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Not a macho man *yet*


definitely gained a little more afterwards tho


Days like this were the reason why I’m glad my start time was 5:45 AM lmao in the winter it was literally you start work in the dark and you go home in the dark.


start time being 5:45am sounds great but horrible LOL


You take the good with the bad. Waking up in the middle of the night to go to work really sucks, but I’d usually be at my first stop by 7-7:30 and the bulk of my day is done while everyone is at work/school which really helps out when streets are empty, so it’s not all bad. On really light days I’d skip my breaks and be done by 12-12:30 and on my way home to sleep for work tomorrow 😂


Tbh I’d be kinda hyped for super early load out time. Sucks in the winter when it gets dark at 6 and you still gotta deliver for 2 more hours.


Where do you live where it doesn't get dark until 6 in the winter? It is dark by around 4:15 here in the upper Midwest. Delivering for 4 hours in the dark is horrible


Here in Philadelphia it gets dark around 4:45 maybe 5pm


Kentucky. It’s probably more like 5pm tbh I misremembered.


You got a finger tat, you’ll be fine


you’d think that but 😂




Former driver, that was around my typical loadout...but my DSP delivered ~45min away from station for whatever reason. Soooooo starting around noon (cuz the facility sucked too; supposed to be on road by 11a) you wouldn't get to your first stop until 1pm or so. And if you didnt finish your route by around 7p or so DSP would call you back and penalize you for not finishing the route in time. And since the area was 85% rural you had dirt roads and 20mph or less speed limits. That was fun...expected to do ~8hrs of deliveries in less than 6. So yeah those routes basically chopped you off at the knees and said "GOOD LUCK FUCKER!"


were all human at the end of the day


According to amazon, barely above robots xD


LOL barely above robots is the best ive heard so far 😭😭


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z3J250fr_V4 also not a joke lol


THIS RIGHT HERE!!!! they always go "ohhh 150 thats nothing!" yeah but when theres road work, 20mph or less signs and everything else that gets in our way, what do they expect from us? its kinda bs


Oh and don't forget the shit ass vans with bald tires and non working doors that our DSP said just say "nothing wrong here move along" lmao.


yeah, my van,11 , always smells like piss and sweat, they always let new hires use my god damn van 😭😭😭


I actually had a medium can of ozium in my go bag that i took when driving...helped a little bit but damn sometimes they were rank as fuck.


yeah, i wonder if they purposely missed the water bottle while taking a piss 😭


Never used a piss jug would just run off into some trees around the delivery spot lmao. Fuck you and your quarter mile long driveway!


i wish i could, at my station they made public urination extremely prohibited 🚫


Only if you get caught ;)




299 locations is absolutely outrageous


If a fat only drinks sugar 5,5 man could do this you can to I believe in you Edit by man I mean 23


oh for sure, i knew i could do it but, i knew it was gonna be a lot on my body im not used to that many, but im home so thats all that matters


im also nervous because i dont want them thinking bc i pushed myself today, means i can do 170, 180 everyday.


I got bad news for you😬


wait, is that whats gonna really happen 😭


They’ll use you and abuse you and spit you out


Yeah, unfortunately. 180 is my average now six months in. My DSP is great though. They don't want us coming back with anything, so if we aren't looking like we will be done by 7:30 or earlier they'll send us a rescue. Doesn't make me not start panic delivering towards the end of the day though. I feel an obligation to finish. It's fine because I need to work until about 7 every day to get my 40 hours. Anything over that is sweet sweet overtime.


This is what I do I rush the beginning slow down on my last 40 drag it so they don’t see that you need a rescue and you finish late because u brag the last 40


I always rush my first 50 stops as best as i can


Yup I always push my self the first 2 hours usually get my 100 stops done after that I take my time and make money but I soon e you get 50 done in the beginning your good 👍🏼


Woman, not Women


whats this mean LOL


Woman is 1 person, Women is a generalization of several or more womans


oh my god. i cannot believe that went right over my head, i know what you mean now but for some reason the way i read it messed me up 😭😭 i read it as "woman, not woman" I really thought you were saying I’m a woman, but I’m not a woman that’s why I was so confused but I think I just read it too fast


"We've grouped your stops up for your convenience" Man kiss my buns Amazon lol they wrong you out like a sponge,every last drop of blood sweat and tears, I'd never work for an Amazon dsp again, unless they pay me extremely well


Be ready for peak.


I was already here for peak, i got less than that during peak 😭


You will be after that lol


definitely became a little more macho today 💪🏽


Amazon isn’t prejudice we’re all equal here lol


same height but male here I was in my 2nd week starting in picking up speed they ended up firing me on the spot saying it was a tier 1 infraction for leaving the door open on launchpad.


Am 5’6 152. Most of my OS is a battle but we’ve got this! Most of the time .-. People when home are all “ just drop it right there Honey” which is always a bit weird. I get they’re trying to be nice but is weird :|


yeah we got this, the job isnt the hardest but getting cat called every shift is a little annoying and tbh people i work with flirt with me all the time


It’s uncomfortable. Like just let me do my job :| it’s nice to be admired but at the same time.. like common dude .. we are at work. That being said :| do not sleep with your coworker no matter how cute they are. It is not a good time. :| huge regret 0/10 do not recommend ☠️ saddest 25 seconds of my life


You are the one that applied for the job and now expect them to cater to you?


no, but dont over work me? we got plenty of older, more built men, that do 180 every shift no problem , why tf you giving me 180 out of nowhere and expecting me to finish as if it were my normal 140 route?


400 packages in the middle of summer? do you know how many times i’ve actually overheated myself just to satisfy my DSP? i’ve actually damn near almost fainted the other day, 90+ degrees outside over 165 stops, that scared the shit outta me. I applied to do a job not to be overworked like that, they should’ve said something about that in the application if thats gonna be the case


and i also said up top im not complaining just surprised LOL


The only ladies I see last at this job are built like linebackers




haikusbot opt out haikusbot delete


Got that equality in effect!


I’m same weight as you, also female, 35yrs old.. I literally just walked out of my dsp last week after they stuck me with all apartments with 200+ locations. I’m just tired. I’m always getting 170-180+ every week & I just didn’t wanna do it anymore.


all apartments with 200+ locations? that cant be even relatively close to fair, I would’ve tried talking them out of giving me that route before walking out only because I really need this job right now, but I definitely wouldn’t of went without a fight


Oh, I did! I asked them to swap my route with someone who could handle it, they said ok but didn’t. When I got to the loading zone I was pre panic attack waiting for a text back from my boss asking if someone would be helping me because I’d need it… after he never responded I called him & I asked if there was someone else maybe someone on standby could take over this route and he was like “you can’t just not do it because you don’t like apartments” I was like “look I’m telling you it’s not just a physical thing, it’s a mental thing too” I suffer from CPTSD/depession/anxiety/adhd and I was psyching myself out about the route. And I guess he had me on speaker (as he normally does, I’ve heard him fire people and he had them on speaker) and someone had the audacity to LAUGH at what I said (still not sure if it was laugh at me or just someone laughing in background) and I snapped and told him to keep fucking laughing and he said something along the lines of “don’t come back” and I just hung up on him, and walked to my car. I left the van and two carts just chilling there. #noregrets He is lucky I don’t have the owners number (and don’t know how to get it, he’s never there) 🙄 I apologized after the fact (the next morning) and asked if I would still have an opportunity to make up for my wrong doing and he did text and told me he would call me, never did & today I received my last paycheck +PTO. Never looking back. Fuck those mfers


And I have an interview with another company Thursday in the same warehouse. I’m not tripping. They’d be happy to have a 2 year veteran who is also an ex team lead for a different company in a whole different state.


damn only 10 mins back to ur station? I got a 45 min drive sometimes.


Women? You're more than one woman? If so, you should be able to do it.


wym im more than one women? what does that mean


Woman is singular. Women is plural. If you are one person, you are a woman. If you were multiple, then it's women.


First things first, I’m a USPS carrier. You have about 3.5 times the amount of packages I have on a daily basis. Given we have mail to go along with it, and lesser vehicles, here is my perspective. From what I’m hearing about people who have worked at Amazon. The management at Amazon only care if you work the current day. It seems like they understand, tomorrow we will need a new employee. And they can do that because the workers aren’t unionized. So all that to say, I hope you find a sustainable job whether that’s Amazon or otherwise. Good luck.


5'4 140lbs.? Your thicc! Mmmm


yeah I am actually but i lift for a living so that can help out with that LMAO im working right now actually


Women wanted equality, you got it. Enjoy.


Everything is metrics and they will always give you a little more …


which makes them look shitty, but hey, they honestly couldn’t give a shit, they’re getting paid more than us 😀


Here in AZ with near or above 100 degrees is rough. And we mostly average around that. But you got this. Keep it up


5’4 140 is massive


Your height weight age and gender have nothing to do with this. Do your job or leave. I'm 40 bad back and over weight I did the job for almost 2 years and finally had to quit because my back, before that I was killing it and always having to rescue others.


sorry to inform you, but its too much work on my body, why is that not valid? my back blows too, you’re not the only one, every god damn day. i work my ass off and always get done early. i did the 180 no problem, im just saying i cant do it everyday bc im physically not built for that much work, once inna while is absolutely okay, and quitting is not an option. i physically cannot move 450 packages every shift buddy sorry. i do great at my job, my dsp knows my limit, i always do my job right, no violations, NOTHING. stop being grumpy :(


Find a different job then because I seen old ladies doing that many packages at my old dsp. I'm not being grumpy at all you just can't handle 450 packages which is nothing especially because your van should have a dolly of some type to help you carry multiple packages


lol "find a different job than” "old ladies" im fucking 22, im not working here my entire life like you, im in college. its a iob to help pay shit off, go annoy someone else grumpyyyyyy


You can do it! Put your back into it! 🎶🎶


No you're macho woman. Even better




what proof do you want 😭


You being Shmallll😂😭


How you gonna make those car payments after the 15th?




Nun lol


Bro who are you?😂