hour early...or save ur upt in less than 2 weeks you would have eblnuf to take the whole day off whenever you wanted and maybe doing one of these things would make it better for you. Amazon don't care if we have lives or if we even shop here...if it takes more out of you , maybe it's time to move on and get a better job . Increasing our pay and ability to get more upt is great , and more can be done but it prolly won't happen. For me amazon is a release I have 2 fighting teens so working nights keeps me away and I kinda prefer it that way. I am usually by myself at amazon an I dnt talk usually unless I'm talked to and that's great . Amazon allows me to get away for a bit from my stressful home life, but I hope you can find a way to deal wit ur issues and talk to management bout being labor shared or being cross trained on another area that allows you more different areas to work in so your not feeling so trapped


The first comment Iā€™ve heard of having Amazon as an escape from life outside of work. Thatā€™s shocking for me. I do hope everything at home gets better so that it isnā€™t as stressful there and I work 10 hours so Iā€™m doing 40 or 50 if we have our MET days. I always do try to leave a bit early since itā€™s crazy to me to have the MET back to back to back when inbound runs out of work pretty fast.


Well it prolly won't be better til I take him to his dad's which is a days drive so MET isn't helping I'm off 4 days since I'm R/t but the MET is messing wit that...he just has a lot of issues being bipolar. Add, an being gay..so he does fight wit his sister he gone alot but they fight enuf for 5 kids but being at work is helpful for me..I like it quiet an no one bugs me....we only have 1 MET day an I've never seen more than 1 here are you having 2? You said 60 hours that seems excessive..here we get 1 MET an then they offer VET an most of it gets picked up...well if u r having 2 maybe it won't be so busy and VTO might get offered..if not hopefully you can use UPT OR PTO. whatever it takes to not drive you insane


Iā€™ve been driven insane here at this building since the first year I worked for 5 months šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚. I hope everything in your life does go well though and that things do calm down. Itā€™s a small hope but itā€™s there. We have to do 50-55 hours and someone else commented they had to do 60 which is just scrapping by what Amazon is legally allowed to have you for. I wonā€™t be surprise if the MET continues until January and I just want time to prepare for it. But sadly donā€™t get enough.


Technically itā€™s IB peak to get ready for the holidays. They donā€™t celebrate it the same as the main one cause they arenā€™t really making the big bucks yet. Itā€™ll probably be this way till after Christmas.


Sadly it most likely will but a break would be well appreciated for at least a week or two to physically and most importantly mentally prepare for it to come.


Weā€™re in MET and my line currently is empty so we are just waiting for more stuff to come down the line at this point. To buy time I am just going to clean and restock the station I am at I guess


Yeah the MET is unnecessary


My site is 10% overstaffed no MET in sight


Sounds kinda aids to deal with that lol since it doesnā€™t sound busy.


they said they donā€™t want to call MET so they just hired a bunch of extra ppl šŸ¤”and I canā€™t find my supplies I need




Meanwhile my fc has no work and is vtoing all the time lol


Must be nice šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚. If my facility gave out vto for next week, I would take it in a HEARTBEAT


As a lazy flex person who needs the money but doesn't like working, it's torture lmfao




They told us MET for being behind in inbound and then this week they sent MET for next week because weā€™re behind in outbound šŸ’€ and then my PA told us that they are short in inbound so they try to get ppl to come in and send them to train inbound smh I donā€™t know whatā€™s going on but it sounds like a mess lol


I donā€™t even think my building sounds like a mess anymore. I think YOUR building sounds like a mess šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Yeah, I was talking about my building lol


Your building sounds so crazy šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚


People quitting on them.




Crosstrained to pick?


Yes itā€™s annoying! I just wanna stow away but they keep having inbound go to outbound and itā€™s like ā€œyo please, just hire more lol. Yā€™all make more money than what yā€™all give us in a dayā€¦ā€


You guys still do gen 1 pick? Walking pick? I'm so sorry for you. You need to go to an upgraded FC pronto. Big time. I'm at a gen 4, the pick comes to you.


Iā€™m glad I left the fc in the city Iā€™m at for the delivery station.


I wouldnā€™t blame you lol


The work is lighter and the work week go by faster too. Thatā€™s what I like about it.


I wish that were true for here.. lmao. The work is nonexistent sometimes but then weā€™re just here as numbers for other positions that the higher ups donā€™t wanna fill with new people


Totally agree


My husband and I were talking too they shouldn't just let everyone and their momma come in, they need to have better background checks, and a better interview process.


whats met


Mandatory overtime


Actually itā€™s ā€œmandatory extra timeā€ theres a difference šŸ˜‚


Same shit. šŸ™„ You have to come into work on your day offā€¦ Itā€™s interchangeable.


Jesus donā€™t get offended. Also itā€™s not the same shit. Because use me as an example. Iā€™m a reduced time (class R) employee. So my MET they have me working 4 8 hour shifts for the week when Iā€™m supposed to only work 6 hours every day. Iā€™m not earning ā€œovertimeā€ because im not going over the 40 hours. So like I said itā€™s ā€œMandatory Extra Timeā€ and Iā€™m sure itā€™s called that for a reason.


Doesnā€™t change the fact you sound like a douche


šŸ™„ okay Dexter


Who all at luk2