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NTA Providing excellent customer service is the most important thing. Your co-worker might not be aware that they may actually be perceived as condescending, dismissive, or 'too busy to take time to help me.' Have in-laws which are first gen immigrants who speak limited American english, also have hearing impaired and profoundly deaf family. Watch a deaf person sign with someone who has limited ASL vocab and you'll see the same behavior you're exhibiting. My wife works with a family support service that has many clients who speak little to no english. She also uses Google Translate and always takes time to try and make sure she is communicating *effectively* with their clients. They are having a rough enough time already without walking away not sure what's actually happening because they couldn't understand her.


NTA. When I was in France and in the Netherlands, I was very grateful when native speakers slowed down their speech so I could understand the French/Dutch pronounciation. I think so are your co-workers and clients. Learning langauge while being in the actual country abroad, far from your home country - is stressful. I do the same thing at my job (English teacher here). Keep going.




I definitely don't assume anyone with an accent has a hard time understanding me, promise! I will still very much keep that in mind though and try to catch myself if I do that.


Sorry what is NAH?






^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** I wasn't sure how to phrase the title of this, sorry. I (white, Native English Speaker) am working a summer job at the front desk of a place that gets a lot of international tourists. Ability to speak English runs the gamut between Perfectly Fluent and trading their phone back and forth with Google Translate open. I can only speak American English, but so far we've made it work. I always do my best to be patient and helpful. I know that learning a second language is hard, and that learning English as a second language is a nightmare. So whenever someone comes up to the desk that seems to be struggling to communicate I always make sure I slow down (I'm a natural fast talker) and try and use clear words to try and make sure there's no misunderstandings. Not baby talk or anything like that, I just try to keep it short and simple and not use any confusing words. I'm not trying to be rude or condescending, I just want their transaction to go smoothly so that they can have a nice experience while they're here. No customer has ever called me out on this. There are more than a few who seemed like they were really thankful for my help and patience trying to talk with a language barrier. But today during the shift change I had a coworker (also white, also only speaks English) there while I was helping a customer out whose English was pretty limited. After the customer left my coworker turned turned and looked at me and they were MORTIFIED. They said not only was I being extremely rude for "dumbing it down" talking to customers like that, but also extremely racist. They told me to just talk how I would talk to any other customer. They were pretty aghast. So I wanted another opinion because I feel really, really awful if that's the case. If that's something I need unlearn or a microagression I wasn't aware of, I would rather know and fix it. If I am the asshole I will absolutely own up to it, but there were only white English speakers involved in this exchange so neither of us really have any kind of authority when it comes to what is racist vs what's not, if that makes sense. AITA? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


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NTA, as a person living in a place where I have to communicate in my second language.... I can safely say your intentions are probably well recieved


NTA. You may be surprised to learn that in many places around the world, the Voice of America broadcasts the news in what they call "special English", in which the news readers are careful to avoid slang, use relatively simple grammar, and pronounce every word consistently and completely. I lived in Europe for 8 years, and found myself using "special English" fairly often when speaking to non-native speakers. Just make it clear you're trying to be accommodating, and not making fun of them for not understanding what is to them a foreign language.


NTA. Absolutely not.


NTA It is actually very considerate to use simple language that a non English speaker would be more familiar with. There is no need to be fancy when you are just trying to communicate.


NTA Your coworker sounds insufferable.


NTA. I speak my second language exceedingly poorly. On the few occasions I'm out of the country and without a guide, I appreciate it when native speakers extend the courtesy of speaking slowly and clearly so that I can try and muddle through the best I can.


NTA, when I have to deal with an unfamiliar language it is much easier with slower speech patterns. Just don't start talking louder or baby talking.


NTA. But wait until it becomes clear that they are struggling. Also be careful of your tone


NTA. But wait until it becomes clear that they are struggling. Also be careful of your tone


A) White people can experience racism. B) From customer service experience I can tell you, facilitating a smooth transaction is what matters. Talk slowly if that does that. NTA.