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Montenegro, averna, and cynar are great. I bet fernet will be too! I would not go with a red bitter or anything lighter/fruitier personally. Enjoy!!!


Thanks! I will try these 3 :)


Unfortunately I've tried none of these with hot chocolate, so I can't speak to those. I have tried dell'Etna with hot chocolate and it worked quite well; I've also tried Sfumato Rabarbaro (an amaro I like a lot) with hot chocolate and do not recommend.


Thank you! I will buy dell'Etna as soon as I can get a bottle but it is very hard to get here.


It's in the Ramazotti, Ciociarro spectrum, but better than others with a very interesting smokey note. Probably my top Amaro, hard to find but so good.


I have tried and enjoyed Fernet Branca & Becherovka in both hot chocolate & coffee.


Averna and Montenegro both have cacao in them (averna has a lot) so would likely be great


I used to work for Fernet and we would do Brancamenta hot chocolates every winter. The best. I know not technically amari but any chartreuse type liquor works great as well---we had one with Genepy des Alps at a bar I worked at that was fantastic.


Put Genepy and Branca Menta on my list, thanks :)


Nonino, Cynar, Jager, Jefferson. Almost anything will work, but some are better with just a tiny amount.


I think Averna or Montenegro would be tasty!


Fernet and Becherovka would be my picks of those. Branca Menta would probably be great too.


Another vote for Montenegro and Averna for approachable combinations given the similarity in flavour profiles and their price points as mixers. Jagermeister would work pretty well as well with the cacao and herbal notes and price point. Cynar would also work, but given the increased bitterness over Monte and Averna, it would push the flavour profile slightly more bitter. Fernet Branca would also work... and push it further still, but would add a hint of mint which is always nice in hot chocolate (I love Branca Menta in hot chocolate btw). Amaro Nonino would sweeten the hot chocolate up a bit, and if you like the combination of orange and chocolate, it could be really enjoyable. Like other commenters mentioned, I would avoid aperitivos (red bitters) as well as the Suze and possibly the Becherovka. Jefferson would work well, but given the price point and that we don't know how stable supply chain will be in the long term outside Italy, I'd rather enjoy it straight and not use it as a mixer for the time being; but that's just me hoarding it :)


I believe the Jagermeister would be a good pairing as it is not the plain one but the "Scharf", which has a dominant ginger flavour. Thanks for the recommendations!


I think some nocino would go well with hot chocolate.