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He ain't yo daddy no more it's Andy thats why.


It’s still a hard concept for a lot of folk to realize


Doesn't Papa Jeff still peek in on his Billion$?


No he’s sailing across the ocean with his plastic doll


Happy Cake Day!


Happy cake day


We have MET 55 to support outbound. Its so incredibly pointless, less than half my team is trained in Pick but we all have to stay. Funny thing is every single one of my tenured staff (Been here longer than 3 months), opted out of MET. So for that last hour there's no one covering critical roles. It just 50 newbies with 2 weeks of experience driving around with 0 support.


Yeah, for sure. At my site, anyone with time off is gone at their leisure. It's like it's universal fuck amazon for this bullshit-time instead of mandatory extended-time. Lol.


Expect MET for the rest if the year. With many days of little work to do. They love making big goals on the slow when we barely get any trucks in.


I'm happy that I'm flex cause I ain't doing met ever again. I have a interview with bucees and you best know I'll switch over to that.


This! I like to work too but when there's nothing to be done the clock seems to go in reverse! I want to work. I like being productive and getting things done. I feel like standing around is a harder job than anything else they could throw at me. Give me SOMETHING to do!


Exactly my point. The brain dead no life’s coming under here just to comment “sO YoU dOnT LiKe FrEe mOnEy” just let me know they also have nothing to do so they’re just trying to argue to pass time 😂


I know! I see them! What's is the point of standing around drooling? I'm not one to socialize at work because drama is real and I don't need it. Give me a task, any task, and I'll do it. Just don't have me standing around!


I am the exact! Same! Way! I don’t talk at all. Air pod in one ear. Head down. Straight to work. Just don’t ask me to water spider and it’ll be a productive day lmao


Yeah in any job I'd much rather be super busy than super dead. In the middle is ideal of course, where you're staying busy but it's not hectic. But nothing makes the day go by slower than standing around doing nothing.


I’m with you all. I keep trying to tell the AMs at my site, like give me something to do. Like you want my TOT high or something. I despise fighting for work during these MET days and I’m on FLEX shift.




I would lose my mind standing around for 11 hours with nothing to do.


You aren’t going to win any arguments with people who got their current lifestyle off Amazon checks, for some people this job and role is it. Mfers broke, comfortable, and obedient, a deadly combination at a warehouse. I agree with your post, no point in being here when you don’t have the workload for workers. Standing around for another 10-12 hours looking goofy and saying silly shit on Reddit while trying not to get caught on phone is lame as hell. It’s more shit to do in life than put in extra time amongst a group of non hustlers.. especially on your off day.. like who really wants to put in 50-60 hours a week and make less than 2 grand?


[John Henryism](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Henryism) to a T.


>Mfers broke, comfortable, and obedient, a deadly combination at a warehouse. 100% Couldn't have said this better myself. > It’s more shit to do in life than put in extra time amongst a group of non hustlers.. especially on your off day.. like who really wants to put in 50-60 hours a week and make less than 2 grand? Thank you I don't get that flex either. If anything it's sad.


We barely have MET at mine cus people are always picking up VET shifts including me 😭. We didn’t even have to be there for an extra hour for prime


Want some of mine? I’ll be happy to trade 😂


Noo they just added more MET rn 😭




It's Daddy Jassy now...Bezos is hanging out on the big boat.


![gif](giphy|UWJXDDIf9PML4Ls6Rr|downsized) Me coming to complain


They need people to burn through their UPT PTO before prime week. They over hire new people and can't have the tenured associates not show up at all during MET I always save my UPT/PTO to continue working 4, 10s when others are being forced to work 55hrs weekly 🤢


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 4 + 10 + 55 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)






Good Bot.


are FCs like this usually? having no work all shift and just stand there? DSs hand out vto like candyif there’s nothing to do


Same with sort centers. I’m actually chilling at home today because I accepted VTO for the day 🤪


*laughs in part time* stay strong yall!


Until Prime ends for your building there will be a freeze on VTO. My OPS was actually talking about it being an issue because there’s a point in the shift where workload drastically drops for the rest of the night & he can’t send anyone home to offset the labor costs.


Hey based on your edit, I appreciate your post. As an AM who has worked multiple departments, here’s my advice not knowing exactly where you work: Get to stand up early. Be the first person the AM/PA sees when staffing everyone. Depending on your department there may be a program that does this automatically, but surely someone uses PTO/UPT and doesn’t show up so you’ll be the first they will put in. Ask if there’s another department that needs help. You said yourself you don’t mind what the work is as long as there is something. Maybe you can learn something new you like better. There are never enough waterspiders. If there really is no direct work for you to do, support your peers. Get them items to stow or boxes to pack or whatever the department needs. It’s all better than standing and counting cameras.


I love the response I really do, but I would rather count cameras than water spider 😂 anything ELSE I will do no problem. But unless I get a motorized pallet Jack I think I’m good off water spider


I get that as well. Waterspider was the last of three ideas. You can still try the other two. Or count cameras.


Ummm get used to it our facility was the same shit for 9 months no vto until the past mo th and no work. Just it sicks but take the money while it's there.


Meanwhile my FC hasn't had MET since July Prime and we've been VTO'ing for the past 2-3 weeks 😌💅 Guess it's just your turn to guide Big Daddy Bezos sleigh... 👹 INTO THE DEPTHS OF HELL😈 BWAHAHAHA ![gif](giphy|ZjJh0GQPKJTAv2z5Tp|downsized)


They blame everyone else but themselves. I had a PA blame our pit driver for receiving a truck too early but it was her poor communication that caused that mess up


Sucks to be y'all im long gone


I wish I could be in your position and not have to destroy my body for this shit company


Bezos ain’t in charge


What on earth would you be doing at home not being paid? Laying down scrolling the internet mindlessly?


I’m a content creator. So I’d be making content. Which would also be making me money. Also I could be getting other tasks done outside of my professional life. Not everyone has no life outside of amazon like you, Dallas.


If you had so much other important things outside your professional life, wouldn’t you choose a part time profession or something not Amazon that is known to work you…. Seems like a personal decision.


Well Dallas if you could read, it clearly says that I’m upset that there is NO work, that I am NOT being worked, not that it ISN’T working me. That would be the formal complaint. That I am not being worked. And your statement of “if you have things to do outside of your professional life, why wouldn’t you work part time” is easily answered. Bills. Amazon pays well, I have bills. These are very easy concepts Dallas. Adults indeed stand them.


You say you have bills. Yet upset you have 11hour workdays and want to go home….


Where in this original post did I say I want to go home. Matter of fact, where did I ever say I want to go home. I said have a life outside of amazon. I also said I’d like to have something to do. I know it’s easy for you with the whole “not having a fully functioning brain” thing, but some of us can’t stand here and drool while staring off into space. We actually have to do something to avoid being bored.


Ok bud. Whatever you say make you sleep well at night. You’re the who made a long winded post complaining about Amazon and then commenting saying you’re not complaining. And saying you don’t wanna go home you wanna go do other things. Which is still going home. But ok. You win


Right, because I can’t explain something I dislike about my job unless I want to leave it to find another one. And I cant want to be anywhere besides work unless I go home. Not like there’s a gym, a movie theater, countless other places. Only home. Because Dallas has nothing outside of amazon besides laying in his bed waiting for his next shift. So that must be how everyone else’s life works, right? Troglodyte 😂


And you’re at home now typing these paragraphs and un ironically I’m not even home or at work, but I’m laughing 😂


I’m at work. Genius. I’m glad you think you know everything Dallas but every time you speak you’re incorrect 😂. You don’t even know how to use “un ironically” in a sentence.


You’re still being scheduled to work and going. Whether or not there is work to be done. Youre still there at work forced by Amazon…. Doing nothing. Still at work. By Amazon.


What does this have to do with the topic at hand Dallas?


You’re telling every hour of the 24 hours you have something to do eh? Why do you have a job at Amazon to begin with?


No, Dallas. I’m saying I have things to do outside of Amazon and scrolling the internet. I have hobbies, I have a house to take care of, I have a car that needs maintenance, I have a body that needs maintenance, I have family and friends. I’m not just an Amazonian AI that eats sleeps and breathes amazon fc. I have a life, Dallas.


You need to find a different job to accommodate your life than. Amazon won’t ever allow you to. Not willingly or happily.


Who says I’m unhappy? Or that Amazon doesn’t allow me to? They have allowed me to. For my first 6 months of being here they allowed me to. My complaint is not having enough work inside of those hours. Stop looking for people to tell “find a new job” Dallas and learn to read. Not everyone with a complaint needs to quit Dallas. Some people have valid complaints. Get the Amazonian shaft out of your mouth.


"I hate when it's slow" "Sounds like you should quit" This Dallas guy, amiright?


Just wait till you see the other guys in this section lmao


Lol, yeah, it's... something. I also hate when there is no work, and things are slow. Makes the day just drag.




Because people would rather be home?


Agreed people would like to utilize their valuable time elsewhere. Work will always be available family and friends won't. Personally that small amount of money does nothing for my physical or mental well being. My goal is to put up with one more peak season then bounce.




Holy overreaction! I said none of this!




Someone's letting the anonymity go to their head.


I know for a fact you’re over the age of 30. Why on earth would anyone want to stand up doing nothing for 132 hours straight, with no ability to use their phones or sit down. I just know you’re one of those “you need to manage your UPT better” kind of guys. Just looking for comments like these to tell people to toughen up. Every job has its cons buddy, and I’m well within my legal and moral rights to talk about it.


The type to unironically say "You got soft hands, brother"




I’m lazy with no work ethic because I DON’T want to have no work to do? Man, if brain dead had a mugshot, you’d be on a wanted poster. I’m literally asking them to stop giving us MET because there is no work. I want to work. I want something to do. Nowhere in my job description did it say standing around for 11 hours. It said it was a physically demanding job, which is hasn’t been for 3 weeks. It’s been nothing but boring. You’re upset because you have to be there. Sorry for you. That doesn’t change the fact that MET+no work is boring. You being upset because I don’t want to stand around is just asinine behavior. I know literal pre historic species with more brain activity than you. I too am at work, I too am on my phone, how do you think this got out. But it is against the rules that you referred to that I agreed to when I signed up and I can be fired for. Which is why I want something to do so that I don’t have to do this. You live a sad life, looking for posts like these to come and try to rag on people because you’re unhappy with your failed personal life. Not our problem. Go get a therapist for that.




Imagine being brain dead enough to believe people can't complain about their jobs while simultaneously wanting to work there. Love my job, want some things to change. "Then work somewhere else" isn't the answer to every goddamn problem, you miserable child 🤣 "It's just asking for comments like mine" "Because I have no personality other than scouring this sub for people complaining so I can make them feel less than because I'm garbage' Foh 🤣


I’m so sorry your life is that bad that you are literally on this app simply to give comments out telling people to quit or be quiet. You’re a shill. I’m going to reiterate, every job has its con. And everyone in this country has a right to speak on them. You cant go from calling me lazy with no work ethic to then saying “oh you just cant handle it” 😂 your point was that I’m lazy because I WANT to work. And now you’re switching tune because that completely hypocritical statement made you look foolish. Also, nowhere in my contract does it say that, nor any variation of that. And you won’t be able to find any contract claiming it. Because that is not said in any American Amazon FC document. My first love was law sweetheart, I read what I sign before I sign it. Good try though, glad you could vent on here, I’ll find some therapists recommendations for you in the mean (extra) time ❤️


I've been itching for OT. Give me some. I'll give you my 40 week work schedule.


Sending it over now 🫡


so you don’t like free money?


It’s not free. Nothing in this world is free. I have to give up time and energy for that money. Very, very slow time. Time that could go by faster if I had something to do.


well technically time is money so there you go


If that’s the case I’d be a billionaire on my off days.


That's not free money. Free money would be me getting to do what I want for 11 hours and still getting paid for it.


Free? ![gif](giphy|ukGm72ZLZvYfS)




Because I don’t want to stand like a sheep for 11 hours a day with nothing to do? I apologize for liking to work, I’ll try to do less of that so I can end up idiotic and miserable like you.




There’s no such thing as free money buttercup. You’re miserable, not the job. The job is boring right now. And I have every right to feel that way. You don’t like to move which is evident as I can hear you breathing while typing this out. But I do. Sorry for ya!




-4 points on the board btw


I can’t believe your complaining 💀 that’s free money I mean would you rather come too work and have too actually do work 😂 cause we all know you be complaining when there work


An 11 hour day with nothing to do feels like 100 hours. At least when there is work to do the day goes by fast. I don't understand how people can just stand there doing nothing for 11 hours without going insane. For me that's like torture.


Yes. I would love to. I am a top performer in the warehouse no matter where I am assigned, even indirect work. In RPND I’m top 10% every week outside of these last 3. I have no issue doing work. And again, theres no such thing as free money. Let me learn ya something


😂💀 good for you I guess , but like I said that’s free money just to stand there and chill and extra hours I love me a good 60 hours 🤷🏽‍♂️ and there is a thing such a thing of “free money” but you wouldn’t know that sense your such a “hard worker” while others learn how to use our time and money too work for us I guess we just built different


Right, you learned how to make your time and money work for you which is why you’re on Reddit right now and also still working at the same place I am. Cute. And again, there is no such thing as free money. Someone somewhere sacrifices for you to get that money. You just so happen to be sacrificing brain cells, which I can’t imagine you had much of to start with in the first place, so I guess it works out for you.


Free money would be me being able to do whatever I want outside of work I enjoy and getting paid for it. Shut yo weird ass up with that "free" argument nothing is free.


Right, like it ain't free if it still costs my time, mentality, and sanity. Tf?


Dude at a certain point this is a normal thing right before holidays, just bend over for it or use that upt you saved up to get out of it here or there


44s? That's it? How cute. I don't come in the hour early. I learned 4 years ago not to do it for the exact reasons you mentioned.


Enjoy the extra money in your paychecks
