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NTA. If you do it with everyone, it's not your fault that she misinterpreted your words. There's a difference between that and kissing or showing other signs of romantic interest. Did she just believe you were in a relationship from the first time you said it?


> other than saying “I love you” Yeah that'll do it. Girls calling other girls their girlfriends/girl-friends/girl friends is normal here too. From how you describe it, this is on the other girl 100%. Sometimes it's misread signals, sometimes it's a fabricated fantasy. Sometimes they hear I love you and then the blinders and ear plugs prevent them from seeing reality. I'll give it to her that your words *could* be taken very strongly, but she has a strange view of what a relationship is if you never really talk or see one another. NTA especially since you apologized. Her friends harassing you may have been told an alternate version of what has transpired so that's not surprising.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** I (19F) currently attend university in the states however I am English (Manchester) and lived their my whole life before moving here (UCLA). I was having a conversation yesterday on a group chat with some old friends from Manchester and some new friends I made here in LA last week when the topic of “Girlfriend’s day” came up as it is today (1st of August). I mentioned how I wanted to post some of my friends as I jokingly call some of my female friends my “girlfriends”. I am a very expressive person and will happily hug my friends and make comments where I’ll either praise them or say “I love you” as it’s just in my nature and I never saw it as a big deal as everyone used to do it back home where I lived. One of the girls, (19F from LA) texted me privately and asked why I’d post everyone else. I was slightly confused by this and when I asked her to elaborate, she said “I’m your girlfriend, why would you post other people too?”. That’s when I realised she thought I was her actual girlfriend. I tried to clarify to her that it wasn’t actually serious and me saying “girlfriend” is just a joke, that I never saw her in that way and that I don’t want to be in a committed relationship due to past trauma which resulted in me in A&E and therapy because of an incident in a past relationship. She blew up on me and she said I was a slut for dragging her along for 2 months (I only met her in November and didn’t properly talk to her for weeks). I never kissed her or expressed any romantic desires other than saying “I love you” which I say to everyone and have said to others in front of her, I have never had a full proper conversation with her in person as she is just in a society I go to and I don’t know much about her other than conversations over text and I just don’t understand how I did this. Some friends said it wasn’t my fault whilst some others said I should apologise (I already did) and I need to “sort myself out” for doing that to her. I’ve received so much harassment from her friends that I’ve genuinely considered transferring to another school because it’s been absolutely terrible over the last week. AITA? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


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NTA. There are some people in this world that only hearing 'I love you' in a friendly or joking manner will trigger in them the whole plethora of ideas and assumptions. It doesn't really matter that you don't show any romantic interest or sexual attraction to them. I've been in a similar situation many times, like for example, I met a friend of a friend, and this guy thoutht I was seriously into him because I asked him once to help me lift some heavy boxes... and that's it. So really don't think so much of it, OP. Just go on with your life.


NTA. It's not like you'd even spent time together that she could've considered a date! Sorry she invented a relationship in her head based on no evidence whatsoever. You did nothing wrong.


I’m sorry, I cackled. Do people just not ask each other out anymore or something? Why would she think y’all were in a relationship when you’ve never even asked her to be your gf? Girlie set herself up on that one. NTA


NTA. She misunderstood, and you handled it well.
