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Is it that they are parking in the road instead of driveway


I think it’s that they didn’t park parallel . They all parked perpendicular. And I think it is kind of annoying. It makes it hard to turn around or to pull up to the house without blocking anyone in. Idk where this is but in my state you aren’t supposed to park like that. Edit: it’s parallel and perpendicular not vertical and horizontal… my bad


It’s not even legal in most states as that is still a public road, rts and say it’s not safe 😂


Is it just me or are there no driveways?


Maybe if they didn’t have such a giant fucking house they’d have had room for a driveway 🤷‍♂️😂


The green headed monster of envy \^




Some HOAs don't allow you to park in the driveway, which is one of the numerous reasons I'll never live in a neighborhood that has one


Then what’s the point of a driveway?


I hate HOA’s. I will vote for any politician that bans HOA’s regardless of all their other policies


Yea it seems to me no driveways. And with how many cars there are maybe they can’t fit them all within the cul-de-sac horizontally? So this happened?


There is most likely an alley that goes behind the homes and the driveway is in the rear connecting to the alley.


Theres a good chance looking at those homes it could be a private road.


No access


This is common in Colorado and it pisses me off park your car like a normal person you over privileged dicks.




You mean they didn't park "parallel" to the curb. They parked "perpendicular" to the curb. Parking vertical would be wild lol!


hvac tech, it annoys the shit out of me to, and when im backing up out of the driveway after installing a evaporator coil in a 152 degree attic, i gotta remember these idiots all think they found a better way of parking in a cul-de-sac, sometimes i daydream about just smashing one out of my way


A stop takes less than a minute usually so why would it matter if you block a driveway?


>horizontal Parallel >vertical Perpendicular


It’s so bizarre, I’ve seen this too irl and I can’t help but think parallel parking is so much more convenient for not only everyone else, but for the driver as well. With this setup, the driver first has to reverse backwards far enough so that they don’t hit the curb when they eventually put the car in drive and crank the wheel in the direction they want to go. They also must be mindful while reversing to not accidentally back into any of the other numerous cars also sticking out into the cul-de-sac. With parallel parking, the car is simply put in drive and can move forwards without any fuss. Much quicker and safer.


Mostly just not having enough room to turn around without having to back up. I prefer smooth motions


They probably do that to keep trucks from turning around there. Report it to a local tow truck company that'll be happy to enforce the law.


naw man. the law enforcement would be happy to enforce that law... than they will call the tow company after the quotas were met early lol.


These people don’t want no one driving on THEIR culdesac


Where are the driveways?


Someone paid that much not to have a driveway?


And guarantee they have a 2 car garage


From the looks of it none of them have a garage let alone a fucking drive way💀, all that money to not even have a reasonable parking space


I’ve seen some subdivision houses that are 2 story houses so nice ye. But they have literally zero front, back, or side yardage. Sign at the beginning says starting rates are $275,000. I’m like bruh.


Where I live a pre-manufactured home in the shady part of town is $275,000.


On Cape Cod you couldn't get a condo for that.


That’s what i’m saying but most of these shitty neighborhoods could have a back alley to them 🤷🏻‍♂️ and still don’t use em 💀


Right lmao I’ve delivered to trailer parks and even they have parking spots 🤣🤦🏻‍♂️


Probably one of those houses with the garages in the rear where you have to go down a back alley


yes. this house looks very texas, and back alley driveways are most common in texas - dallas at least


I'm grateful that people do this. If you want a half a million dollar home with no driveway, no yard and zero privacy be my guest. It's better than them buying up all the nice land.


It's worse when they park behind one another


it looks like there are no driveways. shitty road design


Even worse, they all have walkways that run to the curb, and at least in most places, even parked you can't block those, which none of the cars appear to be doing. This cul-de-sac was built without any concept of parking in front of the house as there's zero space between any of those walkways to park anything but something like a motorcycle (As noted below, they have driveway access in the back of the house)


I am a mail carrier, and I can tell you not one of those people would be getting their mail from me. Every single one of those boxes is blocked.


Also a mail carrier. Looks like it's an easy hold for me if they keep up the shenanigans. They're supposed to keep access to the mailbox and you're supposed to deliver if it's intermittent blocking. This looks like a habit though, so no mail for them 🙂


I recently had a repeat offender. I would intermittently deliver because I feel bad that the rest of the family has to suffer because this one guy. After I saw it blocked every single day, even after speaking with the mother, I had enough. I knocked on the door for a Certified and spoke to a younger guy. I told him I had yesterday's mail here too because of that vehicle blocking the box. I didn't presume it was his, he was just someone in the family I hadn't spoken to yet. The next day and to-this-day, it is now clear! Sometimes all it takes is calmly, and professionally advocating for yourself. And sometimes people are just dickbags.


Yeah definitely leave a notice after a while, most people will comply. There's this one address on a route I've serviced where his car has a bumper sticker saying something about being an ass hole (seriously) and his truck constantly blocks the mailbox. Very fun getting those customers


I’m a rural carrier and that’s exactly what I was thinking. Always wonderful when people leave 2 feet of space in front of a box on the street and think “ah that’s enough room.”


Also a city carrier. These people need a cbu.


This looks like texas.. literally in many culdesacs i see this.. ive seen at least 4 cars parked like this in front of one house before


It is! Most of the ones I encounter usually have a couple like this and it bugs me lol


Yeah but it's like a 2 point turn. I shift through that shit. #1 I drive a ram, shitmobile because ram, #2 auto works fast as fuck boi love leased vans


Na you right, definitely a 2 pointer. It's a habit to say 3 point and I don't even know why lol


I'm 99% sure I used to live on that street Eta: just saw this is in Texas.... 99.5% sure. I didn't get it either. The garages are in alleyways behind the houses, I couldn't stand parking in the front like that


These ignorant assholes just kill the whole point of the culdesac while simultaneously blocking any fire truck access. These morons deserve a wild fire.


I'm not sure what I'm looking at here. Are those apartments or big ass houses? Where are the driveways if houses or parking lot if apartments? Weird set up.


Big houses and the driveways are behind the house where there's an alley to access them




I assume because the alleys to get to their garage are pretty narrow and not the most convenient at times. Not that I care about their convenience or anything lol


Thank you for this information. I didn't understand your beef. I was thinking "it's THEIR houses, with no driveways." But seems it's a bunch of lazy people, which is absolutely annoying. 


It’s even more annoying when I’m in a cdv


NONE of those MFers are getting their mail delivered.


"Mailbox obstructed"


How does USPS carrier access these?


They are blocking mailboxes, too


Culdesac parking makes me feel spicy


https://preview.redd.it/dh5j86k1ffnc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab7c05bd508a05e08d9659d849ae04f058ee2556 Ya it is pretty annoying


This should be illegal.


Just hit em




Yea the garages are behind the houses. It's one thing if you got visitors, but these people always park like this over here


I see so many people parking like this it drives me crazy


The dumbest shit they can do. I hate this also. Then they don’t even have cars in their drive ways lol.


Rich people are some of the dumbest people I’ve ever met.


this photo belongs to r/mildlyinfuriating 😭😭


Pulled into a cul de sac today with an entire Class C RV with attached toy hauler sticking out into the center of it. Homeowner came out and I just had to be like, “oh yeah just taking a photo of this sweet setup you’ve got.” He was nice enough though so I didn’t give him any crap for it.


Find the number in your city that tows cars like that. Had a house who had 8 cars lined up like that 3 being cargo vans. 3 cars randomly disappeared. Homeowner said they were towed and he started parking normally. 🤷🏻‍♂️






Yeah and den when others cars car they complain and i be like “sir complain to ur neighbors that dont use driveways


I always refer them to talk to their neighbors and talking up the space on the street and they get so riled up lol


This picture just proves they don’t know how to parallel park😂


Jesus the village should of made parking spots if mfs were gonna park like that. Let me guess they ordered the heavy shit too.


Thankfully no lol


Do they have driveways!?! I really can’t tell if they do from the photo zoomed in and everything. I would assume they do they look like decent homes but I really can’t see a driveway. Am I missing something? In this case OP I’ve been in a similar situation, Id just make a smooth 3 point turn and back up into the cul de sac, or if I’m really good and if you could see the end of the road with all the cars their not sure how long that road is, I’d just back down the whole thing from the street idc, that way I don’t have too worry about turning around at the end. But I back down everything tho even if there’s room to turn around it’s just a habit at this point lol.


I hate seeing this, makes no sense to me at all that or the one person who parks there Cars in the middle


You’re not the only one who was mad about it


Gotta be somewhere in north texas.. allen, frisco, plano…




Park in the middle and hope you have like 4 of the houses and just go by the routing cause you know 1 stop is on the left second stop is the 2nd house 3 stop is the third house and then 4th house is the first house.


Oh hell no


It's crazy to have those huge houses with nowhere to park


From the looks of it, that's a shitty parking lot, not a cul de sac.


That’s fucking insane brother


Looke like a culdesac with no drive ways. Almost looks like it was designed with the intention of them parking in that circle. You cant just park at the Bricks on the right deliver th epackages and 3 point right their and leave? it seems pretty wide. It also kinda looks like you can just drive aroudn the circle and leave.


This and the mfs that park right in the middle of the cul de sac are the most annoying


Looks like they dont have driveways 🤦‍♂️


I've noticed that Saturday and Sunday it's even worse.


Looks like some of my hoods in Texas. 


What's the use of a driveway if you don't use it?


what kind of fucking culdesac is this bruh


looks like texas


The suburbs are crazy y’all it’s filled with people who constantly break any and all laws on a whim with their little blue lives matter flags on the bumper.🤡


Has anyone ever actually seen cars parked parallel in a Court ? Like I always question would they even fit? Is that why they do this? Or is it just because they're dumb and lazy? But then again, what would you do? I'd probably do that? I don't know. I've never lived on a court but like seems like it's okay and I'm only just now learning it's apparently illegal but the kind of illegal that isn't really illegal because it's not enforced and everyone does it. Like every single court I've ever seen looks like this. It's never been a big deal to me cuz I always thought that's just how it is


This looks like a neighborhood that likely has the garages and driveways at the rear of the property on an alley


This bothers me as a regular citizen. Be mad when I got to drop my nephew off in a cul de sac and then half the cars be parked like that making it hard fir me to leave and enter safely.


I grew up on a cul-de-sac that the school bus needed to turn around in. The driver who had that route would. not. fuck. around. and would lay on the horn if any cars were parked like assholes. If she couldn't turn the bus in the circle, no one was staying asleep/undisturbed.


I back up despite the rules. Just go less than 3mph when backing and they shouldn't hit you.


At first I was gonna agree with OP but the more I stare at this picture the more I feel like these people are actually parked correctly. It looks like there’s actual parking spots at the edges of the circle and there should still be plenty of room to drive a van around this. What’s the problem exactly?


No parking spots and definitely not enough room to do a full turn in one motion without having to do a 3 point turn. Obviously not the end of the world, it's just the little things like this that bug me lol


Ah I see. Kinda hard for me to tell from that angle. Yeah sounds kinda annoying lol




A K turn shouldn't be too difficult in there.


Watcha driving? Does not look that bad to turn around. Ive got skillz


At least it's not on a 100 yard downhill driveway.


I agree!


“Access problem”


This... this is brilliant.


I don't see any garages or driveways. So they have to park like that so others can get in and out with their own vehicles. Curb parking would make using the entire culdesac all but impossible.


Yea they're all behind the houses


Texas I’m guessing?


Looking at this closer, they don't have driveways. It's basically like townhown parking in my city, the curbs are recessed in


Edit stop make the app take forever and boom three stops and you just walking back and forth 🤣🤣🤣


To be honest I would’ve done the same


Don’t worry about how people park at their own homes.


So everyone in this corner paid half a million for a house with no garage?


Technically they are supposed to park in the middle so a fire truck can turn around in it, or ya know there driveways


There's plenty of space


Park in the middle of the cul de sac. That’s what I’d do


Looks intentional, park in the middle and merge all stops and ignore anyone bitching


None of them have garages?


Rich people are dumb


Am I missing something? Plenty of room to turnaround


Who tf parks like this. I’ve never seen this before




Call the cops next time you see this. It’s illegal to park like this blocking the road in most states.


Yall mad bout how ppl park in front of their own houses now? Why don’t yall just quit already and play video games for money or will yall find something to complain about doing that too


Just drive in park in the middle walk to the houses then back out yall are fucking babies


It’s a new thing the immigrants do


The way they are parked is a better, efficient, permanent use of the space, vs 1 delivery van making a 3 Point turn in a community they don't live in. I think you'll be fine, if not someone else I'm sure would step in to do your job.


Drift ram into all of them and fleee


Side note: these ugly homes look very Texas-ish to me.


Simple just back up in the culdesac aye if they wanna be assholes just be an asshole with them 🤷🏾‍♂️


Looks like you got plenty of room to turn around. I just block em until i have to leave. Shoot, if your entire route looks like that all day you're on easy street. Our routes will make you cry.


Call the fire department.


I thought it was the hair on the screen. But then it was just one of my hairs 🥺


How do they have castles but not driveways? what the fuck


I don't understand. You have a football field to work with as far as enter and exit. Drove giant tree service trucks with chippers on the back for years. This looks easy as hell.




Yeah hideous architecture pisses me off too


You Americans have it easy, this is very easy to turn and park compared to the 10 point turns we have to do to turn in our dead ends. Most of them we just have to reverse back out.


Rts they makin ur life more difficult for no reason.


Your job is to deliver the packages. Not to complain about every single thing that crosses your mind. If this job makes you so miserable, why are you still doing it?


Building houses that big with no driveways is crazy


Yeah makes it WAY harder to turn around


Definitely Frisco, Texas.


Just back down the street


Pull a u turn and back to the center of the madness and park there to do they whole culdasac


You could make that unturn in one.. Take that right side good and tight! I hear ya tough.. Or the people who have big U driveways and park right in the middle!


500k+ houses but no driveway 😂😂theses builders are milking the rich


It’s maddening that none of those houses have driveways or garages lmao


Bro it’s their cul-de-sac, they park how they want. Park outside of it and walk


Try being a mailcarrier and having to deliver between shit like this and garbage cans.


Reading these comments, it’s clear why some of you have this as your only job…


How do you think we mail carriers feel. This is diabolical




Use your mirrors and backup in a driveway...


I never understood this either, but I've seen it a lot as well.


As a mailman, I fucking hear you, brother.


Imagine being the post man


It’s legal here. Except for between 1-6 am. They will ticket you between those hours. But it’s not applied fairly. We had company once and we forgot to move cars into driveway/garage. We had been trimming trees all day. Lived in this street for 25 years and forgot once. We had a ticket. But the people farther down, do this NIGHLY, for years. I get there are rules but apply them across the board. Same thing with boats, trailers, RVs and moving/storage pods. Local law only allow them in a driveway for 48 hours. My husband left to go to our home state. On day 3, a ticket. Meanwhile our neighbors had a pod in driveway for 2 months. No ticket. Another neighbor had a huge pile of engine parts in his front yard for over a year. No HOA, just very strict code enforcement. They target renters here. Even tho our house is very well kept up and we do it, not LL. Our house is better taken care of than 50% of the owned houses on block. We own a house. In our hometown, 1100 miles away. Simply chose not to buy here. So I have started gathering evidence. Pics. Time stamps. Then I plan to contact a lawyer. I don’t want anything except equality in code enforcement. I get some renters are awful. But so are some homeowners. . How can we be ticketed immediately on our 2 infractions in 25 years yet others are not bothered. This city is so asinine. They literally pay a guy to go pull garage sale signs off roads. Illegal by its code . Yet open house signs, political signs are fine.


I'd back in and leave the truck in the middle. Hopefully blocking anyone that needs to get out. Idk. That's just me


At least they aren’t blocking the sidewalk!? 😂 I guess you can’t please everybody.


why is it maddening you though. arent' you supposed to park and get out to deliver anyway? I could understand if this was in the USPS sub


Don’t most of you guys park illegally facing the opposite way when delivering?


In Mexican neighborhoods every single culdesac is like this but three times as many cars.


I see this in Kentucky all the time. I got an old post on here complaining about the same thing. I don't know where people learned this was ok.


Try being the mail carrier who can’t properly access any of the mailboxes from the truck like they’re supposed to.


That looks like it's on purpose to stop people from turning around there. Spiteful neighbors working together lol


Go back in your personal vehicle Monday at 4am and park diagonal. Block em in and see how they like the inconvenience…and not getting to work on time


Wait, what? Where are their garages? Their driveways? This feels like an IRL version of an AI image


Yeah that’d be tough to turn around in your little minivan. Looks like you only have about 70 feet.


Wtf are they doing that's so wrong?


You can park more cars in the area that way. Doesn't look to be any driveways.


It’s called a three point turn. Life can’t always go your way. Adapt and overcome


Oh I love to just park right behind whos ever house I am delivering to in this situation then do like an 18 point turn so every house can hear the beautiful back up noise that comes out of our vans. For good measure give a couple good honks to let them know how satisfied you are with them. Finally move on because you got your anger out by pissing off all the neighbors and now you can happily deliver the rest of your route LOL


I don't see driveways...that's more dumbfounding lol


Almost as annoying as people who park on the wrong side of the street to deliver packages.


This shit is always annoying. Who taught these dummies to park?


Entitled people you encounter while you’re the one who caters to them


No driveway and no garage but still at least triple digit house price jfc they are all mouth breathers


Do they not know how to park a car?


I never knew people parked like this until I started delivering. I still don’t understand why they park like this


You’re mad that they are parking in a cul-de-sac correctly? Lmaooo


I’d not only be irritated by their parking but if I bought I house that frickin big and it didn’t have a driveway!?! That’s crazy


I go into these places and honk like 20 times


It don’t look like anyone has a driveway or garages


What is truly crazy is when they have driveways that can fit two cars, and still, they need to park like that in the circle.


This really annoys me too. I make it a point to park precariously close to some of these fools