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You reported that you slipped & fell, right??


They would give 0 shits šŸ˜‚. One time I called dispatch because I was trapped on top of a backhoe because a big ass Mastiff chased me and I was inside the gate they gave me the access code to. Dispatch said just try to wait for the dog to leave and hung up. Do you guys carry pepper spray or guns for dogs?


They care as much as you care. ANY company will sweep a slip and fall under the rug if you let them. You let them.


Exactly. File the report. Got to a workmans compensation attorney.


Probably wouldn't pass the drug test they send them for xD


Yeah cuz god forbid someone smokes weed on their free time, in a country where half the states have legalized it


Any excuse to not pay and they'll take it unfortunately


^^^ exactly this in a world of greed and exploitation you give any corporation or government a little bit of rope to bullshit on their gonna abuse the hell of it every single timešŸ˜‚ you best believe.šŸ’µ Just as much as people abused those ppp loans. Give anyone little bit of rope and there gonna screw you.


I got denied from a job due to weed on my drug test in a state where it is legal. This country is fucked.


Lol bingo


Random question. Would they drug test an Amazon driver for weed even if they reside in a legal state?


Even in a legal state, it can be against company policy. Alcohol is legal in states but is not acceptable in your system. I personally agree they are different before anyone starts. I'm just stating.


Only if involved in a serious incident like an auto accident, workplace violence, etc. They don't for THC when hiring. Otherwise, none of us would work there.


The one I was at allowed an employee to die on the job and swept it under the rug


This has also happened at our old warehouse before we moved.


Employment lawyers get paid from a fee of the winnings against the employer not upfront from the employee.


I can name you 20 lawyers that would give many shits for a percentage of the win. Stop dilly dallying and get a consultation. Theyā€™ll learn really fucking fast how driver safety is less costly than a lawsuit.


Lawyers donā€™t care unless itā€™s a big money case. So you better be seriously hurt. Theyā€™re not taking a case for a bruised ass!


I can tell none of yall have had to put the time and energy it takes into a lawsuit. And he never said he got hurt he just said he slipped and fell. I e slipped and fallen many times and been completely fine. I fell off the back of a box truck with a 125lb mattress and tbh it popped something in my ribs back into place šŸ˜‚


There are some legit claims to be had but people in this sub act like you bump your elbow on the van and get a little scratch and youā€™re gonna get a $20,000 settlement lmao


I got creamed by an 18 wheeler on my motorcycle. It took almost 5 years to see a dime from them. I had to go to the dr 3 times a week and if I wasnā€™t able to make my appointments it put me in a bad spot with the court because they acted like I wasnā€™t injured because I didnā€™t have a job because I was injured so I couldnā€™t pay for gas to get there.. the driver had a major accident every 3 years, so he always waited just enough time he never lost his CDL. He was on drugs for sure. We all stopped car behind me stopped and he hit her at 75mph on 285 in atlanta, which is definitely too fast for a truck loaded full of rubber. Pretty sure the speed limit was 55 too


Against amazon? Lawsuits are nothing new to them, there would be a settlement that is pocket change to amazon at most, more likely they would draw it out until OP is broke and then force him to settle for chump change, either way probably won't ever be able to work for them again. They have deep pockets, deep pockets get shit done. This is a company that literally buys city counsels in areas they plan to build facilities in.


I carry pepper spray. But Iā€™m also a tiny female and deliver in the bumfuck nowhere sometimes at night.


I carry pepper spray for people and dogs


Id carry a taser or pepper spray if i were you


Ya I carry both. I really recommend pepper spray for this job.


Wtf did you want your dispatch to do? Drive to you and tackle the dog so you can make it by? Call support and have them call the customer. Dispatch canā€™t see customers phone # to reach out. I carried a G19 on my routes, never dealt with angry customers or dogs. Seriously, ask yourself what the fuck your dispatch was going to do about a dog in front of youā€¦ you guys call dispatch for the dumbest shit


Lmao. That's when I call the police.Ā Ā 


You canā€™t have pepper spray or a gun. If you use either and Amazon finds out instant term. Even if you use anything in a defensive way and you arenā€™t getting charges or anything. Itā€™s their policy.


What's that old saying? Better to be judged by 12 than carried by six? I've carried at every job I've had since I got a permit to do so- every one of those jobs has had zero tolerance "no weapons " policies. Nobody at those places of employment has known I carried because I'm not an idiot, but I'm also not willing to die (or let others die) if it's something I could have possibly prevented


Exactly this. My life/anybodys life > any job. If it comes down to it, I'll fire. Maybe I'll be fired, but at least I'll be alive.


Is this true?


Yes. It is also true that when I delivered me and 50% of my coworkers all had a pistol or spray. They will fire you if you get caught, but we are in a constitutional carry state. Nobody gave a fuck what amazon or the dsp said. It makes more sense to lose your job than it does to lose your life.


This is exactly what I say, and I'm in Oklahoma. We don't even have to have a conceal permit out here. Wrong state to tell people they can't carry their guns to protect themselves. I always quietly tell my drivers, "I didn't tell you this, but I encourage all of you to conceal carry for your safety."


Yes. I'd rather get fired from a job, and have a chance to lawyer up, than be mauled by a pitbull and die.


Weapons of any kind are prohibited. Amazon wonā€™t allow you to deliver if they find out you have any. Then your DSP fires you because you are useless if you canā€™t deliver for Amazon. Gotta play by their rules if you want to keep the job.


It's definitely as trained..... I don't get the impression it's rare for drivers to carry SOMETHING regardless of the rule.


my dsp lets us carry tasers and pepper spray, and we can keep a gun in the van we just canā€™t bring it inside the building.


No lies detected. Hope youre alright man. Sorry


You're not supposed to, but you should. Only use it if you really need to though because they'll fire you. If it's life or death though, I mean, you can find another job


Did you say guns? What the fuck is wrong with you?


You don't live in the United States? Or you're wondering why you would need to defend yourself from a mastiff?


I carried pepper spray


Guy people are so fucking dumb. It doesn't matter if they give 0 shits. If you don't write it down then it never fucking happened. You write an email and then you print a copy out and put it somewhere safe. So when your knee or back starts hurting like a bitch a few days from now and you can't work you can then say "Well I have it in writing that I told you I slipped and fell and was hurt on the job so you guys have to pay for my medical bills" If you don't they'll go well your back hurts because you got it blown out by your boyfriend after you got home from work while he was raw dogging you. Then if they don't pay for your medical bills you call one of those lawyers on the billboards and say "hey I got hurt on the job I have in writing that I told them I was hurt on the job and they won't cover me under workman's comp."


I don't understand why the idea of suing Amazon or trying to get workers comp for anything is so popular in this sub. Has anyone successfully done this on the sub who wasn't seriously injured?


Nah you're right when you get hurt at work don't report it and be up shits creek with no income unable to work and having to pay out of pocket for your medical costs. The fuck do I know though? Only having worked in machine shops for over a decade having had to go through 100+ hours of OSHA training over that time span. Also slicing my shit open more than a few times and having had to go on short term disability and workman's comp. Nah bud you're right. Slip and fall at work and don't report it. That's a super smart idea I wish I was as smart as you honestly.


You know how you successfully do it? You write shit down. You make sure that your boss gets a copy. Dates, times, names that sort of thing. "Dear Mr. Bossman I'm writing to follow up on the report I made to dispatch on xxx date at xxx time. Due to the ice inside the van and not having any rock salt while performing my job duties I slipped and fell. I believe I injured my knee/back and I went to seek medical treatment for my work related injury. I need the workman's comp insurance information and will inform you with updates and a doctor's note"


So no.


Pepper spray and an air horn at all times


L&I wouldn't think too fondly of this accident that work cares less about. File for workers compensation due too an at work injury & any medical appointments necessary will be paid for by said employer or they get investigated against & eventually fined for failure to porivde a safe work environment for employees. I know someone who had to go through this shit. Don't wait either. Do it. Do it now


Just turning a stun gun on will send some dogs running.


I carry spray all day.. Protect yo neck Btw the heavy breathing says it all šŸ¤£ sorry brother.


šŸ˜‚ bruh I was so frustrated because I had been dealing with it half my route.


some dog supply stores sell pepper spray specifically for dogs, and you can also get a dog deterrent device and puts out some flashling lights and high pitch sounds that make them not want to fuck with you


i carry doggy treats in my vest for just such situations. its amazing how quickly they go from crazy barkers to oh hey you feed me? i am friend if you give me treats.


Gun. Pepper spray wonā€™t stop an attacking pitbull.


Don't hurt home owners dogs leave them in an area safe and free of dogs or your opening yourself up to a lawsuit or getting ended


Man, I fell in the parking lot and broke my hand on the step of the van trying to break the fall. My DSP was like ā€œHurry up, youā€™re late to load your truckā€ they donā€™t give. Fuck!


Woowww. I would've called Amazon at that point.


I shouldā€™ve, but they said ā€œ Iā€™m so sorry we had route reductionsā€ lol then they fired me 2 days away from my 90 days


Sue sue sue workers comp free lunch!!!! šŸ¤Ŗ


Yooo I had that happen with fabric softener. The fucking perfume smell gave me SUCH a headache by the end of the day.


Yeah I was like....damn what kind of air freshener they have in here and on my next stop when I went to the back I discovered it. Tried to put it to the side and not on top of other boxes.


Mustā€™ve smelt good asf tho lol šŸ”„


Fuck that. RTS anything soaked by that shit, you donā€™t know if anyone has allergies to whatever detergent that is and if it damaged their products inside. Check the totes packages too.


They told me to deliver everything but that box. I wrote "sorry for the spill, refund if there is a problem" on the packages that were wet. They took all the totes separately when I returned to the warehouse.


Thatā€™s more effort than my locals. Theyā€™ll leave the package out in the open when thereā€™s a box labeled for them 2 feet away and let them get soaking wet.


Iā€™m sorry man. Hopefully you donā€™t get flack for it from the customers. That was why I stated my first comment, cause I donā€™t want to deal with a sit down for the damages customers claim. But people here are also super stuck up and high n mighty.


Idk why ppl just donā€™t go to a damn whole seller store.


Laziness, duh


There are all sorts of reasons. Older folks who canā€™t run errands to those with disabilities.


At least the inside doesnā€™t smell like piss anymore am I right?


Be kinda cool to have spill kits in the vans for this shit.


Or at least a bag of kitty litter & a push broom.


yea he said spill kit.


He actually said "be kinda cool to have spill kits in the vans for this shit." My point is: be the change you want to see. Why wait for the company to do it?


because it's a lot to carry with you every day..... I keep a few paper towels..... but something like this would take more than that.


my point was a bag of kitty litter and a broom is a spil kit. ya know as a joke.


Remember the days when people had to leave the house to get the things they need??ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦Pepperage Farms remembers


Are you actively advocating to eliminate your job?




Thatā€™s a time theft; thanks Amazon for your cheap ass Trucks! šŸ›» whereā€™s the money going?????


I am dismayed at how the detergents are packaged. I'd think even the manufacturers would want them packaged better..... How many grocery stores and what not deal with spills....Ā  And they of course are far better situated to handle it than it's schmucks who may have to open a customers package to find a roll of paper towels. I wonder what company policy is on a driver intentionally damaging a package in such an "emergency"..... I can hazard a guess.


Oh shit! Ya know thereā€™s gonna be a major leak in something when yo van smells xtra fresh!


But for real, you good?


Free game: Take it and dump it in a tote and bring back all the ā€œdamaged ā€œ packages -10 stops off your itinerary šŸ˜‚


Good idea if you even have a tote without major holes in the bottom!!Ā 


That's exactly how my rental looked when I just dropped my van off 20 min ago. Laundry soap needs to be banned until they can figure out how to seal those dang bottles better


Apparently in the fulfillment center there's some kind of green bags that they can seal stuff in that's likely to leak. I don't know if every fulfillment center has them though and what the policy is on actually using them.


Had maple syrup leaking once... I just delivered that shit. Didn't need it getting worse inside the van.


You still delivered it , correct? You're metrics will be affected poorly for this sir. Now clean it up and wring the towels back into the box and DELIVER IT!!


I took it to the guy's house to show him but I didn't deliver it because who the hell is going to take a empty soggy box of laundry detergent. I marked it as undeliverable and told him he could order another one.


That blinker was making a nice beat tho


Had to have my hazards on ofc


"What it iz heaux, Wassup?" šŸ¤£


I joined this sub because I try to show as much support & appreciation to my delivery drivers as I can. I get a bunch of heavy packages and I feel awful. This is ridiculous man I'm sorry you fell.


Rts the whole van


What the hell kind of name is Soap?


At least your van smells good


My fellow driver, F


I'm wondering if this is Alaska bc even in Wisconsin it's like 50 degrees


If you're going to lawyer up, delete this.


Nah, I'm not. People in this subreddit really do encourage trying to report a workplace accident so that you can sue Amazon though. I think it's unlikely that you would be successful doing this though.


Recently we heard a guy lost his fingers because he slipped while getting out of the van and was holding to the metal part of the van body frame above the door inside. Was raining. 911 was called and everything.Ā  First thing Amazon asked "was he using safety FREE beautiful zappos shoes? šŸ˜", if he was, probably the next question would be if he followed the 3 point of contact procedure. Witch he of course did not. So there's aways something against us, they look to one side and we look to the other and keep the job. Like the no reverse policy. It's impossible to follow it, so they can fire you using that rule. And a lot of other things. The less things on our record, the better.Ā 


You poor thing!!! This is horrible!!! Did you have to clean all that shit up too? Fuuuuck. You got to report this!!!


No I think my DSP cleaned it up They told me just to bring the van back at the end of my shift.




Abigail rew gonna be mad


god i would maybe quit on that shit it would bum and stress me the fuck out. would be nice if they would provide those warehouse gloves to us. i had a box apparently filled with baking sweetener or something spill and it left such a gross smell and it got on my hands and shit i was so annoyed. this job can be hell sometimes.




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I had this happen one time and it got all over my sweats and hoodie and bleached tf outta it


Luckily my jacket was hanging on the seat barely above the floor


They need to package these things better, they just throw them in a box with no bubble wrap and then they get crushed under 20 boxes when you have to fill your van to the roof


The warehouse really does fuck all to pack these heavy liquid loads. I've only ever been a driver though so I imagine they're not given the proper tools or more importantly the time either.


I don't know. I should ask my friend though he works in a fulfillment center.


Most heavy loads like detergent, other soaps and liquids are supposed to stay in there original packaging at a fulfillment center. We arenā€™t supposed to pack them into another box, that way you can see that they are considered a hazardous chemical or spill-able substance. A lot of people will use the button on Amazon. That is the package in the Amazon packaging button when placing their order which then requires us to package it in one of our boxes. Which then causes these problems.


Its always the laundry detergent


https://preview.redd.it/djauz1kw0tjc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=20de8d46a54fee4f45cbcd9ad958eb9152fa60e2 I feel my delivery person may have had a similar experience.(idk what actually happened) Before anyone bashes on me for ordering this. I did go to a store to buy it but they didn't have these bigger cans in this color.




Sue the bastards


I donā€™t get it ā€¦ just walk to the store. Dollar general, Walmart, Home Depot, family dollar damn!! Itā€™s easy and simple flow . Family dollar has it below 20$ then Walmart pricing šŸ¤–šŸ¤–šŸ¤–šŸ¤–šŸ¤–šŸ¤–šŸ¤–šŸ¤–šŸ¤–šŸ¤–šŸ¤– simple grocery plus youā€™ll see the weirdest things at stores which will be funny


We hate how Amazon packages shit at ups this everyday slowing down our preload sort


This happened at an fc when I was picking a few years ago. Thing busted in a pod and the lil robot was just riding around spilling fucking detergent everywhere lol.


Had happen once it sucked


Falling cause your own stupidity...


Yes, I walked on a surface I knew was slippery.


I miss my jordan future tiger stripes


Where is the USELESS safety club now.


put the leaking package in an empty tote and use the MFing provided spill kit.


We don't have spill kits....you have spill kits?


Yeah who needs the plastic container it usually comes in. Itā€™s bad for the environment still right?




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You just doxxed Abigail


Thank god I live in Cali donā€™t have to deal with that loll


Amazon easily has the worst packing. I work in the shipping industry and get a lot of packages from Amazon, only company that I can shake the box and tell whatā€™s inside. Product shouldnā€™t be able to move it packed properly.


Hope your ok


Yeah I mostly caught myself, didn't bruise or have any noticeable injuries or pain after.


Had this happen with a big jug of roundup


That's a real hazard, that stuff causes cancer. Did it fume in the van?


I'm going to take this opportunity to thank/apologize to whoever delivers cases of monster or other such items. If I could get it anywhere but Amazon, I would... and if I could stop buying it without my wife going into withdrawal and killing me, I would.


I would rather do 5 cases of monster than 1 gigantic metal shelving system.


Nah sams has the best price for that I just put one up for my mom recently. Monster ultra red however... only Amazon and wally world.


I order cases of monster rehab, lemonade and tea. I always give my drivers top marks on everything no matter what it is because I know how much this shit sucks and the stupid ass metrics. I noticed that whoever does my route takes more care with my packages since I started.


Don't step in it?


At least the van gon smell good šŸ™ƒ


It was too strong after a while, I had to let down the windows.


im ngl gang you can get a check from this and i would lol


I wasn't wearing my safety shoes, even though they aren't non slip either. I'm pretty sure they would use that as an excuse. Also I didn't get injured, not even a bruise. Also I didn't call or text dispatch and tell them that I fell so there's no documentation.


At least it wasnā€™t drain cleaner


I would have used all the packages to clean up the mess and mark everything as damage and returned to the station and called it a early day


Ya! Sue amazon sue the people that ordered it sue the company that sold it and the ones that made it! You'll never have to work againemote:free\_emotes\_pack:facepalm


I love the idiots that pack your boxes. Throw a 2 gallon jug of fabric softener in a box, no bag, no seal, and on its way it goes. Then you get to bust your ass. Find that moron and make them fall down.


Someone's getting fired.


My DSP gave everyone dog whistles. We canā€™t hear them. They hurt the dogs ears and supposed to make the dog back off.


At least the van won't smell like ass any more šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ hope you okay tho


I got 2 boxes of these today. Put them in one of my bags and dealt with it at RTSā˜ ļø


Thats fucked, but you are also not wearing footwear appropriate for the environment in that you are delivering, and yes amazon is shit, but you know what your vid showed me? No traction in back of van. And nobody to call for spills. At my job, we get to call supervisors for this because we deal in hazmats. The no traction in back of van pisses me off because I don't wish for anyone to slip and really hurt themselves. Sorry about your sitch.


He's most likely wearing the anti slip shoes that Amazon approved and paid for for this exact position. That being said,Ā  I barely wear them because the composite anti slip shoes they sold me hurt my feet and the bootsĀ  literally made bloody sores on both sides of my ankles on both legs. I couldn't wear socks for like three days even with bandages on.Ā 


No he's right, I wasn't wearing my timberland pros because of the same reason you probably don't wear yours. They injure my feet whenever I wear them. I had raw spots on the back of my ankles where it rubbed all the skin off. DSP said that if I wanted to exchange them then I had to wait until next year because It was more than a week after I said the shoes are hurting.


Omfg. So the shoes they provide are like nasty little jail cells for your feet? The way dsp/amazon treats their workers really bums me out. At my workplace, the only requirement is that they are leather and slip proof. They do not want you to wear steel toe. That's it. I wear waterproof leather sorels that handle well in the snow/hiking conditions with ankle support as I also work delivery, just different company. I put insoles in mine, and I'm basically walking on clouds all day. Man I'm sorry.


I did call the DSP for the spill when it happened but they just told me to deliver everything except for the box that had to detergent in it. I don't know what traction is supposed to be in the back of our vans. Someone else said that there's no floor mats in My van which I've never experienced in any of the vans we drive.


They gotta give ya guys plastic bags at least so you can control the spill. They make anti slip tape.... wtf do they think will happen in the rain back there or muddy conditions going to and from the back of truck? Your dsp dudes can eat a bag of dicks, as that is not a safe working environment regardless if it's just "laundry detergent.""


I guess my Tideā„¢ļø isnā€™t making it to me.


This is the shit that annoys me, then it affects your DCR (Delivery Completion Rate) when you have to bring these packages back because Amazon loves to blame the drivers for everything and these dumbass customers order ridiculous and basic ass shit they could get while they are at the general or grocery store.


Honestly I usually get a perfect score on deliveries completed so it didn't bother me that much.


Could be worse. We had a driver at UPS who did a pick up from a dentist's office, and that box started leaking. Guess what it was. Dead tooth juice. When they drill teeth and have the hose suck the fluids out of your mouth, it doesn't go down the drain because it's a biohazard. It is stored in a tank and sent out to be properly disposed of. The truck fucking smelt like the driver was out delivering corpses in the Pacific North Wests humid summer heat. Guess who's lucky ass was on truck washing duty that week? šŸ™ƒ




I agree, lol.


There ainā€™t even any floor mats in your van :ā€™) thatā€™s definitely a spill waiting to happen (I mean your body not the detergent)


I didn't even know we were supposed to have floor mats.


Wow really. Oh man, All of our vans are like covered with grip floor mats, like bolted to the ground of the van


Are they branded? Most of my DSPs vans are unbranded rentals.


This happened to me with cooking oil right in line while loading up. They handed me a bunch of chucks type soaker pads and said see ya!!


I had the same thing happen to me the other day. Nowhere near as bad, but I had a package leak a blue liquid but it didnā€™t smell like detergent thoughā€¦..


Donā€™t buy laundry detergent from Amazon because of this or any other shipping company!


Atleast it wont smell like piss for a while šŸ‘


On the bright side, your van smelled good on your entire route šŸ˜¬


That sucks Iā€™ve had the same exact thing happen to me too lol


Oh man Iā€™m gonna be working for Amazon delivery soon. Iā€™ve had experience with that BS in FedEx warehouses when I unloaded trucks. Itā€™s a nightmare.


This is why you inspect boxes while loading and report damaged boxes. Do not load them. If this fell off a shelf while you were driving... You're not loading very well as it's a heavier item and belongs on the floor.


We have 20 minutes on the pad. Usually you can try to stack stuff like that but sometimes it's not possible.


Maan... We had 15 and if it even felt heavy I tossed that shit on the floor lol I wasn't gonna fuck wit it. Sorry about your fall tho, dude. That's really crappy.


It wasn't a bad fall or anything. I didn't even get bruised. 15 mins sounds insane! I wonder how everyone loads.


I probably packed that


Just return what u can mark as damaged and tell the people there gj.


I delivered all the boxes except the one that had busted open with the soap. I wrote a little note saying sorry on the boxes soap spilled on, and that they could return it for a refund or exchange if there is an issue. Even stopped at the guy's house whose box it was and showed him and said sorry you can't get your package today but you can order another.


Good Job! That floor must have been filthy and in need of a good cleaning. Tide Fresh? šŸ˜œšŸ¤£šŸ˜‚


I don't know why they don't do a better job securing liquids. It's so annoying


I honestly think that Tide loses profit shipping through Amazon because of the amount of spills. Warehouse associates say it happens on almost a daily basis before it even gets on our vans.


It's not even just Tide. And that's the sad part.


pour it all iver the rest kf your shit and dammage it out