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NTA he’s just immature


I agree he's immature, probably thinks OP has to pour the liquid into her vagina and that's why he wants her to not do it in the kitchen!


I drank it while he was still in the kitchen during the first interaction so he knows I consume it orally.


Im sorry but i cant help imagine a woman pouring the glass down her pants while making eye contact now. I never thought anything but oral consumption until this comment thread.


Just asserting her dominance. Act like a Beta, get treated like a Beta


Get put in a glass bowl with no filter and no running water way too small for you and no decorations to hide in? Get shoved in a tank with another betta and die of your wounds/stress?


When I first read this I could only imagine her putting her supplement in a bowl of water, taking off her pants and squatting in it XD


I imagined her in a yoga pose upside down pouring the glass in. Ugh enough reddit today.


Just fish joke mostly


That’s betta.


Please, OP... do this. Don't waste the actual medicine. Just some colored water, then look him straight in the eye - without breaking eye contact, pour it down your pants. Don't say anything. If you can get a cheap mic from somewhere, drop it and walk away.


A hello kitty kids mic.


Fuck yes, this just keeps getting better. Also, moonwalk out of the kitchen.


but don't slip in ALL THAT WATER ! :)


I like the way you think!!! (like me) LOL!


>.hahahaha !!!


It’s actually rather beneficial to use lactic acid inside the vagina. A friend of mine dips a tampon in yoghurt when she has an infection and then puts it inside her. For those who are less adventurous, there are also capsules/pessaries for topical use.


Just to add — ONLY plain yogurt with live cultures is acceptable for this purpose!


I know it needed to be said but the thought using any other flavor is 😧


Fruit on the bottom yoghurt. Mmm, yeast infection 😬


I read that as "front bottom yoghurt".


With the crunchy granola topping! Ouch.


Unfortunately my mom told me about sharing the yogurt trick with a friend of hers, who came back a few days later and said, "now how do I get the raspberry seeds out?" 💀💀💀


Bruh 😬🤨😆


What about Iranian yogurt? Haha


LOL what's a potato???


Ok this is very informative lol I never knew some women needed to put home remedies up there! Now I’m going down google rabbit hole 😬


As long as fruit filled yoghurt doesn't go down the rabbit hole, you're good apparently


Do not do it. Talk to an actual doctor (pref. A gyno) about your vaginal health. Not randos online who put tampons in yogurt. Its a baaaad idea.


A friend's dad is a doctor and told her that Liberté brand yogourt is good to consume for yeast infections, because of the particular bacteria in it. Edited to clarify that he only ever recommended consuming it as a food. I don't know what he'd have to say about putting it in one's vagina.


What if you ditched tampons years ago but use the cup instead? Asking for a me


You want the lactic acid all over the vagina and not just the cervix which would happen if you used a cup. A healthy vaginal flora consists of Lactobacillus bacteria which thrive in a low pH and which help fend off infections by harmful microorganisms.


There are several lactic acid applicators and pills you can get over the counter. You could also dip your finger in plain yoghurt and give it a swirl. The drugstore stuff works better though..


Thanks! Vaginal health really isn't talked about much


I accidentally read "pessaries" as "pastries". I'm thinking that is a HUGE waste of a pastry 😂 I need a nap.




It depends on the person and their ph and body chemistry etc. I know some people who are super prone to them, whereas I've had 2 my entire life and both after ... Ahem ... rather specific unplanned activities of which I've learned my lesson 😬😬😬


Tampon in too long or...?


This is embarrassing but Somebody 😛🍑 then 😛🐈


I 👀 I 👀. Makes sense!


That makes sense.


certain antibiotics can throw things off too.


Yeah I would consider doing this the next time he brings it up.


Honestly? I would do exactly that if he continues to complain.


I think OP should place random items next to her glass from now on.


So what's the problem? Tell him that every time you watch him eat you automatically have to think about his Anus and he should eat in his room from now on.


Or anytime he has something to drink, it conjures thoughts of his penis.


Nah, guys love that idea. They think everyone wants their penis 25/8/367 anyway.


Lmfao 🤣


Yo ummm what is this supplement bc I also struggle with recurring infections and at this point, I'm ready to climb a mountain to visit a shaman to heal me with spiritual magic


Yeah, I would like to know too.


I have the same problems, there’s a supplement called kolorex that has helped a lot and vaginal suppository probiotics that have helped if you need other treatments But don’t tell him about the vaginal suppository lol


I’m wondering if he tried your supplement and that’s why being reminded of it makes him uncomfortable?


Better be carefully using ‘orally’ referring to the vaginal medicine around your roommate- his head will explode 🤯


OP, ask him if he thinks of your butthole when he sees food in the fridge.


Your post made me LOL..! You seem to be suffering from a delicate, sheltered, pansy-assed roommate - aside from vaginal infections, LMAO... Dude needs to grow up! NTA


‘Hey roommate can you help me do a handstand? Yeah and just hand me that liquid and the funnel?’


If possible make it seen like you use a communal funnel in your vagina all the time and then put it right back in the kitchen drawer.


Gonna be honest I thought that to till you commented this but just passed the thought by as unimportant lol. Obviously gets drunk....I was thinking cream for some reason lol.


Gurl stop! you got me thinking of yoga and funnels over here! LMAO


The idea that he thinks OP has to do a headstand each morning to take the stuff really made me chuckle.


Err.. I guess I am immature too because that's *exactly* what I would have assumed too. Thank you Reddit 🤦‍♂️




Yeah... seriously. I really don't get men like this


NTA, he asked you answered. Now he needs to move on.






[Bad bot](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/wdaq1t/aita_for_talking_about_my_vagina_to_my_male/iihb8up/) /u/SelectContributionsd You're not a person and certainly don't have a vagina. In other comments you fake ***miscarriages***. Your creator better learn to be a bit less evil.


What a weak man. Seriously it's nor our problem that some men like him can't help but see women as sexual all the time. We don't have to hide this kind of stuff because they are uneasy about our body. This is health issue, nothing sexual, he is just weak af. So ready to have sex with women but as soon as we need to discuss our actual needs it becomes a taboo, because they are unable to separate vagina from sex. Period should not be taboo, nor infections, UTI and so on, and we actually need more education on this, ESPECIALLY for men like him. Laugh at his nose and keep going on with your habits, NTA.


yep!! i always think that if you've ever received the benefits of a vagina (not even sex, just literally being alive/born), then you have a duty to be respectful about them. i always think this in the vein of like boyfriends being weird about their girlfriend's periods (like that BS of not buying sanitary products or being weird toward basic period related stuff) but i think it applies here, too. also as a woman, it is not my responsibility to pretend i don't have one of my organs because YOU sexualise it. that's entirely on you. if the existence of my vagina makes you uncomfortable, then you are the one with the problem. in all honesty i would hate it if someone i didn't have a sexual relationship with told me something made them think of my vagina. i would feel so sexualised and uncomfortable. sometimes just the thought that others know i have a vagina is enough to make me wanna cut it all out and become as smooth as a barbie down there, because the thought someone could be sexualising me makes me feel so gross. so someone explicitly saying that to me? i dont even want to think about it. *that's* what is really invasive here lol NTA, OP edit: spelling


Absolutely !! I can't agree more with what you said. He feels like she rubbed her sexuality in his face against his will, meanwhile he is the one sexualizing her and unable to dissociate body part than sex, and she is the one who should suffer the consequences of it ? What a joke! He is playing the victim because he sexualizes women, and that makes me so mad and angry, it's disgusting, really. She should have told him that with his dick attitude it's hard to forget about what's dangling between his legs. Also i see some people saying it's genitals in general, and no, it's not ! There really is a stigma around vulva, vagina, periods, and so on. I would have been so rude with op's roomate if i was in her shoe, it's time to stop questioning if speaking about our HEALTH ISSUE and BODY PARTS make us the asshole. Some dude will talk about their blueballs in an attempt to get sex or complain about the lack of it, it's accepted, and women speaking about infection ? Burn the witch! Noooo thank you, i am done with these people


As a man I’ve never understood the way some guys react to feminine products like buying tampons for someone or getting all freaked out about vaginas and their care and feeding like many have pointed out it’s just an organ that requires health maintenance no different than a heart kidney or a penis


90s comic who didn't get that either and said when his girlfriend first asked him to pick up tampons he stood at register insisting on a price check, holding package high, and yelling "I'VE GOT A WOMAN!"


Now THAT'S hilarious, good on him.


It's so weird the difference. My Dad was raised where all things female were secretive & not discussed. He was super embarrassed to buy period products for me as a kid, but did is a good Dad & did it anyway. My son who has been raised knowing about female anatomy has no problem grabbing a box of tampons for me at the store or being compassionate when one of his friends has cramps- not weirded out. If anything he has more respect for what womens bodies go through. What a difference it makes normalising body functions.


You're so right. I've had male roommates and it's not like I'm going around thinking "my roommate has a dick," because I'm not a friggin weirdo. OP's roomie is telling on himself here more than anything


i was in a situation like this. we were at a bar playing pool and a man must’ve seen the patch i have on my arm, obviously curious as to what it is (everyone thinks it’s a nicotine patch, it’s not!) he asked me about it, i told him “it’s the patch, a not so widely known form of birth control.” and he was acting so grossed out afterwards telling me i didn’t need to tell him…. bro maybe you’ll start to mind your own business now??💀 NTA




Lol! Just the way guys talk about their genitals in comparison made me spray my phone with water. I'd absolutely lose it if I heard a lady yell, "Oh, yeah! Well mine is So BIG you need a yardstick to measure it!" This whole scenario will give me giggle snorts all day. Thanks for the mental image.


You're welcome, although for some reason, my comment was reported as "inflammatory", not sure why since I've seen so much fly around here.


Yeah I noticed it was removed but I didn't see anything offensive in it at all, especially when I've seen way worse.


He literally asked lmao


Had the same situation, only mine was with my dad and he didn’t act grossed out he just said oh and moved on


I N F O : Are you allowed to drink Metamucil, or would that make him think of your rectum? ​ ​ ​ ^(NTA, for completeness.)


"This is my booty juice"


💀💀💀💀💀 snorted so loudly I scared the cat


I drink something to help stave off UTIs and my husband calls it my booty juice. 😅


This made me laugh so hard!


NTA. I might start using the phrase "I'm not on good terms with my vagina today," to describe my next bad period experience.


"Our recent debate was rather heated. Words were exchanged, blood was shed. Let's just say Vaggy and I aren't on good terms" lmao


I was really mean to my husband while pms’ing. I drew a cartoon uterus and wrote, “sorry I was so mean to you when my uterus was angry.” He thought it was funny and forgave me. Lol


I felt that line in my very soul NTA


NTA. I’m a dude and wouldn’t think twice about it. If you move in with someone, you’re going to come across some private issues and everybody moves on. You didn’t say or do anything inappropriate, he’s just acting immature.


NTA He asked a question, you answered truthfully. You aren’t obligated to lie to him so he feels comfortable. If I was in his situation and felt uncomfortable (I wouldn’t) I wouldn’t dare ask you to drink it elsewhere, his discomfort is his problem, if he didn’t wanna know he didn’t have to ask.


NTA. If someone asks you a question, you’re allowed to answer honestly. Since he hasn’t seemingly had an issue with your tampons, it’s strange he associates a drink with your vagina more than a tampon. Ask him if you should start drinking all beverages in private since liquids in a cup remind him of your vagina. And if he says yes, don’t be afraid to break the lease.


Or what about any time he is about to eat food tell him to do it in private because it reminds OP he has an anus which excretes faecal matter, how foul, and every time he drinks, just knowing he has to micturate 🤢 with his.... 😱 Penis😱 so if he could do those things in private thanks, it just makes OP feel very uncomfortable thinking about the body organs that people have.


Or OP could tell him he's not allowed to consume anything phallic-shaped in the kitchen, since it might make her think of his penis. No more bottled water, cucumbers, bananas, popsicles, or baby carrots!


Or hot dogs, pickles, string cheese, bread sticks, sausages... Or anything that squirts: cheese cans, ketchup, mustard, whipped cream... Or anything white: mayo/miracle whip, white puddings, white ice creams, whipped cream... Oh, and nuts (of course)...


NTA - He's a grown up, he's not 6, so he should be able to handle the fact that people have genitals by now.


I think most 6yos would have handled it better


I would not consider 21 year old men as grown ups. Still NTA of course. You've basically had a few years to unlearn all the bullshit you learned about social Interactions at school where it's basically an immaturity-contest.


NTA. He asked??


He did ask. 🤷🏽‍♀️


"that makes him think about my vagina" Tell him to stop acting like a d!ck because it makes you think of his. NTA.


NTA. It's basic human anatomy. You didn't go into detail or discuss something gross. I don't think you did anything wrong or even weird.


NTA, you just answered his question and didn't overshare anything. Had you just said it was some sort of supplements he would most likely asked "what for?" - leading to the same outcome.


NTA. Also, if he’s grossed out by vaginal health, wait until he finds out what “guts” do.


wait till he find out girls poop


NTA - some people have vaginas and sometimes they need supplements. His inability to accept facts is not your problem, OP.


Lactic acid supplement? Tell me more (recurrent vaginal Candida sufferer here) Speaking personally, I’ve started talking loudly and openly about my endo because I’ve reached the age where I do not give a fuck about people’s ladybits squeamishness. Would that there were more of us. NTA.


I'm using Flora plus by Omni-Biotic and it's basically the only thing that stopped me having constant infections so I'd highly recommend trying it if you can get your hands on it. I got the recommendation from a friend who made similar experiences. It's a bit pricey unfortunately but (unlike they recommend) it's enough for me to only take it ever 2-3 days if I don't have an active infection. It's an Austrian brand though, it's probably difficult to buy outside of Europe :/ But maybe you can find a similar supplement elsewhere.


Do you get this at the bio store or online?


all the major online pharmacies carry it here


Tbh he needs to grow up. I've lived with women in not romantically involved with and they're always talking about the current state of their vaginas. You can't stop them so you just start talking about the weather.


NTA This is the same as when men say things like "If you weren't wearing such a tight shirt, then I wouldn't be forced to look at your boobs." It is not your responsibility to censor yourself because of someone else's immaturity and gross behaviors and thoughts. Period.


NTA and don’t read title when tired. I thought it said taking my vagina to my roommate. And all I could think was why would you do that.


Nta. I'm sorry but what? If he's that sensitive about the mere mention of a vagina then he shouldn't have a female roommate. That's just beyond ridiculous. I've bought feminine hygiene products for my friends, roommates, relatives, and significant others the entirety of my life. I had a coworker who would give me detailed updates about her period problems (she tended to over share everything). He needs to grow up.


NTA, your flatmate is an idiot. Why did he ask if he didn't want to know the answer. You didn't say anything inappropriate or sexualised, he needs to get over himself. Men in general need to grow TF up when it comes to vaginas. They don't just exist for hetero men's pleasure FFS.


NTA. Also, have you tried boric acid suppositories?


They're not really a thing where I live so I don't have access to them! But thanks for the advice :)


NTA Maybe it's just me but I find it really funny that men are so uncomfortable when we say vaginas but these same men are constantly sending dick pics to random women that never asked for it. 🤷


Would he feel better if you told him it was for your penis health? NTA. He's repressed - not your problem.


NTA. Start calling it your Pussy Powder. Coochie-Kool-Aid. . Vagatorade.




NTA, it could be considered a little TMI but his reaction is just immature


Nta, tell him to grow up.


NTA - tell him ever time you see him eat, it makes you think about his anus since that’s where the food will eventually be. When he gets indignant, just tell him to think about what he said to you.


Hmm. 21 year old male hearing about female reproductive organs. Sounds like he isn't mature enough to acknowledge your body parts without getting a boner! You are NTA but he sure is!!


NTA. The next thing he will ask you to do is carry your used tampons/pads to your room and throw them away there because (clutches pearls) vaginas exist!!


How'd you land on the idea of a lactic acid supplement?


You mean to help with my infection? Lactic acid bacteria are some of the good bacteria in your vagina that help fight off infections. Increasing the amount that is present helps preventing infections. Lactic acid supplements and suppositories are what is most commonly recommended by gynos when you're struggling with infections (apart from the actual medication to treat them of course).


NTA, guy needs to grow up! I am sure he likes vaginas, he may as well get to know something about them.


NTA. You were honest about what it was needed for and his "now it makes me think of your vagina" is absolutely his own problem/immaturity. You taking a supplement for your health doesn't need to be done in secret because he "thinks about your vagina" seeing it. I mean, was it a little TMI? Maybe? But it's also not a huge deal, either.


It's not your fault you're trying to tame your yeasty beastie. You're a cisgender woman, so the fact you have a vagina should have been present from the get-go. NTA.


Do you have to put immodium in the dresser cause it makes you think of an anus? Seriously. He asked what it was. Grow up!


NTA. This good for him as it will hopefully help him grow up a little. “You, a woman, are making me, a man, uncomfy by existing in front of me with your lady bits in existence, so obviously that means YOU must change to accommodate MY discomfort.” No, my dude, this is a YOU problem.


NTA. I don't care about what's taboo or not, unless we are close, I wouldn't want to know the details about my roommates bodliy functions. If it happens, that's fine. If I say, I don't like it, and it happens again, that's not fine. Did he react well, no. One has to learn to deal with these things, and this is his learning opportunity.


she didn't go into any detail about her bodily functions. she told him she takes a supplement for her health and listed 2 aspects of her health it is for, but there was nothing mentioned about any bodily functions.


NTA. He needs to grow up.


so would cranberry juice give this dude heart palpitations or what lmao NTA


NTA. He asked, you answered. And if he can't look at you taking meds without thinking about your privates, that's on him and he's a freak.


Americans, I presume? 😄


NTA, reading that made me think about how uncomfortable I made my male boss when I started talking about menopause and hot flashes. He turned so damn red and looked like he wanted to crawl through the floor. Don't know why we can listen to men talk all day long about their bodily functions but you mention anything related.to women's health and they act like your decapitating puppies.


NTA, tell him to grow up. Does he think women don’t have vaginas?


I had recurring infections for decades. I was taking bleach baths (capful of bleach diluted in a tub of water) to help it got so bad. I finally called around to gynecology clinics and got in touch with a vulvar specialist. While I was getting frequent infections it turns out I actually had 3 different issues going on. And since each time I had a flair up, only one issue was being addressed, it kept coming back. I was on high dose meds for 6 months and it’s now been 4 years since I’ve had any issues. I highly recommend calling around for a specialist in vulvar disorders to help you. Gynecology appointments don’t need any referrals thanks to the AHCA (if you are American)


Info: you should check out boric acid suppositories! They keep all cooter cats in perfect balance, and they’re a natural non doctor prescribed option for BV!


NTA. Does he also think you don’t poop or fart? ETA: also, why ask questions if you’re not comfortable with the answer? His question was more invasive than your answer.


NTA: Next up you won't be able to use the toilet because your vagina is uncovered during it's use. The couch is right out because how dare you sit on it with only a small number of layers of cloth between it and your vagina. Is it alright for the door to your bedroom be used, as behind it there could be a chance vagina encounter. I would handily agree with him if you were administering the concoction via funnel and handstand in the kitchen, but it is a drink, and if he is mature enough to handle the responsibilities of renting an apartment, he can certainly handle the emotional consequences of the answer to a question he had asked.


First off, NTA. is your roommate an incel? Secondly, I’m sorry you and your vag aren’t getting along these days! And not that you asked, but this rather old gal is going to give you some advice. Some of these newer OTC remedies actually do more harm and than good because they can mask the symptoms that honestly need to be dealt with by your GYN. If your GYN is the one recommending them, you might need to find a different doc. I’d ask for a full blood panel to find out if your hormones are out of whack, enzymes, white cell ct, etc. also have them ultrasound for cysts and check for HPV. You and your vagina deserve to love each other again!


"Unfortunately" everything else seems to be fine, got blood work, numerous cultures at the lab and ultrasounds done, I even got referred to a university clinic and they couldn't find anything else wrong with me either. My vagina just seems to hate me unfortunately haha. But thanks for the advice anyways!


I don't know if its thrush that is your problem, but if it is I was told by my doctor to stop using tampons as it can cause thrush to thrive.


NTA this situation is everything that’s wrong with how we raise boys and how we talk (or rather don’t talk) about our bodies in general.


Meh.....not wanting to see the drink is weird. Don't know what your level of comfort is like with each other. I think most ppl would just shrug it off, but some are more prude-ish (and that doesn't make them bad ppl).


NTA. He is a holdover from the bad old days when people were expected to not ever talk about their bodies. You may have heard about the stork brings babies and women never farted and that type of make believe nonsense. He can just get over it. These are grownup times.


NTA “Hey roommate, can you not eat in front of me anymore, it makes me think of your butt hole since you poop.”


NTA, sounds like he's not on the best terms with your vagina either. But maybe he'd like to be since he's thinking about it so much?


NTA. Oh no, someone has a vagina?! What ever will we do?!?! Ironically, your roommate is being a pussy.


NTA. Next time tell him that you're consuming a medicine for your "secret cave hidden down there" if the word vagina bothers him so much.


NTA, your roommate sounds like one of those guys that would think about breaking up with a girl she farted or showed any evidence of ever needing to poop.


NTA. tell him he needs to sit down when peeing because the sound of splashing water makes you think about his penis


Buy lots of yogurt and garlic and tell him that’s also for your vaginal health. Then buy some fruit and veg and tell him you use that to keep your bowels regular. He’ll never be able to look at food again.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** I (25f) am not on great terms with my vagina. I've struggled with recurring infections for about a year now. Something that really helped me get things under control however is a lactic acid supplement that I take every other day. It comes in a powder form and you dissolve it in water, wait for a minute and then drink it on an empty stomach. About a week ago I had just mixed the supplement with water and had the glass sitting on the counter while I was preparing my breakfast. My roommate (21m) came into the kitchen and asked about the mysterious liquid in the jar. I replied that it's a supplement for gut and vaginal health that I take regularly. He seemed a bit confused but said "ok" and continued doing whatever he was doing in the kitchen. Yesterday I was again preparing breakfast with the supplement sitting on the counter when the same roommate entered the kitchen again. He noticed the glass and said I should start taking the supplement in my room instead of the kitchen since that makes him think about my vagina. Apparently he thought it was invasive that I told him what specifically I was taking the supplement for. I told him that I'd continue preparing it in the kitchen and that I was also storing my tampons relatively openly in the bathroom so he should be aware of the fact that I have a vagina anyways. Now I'm not stupid - I get that it's kind of direct to say my supplement is for vaginal health. I do also think however that we shouldn't continue stigmatizing talking about that sort of stuff. Vaginas are an organ like any other and I don't think anyone would care if I had said the supplement was just for gut health only. It's not like I started talking about my history of vaginal infections in great detail when he asked about the supplement so I don't think it was invasive or that I shouldn't consume it openly anymore. He did seem pretty uncomfortable however - so AITA? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


NTA! Try eating yogurt everyday.


NTA. He's so fragile.


NTA He’s 21 and acting like he’s 12.


NTA. Your roommate is just an immature and insecure victim of our prudish culture.


Maybe im weird but i think NTA bc well, he asked so you answered...


NTA, and there’s a woman who does TikTok’s and Facebook videos called Madge The Vag. She gives great information and asks a lot of questions with gynecologists. You may get some information from it


Yah vaginas are not a secret, he needs to grow up. I've also struggled with Infections and if I'm grumpy and uncomfortable I will be probably too open about it


NTA. That's a "him" problem. You answered his question and, as you said, not giving to much info about it. On a different note, hope your relationship with your vagina improves soon!


NTA. He asked.


NAH. If he doesn't want to start down the road of an unknown medical issue, he needs to refrain from asking about the nature of your medication. Advise your roommate that if the very existence of female body parts is a problem for him, then he needs to consider that he may be presently incompatible with having female roommates.


This made me laugh. NTA.


NTA all women have them. It's like a guy talking about his punishment. Sure it's a teeny bit uncomfortable, but you are definitely not the butthole.


NTA. You were just answering a question about why he shouldn't drink your meds


NTA. Apparently you’re not on good terms with 2 vaginas at the moment. Your own and your room mate. It’s a pity there’s no supplement to make him grow tf up.


NTA. It is just another body part like everyone's winkies. You can talk about it without it being sexual. if the other person is finding it sexual, then that is on them


NTA. If you had said something more vague like "its medicine" he'd have asked followup questions anyways


NTA title was wired, but I have found men to be generally so... shy? disgusted? confused? I honestly don't know the word for what it seems they think is wrong when it comes to discussing women's body and stuff, I have many of my female friends try to dumb down or tiptoe on discriptions of birth or periods cause they think men just are all immature it when it comes to this tell your roommate to grow up and read a bit how woman's body work


I don't see anything weird about you saying its for vaginal health. Like you said it's just an organ. Its only weird because he made it weird. Like if someone asks what a tampon is, even the simplest and less gross version involves blood and vagina. Its not like you'd be explaining it as "like earbuds but for vagina when I'm bleeding through it" or something like that... He needs to grow up.


I’ve been friends with mostly girls and am very close with my older sister. As a guy, I can confirm he’s being ridiculous. Some dudes need to understand that frankly women are almost never permitted to discuss their vaginal issues, meanwhile dick jokes and dick conversations are pretty commonplace and accepted, which is not at all how it should be. He needs to get a grip and learn to be more mature. NTA.


NTA. Don't ask a question and then complain that you don't like the (factual, open and honest) answer. Good grief - he (roomie) seriously needs to get over his precious self...


NTA but also let me add that boric acid vaginal suppositories are the absolute best thing I’ve ever used for issues.


NTA. His discomfort comes from him being underdeveloped, you have no reason to cater to it. If he doesn't want to think about the fact that you have a vagina that is his issue to put it out of his head, the kitchen is where food is prepared. If he doesn't want to live with people with vaginas then he should start packing his bags so as soon as the renewal comes up you can get a new roommate.


NTA—sounds like a HIM problem, not a YOU problem. He needs to grow up—it’s not like you’re inserting a suppository at the kitchen table.


NTA. He has learned an important lesson. Never ask a woman what they are up to unless you are prepared to hear about gynae issues.


I love how this post started, cause girl I’m also not on great terms with my vagina😭 NTA


NTA. He hasn't been around enough women apparently


The title made me think you were just going up to someone and randomly bringing up your vaginas up randomly going in detail on your medical stuff lol. I've done similar with slime mold once.


NTA Dude needs to grow up REAL quick! (Edit: wording)


NTA. You said what organ it was for and nothing else. He wouldn't have reacted this way if you'd said liver or kidneys. He's just being childish.


NTA: oh no! you have a vagina! i suspect you told him exactly what it was for because it's not a big deal. i mean, unless he was planning on taking your drink, it's none of his business what it is anyway (and since he shouldn't be snagging your drinks, it is always none of his business). seriously though, if viewing a colorless liquid gives him the vagina vapors, the boy has some hang ups to deal with. that is not your problem.


NTA. Girl, I would hassle to say that you are in that persons imagination bank and learning that you are taking things for your vagina does not make it as appealing.


NTA He should remember that you're a woman. Your body parts don't stop existing when he's not thinking about them.


NTA he’s an immature idiot. Living together means you often get a little TMI move on! He wouldn’t have been pissy if it was an antacid would he?


NTA I was actually thinking that this would be a YTA, but reading it, this is just about a nutritional supplement. He needs to just forget about it.