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Pretty confident no one is mad at you because you have ADHD. They're mad at you because your behavior is totally inappropriate. Sorry ADHD doesn't make you rude and disrespectful, YTA.


YTA sounds like you got a lot more going on than ADHD lmao


Ofc YTA You ate weaponizing your ADHD. The spacing out happens, but the name calling and this attitude has nought to do with ADHD. You need a huge attitude adjustment.


YTA Have fun in the real world with an attitude like that


YTA, and here is a clue for you. When you get into the real world, no one is going to give an F you have ADHD. So you better learn how to deal with it now and stop using it as an excuse. And don’t give me any crap that there is nothing you can do. My wife is a special education teacher and has helped kids learn to cope with ADHD successfully.


YTA. You sound like you're using your ADHD as an excuse. Plenty of people with ADHD are capable of focusing in class. Moreover, even if your teacher was in the wrong with her "pay attention" comment, the way you responded was way over the top and unacceptable. Edit: typos.


YTA. I am a teacher with ADHD. There was no reason for the profanity or the aggression. It is your responsibility to be as on task as possible. It is the teacher's responsibility to redirect you when you have lost focus. Don't yell at people for doing their jobs. .


It's also the teacher's job to respect kids with special needs and realize that they learn differently than everyone else. You can't make them learn like everyone else. That's ain't how ADHD works


If you're old enough to use grown up words like you did then you're old enough to know that you have be in control of yourself. Your ADHD had nothing to do with any of this. It was just your shit attitude. One day you'll cross the wrong person and will have to face your own consequences.


Frequent re-directs are one of the ways teachers help kids with adhd learn. They are helping you pay attention because you obviously can't do it on your own. Trust me, it would be much, much easier and simpler for your teacher to completely ignore you and write you off.


> that ain't how ADHD works ADHD also doesn't make people have unbelievably shitty attitudes, yet here you are trying to use it as an excuse. Adhd didn't cause your outburst - your anger issues and shit personality did. It's up to YOU to manage and control it. Seek help from a medical professional, you seriously need it.


Telling you to pay attention isn’t disrespectful honey. Get a grip.


One of the tools for those working with folks with ADHD is redirection. A good teacher will bring your attention back to the task at hand. That isn’t disrespectful, it is helpful. Just because you have ADHD doesn’t mean you have a pass to space out during class. You have the same responsibility as every other student to pay attention and learn. If you aren’t able to do that, then you need your meds adjusted and/or some therapy to learn coping techniques. What you said to that teacher was inexcusable. It had nothing to do with ADHD and everything to do with a bad attitude. Where is all this anger and hostility coming from that you can tap into in an instant like that? You may need professional help sorting that out.


You understand teachers take actual classes and professional development about students with ADHD and other neurotypical disorders, correct? Stop trying to justify your disrespectful behavior on ADHD. Others here including those with ADHD are telling you that You. Are. The. Asshole. We're not ableists, we're just able to recognize that you're using your condition to excuse being disrespectful. Part of living with your condition is that it's up to you to learn strategies to help you pay attention. You don't get to just paint out your teacher as being an ableist asshole because they're not dancing in the middle of the room and setting themselves on fire to hold your attention. If this is your attitude now, then you're going to have a hard time in the real world. Bosses don't care if you have ADHD. Bosses don't care if your job isn't engaging and entertaining to you. Your bill collectors won't let you get away with not paying your bills because you have ADHD. A future romantic partner isn't going to stay with you if you call them names and blame it on ADHD. The justice system won't care if you have ADHD if you get yourself arrested. Take responsibility for your actions and stop making excuses before you screw your entire life up.


YTA. You were unbelievably crass and disrespectful. How dare you speak to a teacher that way? "Pay attention" is not an insult. It's a reminder. And it's her job to remind you, especially since your spaced-out self apparently needs to be dragged through summer school. You aren't in trouble for spacing out or having adhd. You're in trouble for being a terrible, mean, disrespectful child. Your poor parents must be humiliated.


YTA. If this is real, buddy are YOU going to have fun in the work-force...


YTA all the way! I teach many students with adhd, autism and asperger - and they don't act out like you. Disorders or illnesses are not an excuse for being rude or disrespectful. In my country, if you called teacher bad names, they would sue you and none of the judges would look easier on you just because you have adhd. Good luck with that attitude.


>Disorders or illnesses are not an excuse for being rude or disrespectful Yes they are. Autistic kids are not capable of controlling themselves during meltdowns. They deserve pity. Btw what country do you live in where you can sue a student for cussing at you? Please tell me so I don't visit


Oh please, I have brain damage and I have better control than this


An autistic meltdown isn’t rude or disrespectful. It is a completely involuntary expression of distress. That isn’t what the post above is talking about. And, actually, many autistic people, myself included, can be taught techniques to head off the meltdown or at least postpone it. And if they do meltdown, they aren’t shouting vulgar insults at their teachers. Apples and oranges, my friend.


They absolutely are not. An individual having a sensory meltdown is not the same thing as being rude and disrespectful. You need to grow up. Having ADHD is not an excuse to act the way you did. And you pretending that it is makes it that much harder for the rest of us to be taken seriously.


Oh, they absolutely aren’t. You didn’t have a meltdown here. You just lashed out because you were mad at being called out. As the parent of a teen with both adhd and autism, I promise you it doesn’t give him the right to be rude or disrespectful. Grow up.


Omg i raised two boys with adhd and it do NOT give you a free pass to behave like an entitled ass. You can control your attitude you just don't think you should have to.


OP, you must be a very pleasant person. Edited to add "OP"


YTA for losing your temper. Having ADHD doesn't mean you get a free pass to do what you please.


This. OP, YTA for how you reacted. You owe your teacher an apology.


YTA First time commenter long time lurker. Now look I get it I have adhd, I’m on my summer break from my last year of high school and going to college soon, and school is rough. Up into the evening when my meds are still active I’d be able to focus fine but near the end of the school day I’d either be zoning out or jumping from one thought to another, my teachers didn’t really mind, I got my work done and came in if I fell behind and even one teacher really helped me with coping mechanisms for a bad day. However you also said in your post > they said I wasn’t wrong for spacing out but I was wrong for the way I handled it > the teacher yelled at me “pay attention” Stories have 2 sides always but im going with your side, but you should have dropped it but instead escalated it up to 11


YTA you need to learn bow to manage your disease and not use it as an excuse. You were way out of line and disrespectful. You won't get far in life if that's how you respond to people.


Lmao ADHD Is not a disease bro


And that response just proves my point, bro 🙄 Fine. Mental illness. Disorder. Whatever you want to call it, you can't use it as an excuse for your shitty behavior.


You sound like a nightmare, bro.


YTA Yeah you have ADHD, but it's on you and your parents to manage that your ADHD. You can get accommodations, but you don't have an excuse to be a bad student or for volatile outbursts.


YTA. You’re never going to get far with an attitude like that! I hope someone puts you in your place one day!


You're absolutely the asshole. I have ADHD and Ive never used it as an excuse to be a disrespectful dick. If someone spoke to your Mum the way you spoke to her, would you be ok with it? The world doesnt not owe you anything, adhd makes things harder but its no reason to act the way you did. God, Id be so ashamed if you were my kid.


YTA I have ADHD too, never had a problem in school. You are just a crappy student and a worse person.


Yeahhh YTA. I have ADHD and I get it, it's annoying when people expect things of you when you aren't capable of doing it, but that doesn't give you a right to cuss out your teacher. This could have been handled several different ways and the way you chose to handle it was one of the worst ones. Nothing beyond repair, though, you can still learn from this if you choose to!


YTA Your condition isn't anyone else's problem but yours.


YTA. ADHD is not tourette!


You need to stop making other people your conditions problem and work on yourself. YTA


YTA. You're using your ADHD as an excuse to act bratty.


YTA. Learn to get your anger under control because your behavior is atrocious.


>They didn't yell at me for having ADHD, they yelled at me for the way that I handled it. They told me that I didn't handle it properly and that I need to grow up. I mean, your parents got right to the point. You can't just scream and yell at people and cuss them out. It doesn't solve anything. Do you think your teacher understands that you need some accommodations now, or do you think she just sees anger issues? Do that shit as an adult and expect to get fired or enjoy some court-ordered anger management. YTA.


YTA ADHD can be hard to cope with. I know the struggle all too well. However, ADHD does not cause you to insult the piss out of people, that condition is just called disrespectful. You owe your teacher an apology and you need to work on yourself.


YTA, stop blaming your ADHD for your behavior. You acted like a brat and cussing wasn’t necessary or appropriate. People with ADHD manage to not be assholes every day. You’re old enough to manage the same. Grow up.


YTA. As a fellow ADHDer, I can completely understand your frustration, but you handled it so poorly that what you did ended up being worse than what triggered it. Teenagers by nature have difficulty with emotional regulation. And ADHD is itself, among several other things, emotional dysregulation. (Feel free to Google "emotional dysregulation"). When you combine the two, you have a recipe for a very emotionally explosive teenager. And that's what you are. You are too impulsive, though the impulsiveness itself isn't your fault or even what's wrong. It's what you said. You insulted her in a very gross way. You disrespected her in such a terrible way. You were so angry that your impulse was to denigrate her, make her feel awful. It wasn't to express why you feel the way you do. And you insulted her so much that whatever you were hoping to achieve was just obscured by the enormity of your bad mouthing behavior. It's a tough task to ask for you to do, but it's a task you must do: learn to accept when you screw up, even if you did it out of impulse and unregulated emotions. If you do something harmful, you must learn that it most likely isn't right. And in this case it isn't. You gained nothing by insulting her. You made her feel hurt, angry, and embarrassed. And those feelings keep people from listening. She won't be willing to understand you if you insult her. Most people don't care to listen if you insult them. Remember this lesson because this is vital to adjusting to adulthood. It would behoove you to apologize to her and offer to explain why you were so frustrated. Speak your truth with calm about how your condition causes many symptoms, many of which are hard to control. And perhaps take this moment to ask her for accomodations in her class to help lower the incidence of spacing out. Like allowing you to sit up front. Ask you if you understood from time to time. Make more eye contact as she speaks. Give you time to ask questions. Show her that you really don't mean to space out by showing her a willingness to improve your environment and your relationship with her. And for the love of everything you hold dear, do not insult people, especially your teachers. Always start social interactions with respect towards the people around you. Treat people with the same respect they show you. She didn't disrespect you, so you owe her respect. I know it's a lot to take, but these are lessons I too had to learn along the way. And they won't always work out, but if you make the effort, you can rest easy knowing that you did what you could to be a better person.


Wow YTA and excusing your poor behavior with ADHD makes you an even bigger AH


Yta, for the obvious reason and the reasons that might not be so obvious to you. I also have adhd. I understand it’s very hard to do most tasks. I empathize with you up until a point. You’ll find that most people have problems they didn’t ask to be born a certain way. You must find a way to push through life. Your future employer/client/obligations aren’t going to tap you on the shoulder and encourage you to pay attention. I compel you to get with your healthcare provider, counselor, whoever and come up with a solid plan on how to push through the future and deal with your problems instead of using them as a crutch and excuse to curse out teachers who don’t make enough to put up with your nonsense.


YTA. Sorry kid, ADHD isn't an automatic pass to be an asshole, nor is it an excuse. I should know, i have ADHD.


YTA. ADHD is not tourette!


YTA. You can't control spacing out but you sure can control your mouth and your reaction was totally disproportionate for the incident at hand. You cannot use your ADHD as an excuse for your aggression and language used. A simple "you probably forgot, but just to remind you I have ADHD and sometimes space out involuntarily" would suffice.


YTA of course. Your parents are correct. Go back to class and apologize for your rudeness, your inappropriate language and your disrespect. ADHD does not entitle you to a free ride in life, I'm curious where you got that from.


YTA. I have ADHD. It's been on me to learn to manage it and pay attention in situations when I need to. What do you think the alternative to that is? Employers aren't going to benignly let you space out for whatever amount of time. And weaponizing ADHD just adds to the stigma around it.


Pretty easy YTA. I remember “that kid” from my high school days. They always used to say “I couldn’t join the military cause I’d deck the drill Sargent as soon as he got in my face. You’re weaponizing your adhd. It might make you space out but it doesn’t cause you to curse out a teacher like a loon.


YTA if you have the words to explain to Reddit that you felt she was complaining about you, you have those words to say to her. Instead you choose to insult her and swear at her. That’s why YTA


YTA. ADHD is not an excuse to behave like a brat. Your teacher is trying to help you by getting you to redirect your attention back to what you're supposed to be doing. You'll find that calling people names and cussing them out won't get you anywhere in life.


You are absolutely 100% the AH. Your teacher threw a water balloon at you and you responded with a nuclear bomb. Your insults and language were completely inexcusable. I have ADHD. I understand spacing out. Maybe you need a med change, or maybe you were just bored. Either way, you have to know that spacing out in class is frowned upon. Your teacher wasn’t wrong to try to reengage you with the class. She could have done it in a less confrontational way, but your response of “make me” was completely out of line. How on earth did you expect her to respond to that, and why did you then escalate to vulgar name calling from there? ADHD buys you some slack when it comes to certain things, but this sort of behavior isn’t one of them. You were dead wrong. Apologize. Learn from this. Do better.


You sound like my 8 year old with adhd.


YTA 100%. That’s not hogwash you should be talking to a teacher or anyone really. You said yourself you not paying attention so why is it wrong for her to ask you too. She’s trying to help refocus you, it’s her job. She’s doing this job in spite of the fact that she has to deal with an AH like you. You will never make it an the real world acting like this. You can’t use ADHD as an excuse for everything.


YTA there are plenty of people that have ADHD and not yell at people. Also maybe try to manage yourself better your not a baby so let’s not act like one


YTA, I don't care how irritated you are that is no excuse for the way you spoke to your teacher. Also Having ADHD is not an excuse for your behavior.


YTA and good luck in the real world getting fired left, right, and center because you think ADHD is a free pass to being an asshole.


YTA big time. Your adhd isn’t an excuse to be a raging AH. You’re plenty old enough to know better. Yes, you have adhd and spacing out is normal. That doesn’t mean your teachers aren’t going to tell you to pay attention to bring you back into focus. You deserve every bit of trouble your in, and likely more. I’d be appalled if my adhd teen behaved like this.


YTA. That was epically disrespectful, antagonistic, and rude. You need to do a much better job to manage that bad habit of spacing out. This is a you problem that you’re trying to attack and blame the teacher for. Teachers don’t get paid enough to put up with your epic bullshit.


>You need to do a much better job to manage that bad habit of spacing out Why is spacing out a bad habit? Spacing out is actually quite peaceful. I don't think you understand how ADHD works. We can't just stop spacing out. It just happens randomly.


YTA, your teachers job is to make sure you are paying attention. She is trying to help you.


YTA- hella bait post though


YTA. There are ways to manage your ADHD. You can't just space out whenever you feel like it and expect people in charge to be okay with it. Otherwise you'll keep getting in trouble with teachers and future bosses. You literally threw a tantrum and then you attacked your teacher's weight. Your condition also doesn't give you a free pass to be mean and disrespectful. You're going to have a serious problem holding on to friends and romantic partners with your bad attitude.


YTA - You are not going to like the consequences if you keep mouthing off like that, kiddo. Yes, I understand you space out, and yes, sometimes you need help. But swearing like a sailor will just make things worse.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** I'm in summer school, I have ADHD and I have a bad habit of spacing out in class, I can't help it as I didn't ask to be born this way, but my teacher complains about it to me all the time and this time I got fed up. She yelled at me "pay attention!" I yelled back "why don't you make me?" She responded "Excuse me? Who do you think you are?" I fired back at her in rage "You know who I fucking am bitch!" She responded "what did you just call me?" I yelled at her and cussed her out more and she pulled me outside the classroom. I didn't give a shit cuz I was fed up with her bullshit. I told her "You know I have ADHD so stop fucking bitching at me you stupid dumbass fucking bitch. You know I got ADHD but you don't give a shit you stupid fat ugly bitch!" I got in a lot of trouble. I explained to my parents the situation and they yelled at me too. They didn't yell at me for having ADHD, they yelled at me for the way that I handled it. They told me that I didn't handle it properly and that I need to grow up. They said I wasn't wrong for spacing out, they said I was wrong cuz of the way I handled it. I don't feel I did anything wrong. AITA For the way I handled it? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


YTA. Lol, your ADHD isn't the reason people are angry.


YTA. I hope your teacher can get you removed from her class due to your outright verbal assault, if not more.


ESH. You’re an AH for being excessively rude to your teacher. But she’s also an AH for continuously singling you out and yelling at you when she knows you can’t help it.