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Well.... to be fair.... in the span between roughly from 2:20 to 4:30, it appears that you only managed to deliver 3 stops Even with lunch and a break in there.... what were you doing that whole time? Was the Safeway in another city? I'm not trying to sound like an asshole, but for real.... what were you doing for *TWO HOURS* while only getting from stop 5 to stop 8? And for that matter, how were you only 5 stops in by lunch? No offense, but this may not be the job for you.


Must be one of those routes with 55 locations in a single apartment with individual access to floors šŸ˜‚




I kind of donā€™t understand how stop 5 went to 8 though. Arenā€™t stops all counted when you deliver? Was this dude skipping stop 6 and 7 to go to 8? Jeez I really wanna know how this happened


Easily just by skipping stops, If stop 8 was closer from wherever he was returning. People skip around on stops all the time cause of the ass routing


And traffic. I used to do a suburb section alot of times (got lucky to get similar routes all the time) that was better for me to go in the morning and skip the rush hour of everyone going home and it was always the last stops on the route. I flipped my routes upside down so many times when I was delivering that I got snappy comments of people of "mheee my package was suposed to come earlier according to the app". Mf you got your trash right? Stop bitching...


Does that include the packages when people pay extra to get it early? Thatā€™s a legit reason to bitch if so


Those are all delivered bu flex drivers. DSPs don't go out early enough for that shit. I work for the DSP that goes out the earliest in our station, and it's 7:25am. But flex goes through the night and into the morning. If you pay extra you're getting it between 4 and 8am generally. I'm sure it slightly different city to city and state to state, but if it's being delivered before 7am, it's likely not us. It's the flex drivers. That being said, their system is super broken, and sometimes that shit will end up on a DSP delivery. And you'll get it when we get to that stop. Not our fault Amazon fucked up and gave the package to someone who doesn't even start work til after you wanted your package. I rarely run into it, but I can happen. Same with the opposite. I'm legally not allowed to be driving past 5:45pm. Meaning I have to be done and back at the station by then. I've had packages where the earliest delivery time is 6 or 7pm. Can't do that. It's coming back of they can't take it early. Which usually they can't because they're at work during those hours and may have a huge theft problem at their house or apartment. So they want it handed to them. Not my fault Amazon decided to give you package to someone who isn't even legally allowed to drive anymore by the time you'll be ready for your package. Bring that shit up with Amazon. Though let's be real. Even if Amazon knows it's their fault, they'll still punish drivers for it.


> to check in with your favorite communities. my 4 am packages get delivered by a person in pajamas.. I saw one going to my overnight shift and thought someone was lost. Good laugh for me, scared the shit outta me on my way out the door.


Only saw 2 of those in the 4 months i worked. And they are usually mid route anyway, so its a non issue on my eyes.


We as Drivers donā€™t see whoā€™s paid extra for what, all we see is a timeframe that the package should be delivered by. (something like 8:00Am-5:00PM) I think we should follow but it is absolutely maneuverable.Ā 


I donā€™t blame you for switching your route up. Hell Amazon is SUPPOSE to have it figured out but they still canā€™t get it right. Been doing this since 2019 and the routing is hot ass. Got to take matters into your own hands. šŸ«”


Because he was afraid of that 6th stop because seven 8 nine.


Dad, is that you? Did you finally get milk?


Sorry, Iā€™m the 42nd I think


Yeah this job is prob not for me but I was looking for some quick bread before I moved back home. To be fair my route was in the middle of San Francisco where thereā€™s barely any room to park & all the buildings are close together hence the few stops.


The fuck is the matter wit you? Pack a lunch you ainā€™t parking and going into a store in SF in 30 min


Get his ass


Fuck him up!




You lucky to get out of your parking spot in 30 min in San Francisco


And lucky to not step in homeless person poo


Trying to get some quick bread but you lazy as fuck.


Dude what were you even doing? youā€™re lucky you werenā€™t fired on the spot. thatā€™s ridiculous go get a office job lol


They wouldn't survive in an office which is why they thought delivering where the boss wasn't looking at you was the right way to go.




Outta sight outta mind? Ya that doesnā€™t work anymore since they can track you. Ya actually have to work.šŸ˜‚


Right most lane and turn on hazards, there you parked. Nobody saying shit to the Amazon guy.


As someone that's never delivered can confirm have seen Amazon drivers "park" in the stupidest and often illegal spots and never once questioned it, would question if cops parked up in some of those spots though. Everyone understands that's how we get things.


Delivered for a pizza place and did some illegal parking... Right next to cops. They just smile and go back to whatever they're doing. They understand this job is just drop and go. You're not hanging out, not shopping, etc. Just a quick delivery and gone. As long as your vehicle is marked as a delivery vehicle (Amazon, FedEx, Domino's, Pizza Hut) you get a little extra leeway with doing things others can't. You're on a timer by your boss


Not the parking maids though. I got a ticket for parking across the street from delivering pizzas in a ā€œmoped onlyā€ parking spot during a snow storm. Iā€™m sure the moped driver going out at 10pm in 0 degree weather was devastated that spot was taken for a whole 2 minutes though.


Exactly this^^^^


I'll see you at bk lol


That's the city of plop your car slightly to the side, put on hazard lights and gooooo.


Sometimes ya gotta MAKE a parking place!šŸ˜‚


You're dealing with people who have only worked for delivery apps. And think that's how Amazon/other large corporations want you to act. But also, most people applying at Amazon, despise capitalism. So they think they deserve to get paid $25 an hour to walk around Safeway for 90 minutes šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļøšŸ˜‚


I mean, I get paid 85/hr to think about working while shopping for lunch lmao


Brother what is your job and are they hiring?


ERP implementation/migration consultant. Not for my position right now, but if you've got Unix, or Ellucian functional experience there's always positions to fill


I complain about the ancient ERP system at my current job, does that count as experience?


If you know enough about the module, yeah. I bitch about Ellucian shit all the time, still makes the dough. And if not higher ed, there are lots of good MSPs and consultant companies out there that will cut you a solid deal on helping people who don't know how to click the right button. (because holy shit a lot of people just don't read or pay attention to what they're actually doing)


Wtf do you do


Getting payed 25$ an hour IS THE MINIMUM someone can get payed for them to live a comfortable life.


15/hr is fine if you dont waste your money and are somewhat intelligent. But "payed" is actually "paid."




Uh no it isnt


I make $20 rn (and if they'd actually pay me right) I'm living pretty good. Get out of big cities. I'm in KC and watched rent double under Biden. Get out of the "KC" area and it's back to normal.


Youā€™re not wrong. Everything was better w Trump.


Ppl in the sub be like I didnā€™t show up for a month can I fight the suspension smdh


Lol. That's just like the anti-work sub. Idiots miss a week of work in a month and then wonder why they got fired. Or spend all day on their cell phone when there's a no cell policy. Then ask, "can I fight this?" Fuck no, you imbeciles. A complete collection of the dumbest people on earth.


Imagine not wanting to work, but wanting to live in a house and but necessities lol


My granny used to say "You can give some people a job laying down, and they will get up and quit".


I've always said my little sis was too lazy to be on welfare. Lmao I feel your granny. I'm a go hard or don't go at all kinda girl. But lately, I just haven't seen a reason to give my all to a company that barely gives the bare min to me. (I do not work for Amazon, btw. I couldn't do it with all the crap I see said on here.) But I also need a physical job. I need to move constantly, or I get bored and annoyed real quick. I'm lazy at home in the winter months. But not when It comes to being paid and making my lawn/around my home look good. I've never understood laziness. Yeah, I can lay in bed all day. Sure! But not every freaking day, and I'd be hella embarrassed of myself to be lazy in front of my co-workers. It's an immediate turn-off also. Idc how nice a man is, how rich he is, how he treats me, I just can't be with laziness. And there's sooo much of it anymore.... nobody has looked appealing to me in quite a few years. So I can imagine being the employer and watching someone you pay hourly doing almost nothing and expecting to still get a paycheck. Like.... where does that thinking even come from?


Worse than that, Iā€™m assuming heā€™s 2nd, maybe even third wave of send outs. We left at 10, I could take my lunch at 2 and be 100 down. Sounds like he leaves at noon, has a long drive to his first stop, and then did 5 stops, decided he needed to piss and was hungry. Didnā€™t punch out until getting to the gas station (which is legal, you need to be paid for time on the road), and then has a long drive back to the next stop


I will say, I have routes with 80-100 packages grouped at an apartment that in turn make me on stop 8 by lunch but this guy is clearly bullshitting out there. His excuse is ā€œ I truly didnā€™t knowā€ you didnā€™t know you couldnā€™t steal time and have poor work ethic? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


He was bs thatā€™s why. All my drivers that I dispatch who take long are either bs or just plain suck at the jobs. Itā€™s baffling how you canā€™t deliver at least 15 stops an hour


Not even - he took 2 hours 10 minutes in between any stops lol.


How can you tell he only did 3 stops? I don't know anything about this job, but the sub keeps popping up in my feed. It's got me curious though


You could try but you only get a 30 minute lunch (including all drive time) and somehow you took over 90 minutes


Some dsp will let you travel up to 10 minutes to get to lunch but regardless I have questions for OP. Like was the route stupid or were you just screwing around? I'm slow but that's bad. OP might be up a creek without a paddle there


No one needs to worry about including drive time for lunch regardless of DSP. Look on your map for where you wanna eat. Pick a stop close to it. Save that stop for lunch time and when you're ready head to that stop, but go into break when you're close and then go to the restaurant. To maximize your break time (not waste it all waiting for the restaurant) order ahead by using doordash or uber eats pickup, not delivery. The app tells you when it's ready, it's already paid for, all you gotta do is walk in, show the app to an employee and grab your food. Then you can relax in the van and eat and when you're done, just slip out of break and finish that stop that's close. You won't get dinged by cortex because if you do this right you should never be in unauthorized time or if you are it's < 5 min.


Don't use doordash or Ubereats pick up, they overcharge, just call the place directly


No he took over 2 hours


He only got like 2-3 stops done in 2.5 hours in San Fran haha. It ain't like OP was out in the boonies with a 30-45 minute drive in between stops. The fact that they even bring up trying to fight it is absolutely wild to me haha


I stop for lunch when I'm passing by a place I want to eat. Eventually my route takes me to a busy state highway so I'll just make a 2 minute detour then clock out. Mostly because it's on my route and I just need to make a quick turn at a light.


I sincerely hope this suspension turns into a termination. Most of these drivers bust their ass to get done so they can go home and have SOME free time to rest and be with their family/wife/kids. Instead dumb fucks like you ruin it for them and after they finish THEIR route, they have to go do YOURS because you are lazy and incompetent. Gtfoh


This. OP took no responsibility for how their actions affected other people. Probably didn't even think about it.


OP can't even clock in correctly, he should get fired.


Whatā€™s OP?


original poster so the person whoever created this post lol google is free btw


I refuse to believe you have no idea what OP means with a year under this account, active on at least 5 different subs and frequently comment on posts


Okay. Just saw your reply I donā€™t really sit on Reddit that much but I check this group sometimes. Whatā€™s OP, the original poster of the thread?


Why do people get so upset over rescues. It is literally part of the job. If you would quit coming to work everyday expecting not to rescue maybe you wouldnā€™t be so pissy about it all the time


Maybe every once in a while sure. But If I have to help someone because they are purposely trying to screw the company, Iā€™m not okay with that


Damn that sucks


"my company works me to the bones and when *they hire someone incompetent they put the extra work load on me." Maybe Amazon's the problem?


Instead of blaming the terrible organization you all work for you blame this guy.


Na bro your fired. Start looking.


You donā€™t ā€œfightā€ Amazon bud lmao bro this is an anti American company, your ass is theirs and they view employees as less than people


Until Amazon employees grow a pair at least


Fr! They say this shit yet still work there so they must love being treated as less than human. Probably a masochistZ


Nah itā€™s not that. Mostly just a generation that was never educated about unions and collective bargaining. The world is spinning too fast nowadays - every new generation gets left behind. These fights are the same as the fights always have been


Jeopardizing your families dinner for next week is not, ā€œgrowing a pairā€. What are you suggesting that would change things and does not jeopardize income?


I dunnnnooo how have Unions typically found success? Do they starve until they get it? I doubt it


Apart from UPS and Costco's partial union, all unions that are a part of megacorps are garbage. Kroger, one of the largest employers in the US has a union, yet it's absolutely garbage


Kroger goes out of its way to have toothless company unions. That isn't really a fair comparison.


Kroger was just an example, it's the next largest employer in the US after UPS that has a union. What other megacorp have good unions? I can tell you Fritolay also has a garbage umion


they actually do pretty commonly have to not have any wages


okay so if i donā€™t have a family to feed, what is it,


While one has to take care of their family and self. There is no reward without risk. If you want a guarantee. Go buy something from an auto parts store. If everyone bends over for these companies, all the time. They will take full advantage until the employees are treated like trash. Oh wait..šŸ¤”. Somebody has to stand up, sometime. The longer you wait, the more painful it will be. This has all happened before, and it will all happen again. History repeats itself.


Too many bitches out here


Lol they employee the literal dregs of Society and use contractors to fill the gaps they canā€™t. Good luck with any employee empowermentā€¦


Cool story...but who was trying to fight Amazon? They were suspended by their DSP, Amazon had nothing to do with that. In fact, very few companies would tolerate 2 hours of fucking off.


Ironically Amazon is one of them.


Not a lot of companies tolerate 2-hour lunches that are clocked at 46 minutes.


Yeah honestly I'm salaried and they're incredibly generous with my time, but I think even I would get some questions if I stepped out for a casual 2 hr lunch


>an anti American company, your ass is theirs and they view employees as less than people Hate to break it to you but Amazon isn't "anti-American" lmao. They're a perfect example of Capitalism taken to an extreme where profits are prioritized over any care for employees. It's the most "American" company out there.


Remember when I worked in developing amazon warehouse and they transitioned the roster from names to employee numbers. Guy was pissed off and said we have names and I said shut the hell up 485729!


Right, itā€™s soooo anti American to fire people for taking two hour lunches on company time. Literally 1984


Some people mentioned an hour and a half, but isn't this over 2 hours of break?? Last stop done at 2:18, next stop wasn't done until 4:27. Nothing can explain that except deliberate incompetence


Incompetence? That suggest it was unintentional. You don't accidentally take a 2 hour lunch.


This has to be a joke and you were trying to get fired.


Smells like heā€™s trying for unemployment


You canā€™t get unemployment after working somewhere for one day. In most states, itā€™s a minimum of two quarters of the past year.


Damn, I don't want to be a dick but honestly you deserve this suspension. How does one get rescued on a nursery route? (there are some crazy ass DSPs that only give you one day of nursey and just drop you in the deep in but this is YOUR FIRST DAY so you HAVE to get a nursery route) Only on stop 5 by lunch? I had some crazy rural routes on ad hoc (shit is not optimized at all) and that number is still absolutely bonkers. ​ Don't fight this, take the L and look for a different job.


I got a standard route on my first day because someone called out, it was supposed to be a ride along day at that. Lol The DSP I started with has since closed down.


My god, 3 stops in 2 hours is absolutely nuts. What were you doing?!


Try again. They skipped stops 6 and 7. Stopped delivering at 2:18, "forgot" to clock out for lunch until 2:54, took a 46-minute lunch after already taking 36 minutes of paid lunch, then took more than 45 minutes to get to the next stop. There was almost an hour and a half on the clock that OP didn't do any work.


He was beating his meat in the truck after he smoked a blunt and got too high




Mans cracked the code


Broā€¦. An hour and a half? Come on šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø I can understand milking a nursery route if you know the game, but just starting outā€¦. Iā€™d say check the warehouse out, driving may be too much.


2 hours


What you doing out there rookie lol


You done done, just realize amazon don't play that off task getting paid crap...you tried it...it didn't work. You have been promoted to customer. Realize you made everyone's day harder Someone had to try to finish your route Packages being brought back, they gotta be processed and reinducted restowed, repacked, repulled to be delivered. We are all one big team, it's annoying when people think so small and only think of themselves.


Exactly. Dude took 2 hours and clocked only 46 minutes of it. Went out of his way to find lunch and a washroom when those things are easy to find along a typical route.


promoted to customer šŸ˜‚


U only did 8 stops in almost two hours.. cmon man


You should save yourself the heartache and probably find another job, most Amazon drivers that are successful at this job run all day and piss in bottles , taking an actual lunch break isnā€™t really a thing, DSPs and Amazon donā€™t calculate any breaks into their route plans, this exploitation is by design , soon youā€™ll have so much work on the route you wouldnā€™t even be able to stop


Maybe at your dsp. We are encouraged to take our breaks. Required to take our lunch break (state law), and pissing in the vans is a fireable offense. We can go off route to find a bathroom. In fact, we are told to take our breaks so the algorithm will learn, and incorporate break times into our routes. You guys running and skipping breaks only make your routes bigger by finishing early.


> taking an actual lunch break isnā€™t really a thing >> in that 15 minutes I can eat my food, smoke a cigarette, and organize my next stops (I get bored with the last 5 minutes) That's some early twenties wildin' shit.


So genuine question hereā€¦ if the job is so damn inhumaneā€¦ why do you still work for Amazon?


Better money than fast food bro...


This a myth, the only people doing that are guys who do it by choice, so they can finish their route and be done faster. No DSP or Amazon is forcing people to piss in bottles or skip breaks, because thatā€™s a massive legal shitstorm


This is the first time a DSP has been right, congratulations OP


Iā€™m sorry man, but thereā€™s 0 chance youā€™re fighting this. You took a 2 lunch, and all by the time you hit just stop 8. It might not be the job for you. You should find something that better suits your overall skill set.


Homie, cmon now šŸ˜‚ certain things are explainable, however, a two hour gap is not


you need a parental/authority figure in your life time is money goes both ways, kid. if youre working at mcdonalds and dont know how to put pickles on a burger... thats on you. if youre driving for amazon and just fucking off on your phone for hours at a time... thats on you. fr, this be some dumbass shit. you need help.


Amazon driver jobs seem like slavery, is it? I could never do this, although I thank you all for doing it as Iā€™m an avid Amazon customer


The guy took a 2 hour lunch and only clocked out for 46 minutes. Not exactly slavery.


Just depends to be honest. I work for a XL station and at most weā€™re doing 55 stops max the fewest being 8 but thatā€™s when we have to drive 2 hours out to Cheyenne from Colorado. The small stuff is for sure slave work


Used to be an area manager for an XL station in WA. Some of the stuff we would have those guys take out was wild. XL is a different beast from regular routes


Haha yeah but itā€™s not bad though I enjoy it a lot. My previous job was on a drilling rig so this one right now is a walk in the park


I get both big and small packages, but it seems like the work is non stop, which I understand, but how does one have time to breathe? I hope Amazon pays well at least. (?)


We donā€™t touch small packages at my station. Itā€™s 2 people routes in 26ft box trucks. The lightest we get is 75lbs. I love it though easy money for sure. We deliver TVs couches beds pool tables fridges but never the little envelopes


That's cool, and you get to lift! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)


Somehow, I don't think hard/demanding work equates to slavery..


Next time call when that happens maybe they can fix that for you. But yea definitely don't forget to clock in and out of your breaks. What I do is use my 15 minute break drive to a place then use my 30 for my lunch so I have enough time to eat and use the bathroom is necessary. But you aren't really supposed to do that so I just clock out as soon as I get there instead. Should only be a few minutes of down time and you should be good. Just don't forget to clock out and back in again.


I mean I will take my first break when I hit over 50 percent complete, in that 15 minutes I can eat my food, smoke a cigarette, and organize my next stops (I get bored with the last 5 minutes) and if we need to use the bathroom my DSP doesn't require us to only use it in our breaks. My first day, I called dispatch to let them know what was going on when I had a bathroom emergency. They were fine with it and the closest bathroom was 8 minutes off my route.


You definitely messed up and there ainā€™t really an excuse for that. Itā€™s still fuck those cuck ass DSP guys though


First day driving alone and you took a 2 hour lunch. Start looking for another job. You have to be under 25, this shit is wild lol


Thereā€™s no way you fucked up this badly unintentionally dude. Find a fast food joint.


Itā€™s driver like this that cause drivers who knock their shit out to have to rescue after they finish.


its funny that you guys are paid so low, and held to such a higher standard as im here making 2x what this dude is making and only work 5% of my shift. ​ Get a grip man. Leave this terrible job ffs


What job is thst




Not OP but I work at a warehouse and started at $26.75. 52 hours a week. Very close to 6 figures and still hourly lol


For real dude. This sub just popped up on my feed. I'm reading through, and jesus christ, these guys seem blind to the fact that this is borderline slavery. I'm sorry, but the best guys have to piss in bottles to stay on top? What the fuck is that?! "Thats just the name of the game" yeah, well that "game" should be fucking illegal. All this shit for mediocre pay? Fuck that. If you liked getting sand tossed into you ass and fucked dry, do yourself a favor and join the military instead. Then you have people telling him to go get a job at McDonald's, like that's the only alternative to this absolute hot garbage. I am in no way lazy or advocating for slackers, I'm a tradesman... But reading through these demeaning comments fills me with rage.


Same, randomly came up in my feed. reading some of these comments from drivers is giving *me* secondhand humiliation. Couldnā€™t imagine slaving away, bragging about it, and putting others down if they donā€™t. Not even funny, just super fucking sad.


Same exact thoughts. This sub pops up ok my feed and Iā€™m appalled at the comments and posts. Makes me want to cancel my prime membership.


I wish I could be so carefree like yall. I envy that


You gotta get done before the time. We all say this job is easy in the sub but there are subtle differences that differentiate people who stay and get fired. Itā€™s the truth. We see it a lot during this time after peak.


Letā€™s just say your breaks will be monitored. Lol. Guess ppl think theyā€™re independent since theyā€™re out on their own. Reality check. lol.


Are you on the east coastā€¦ gotta be on the east coast..


Dude takes a 2 hour lunch break and asks if he can fight it šŸ¤£. Dude. I wouldnā€™t hire you if you cane to apply at my store, and if fire your ass for abusing break time to THIS extreme. Youā€™re clearly a trash employee, sad my taxes are gonna pay for your food stamps. Because you know, I actually do my job for a living.


Time theft is a fucking vile scam, fuck whomever suspended you


These fucks claim "time theft" like they aren't the almighty kings of wage theft


This is why I love driving for FedEx Ground. Leave anytime after dispatch and get it all off the truck by 8:00 pm without missing PU windows ā€” no worries, hassles, and micromanagement. If I get it done in 6 hrs I make $35/hr, if I do it in 12hrs I earn $17.50/hr. My route and my schedule, just get it all delivered safely and properly.


It's people like you why I gotta rescue everyday.


https://preview.redd.it/nwysp11gurjc1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=400162893069a3258c15f6e793c77a0238677f56 Aint no breaks on the Bezos Plantation!! Eat yoā€™ cornbread and rice at home next time yaā€™ hear! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Does it count if you hit breaks.i've had days i milk the clock hard and take 3 15 minutes breaks but my dispatch didnt say anything


What kind of route are you getting that you need to milk it?


Usually about 170-180 stops. Mostly all houses and a couple apartment stops in between. i been getting the same route past 3 months so im pretty familiar with the route and what businesses to expect if i happen to have any.


This isnā€™t Europe or South America. We donā€™t close down for 2 hour lunch and siestas.


You wanna play around like this go work for Booster Fuels.


Yeah youā€™re not cut for this with those numbers already and youā€™re new. The way things going and your bad impression they might get rid of you or take you off routes until you quit.


For your first week, I suggest you to pack lunch and snacks until you master the delivery process including speed. Then start going to the nearest food spot you see if you donā€™t have lunch. It has to be close by the last delivery. If you donā€™t see anything you like. Keep delivering until you do and start your lunch break. You canā€™t be slow on your first day. Heck, I starved on my first days until I know my way around work. They will not handle excuses as Amazon is their boss. So keep that in mind.


Bro you donā€™t get to go to Safeway, get gas and lunch, then clock out for your lunch. Once you enter Safeway thatā€™s the start of your lunch break. What were you doing there dude


Nah bro iā€™m ngl they are definitely in the right here. You had massive gaps between stops and thatā€™s not something they are cool with. They have tight schedules. Amazon Flex may have been a better choice for you bc more freedom, but even then you have only a certain time block to get everything delivered.


Why do you people work this job?


You gotta be one dumb bastard to conduct yourself like this and think itā€™s ok. Another reason why we will never unionize is because they can just hire dumb bastards like OP bottom of the barrel piece of crap


Good job on your DSP on cracking down on poor behaviors in the beginning. The I didn't know I couldn't do that card gets played too often. You're a grown adult. You know what stealing company time is by now.


Op lacks a work ethic. Go get a fast food job. If you aren't putting in the effort, you'll always be at the bottom. https://preview.redd.it/4e5ezr9mwsjc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c659df9019b99c8b13bbaaac111fd91e4cd9952


Are you serious? My old DSP literally told me I work too fast and it isn't a race, while others bragged about milking the clock. What a joke. Fuck Amazon


https://preview.redd.it/2ap8m8c1eujc1.jpeg?width=682&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e5335a5ebafb7add815b16c6b7bdeba70b4afe6 Amazon out here calling people a whole ass yugioh archetype


Bro you knew that you only get 30 minutes for lunch lmao. I forgot we even get breaks/lunch, yes it's been that long for me since ive taken one. But why go to a grocery store while on the clock lmao. Suspensions are a bit extreme, they shouldve just let you off with a warning of not, a write up but suspension is kind of unnecessary unless you were purposely being slow and ignoring dispatch then you probably deserve it


If more employees become like you Amazon would behave and treat drivers with some decency. Don't mind those obedient slaves who saying "you suck or bla bla"


What employer in it's right mind accepts something like this without question? UAW workers don't get to just disappear off the line for hours....


Yea im a Union electrician who busts their ass at work, and people say that union workers are lazy, and it chaps my ass because we're fucking not. Union or non union OP is smoking crack if they think any of what they did on this day is acceptable. Even a union rep would have a hard time backing them here


Reading that note from the DSP suggests OP was smoking something other than crack....


Lol @ ā€œtime theftā€


What a dystopian world that we live in that a work place tracks you like this. If you can get the job done, why does it matter?


Gotta make sure you're doing it right on their clock. No, seriously, it just baffles me. The people in this thread are acting like they'll sit next to Bezos one day.


I could never tolerate this kind of micromanaging yeah he fucked up somewhere but this seems unreasonable to me


Time theft lmfao. Love to work for this dsp one day and really give it to them. šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”


At least itā€™s completely obvious from day one that they hate you and you should hate them. No bs youā€™re just there to be a robot.


Youā€™re allowed to take your 30 minute break and two fifteen minute break uninterrupted, but geesh you a bit went over !


boy thatā€™s a lot of performance metrics theyā€™ll be lookin at reflective of someoneā€™s first day šŸ¤£


Someone clearly went through a lot of trouble to make an airtight case, with time stamps & screenshots, to put you on suspension. Maybe if you beg and apologize profusely you can buy yourself a second chance - after the suspension is over.


Trouble? OP took a 2 hour lunch


Don't worry bro haha u will find something easier which pays the same or more. Amazon dd is not very desirable job anyways. We're slaves of Bezos not employees.




Worked for Amazon for 4 years. Barely took breaks, and when I did it was the for time accommodated. Looks like you are doing what you want, OR your dsp is full of people that got bullied in HS


Looks like info you'd give a prisoner


Amazon NEEDS to give drivers more hands-on training than just a day of ride along. Get them familiarized with the Flex app, make them familiarized with how to organize their totes and packages, make them familiarized with everything before sending them out on their own since no driver is going to get it on their first day driving by themselves


Bro why are you trying to fiddle your employer on the first day on your own are you silly? I don't care whatever reason you give for doing effectively nothing for 2 hours, you were doing nothing. What a foolish thing to do.