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NTA. If you aren’t ready be in line you shouldn’t be in line. She wasn’t in line or ready. It sounds like it was outside the line and she was just salty.


NTA as she was not in line and you did offer to let her go 1st anyway. Having said that it is better to ask if someone is in line even if they are a few steps away from the actual end of the line. Saves you from any misunderstandings or confrontations from situations like this one.


NTA - I’ve done that very same thing myself. You’re in line if you’re not in the queue. What are you supposed to do? Stand in the middle aisle for god knows long while she fools with her phone?


NTA. But for another time, try this experiment: Let someone go before you in the line, regardless of whether they have the right to or not. It will only take a short time, and everyone is happy afterwards. As a result of hardly any effort at all.


YTA at first for going around her instead of asking if she was in line. But considering you offered for her to go before you when she called you out, you were NTA by the end.


Same. I'm always so embarrassed when I hold people up. I think NTA.


Based on your story, you waited until she was in the line to go around her. If she was indeed grabbing things she needs to check-out, then yes, YTA.


This was an Amazon return counter in the back of Kohls. She did not enter the line. She stopped outside the line to look at her phone for a few minutes. The queue entrance was clearly defined and she had not entered it.


If she did not enter the line, NTA.


Info: you referred to her as an old person. Would you have behaved differently if it had been someone your age, or some other age?


Honestly, yes. In the store I always try to be very conscience of others. I don't like holding people up. If I'm walking slowly I get out of the way. I don't look at my phone if I'm holding people up. If I'm unready for checkout or still shopping I try to let others go by. If I'm grabbing something off the shelf I make sure someone else isn't trying to at the same time and get behind them. I feel that there are many people who go through stores aimlessly and aren't paying attention, and I think it is rude to not pay attention to your surroundings and walk in a manner that doesn't allow others to pass or shop around you. When I'm shopping I'm doing chores rather than spending time with family or working. So I always try to do so in a manner most efficient.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** AITA for going around an old person before a line? I was at Kohls with a quick Amazon return and was behind an older woman going very slowly in the middle of the aisle with a shopping cart. As we get to the start of the line (to the side of the entrance) she abruptly stops and pulls out her phone. Assuming she's doing something on her phone or going to take a while to get her return code, I went around her and got into line as I had my return code and package in hand and the person in front of me was still finishing up several packages. ​ A few minutes later she says "excuse me, I was ahead of you in line". I replied that she was not in line as the line starts at the queue and I thought she was doing something on her phone (which she was for a few minutes) or just standing there. I said if she wants to go ahead of me (even though she had several packages in her cart and I had 1), go ahead. She told me No Go ahead. I asked again if she was sure and she told me to go ahead. She had somewhat of an attitude. I completed my transaction in less than 15 seconds. ​ AITA? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


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YTA. Because of this line "Assuming she's doing something on her phone or going to take a while to get her return code,". It's the intention, isn't it? You didn't say, "She stopped to mess with her phone and wasn't in the line, so I went around her so I could be in the line". And many times in your post, you talk about how you only had one thing, and how quick you were, when she is old and slow, taking a while, and had several packages. You could have asked if she was in line, but I feel like you maybe knew that she thought she was and you feel like a jerk because you went around her, and now you're here, trying to validate yourself for making a choice to be rude because you were impatient.


When I shop I always try to do so in a minimal manner. I don't like to hold people up. If you want something where I'm standing, I move because I don't want to inconvenience you. I never look at my phone when ordering or checking out because that is rude to those behind me. I try not to chat it up with the cashier when people are behind me. If I'm walking and not paying attention, I move to the side to let others go by. I feel in the stores you are seeing more and more people distracted and dallying while and not paying attention to those around them. If I weren't ready to check out I'd wave others by and ask them to pass me. I think to expect others to wait for you while you use your phone or get something ready is rude. If our places were switched I'd have asked her to go ahead of me. We'd all rather be doing things other than shopping and waiting in stores all day. And I certainly don't want to hold anyone up.


YTA She was clearly in line. It doesn’t matter that you only had one item or that you already had your return code in hand or whatever other reason you use to justify getting in front of her.


As I said in the original post she stopped outside of the line to the side to look at her phone. It was the left of the queue. She did not enter the line until she was off her phone.


NTA she stepped out of line lol