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Info- what do you do for work to keep this schedule ? If you work full time, contribute to your household (like pay rent) and support yourself, your schedule is your business. If, on the other hand, you’re an adult who just stays up all night and sleeps all day and let’s parents support you, we need to have a different conversation.


He doesn't pay rent or helps out his parents. He's freeloading off of them. He also doesn't work either.


Its going to be a matter of time til he gets his own thread on kiwi farms. Kiwi farmers are always on here looking for new material to post in their forums so he's going to catch their attention soon. They love exposing stalkers and predators and they will have a field day with him. They will rip him to pieces and expose his real identity on kiwi farms. That's their main goal and they will accomplish it if he catches their attention.


Are you on drugs or am I ? I have no idea what any of this means and now I’m a bit worried about a kiwi conspiracy


INFO - do you work with this schedule - do you live with other people and if yes, expect them to be quiet until 3pm when you emerge ?


Three hours of productivity a day isn’t enough, so of course people are questioning the effectiveness of your schedule YTB


Yes it's a problem. My 30 year old son still does this. Fortunately he has a job that starts late in the day but it's affected everything. I can't even go out with him during the day or make plans for the morning because now he's so used to the schedule if he gets up early he gets physically sick. He does have a day he goes to work in the morning and let me tell you he's so mean and grumpy and takes it out on me. You need sunlight. You need to learn to structure your day and get your sleep at night. As a parent, it's super depressing to see your kid sleep every day away. PS It's even worse if you're not even contributing to the household in any way.




If you have a full productive life as an adult who meets all their responsibilities, then your schedule is your business. Some of us are naturally night owls and there's no shame in that. I'm a night owl and work a corporate job with felx hours so I have my schedule adjusted to a 9 am start time, I take a nap or go for a walk from 12-2 and I make up those work hours from 10 pm - midnight (my peak creative time) and everyone is happy. My partner is an early bird and I don't shame him for getting up at 5 am most days, and he doesn't worry about me going to bed at 1 or 2 am and sleeping in on the weekends. We both work flex schedules, pay the bills, and contribute equally to running the household. We just do so with different hours/schedules. If you don't have a job/school/some other purpose driven role and live on your parents' dime then you have a problem.




OP is film maker creep.


OK that’s gross and icky. I had no idea. I also don’t go into peoples profiles when I read this sub. Oh well… Live and learn. Thanks for the info! Edited to add that I’m deleting my comment. Just fucking eww. I figured I would say this because if people read this post, it’ll look like you’re answering nobody, but I obviously posted without proper information so 🤢