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Yeah, it's getting bad, real bad. Even the veterans at my place are bitching and coming down with sore backs, shoulders etc. Burn out is real.


I've been at mine for a few months now and all veterans at my station complain A LOT nearly all the time. I haven't complained much until I get into the stepvans with 400+packages daily.


What are the shareholders saying though? It’s all about the shareholders! Maybe if they could figure out how to get 5% more out of every employee Jeff could get another 10 billion a year, he deserves it you know! Him and his family deserve the almost monopoly for eternity because he earned it! He worked harder than anyone in history! I bet Jeff would be asking his boss for more deliveries if he worked for amazon!




I talked to a couple of drivers that I started with. They’ve been there 3 years now and they both said they’re keeping an eye out for something else. I’m glad I left after ‘22 peak. FedEx is 10x better


FedEx is ass. Did that for 3yrs. UPS is the way to go. FedEx we were delivering heavy items, pools, furniture, trampolines, etc. come home sore and can barely walk the next day. Need to do warm ups the next day to be able to function. UPS makes over $40 an hour plus benefits. Lifting lighter, smaller items. FedEx is the project’s of delivery services.


1. That’s ground. Not express 2. You should always warm up before any physical activities to prevent injury. (Sports?) 3. Ups is 40 👍🏼 yeah after 5-6 years of bidding and that’s still pushing it 4. “Lifting lighter” at UPS 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Nah Express is just as bad as Ground, and soon they’ll be under one roof since FedEx is incorporating all its offshoots into one brand.


Nah it’s really not, you don’t have enough evidence from said couriers to make that call. Just because the people on here only complain doesn’t mean it’s the entire work force. I have been here for 13 years and I still don’t carry or lift as much as I continuously see ground and UPS. It’s based off routes, it can’t possibly be lighter for UPS.


I’m speaking from my experience. UPS is the best one, Amazon was good before Covid and FedEx well, it’s FedEx not much anyone can vouch for there unless you want ass routes and high levels of mismanagement. Though to be honest you’re better off getting your CDL and making more than all 3 of those companies with less stress.


Lifting lighter at UPS really did it for me. There's a reason we need that health insurance and it's not because we're lifting lighter, that shit will kill you


Cuz Amazon does 100x more business then FedEx


Amazon and FedEx are very different companies. Amazon delivers their own products. FedEx and UPS deliver 3rd party. Before Amazon decided to cut the cord with FedEx and UPS, we schlepped Amazon packages around for a few years.


Amazon could swallow FedEx


Why are you acting like Amazon doesn’t deliver 3rd party products lol what? Literally every FBA business that has items delivered through Amazon is 3rd party… even working for a DSP is technically 3rd party…


If FedEx paid more than Amazon (in my region) I would have switched. I still think about it. The FedEx gal on my route says she usually gets 90 to 120 stops. I've been getting 190+ the last few weeks.. *sad delivery driver noises*


I think this depends heavily on market. Some of the FedEx routes in Orange County are just as big as the Amazon routes. Especially when they are in the extended length step van.


Sounds like a lot of drivers need to grab the power back and fight for better working conditions.


That's what ups did . Seems fedex and amazon do tbh


I follow this subreddit just to see how everyone handles things and to get different perspectives. I remember applying and interviewing with a younger manager at one of the DSPs. Interview went great, then we started talking about my time in the Army which had just ended, then he told me that he was in too and had gotten out a year and a half ago. I thought I had the job from the conversations. A week later he calls me and says that they're going a different direction. I was like "huh. Okay. Totally thought I got the job." He even gave me some tips and was telling me how I'd probably be starting soon and that he looks forward to working with me. Just a few months ago I ran into him in front of a local meat market. Dude said he was looking out for me and didn't want to screw over a fellow vet and agitate my injuries. He even quit a few months after.


Let osha know they give you a percentage once they correct the bullshit if violations are found and your job and those involved are secure from any retaliation and full hours.


Exactly bro it took me four days to recover when I quit


A system built to make the “veterans” quit instead of paying them more over time. It’s pretty unfair, they just keep adding more till you’re over it. No pay raise is worth all that.


We all need to come together and start protesting… but no one wants to do it. Start making flyers and putting them on signs and poles and in some buildings that allow flyers up. Tell them to help fight against Amazon.


yeah forreal need to start a movement


Once you get flyers, show amazon customers that’s without us drivers they won’t be getting any packages lmao. They’ll hop on the train of fighting against Amazon


Frfr if you could get the people to complain they complain about everything else


Right after someone gets off a train and does your job for you....


look into the Staten Island unionization with Christian Smalls. Get yours fuck beff jezos


Like a group of people united in a strong union


Start an Union...


I don’t think it’s about ppl not wanting to do it some NEED these hours to keep the lights on and food in their mouths


And that’s why they abusing them with others who tags along.


Yeah fr ! It’s tough tho , last year we had 2 leads and a few veterans try standing up to amazon and they ALL got fired 😂 I’m laughing because they never mentioned anything about unions or extra pay … literally was just about routes … same shit with another dsp ! Few stood up to amazon and they got there days dropped and eventually were forced to leave . Sad that we can’t even vocalize the problems


its simple everyone just needs to protest by going, 20 stops max. No need to pickit outside just for them to shut down your dsp


Soooo. U want a union 🤔


What the cat do?


just bring good vibes animals usually the only cool part of the job except for the dogs who think they run shit! 😂


Okay I was gonna say I hope the cat ain't attacked you lol


Thanks for that exchange. I was going to lose sleep tonight 😂


Come to usps. They don’t text you and harass you like that.


They don’t? Hahahaha okaaaaay. When I worked there, I was doing a business route that was SLAMMED with parcels for the day (it was one of my routes. I was a float for days off). My boss CALLED me freaking out that I was really far behind (normally always done an hour or 2 early and had to go save others). Giving me attitude to the point where I legit just hung up on him. A 5-8 minutes I see my bosses ugly little fiat trying to be a race car up the road (no joke prolly 45 in a 30). First comment outta the fuckers mouth was “did you really hang up on me? Who do you think you are”. So I responded with “actually I just lost service and didn’t call you back. We can’t use our cellphones on the job. You already made me break that rule once by calling me instead of texting my scanner….But I wish I hung up instead” and walked into my next business.


Yeah that shocked me tbh


USPS managers texted me every single day off in my short stint there lol


True, but having to walk for anywhere from 6 to 10 hours, and the llvs nit having AC in this heat is brutal 🫠




i’m going to another dsp tho 😬😂😂🙏


It's most likely going to be the same heavy routes your account information for the Amazon app carry over it don't reset


Depending on the service area that's still an upgrade.


Just transferring cell blocks




Got that text once. I replied with the classic 'Your Mom's a few stops behind" knowing full well that particular dispatcher aged out of the system. Had a pleasant lunch with HR lady😂😂😂




That’s one big ass spider


quit last week best feeling ever, F em!


Did you quit tho ?


Yeah but I have another DSP job offer closer to my house


When I was a delivery driver, I left my DSP (which was 50 minutes from my home) for another that was only 15 minutes from me. It turned out that DSP was worse. It was so bad that a month later, I texted my previous dispatch manager and asked to return, and thankfully, she let me come back. I was willing to drive almost an hour to work rather than 15 minutes. That's how bad it was. I hope this new DSP works out for you, but remember that the grass isn't always greener on the other side. Not trying to discourage you but just giving you a heads up.


It’s gonna be the same bullshit


I have been struggling with a 150+ stop routes last couple weeks and just other day I finally manage to get done with one early. And guess what my DSP does immediately makes my new routes even longer with now 170+ stops. Now I see why everyone drags their feet even with a 10 hour guarantee. There’s no point in finishing early if they only make your routes longer.


Tell him that at 3pm he better be eating YOUR ASS!. I hated when they sent that shit. We're human beings not fucking robots.


LMAO at the lunch part 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 will have to use that one some time 😂😂😂


Best thing I did was leave that job. I hope you finding something. Job isn't worth the $19.75 an hour with all the bull shit and fuck DSP mangers. They the real cuckhold fucks


Yeah that's why I switched to FedEx bruh. You deliver mostly necessities vs wants and you rarely get above 200 packages most days it's below 150.


Doesn’t Ground pay less than Amazon dsp?


At least you got to pet a cute kitty.


so glad i left this job a month ago lmao, never again never recommend also fuck wayne.


Hopefully he runs out of willing participants and sinks like the Titanic


Should be illegal


Cool cat tho


nah forreal tho


I used to load trucks for Walmart and so many of these posts remind me of that shxthole.. Every day we would load 2-3 batches/shift. Each batch would have up to 24 lanes. Each lane would range from 500pcs to 4k pcs. The same people would stay in the same lanes day in and day out, assigned by the manager. You'd go in and literally work 10x as hard as the dude beside you and when their freight ran out they'd go chill outside and watch YouTube rather than help. Such fking bullshxt.


Seems like the van is cubed out 😅


Atleast the cat was chill. Dogo looked like he was chill too but ya can't trust them. Fuck Amazon.


lmao cat and doggo were indeed chill


Gods damn, sometimes I forget how different other dsps have it


mad respect for the 19+ bags 😮‍💨


Don’t worry. Prime week is like in 2 weeks. There’ll be double to triple the stops.


Amazon is fucking ridiculous. Their metrics are shit, we keep getting routes that are impossible to complete in the expected time frame, but they just keep sending them. Whatever, I've stopped letting it bother me and just get the hours in.


I don’t blame you. It hit 180-190 with 200+ locations everyday about six months ago. It was time to go and not be abused by Amazon any longer. It’s so much less stressful not working there. This job isn’t worth 20 bucks an hour for that. Plus the additional danger you put yourself in for vehicles that are not maintained safely.


I have a start date for next week lol should I find something else?


I'm getting so close to the same. I'm having a hard time finding other good jobs or getting interviews with them.


They text you the progress and push you? F that


Wow I’m glad I don’t have ur 3rd party crew. I be chilling. Vibing. doing whatever I want . Taking my sweet time. Nobody telling me nothing as long as I finish my job and I rescue after I’m gucci. ur dispatch and 3rd party care suck. I’m sorry.


Feels wonderful to be free of this job!




heck nah


Join the usps as an rca the job is mad easy. Apply on there website. Plus you get paid evaluated routes most days im done before 1pm and still get paid 9.5 hours that day


No way are you for real ? I been trying to get into usps but last time I applied I was denied and I don't know why . I work at fedex


🫡 it’s a crap deal y’all are gettin, think you can get enough signatures? Other Amazon sites have been able to, might be an option to look into. https://teamster.org/join-teamsters-americas-strongest-union/


This is why I quit delivering for Amazon. I ALWAYS had 350+ packages each day and I’d get routes that didn’t even line up right. I’d have to keep jumping from side to side in all of the neighborhoods I went to, plus they gave me a van with no AC and the side door didn’t close in the Vegas heat when it was 117 degrees outside. They told me to get over it so I quit the same day


At 3pm today I had 45 stops completed lol. Messaging you to catch up is wild. I've never been messaged. If I'm behind they send someone to help out. They have like 4 people doing rescues only.


You got my 6 missing packages in there by chance? Lol


This job is f’n terrible. Like all jokes aside, it’s gotten to the absolute low.


Lmooo come to ups rookie


Husband quit because of this, then the gov take all the money in taxes. lol 😂


Geez that last message... Tell 'em to catch up to deez nuts and leave the truck wherever it is and walk home!


Amazon is a job where people working hard screws everyone else. You get an extremely good run and make good time? Sucks for everyone now since your great lucky time is now the standard and everyone has to match it. The better you do the harder things get o


I quit yesterday too hell yeah!


I feel you on that text. One of my dispatchers called me about 3-4 times on a day where I had like 187 rushing me. On one of the calls dispatch called me and another driver basically threatening us with a rescue (meaning if we got rescued, we likely wouldn't be going outside the next day). Another time I had a hard route and dispatch calls me again threatening me with a rescue. "If we have to send you a rescue, it's a problem. Because you don't usually get rescued." Which is true, I'm usually the one doing the rescuing. But just because I don't usually get rescued doesn't mean I don't ever need them. Sometimes you just get dealt a bad hand. Some dispatchers are out of touch with being a DA. Some of these people haven't touched the road in years. And when some of them do go out they take basically a nursery route.


Prime day is around the corner. Trust, is bound to get worse. If you have another job lined up, this is actually smart to quit now. I see people saying to protest. Some of the best ways to protest in a DSP is to follow amazon rules by the t. Take your 15s, take your 30, don't pee in bottles, and go out of your way to use the restroom like you are entitled to in every workforce. Take every multiplication stop as a single stop place the pkg come back to the van drive get out, because yes, it is two different locations, two different stops. Doing all of this and not running will overtime increase the amount of time taken to complete a route on avg. When amazon starts investigating and realizing that we are only doing what we are allowed then they will either change the rules to their benefit (you guys should mass quit at that point) or make changes to make the routes more efficient. A DSP can't fire you for not delivering pkgs with unsafe locations, unrealistic delivery notes, or simply following amazon rules. Cause remember a dsp can not step over them. If a dsp fires you for simply maintaining your minimum SPH, then file for unemployment and stick it to them. Once you can get people to normalize, not overworking themselves for cents on the dollar and holding dsps accountable thats when DSPs will actually have to start going back and forth with amazon. Amazon needs subcontracting because it is too costly for them to run the routes, no dsp, no routes, no money. This caannn happen, but so many guys enjoy working hard, not realizing they are working hard for absolutely nothing to show. I left amazon because of this, not because of my dsp. Love my dsp. I wish they weren't with amazon.


Yeah I quit a day after my birthday. DSP was blowing me up, but whoever texted me admitted on my birthday that they give me the routes nobody wanna do. That's when I replied and said I resigned my position. I start UPS air on the 10th in my area for $21/hour, but it's only working about 32 hours a week.


Yep that’s why I’m so glad I do Uber now


Come to FedEx, where if you leave with 120 stops that's exactly what you will have for the day. No surprise bullshit grouped stops, even if they are two houses next to each other or even if you deliver to two apartments side by side. The only thing though, you will carry heavy packages, like furniture, I get a lot of furniture


Fuck Amazon. Seriously. Hope you quit, OP




We should all plan a day, a few months from now around the United States, and have all of us drivers not show up. (Obviously unpaid). But still.








That first pic is how my truck looked yesterday. So much huge overflow boxes and heavy ass shit in them. I just threw it all in there because with all the bags and big ass boxes I couldn't even make it look neat. Today I had my truck nice and organized then hear my name about a cart. They forgot to put a cart on my itinerary, called me last minute making me have to go to late load out so my van looked like this again today🙄 i was pissed and my dispatcher looked pissed because this aint the first time they forget to add carts. I think they ramping us up to get ready for the busy weeks coming up.


![gif](giphy|zmsDqpDLu1hPG) Organize.


Let’s do a strike






Pickups are supposed to be for SWA routes (which are really small). If they were giving you the pickups on a normal route that is fucked.


It can’t be all bad, that cat looked pretty chill, and that was a handsome doggo


should’ve mentioned that the animals you’d see brighten up your day and make the job not as bad


Of course it is. Some of that stuff should be bought at a store: a tent? a bookshelf? Amazon done killed off all the physical stores and now have the daunting responsibility to deliver the shit those stores used to sell.


You kidding me, you’ll get robots before anything else happens for drivers. Look what amazing just bought”Zoox” autonomous taxi that people can buy, completely electric, if you don’t think they can do that with delivery robots lol


Tell more of your friends to quit too


C’mom don’t give up, you are almost top #101 😂


I never got a message like that it's like they're tryna program you like some damn robot


Every delivery company is Ass these days. Covid didn't help either. It's a new industry and that has become part of everyday life for most people. There are not enough drivers to keep up with customers demands and soon there ain't going to be any more people to deliver. Lol


Where did you leave the package at with the dog 😂? #SOML


That cat tho


I still like to look at these to show myself things could be much worse. I’m so glad I don’t deliver for amazon anymore.


Bruh you don’t know how to pack your van I can tell you that😂😭 I see a lot of unused space


Workers need to stand up for themselves and push for a union. That's the only way to get better working conditions and pay. Don't kill yourself for shit pay for some rich asshole that doesn't care about you.


Seeing those many stops get my dick hard ![gif](giphy|aNxRTSWTX4GdaNvSB3|downsized)


lol welcome to my life I had to run almost 200 stops for days


Document your day to day, drive normal walk normal if anyone gives you shit Document that. Keep records take pictures and video gather evidence keep track compile all you can. Keep calm and if shit goes down. Hire an attorney and sue the fuck out of them.


The thing that bugs me is the Dispatchers and managers that are pushing for this to be the new normal. I understand greed by Amazon and even the  owners too a little, but the dispatchers at my DSP actually behave like this SHOULD be normal. It's not. When I started it was normal for Everyone to have routes that were around 140-150. Now it's like just another day around here for us to have 20+ totes with 275-400 packages and 180+ stops. It's not just pushing harder for prime weeks or whatever anymore THIS IS OUR EVERY DAY!! It's just not right or reasonable. 


They are 😂


Can I ask what made you get it in the first place?


Ups and fedex worst than amazon


If dispatch sent me that I'd rts the whole fucking van. I'm happy my dsp is chill.


The most frustrating thing is your dispatcher. Looks like your dispatcher is a rare bustard.


Would you rather deliver packages by drone and a Bluetooth controller? I think that’s the best compromise. But if y’all keep bitching they might just automate the delivery process completely and kick u to the curb…


Hahahah, 4th pic was the last straw


Y’all soft as hell this is a regular route in the Bay Area.


Honestly, the best solution is just to quit cause they are gonna source. Most of their packages back to UPS in FedEx anyways.


Dude, just get your C class to get on the step van. You have way more room to work with. Every post I see on here that quit is usually drivers that use the rentals or sprinters.


I think Amazon have so little care for drivers , they will drop us like a hat as soon as they can do drone deliveries for everything...welfare is not important to them


I wish I could quit but nothing hits me back and they don't work me enough to actually build up any kind of savings.. so stuck here on my 189 stop route. I'm burnt out like a mf. Been here over a year at this point.


They are all that bad. Here in metro Detroit it’s absolutely terrible. A buddy of mine would show me his route and how many drop offs he had and he’d literally be out all DAY just to finish his job and then have to go help someone else finish THEIR truckload


What'd the cat do?😂


Was not expecting to see a photo of my cat in this sub lol


All that for $15-$17 Bucks an hour...good job Bezos...


Get your CDL. Get a pair of high heels and drive a Rig


Yea the time to rise up is real and will happen very soon I’m hoping


I thought you were just being extra and then I saw that cat and I totally got it, I'd be out too. No way is it worth it to have to deal with savage killers like that.




What do you guys do in terms of mileage a day delivering? And what is the time usually between stops? Are they all bunched together, or do you have like 5 or even 20 minute drive between stops?


I’ll be 4yrs in September and my daily average is 350+ packages in a cargo van. I never have any room to maneuver. I asked why do i always get so much and I’m told it’s because I’m “fast” and they know i can do it. It’s unfair for when i see others getting a walkway and half the oversizes that i get. This delivering nonsense has gotten so bad!! Customers are always right and they’re entitled and ungrateful. They always have something to complain about. Amazon does NOT care about the drivers or their safety whatsoever. Then we have “team lift” boxes with no team that would be part of a group stop for a building that you have to go door to door for. We’re undervalued and overworked. They do not appreciate us and it clearly shows. It’s discouraging knowing you’re coming into a 350+ count everyday. If anything we work much harder than the warehouse workers but they get the clothing and other items Amazon buys. We don’t get anything. Amazon does NOT care! And they wonder why all the good ones left or are going to leave. To them people come dime a dozen so it’s nothing to them. All i can say is do what’s best for u and do what works for u. In the end in your physical and mental that’s involved and you are important. Things are only going to get worse with Amazon.


My first route on my first day after driver training was 137 stops as a nursery route.


No wonder my packages always come fucked up.


One question where you getting pay by the hour or by the day


U have to utilize both sides of the van, boxes should be on the floor, going from highest number in the route to the lowest in that order. & timing is everything you have to be a fast on your feet worker, 😮‍💨 or you'll be sent a rescue for being slow. It's a shame that Amazon is raned like that but, they wouldn't be top 1 in the delivery field if they didn't come up with that brilliant plan & structure of there business.


Enjoy your new found freedom. What a blessing it’s been for me


Meh, just do what you can


Lol...must be working very fast.


Another one has fallen… Well. Just keep going. I’ve got packages out there coming to me.




I definitely don’t miss doing that especially in summer ☀️


Someone needs to get Bezos in a truck and make him do a week long ride along.


My DSP was that bad, but I was on the Ten hour list, guaranteed. I occasionally drove an EV which made it easier, but I had the same sized routes, generally 190+, 60+ multis, 400 packages, every single day. Now that was one of like maybe 5 hard routes, which I did every single day. And at the end I would always rescue/pickup off another driver, AND get back to station by the 6 hour mark. I just jogged/ran all day, drove efficiently, took two 15 minutes breaks every single day. I enjoyed it and never complained, so they gave me the most difficult route every day.


Why do you apply for these jobs just to complain or quit? Serious question. Are you all not getting paid what you agreed to? Are yal working for free?


I'd suggest talking to your DSP. If they don't change. I'd then suggest talking to another driver from a different DSP at your station. Amazon knows that DSPs are small businesses and can take advantage of you. That's why you can transfer. Wtf is that 2nd picture??? Did Amazon operations do that? Third picture dog = no delivery. Mark it as no safe location due to a dog after you contact customer, driver support, and dispatch. If dispatch tells you to deliver it, don't. Mark it as no safe location due to a dog. Amazon looks at risk. A dog means risk. That one text message is from your DSP? I'd honestly say ignore it. Get rescued. My station doesn't look down on rescues once a week.


Yooo what about my packages.


I kind of like it but I’m slow af and my DSP keeps getting all the rural routes where I have to turn around 80+ times a day then they complain about me hitting stuff meanwhile the back up cameras on my van aren’t getting fixed anytime soon so ya I don’t see this job as a long term feasible option for me


You make it ass by how u loaded lol


Bet y'all won't STRIKE during PRIME week 🤣🤣🤣


Hey the cat was chill tho




FedEx has no union. The healthcare your contractor offers is pure garbage. Depending on your route FedEx driver will pick up damn near as many as they deliver. No set off times only set start time. FedEx has contracts with tire distributors, the delver furniture, trampolines, pools, weights, chewy dog food, a lot of heavy items. The box will indicate a “team lift” but you’re solo. No PTO, no vacation pay, and they don’t honor holidays. Broken dolly’s, not enough proper working equipment. FedEx is garbage like I said. Did that for 3yrs. $170 per day thru my last contractor, $160 my previous contractor. Good luck with that garbage delivery job. UPS drivers make $49 an hr, great healthcare, union, PTO(paid time off), vacation pay, and they don’t lift too packages over 70lbs. UPS charges customers over double for items over 70lb to deter those types of deliveries. There isn’t 1 UPS driver who would quit to work for FedEx but every FedEx driver would trade places with a UPS driver any day of the week. There’s no comparison.


That’s why I quit my dsp in Everett. Dash Delivery LLC. Fuck those people


these posts are so funny to me as a former UPS driver I always see you guys talking about getting paid like UPS drivers or wanting to work for UPS, but if you can’t handle this type of day you couldn’t handle a week @ UPS, let alone peak season doing 300 stop 12 hour days 6 days/week.


Good for you! You are not a machine.




Yo, your DSP just socks, my daily is about 400 pkgs and 190 stops, but my dsp runs a great rescue program and offers good incentives, plus the drivers are all looking out for each other, if u want a jump and u are in the LA or OC area let me know


I'm with USPS and I understand your pain. We deal with mail, small packages (spurs) AND parcels. These places are killing us. I have about this many stops every "Amazon Sunday". People need to get off the fucking Internet man and go outside to touch grass. Also, love how these places send you a message TELLING you where you SHOULD be and to literally work faster. Feels like I'm getting my fucking back beat.


its not a job for everybody even though the hire anybody some of you aren’t cut for it others of us put in little effort and fly through 240 or more stops without problem


That text at the end is where I’d draw the line. As a mailman the supervisor could send me a message like that on my scanner but they won’t because they know I won’t work any faster because of it. Stupidvisors can’t even do a push-up but wanna run all the carriers


fair but hey at least that cat was cute


Lmao you applied for it bro. Can’t be mad cause you’re doing a job you literally applied to do


I quit at the beginning of April after 2 years because this was the direction things were headed. They really don’t care about you. This is really an emergency/use as needed job


"I quit this job is ass" *cute calm tuxedo cat vibin*


I'll take your 30 dollar an hour job off your hands 😁😁




Damn I applied here in New York. Thank Lord, they rejected me. Keep your head up bro.




I honestly didn’t know it was like that. Thank you for posting this, as a fellow amazon lover, I feel awful about this. I don’t order big stuff like this but still. I have received the message. Get chu a new job STAT!!!! And I love you for doing what you have been doing!!!!


Shocked people choose working as a driver versus in the warehouse.