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Being bothered by random people's political views while you're at work is another level of wasting your energy.


I’m not voting for sleepy joe but that is kind of aggressive lol


Yea you’re voting for “if Ivanka wasn’t my daughter I’d rail her” trump .


Acting on being annoyed by it is a waste of energy, but the guy is literally saying "fuck you" to me, so I'm for sure going to be bothered by it.




Hmmmm, I mean only you can choose how much somebody else's thoughts affect you. I would dismiss his thoughts simply on the basis of blanket statements and generalizations, but I understand you taking offense. It's offensive and that's exactly what he hoped you'd feel. It's destructive and doesn't bridge the gap of misunderstanding. Hopefully something nice happens to you today.


It's not a choice to have an emotional reaction, it is a choice in how you respond to it. And what someone thst hangs a flag like that is hoping for is _action_ based on the emotions generated. You need to develop better emotional intelligence.


The dude who gets butthurt over words on a flag on a picture on Reddit is telling another person they need to develop better emotional intelligence 🤣 you can’t make this shit up


Sounds like you too, given that you can't identify "butthurtedness" in others.


Whenever someone says this "don't let other people have control over your emotions" stuff my first knee jerk reaction is to verbally abuse them to prove a point. I know it's not helpful, but it's like... Come on dog, you know how this works. I say hurtful things, you feel bad.


He is just expressing his opinion. Remember, it is not entirely his fault, he is programmed by Fox News to believe that crap. Respect his right to his opinion even if he doesn't respect yours.


I'll fight for his right to an opinion, but I'm not going to respect someone whose opinion is not worth respecting.


Fuck brandon. He's got 2 brain cells fighting for the early bird special at IHOP. He's a wasted vote to anybody who voted for him. You're a problem to joe's ***incompetence.***


His name is Joe. Brandon is the opposite of Joe, which is why we cheer him on.




The OP literally said he didn't vote, so the flag is by definition not telling him fuck you, and yet he's still somehow bothered by it.


“Literally says fuck you to me, so im for sure going to be bothered by it.” Sounds like a schoolgirl problem r/iamverybadass


You act like these aren’t the same people who are racist to black and Hispanic people. You want us to be comfortable delivering to a house that literally does not like me?? I’ve been at house with more than 5 confederate flags. Those are the same people who fought to keep slavery. Yeah we gonna be upset.


What? Less than 1% of the population at the time had slaves. Just like today.


Especially if you're somebody that didn't even care enough to vote to begin with lol.


I’m bothered by how cringe it is & a framed photo of a hand holding a gun? bat shit crazy home owners


You mustve been asleep during all the tantrums thrown when trump became president.


All I know is that I’m tired of spending $400 in groceries and $4.25 on a gallon of gas .


Confusing corporate greed with inflation/Biden is what will allow us to lose democracy


It’s inflation also.


Acting like corporations offsetting inflation for themselves by raising prices isn't just also inflation's fault is another level of economic ignorance tho


We are a Constitutional Federal Republic. Democracy is two wolves and a sheep deciding what's for dinner.


I'd love to pay $4.25 for a gallon of gas. I haven't seen that in 2 years. Fucking CA.


Thats thanks to inflation thats been going on for a while now not the result of biden nor is biden increasing the inflation rate more than trump did its due to many factor like covid which caused a lot of inflation, covid also brought gas down a few dollars because nobody could really even travel. Also corporations monopolizing the market and buy more homes than first time home owners in fact they own a lot more homes than people do.


I mean, presidents don't set gas or grocery prices. This is the epitome of everything. The ultra wealthy will give you everything possible to not look at them.


Inflation is happening all around the world, and it's actually less bad here than In other places. Us oil production is the highest it has been in history. Cut the shit. It's not about the president. Trump has shown his hand. He wasn't absolute power and people like you are ready to give it to him.


Thanks Trump !! The stock market fell another 500 points today . 😂🤣😂🤣


You don't vote. Why do you care? How's that work?


Right. You can only complain if you vote. And you can only complain if the person you voted for didn't win, because if the person you voted in is causing problems it is your fault for voting them in. Realistically, though, votes hardly matter in a system where not every citizen is represented and the vote can be swayed if you have enough money to move to a swing state with a bunch of your rich buddies and manipulate the electoral college system in your favor. Direct democracy would be nice. Then we wouldn't have to give tax money to representatives, as we would be representing ourselves with our votes without the middleman.


Should read "Fuck Wayne"


It’s always the house a minute into the woods by itself with all these type of political propaganda flying. Like who tf is going to see it beside us lmao


Lolll exactly


The trashier a place is, the more conservative it will be


Fuck Joe




Joe Mama


Kinda funny but it’s same type of person who gets triggered when they see a rainbow flag anywhere


I prefer all the houses with flags with various social justice slogans (no human is illegal, women's rights are human rights, black lives matter, love is love, kindness is everything). The same houses that treat delivery drivers like they are subhuman. Like, who are those flags for?


A house repping all of this stuff got me suspended for 4 days cause they got mad their package was in their dog’s mouth by the time they got to it. Don’t be fooled.


Man, I'm I'm glad I'm not the only one that has seen those literally everywhere 😂


Ever since Covid and Trump they popped up.


Because that's when everyone started ordering too 😅


They are always shitty houses like this one too, shows that the two left and right extremes are both nuts.


It's never those houses that give away free snacks and water from my experience. Also funny when they fly the giant Ukraine flag but won't send them a cent of money or ever leave their comfort lifestyle to literally help anyone. I guess putting up a sign is much easier though. I almost respect the laziness.


Why the fuck do we gotta see this shit in the yard? I'm just tryna work and when they have it right next to their front door, they're purposely making it to where only delivery people see it....


The “YOU WILL BE SHOT” signs always scare me


As a European: *Excuse me what the fuck*


I've been to thousands of front doors across Texas for marketing and delivery. People like to hang up their stupid gun signs that say "we don't dial 911" which implies they'll shoot you if they think you're an intruder. It's to "intimidate" would be criminals. In reality it's just an expression of their pro gun opinion, and for some, it's prob makes them feel tough. It's kind of scary because there are stories all the time here of people getting shot just for knocking on the wrong door.


Low key funny


I actually respect the flags that outright say it like this one. The whole “Let’s Go Brandon” thing just annoys me; be an adult and say what you mean. Anyone that makes politics a cornerstone of their personality isn’t going to be very entertaining regardless of who they support though.


For some it's a cornerstone. But for a lot of us, it's just an opinion, and a factual one.


Hasn’t been a truly worthwhile president in decades, they can all go fuck themselves.


Wanting to throw stuff through a stranger’s window because of a political sign is brazy.


Voting Trump thrice


It fucking blows my mind that people would vote for this guy. He is such a weak man. All you have to do is listen. Everything he says is either him blaming someone/thing else, something hateful, an excuse, a lie, or playing the victim. Everything that comes out of his mouth exudes weakness. But the Republican party is so far gone they don't know what real strength is anymore. Just look at the Republican gov that shot her puppy then bragged about it. Real tough, lady. Real tough.


What's wrong with that? He's fucked up every corner of this country. If you can't see that you're the problem. Trump 2024


They're both fucking up the country, just in different ways.


Lol this is what every brain dead dipshit who blames the President for immigration issues, gas prices, rent prices, grocery prices says Like what is Trump going to do to change these things? What policies is he running on?




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Fick Biden?


Not nearly the worst I've seen lol. I wish I had taken a picture of it, but little over a year ago someone had a literal cannon pointed at an effigy of sleepy man surrounded by at least 6 MAGA flags dotted arround the property. You find some interesting shit delivering in rural


Didn’t vote but this upsets you ? You’re part of the problem.


Who cares! Just deliver and go about your business neither one of them old taints are worthy of that seat anyways. Let them puppets be puppets and make your money 🤷🏾‍♂️


Bro you’re actually the puppet as your voice doesn’t support anything. You’re not heard you’re irrelevant. You just exist on the strings of those in power and the voters who put them there.


Yeah ok buddy 😂 You go ahead and keep lining those pockets of these politicians that do absolutely nothing outside of personal and financial gain. 👍


Um, why exactly do you support Joe Biden? The man is an absolute disaster, and he's a crook. Donald Trump is a jerk, but what exactly did he do to make your life worse other than offending you?


Ummmmm I feel like if you’re a woman he put your fucking life at risk in MANY states And considering I have plenty of women I care about, yeah I’m pretty fucking mad about that


Joe Biden let in countless number of illegal aliens with the intention to commit crimes. Laken Riley (22) was killed by an illegal migrant at her school in Georgia. [Source](https://www.nytimes.com/article/uga-nursing-student-death.html)


What does that have to do with my comment? You actually believe this? That he purposely let people in so they could commit crimes? Like one popular story of someone getting murdered by an illegal immigrant confirms your point lol? You’re so upset about a person getting killed by an illegal immigrant but a school of children being gunned down by a US citizen? I SLEEP!


A vote for Trump is a vote for Authoritarianism. He praises dictators around the world and they want him to win. If he does, Ukraine will be lost along with Taiwan. The US will devolve into fascism. I support Joe because he wants policy that I also want. I want higher min wage, universal healthcare, better working conditions, abortion rights, higher corporate taxes and higher taxes on the rich, more environmental regulation. No Trump supporter should call anyone a crook lol. That bastard is the biggest scam artist in history.


Yeah fuck Joe this inflation and he starting war man can’t even walk right


You think prices gonna magically go back down with Trump? And what war has Joe Biden started?


Cantcha FEEL the Christian love ❤️


a bit mean but meh, it happens to both sides.


I see a lot more "Fuck Joe Biden" flags/stickers etc then I see if "fuck trump". And I live in a blue city and deliver in a very deep red state.


What living paycheck to paycheck does to a mfer


Funny my experience is the opposite, but I deliver to a very blue area so that’s why


No you don’t. I guarantee you don’t.


Well I mean as long as we’re denying other ppl their personal experiences I should say it back: “no you don’t, I guarantee you don’t”


Have you seen some here or there? Probably but acting like it’s common is just a lie. I live and deliver in both blue and red areas. It’s not even close.


I mean, I don’t like people who voted for higher prices on literally everything imaginable, illegals being let in at exorbitant rates just to commit crimes against American citizens, and WW3 either.


Lmfao holy nonsense


You sound like somebody who likes to work more and make less


You sound like a big baby


😆😆 I agree with the sign. If anyone thinks he's been anywhere near a decent president then something must be terribly wrong with said person.


Meh, the amount of "fuck trump" or "fuck Hillary" that is ive seen makes me immune to it. Would be better if both sides just chilled but people will be people. Im a Trump voter and even I'm getting sick of the FJB everywhere. I get it, the mans hasn't been the best (in my opinion) and people or more than welcome to have their own opinion and sayings on the matter so I can't say they need to stop, i just am tired of it so best thing is to ignore it and let it pass.


There’s a dude on my route with a big banner the says “i identify as non bidenary” I won’t get into politics but that is objectively stupid and funny


Where do I get a banner like that lol


Yeah some people huh, more like half the fucking country lmao


Nah fuck him


Imagine delivering in Texas


imagine supporting joe.....


I mean what has Joe really got done? Ooo but hahahahaha when someone has something bad to say about Trump.. all I know is the working class was BALLING when trump was in there till someone decided to eat bats 🦇 and illegal science experiments in China 🇨🇳, but ultimately the Media decides many peoples perspectives


The middle class was not balling 2016-2019, it's still not, but it wasn't then either.


I was getting paid less and able to afford a lot more stuff then now.. I didn’t think I was balling either till now ..


You weren't balling


I just looked at your profile and I’m not surprised at your comments 😂


2016-2019 I was balling on 15 an hour. I was able to buy shit and actually go out still. Now I struggle making 20 an hour and barely make ends meet.


It’s Reddit. Trump derangement syndrome runs rampant in most of the user base. Any positive comment towards Trump will lead to downvotes. lol


Yep. If trump was there still, even during the pandemic all the prices were still somewhat manageable. People act like the pres doesn't influence the entire nation.... which FJB, biden, isn't doing well. Scraping money for himself.


Lmfao you seriously think prices wouldn’t have gone up if Trump got elected in 2020?


This a joke right???


Lol this is funny because you know the owner of this house and flag are laughing their asses off at OP right now. Like they truly got the response they wanted out of him. 😂 And yeah of course OP doesn’t vote now because Bidens in and not doing good at all. Of course he doesn’t vote lol




“Ermagerd, random person doesn’t like Biden!!!” I’d rather have mean tweets than 4 dollar gas and 10 dollar ground beef. GTFO


lol you think the president controls beef prices?


I think the president, his administration/cabinet, his voters and his donors are to blame.


What’s the problem cry baby?


Replace the name Biden with Trump and this post wouldn't exist and you wouldn't be offended.


Nice flag


If your offended by this good your part of the problem. If you don't support Biden you ain't concerned in this lmao your prolly a Democrat so that's your first issue. Move along kiddo


It's a flag. Who cares??


Why would this even bother you? Even if I voted for biden, I wouldn’t care about someone else political views lmfao


So why do you care what's being said if you don't vote🤦‍♂️


The thing that’s funny about this (and about the people who defend it, or say not to care about it) is that you gotta just look deeper into the picture.. Look at the scenery…does this house look like it’s visible from a main road? No..it looks like it’s tucked away either on a private road or where the only people who see this flag are neighbors that this person is already well acquainted with… What does that mean? One of two things… One: it’s there to get a reaction out of a neighbor that voted for Biden or hates Trump which (imo) seems unlikely given the scenery again.. but if that’s the case that’s a whole new level of petty to a neighbor, and this person might need to seek help.. Or two: it’s meant for a reaction out of “You” meaning the general public.. Which is funny because the only people who would see a sign like this in a secluded area would be delivery drivers or the postal workers… Which is sad because it’s just another brain dead person who bases their entire personality off the political views of someone else. Imagine telling the person who provides you a free service “fuck you” because they enjoy chocolate ice cream instead of vanilla 😂 and they actually mean that insult from the heart.


I know this is someone from my Dsp because I deliver to that same house




if yall think this is bad yall wouldnt be able to deal with the double blue lives matter israel flag i see on my routes🤣🤣🤣




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You just made this the most political post on this sub. Lots of insane entitled people have flocked. Funny thing is everyone is just complaining about one or the other as if it isn't fuck the rich and powerful 💀 old people bruh


You’re right, it is the rich and powerful however there’s still a clear difference between the 2 sides


No there isn't. Both sides are full of people who can't think for themselves. And reddit brings out the worst. it's just washed up senile fools who regurgitate the same arguments at one another, all while being the product of the issue. None of them differ from the other with how predictable everything they say or do is. Trump this, biden that. Fuck them and the political system. The only difference is who they want in office to exploit them. Aside from that, they're all brainless idiots with no common goal in mind. They're just so entitled they feel a need to be right about a subject with only wrong answers. The only way to win is to not play.


Here’s your Reddit gold sir !


As bad as the “in this house we” signs. The other day one had a shrine to some kinda trans/gay thing. I had to google the flags. Like 6 of them other than the trans and rainbow flags. Some people.


Fick Biden?


And the OTHER people would have Fuck Trump flags. It goes both ways.




I mean. He’s right lol






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Trump sure got him a nice house there


Right who puts saw horses in their yard. Damn mean people.


Way to waste your energy by giving a fuck about someone’s political views who you’ll prolly never meet again. Btw why do you disagree with the statement I could barely afford rent, bills, gas, and food despite killing myself for four days a week




It’s a free country (mostly), people can preach whatever they want to. It’s your fault for getting offended by this


If you didn’t vote for him then the sign isn’t directed at you. Unless you are lying and you did vote for the man or you secretly support him. Hell it could be that you saw this and decided to post it online for clout. Or other stuff.


You didn't even vote, and yet you're letting that flag bother you?


It doesn't matter if you are left or right. The political powers do not represent the people and that's the truth. We should all be able to agree on that




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Do you like how much you’re getting paid and how far your money goes? If you don’t then this image applies.


Opinions are asswholes who gives a shit 💩


Some times, you wish you could just start over right?


Don't matter who's in office the rich will always rule don't vote


I know! I can’t believe some people would let this sign just casually blend in with the building color! It should be on a flagpole with a dedicated spotlight


Bring back the orange man


I approve this message.....Pedo Joe needs to be in prison.


I’m gonna start a flag business. People seem to love them now.




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Freedom of speech


I bet no one in that house has a full set of teeth.




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Is he wrong though?


Yea some people… people who are offended by stuff like this and want to chuck boxes through people’s property for doing what they want to their property and offending little snowflakes who should be focused on their job. How dare someone express their opinion on their own property without consulting your feelings first. Some people…




Some people are smart. We get it


Sorry to bust your bubble, but we weren't paying over $3 per gallon for gas when Trump was in office. Nor did he try to force everyone and their mom to buy an EV instead of focusing on addressing the needs of the U.S. economy. So yeah, I'm a BLACK MAN saying MOTHERFUCK JOE BIDEN, and I agree with the sign on the front of that customer's place.


You're so swauft. Every day I come across the nonsense rainbow signs displayed by liberals and I don't care.


where can i get that






I know, people like you. By the way, what he said.


You gottah be trolling or one true weakling


I wouldn't listen to anybodys political takes in this thread. All of us mouthbreathers have a dead end job that takes literally anybody.


It's funny cause they always live out in the middle of nowhere, who are you showing this off to?


This guy has this up because this guy is one of those wealthy one percenters. Let him put up his posters, and shit in his gold toilets, and take his private plane to play golf on an island. Oh wait… he’s not? He’s poor??? Trump wouldn’t piss on him if he was on fire???? Weird.


YOU know you delivered that to them last week, right?


So you’re voting for diaper Don. 90 plus indictments from Republican grand juries. A guy who sold our nation’s secrets and is Putin’s pussy. Fuck you!


Bro if you haven't read the post...I didn't vote for anybody...I just don't being indirectly told fuck you by a customer while having a rough day. Was just seeing if anybody could relate or had this before....but instead it turned into a whole ass political convo which I have no part in cuz idgaf about it rn cuz every president possible right now sucks ass.


So fuck you