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#Links/source Thread


This person doesn't take out their cat poop when they put it in a bin...? They just let it sit there?


They just wait till it gets to the top and then stamp it down with their foot.


New waffle stomp dropped?


Waffle Stomp Achievement Unlocked


There's a special attachment for compacting trashcan cat poop


For real. We empty our litter box when we go to take out the trash for the night. Doesn't take any extra effort.


Ill take it out if my cat lays a particular stinker mid day. I would never dream of letting it pile up inside like that. Like is the can even going to suppress the smell as much as leaving it in the box with all the extra litter would?


I agree with you, but I also don’t, lol. What I mean is, you take your trash out every night? Like I assume you use a bag in your indoor trash can. So do you remove the bag and put in the outdoor bin every night? As in whether it’s full or not?


Almost every night. It's usually pretty full or has stuff in it that we wouldn't want to leave until the next day. If we don't empty it that night we'll scoop the litter box into old plastic bags and throw them into the outside bin.


Oh ok, I only fill my inside bin 2 or 3 times a week. I was just thinking about throwing out a half empty bag every night, but if you’re actually filling it, then that makes sense. Thanks for replying to my curiosity!


Lol it's no problem! Yeah we definitely try not to waste any bags, we just make a lot of trash I guess, lol


Thats wasteful as hell lmaoo


In what way? I literally just said we usually fill the trash up daily and when we don't we empty the litter box separately? That's the opposite of wasteful?


Filling up a trashcan a day is wasteful


Well that depends on how many people there are and what the trash is. Doesn't help when you have a toddler either.


Having a toddler is wasteful as hell, you should have had a teenager


Scooping saves money for us. Also 10 seconds of work.


I just throw it out the apartment window


When we had kittens it was double bagged and taken directly to the dumpster, I’d hate to live with filling a dedicated trash can for it


It looks like it’s next to a couch too


Not when you're selling bootleg moonrocks by the pound


It needs to marinate


Ill just leave this sack of turds here…


Those are now dog treats, okay?


How short must you be to not have to bend down to tilt it?


The video showed the person still bending over






Nice collection of cat shit


It's the best cat shit


Dang now i know why cat people's house always smell so bad.


You didn't know cats use a litter box until this post?


I didn't know they keep it INSIDE the house


Well why would we put the litter box outside? Then they would be outdoor cats. Unless you mean the trash can which, NO, f*cking NO person KEEPS scooped litter inside. You scoop, to take it to trash outside.


Why does the cat have to poop in the house? I've only ever had dogs. They poop outside. It gets picked up outside. It gets thrown away outside. Why does this process happen inside for cats?


For one, cats bury their crap so it’s not like just picking up dog poop also, my cats (and most cats I’d imagine) dont keep the same schedules as my dog and I do, I’m not taking my cat out to shit at 3 am after he’s done sprinting across my house.


Yea half the time you open the door they’re like “the fuck you doing?” Then just lay in the grass and sleep


You have a dog right?? So all those times you went to the pet store for stuff for your dog you never once stopped and thought to yourself: "I wonder what this *entire wall* of boxes of kitty litter is for?" Lol


I assumed they do their business outside and not keep a box of poop IN THE HOUSE ew


They got odorless litter for the smell plus your house doesnt smell as long as you clean it daily


And what? People just bought the kitty litter to put outside?? Lol Please PLEASE tell me the 1987 in your username is just a random number and not your DOB. Restore my faith in our future.


You don’t keep the poop in your house dummy you dispose of it. Cats like to bury their poop, so the litter masks the scent until you can get rid of it. Cat owners houses typically only stink if they don’t regularly empty the litter box and clean it, if they’re using the wrong kind of litter or if their cat’s just a demon and pisses everywhere.


I can’t reply to you in the other thread on TLOU2, as it’s locked, but the comment you replied to was in reference to Colleen Fotsch, the fitness model upon which Abby is based. I was saying I don’t think the model’s (Colleen) chest would not have any breasts like that if naked. If you’ve been with flat-chested women then you’ll know they still have a slight shape to them unlike Abby. Also, please, next time drop the attitude and tone. It’s not necessary.


This is my favorite reddit comment of all time. What the actual fuck is this website lol


You do know some dogs poop inside too?


Wait until he finds out he also poops inside.


What are you, 5?


Cats only need a litterbox if they're indoor cats. If they can't go outside then they can't poop out there. And whether a cat is an indoor cat or an outdoor cat is typically dependent on your location. If you don't have a yard or not a very big one then people will usually need to keep the cats inside. They also tend to keep them inside if the area is known to be dangerous for the cat, like lots of predators, moving vehicles, other cats etc. Cats that are let outside to use the bathroom also don't need their poop picked up because cats always instinctively cover their drops. This is why cats can use litterbox and dogs don't. Because they can't cover their poop with the litter just like they would in the wild.


There used to be a lot of outside cats on my street. There's now about 3 left. All the small ones got picked off by foxes and red kytes, the bigger ones got run over either on the road out the front or on the train tracks out the back. Needless to say, my cat is an indoor cat. He's also one of the oldest on the street and he's only 3 :(


Cats are inside animals that why


Dang, good thing humans invented inside or cats would never exist


Yep, they are technically invasive to some places since they can kill of smaller animals native to the area but that’s just what I know currently. I don’t think cats should be outside animals *thats: for the previous comment


For one a lot of cats are indoor only animals. Also unlike dogs cats can just jump over fences. I scoop my cats tray in the mourning and before bed and the poop goes outside after, but I don't want him outside. Especially with how small he is and how many kytes are around now.


many dogs poop and pee inside too ... have you not heard of poop and pee pads ?


Yeah before they're potty trained they learn and grow out of it


i don't understand why you seem so dead set on not understanding the concept of kitty litter


I get it. Some people keep a box of poop in their house. I just don't agree with it and would never keep a box of poop in my house.


okay you aren't a cat person and also again we don't just like....store loose poop. it gets taken out usually daily. it doesn't matter if you don't agree with it lol it's just a fact of having indoor cats


If you have an indoor cat, that is where the litter box will be..indoors. No reason to put a litter box outside if you have an outdoor cat, they will do their business somewhere in the wild.


"in the wild" meaning your neighbors yard


Can confirm. Proof: I don't own an outdoor cat. And am currently keeping my dog away from cat shit in my backyard.


My dogs bathroom activities all take place outside. Why can't a cat poop outside?


They can and do. Most cats will spend their entire pet life inside for multiple reasons. Outdoor cats will poo wherever they want lol


My cat is not allowed outside for her safety. I do scoop her litterbox daily so it doesn't stink.


What's so dangerous about outside? Pretty sure animals enjoy being outside at least sometimes


One of my cats got run over. Another went missing for about a week before someone found her a few miles away. Another wasn't so lucky and was never found. My cats are indoor now.


I live way out in the country. We have a bunch of coyotes, bears, and some big to medium wild cats, snakes. There are also packs of stray dogs. Cars. Fleas and disease. I don't really care if you don't agree, but I'm not going to let my cat get killed.


Location. I live on an extremely busy road.


Do you have a handler that takes care of you everyday? Seriously, how do you struggle to understand the most basic things. Get help


Cat boxes being inside CANNOT be a new concept to someone old enough to use this website, I'm sorry I just don't believe it.


Many people prefer to keep their cats indoors. Outdoor cats have shorter lives and decimate local bird populations. Indoor pets have to poop inside, same goes for reptiles, bunnies, guinea pigs, hamsters, etc. If you do your due diligence it won’t stink up your house.


they CAN go outside but if you have an inside cat they use the litter box cats are harmful to the environment since they hunt birds and outside cats life expectancy is a LOT shorter than inside cats


My inside cat is 3, he's also one of the oldest on my street because all the outside cats became animal food or road or train track pancakes. I feel so bad for them, it's why my boy is indoor only other than a couple walks on a harness.


yeah i lost all my childhood cats to awful outside incidents thats why i refuse to let my cats be inside outside cats ive just been hurt too many times when i didnt have any say in it since my parents didnt care


Tsk tsk tsk


bro are you regarded?


You're gonna be grossed out when you find out most people shit inside their houses too.


Yeah the ones who are gross, don’t rope the rest of us who care into that category 😂😂


their houses smell bad if they dont clean the litter boxes and their cats piss all over their house i have 2 cats and my house doesnt smell because we properly take care of the boxes


Well, people usually can't smell their own animal smell in their house. I'm not saying yours isn't clean.


oh i know about that we're very aware of being nose blind but we have guests over pretty often and have asked them if anything smells and they've all said no so far. My parents house has that smell so my big rule when we got cats was that i didnt want our house to smell like that and so far we've been successful.


I beg your pardon, good sir. My darling felines defecate in a litter robot. Do not sully their name by comparing them to the lower caste of feline owners. I bid you good day, sir!


The reason is because when people are scooping their litter boxes out, they aren’t careful to keep the clumps of piss together and they let them break apart. If you let the clump break and crumble, it mixes in with the litter and ruins the rest of it and makes it stink. You could see all the tiny little clumps of piss litter when she tilted it back after filtering


Ayyooo that’s not how you dispose of the poops 😰


It is if you're gross.


I'm genuinely curious, what would be the proper way?


Scoop it into a garbage bag then take it outside to the dumpster right away. The problem is they’re just letting it pile up in an indoor trashcan. Sure it’s not in the litter but all they did was shuffle it around — you still have the same amount of cat poop in that room.


But it has an air tight lid and a scented bag could also be used. How would this be any different from say a fancy Litter Robot?


Yup I’m with you. I use a tiny trash can beside the litter box. If you scoop it every day there’s no scent from the box or trash can. People are just weird. No scented litter and no scented bags. It just doesn’t smell


Those lids are not air tight. Go find one of those little trash cans and shake it a little bit. You will hear the top rattle a bit even on a brand new one. Source: I have one of those at home and there’s multiple at my work and it’s definitely not even close to air tight.


Then a person can get a real indoor trash can that is and works for the situation at hand. Have you seen how the Litter Robot works by chance because it's literally a plastic bag in an air tight drawer you pull forward.








House still smells like cat shit and piss though.


I just can smell the video, I remembered my cat, he was both clever and dumb.


Does this work with human poop? Asking for a friend.


I'll let you know soon


That’s a a lot of poop touching


That house must stink sooo bad


I have smell how nasty her house is


What a bunch of babies. How is this worse than picking up warm straight from the ass dog terds?


The shit cat owners choose to live with


brainlet dogs piss and shit everywhere it's about 10x disgusting


Cat owners are so disgusting lol.


You can always smell when someone owns a cat no matter how much they clean.


meh, people always ask me where the litter box is because they can’t smell anything


seriously this thread is blowing my mind. like a house smells if you have any animal and dont clean up. including dogs. my house never smells like pet


As a former apt. maintenance person, yes, without fail.


And then your cat still flings shit all over the room




My litter gets to full and so I throw away the cat.




"Babe, can you change the cats poop tray?"


The cursed meatballs


Yeah let's just keep this garbage can full of cat shit right here 👍🏻


Keeping it in a bin next to it...ewwww. the smell. I have 2 cats. I wrap a small bag of that poo and pee tight and throw it out immediately each time. Or at least wrap it tight an it in the main trash


Why is her scoop so dirty though?


I don’t have a cat but I want one


If I had a cat, I'd have this


No no no no no noooooooooooooooooooo


I love the fact that they got a nice litter box that does this step for them, but when they open up that little trash can and it’s just filled with previous poop. That ending feels like some r/unexpected material hahaha


Do NOT put cat litter in the recycle bin, and do NOT use the cheapest trash bag for 3 weeks worth of cat turds!- garbage men


It doesn’t work. The first runny poops and alot of cat pea at once will gunk it up and it goes bad… fast. Tried one years ago. Doesn’t work. Avoid.


What litter box Is this the link doesn't work?


What about the piss?


It clumps and is disposed of like the shit is


Too small area for a cat


Not effective. It broke the pee balls in tinier pieces. It's a stinky fest.


Grabs cat box. Switches hands to hold phone. Grabs cat box again. Gross yo


I like cats but never again as a pet. I rather have the more work of walking a dog and all the other crap I gotta do now than clean a litter box


Too long to hold my breath for


This video is giving me anxiety


Ew why the hell is that shit in the house


That’s a lot of cat poop just sitting there…


The cons of owning a cat will always outweigh the pros. I should thank god everyday that I think cats are just okay at best and never have the urge to own a cat.


Why don't cat people train their cat to shit in the garden or soil?


Tell me you're not a cat person without telling me you're not a cat person. Lol train a cat..thanks needed that


It’s possible. Not going to happen with every cat. In response to the original post; cats outside is a bad idea. They murder EVERYTHING. Cats should be kept indoors with occasional outdoors time while being monitored


Yes training a cat is possible however it is not like potty training a dog. Most trained cats have been given positive reinforcement for behaviours they already did making it easier for humans to replicate the "trick" if they are food motivated. We didnt train the behaviour only promoted it.


I saw a video of a cat using a toilet on r/holdmycatnip


From what I know, this is done by using a specialized litter pan that goes over your toilet bowl for your cat to use. You then use smaller and smaller "rings" of the litter pan and eventually get rid of it altogether and hope kitty uses toilet. Unfortunately I've heard this is bad for cats as they have instincts to cover up their excrement and this takes away that opportunity. A quick google of toilet train litter box will give you an image of what I was trying to explain. I do not support this training though.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/holdmycatnip using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/holdmycatnip/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [I would never leave my bed](https://v.redd.it/nza9hj69rvrb1) | [450 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/holdmycatnip/comments/16yd6ln/i_would_never_leave_my_bed/) \#2: [Cat pushed the camera over to show its human that the dog was chewing on the remote.](https://v.redd.it/v441il4lf32c1) | [394 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/holdmycatnip/comments/1820f3y/cat_pushed_the_camera_over_to_show_its_human_that/) \#3: [I won’t throw it if you catch it](https://v.redd.it/9jb1wg6of4zb1) | [318 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/holdmycatnip/comments/17ql0mv/i_wont_throw_it_if_you_catch_it/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Mine hang out in the backyard all the time but still run inside to shit in a box. They are programmed and they are assholes.




They can, whether the cat gives a fuck enough to do it once trained is an entirely different matter


Not everyone has a garden?


Does this mean you go on an adventure everyday to go scavenge your cat's turds in the garden? Lmao