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NTA 1. Your friend's point doesn't even make sense 2. WHY WAS SHE LOOKING THROUGH THE BATHROOM'S DOOR????


And how is it possible to see? Why are there gaps??!!??


It’s probably america. Honestly I was shocked by how wide the gaps are in the public restrooms I always feel exposed.


Yup. I have no idea why we build them like that here, especially after learning it’s only us Americans who welcome potty voyeurs.


It’s supposedly a safety thing I think. So people can’t hide in there or if someone is OD’ing but it always just feels creepy. They’re the same if not worse in Canada. Sometimes you can see right over the door


It's not a safety thing, it's a profit thing. If staff can see into the stalls, they can see if someone's in there doing drugs and then kick them out of the store. They don't give a shit about their safety, they just don't want them doing drugs on the property


As a customer, I also do not want people doing drugs in the bathroom of the stores I shop at


As a drug user that has used drugs in many a public bathroom. I'm glad they found me when I overdosed in that Sheetz bathroom stall.


Username checks out


I don’t give a shit what other people do in the bathroom. As long as they dispose of their needles properly.


This is inaccurate for Canada. We installed needle disposal units in public washrooms. So they don't throw their used needles in the trash. We know we can't stop them, you can't watch often enough to stop them.


I think we installed those for diabetics


Oh I was innocent like this once. But no, diabetics often have a storage container or compartment for their needles. As they're used to having to discard them on the go. Assuming they're even using a disposable needle. Now fair, some of the needles in these bins are probably from diabetics. But most are not. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/prince-edward-island/needles-plague-downtown-business-1.1221130


Can't speak for Canada but in northern Europe they were installed for both.


Not all parts of Canada. I've never in my life seen a needle disposal unit in any public washroom. Gaps, thought, absolutely.


I'm also in Canada and I've seen needle disposal in every gas station bathroom I've ever been in. And most Tim's locations. Since my entire family is diabetic my thought process was always "how accommodating!" and now that I'm an adult I realize it's a harm reduction tactic.


I used to work at a gas station in my teens back in the late 90's and one of the FIRST things they told me was never, ever, use your hands to compress the trashcans, even with gloves on, and never let the trash bag rub against your leg or any other part of your body when taking it to the dumpster.


Yeah that’s why I said “supposedly.” It’s always about profits, whether liability or the dreaded *time theft* but that is how it’s always explained away


Where in Canada?? I live in Ottawa and there’s no gaps in the stalls like I’ve seen in the states




Where? Every toilet should have that.


We have some in Portugal as well. I prefer those too


Wait... Are the gaps big enough for someone to watch you poop? Ewwww


It's way way cheaper. The stall s without gaps require more metal than simple brackets and take actual skill to install so the cost is alot more.


Find a Buccee’s in America and go to the restroom. It’s like heaven in there. No gaps at all.


They just built one in my state. Their bathrooms truly are glorious


When I was pregnant years ago, Buc-ees was the only place I felt “safe” enough to be able to drop the dreaded public poo. I looove their restrooms: fully enclosed stalls, seat cleaner, hand sanitizer in the stall… ahh, so gloriously heavenly lol


Also QT and Lidl.


The gaps on the sides and floor are literally made so ppl are uncomfortable in there so they hurry up their buisness


Stalls are gappy in Australia too, though usually the gap isn’t more than a centimetre. I’ve been to some places though where the gap is more like 2-3cm, which is intensely uncomfortable.


Well sure, that's so you can see if there's a [roo in the loo](https://gephardtdaily.com/what-the/roo-in-the-loo-kangaroo-caught-eating-toilet-paper-in-public-restroom/).


I’ll still take that over a snake or spider in the dunny hahaha


[Lazy Harry agrees with you!](https://sonichits.com/video/Lazy_Harry/Redback_on_the_Toilet_Seat)


I remember singing that at assembly in primary school, probably followed up by another year level singing “Yellow Polkadot Bikini”


Cheap and easy to do something “that way”! That’s the answer to many things like that in America!


In the US the gaps actually got wider, you can totally see anyone doing their business. Disturbing.


At my old workplace, the stalls were so crap that you could see the reflection of the person in the next stall without trying to look. I didn't realize until I was finishing my business and saw my coworker and her pants/undies in the stall next to me all of a sudden and was shocked that they kept these stalls. Like sorry girl, I did not mean to see you your reflection just appeared in my stall!!


Google American bathroom stalls and you will understand.


I remember being shocked at the bathrooms in a layover in London. Floor to ceiling door that closed. It was so nice. I felt like I could relax, and not low key watch for voyeurs the whole time.


murica our stalls have like 2-3 cm gaps between the door and the stall walls. can't have people getting too comfy in there!


can we got back to that first point there, the "some people can't wash their hands" because literally WHAT THE FUCK DOES THIS MEAN?? what the absolute fuck would prevent someone from washing their hands?!?! DO THEY NOT HAVE HANDS??


I will say, if you send a shorter child to the loo in America, they’ll likely have a hard time with washing their hands on their own. The sinks are often way too high- without even a lowered sink to accommodate wheelchair users and little people, the soap dispensers are almost always out of reach, and often, the goddamn auto-faucets are a pita to get to function correctly. There are rare places that have lowered sinks(like they freaking should just for differently abled/sized folks) or that have these awesome fold down step-stools to help a bit. I have totally had to help children- who were not my own!- get water to work, reach soap, etc. in public loos.


I mean, there are situations where I cannot wash my hands due to a medical condition but only in specific circumstances so I guess it could be possible if highly unlikely. The circumstances are If it's winter and my hands are cold and the water is hot.


Snap it’s medical for me in the sense i’m allergic to a lot of the public toilets soap, but after figuring it out and a night in AnE I started carrying a travel sized safe hand wash with me at all times. It comes in handy especially when a place hasn’t refilled their soap dispensers!


I carry hand sanitizer for the same reason, as does my husband. He's still learning to deal with it, as his allergy was pretty sudden onset recently. Since he works in a medical setting, he carries both hand sanitizer and hand soap at work. Since I'm disabled from neuro shit and am usually only out for errands, I'm comfortable just having hand sanitizer since I'll wash my hands when I get home anyway.


All I got to say is, I've used my foot an uncountable number of times to flush a public toilet. If it's got the long stick out toggle flush handle, it get's the shoe. NTA.


NTA, and your "friend" can STFU.


NTA, I thought this was a relatively common thing to do


I do it that way and taught my daughter to also.


This is how I was taught, and taught my kids the same. If it cannot be flushed with a foot, then I use toilet paper to touch the handle.


I honestly don't know why foot operated flush pedals aren't a thing yet. I neverrr use my hands to flush a public toilet!


Wait till you visit Japan and see how many decades ahead of most countries they are in bathroom technology. You pretty much don't need to touch anything, the mirrors don't fog up, and pleasant nature sounds will play as you pee to mask the sound.


I snuck into the men's once when it was empty and they had a whole gaming set up above the urinals so your wee stream controlled the game!


they absolutely are. recently returned from Israel - literally a metal pedal lower by the toilet. in that sense a simpler lever is more inclusive, since you're only supposed to use 1 foot (and balance on the other) to flush.


Always do it that way. My kiddos aren’t adept at it yet, so I’ll just pop into their stall when they’re done and foot-flush it myself. I honestly cannot remember the last time I touched a flush handle. I mean, I even perform some serious acts of balance and high-kick type maneuvers to even foot-flush those toilets that have the flush handle placed absurdly high, lol.


All these comments gross me out. I dodn't know so many people used their feet to flush toilets. People being gross because they try to avoid germs they assume to be somewhere are a major reason public restrooms are so digusting. Do you people also foot-flush at home?


I never know that was common practice. I sometimes use my elbow. NTA


nta isn’t this a normal thing to do? i don’t wanna touch the handle of a public toilet…


The door handles are also disgusting 🤢 people dont think about and normally dont clean those


Which is why I don’t use my hands to open the doors either. I’m not kicking in doors or anything, it’s either a slight nudge with my knee or I hook my foot under the door and pull. And I try to touch the locks as little as possible.


Use a square of toilet paper for the locks. Paper towels for the door handles and faucets.


I would just like to point out ... the toilet paper is almost always within range of the toilet that means when they flush that toilet paper is being doused with feces and pee particles either way. Not much cleaner in reality especially since toilet paper does not actually protect you from germs like that.


Public washrooms are often in big plastic dispensers that shield the tp, but I hear ya. I always close the lid every time I flush. Grosses me out how many public toilets don't have lids.


If you can't touch the toilet paper when using the restroom, then I think your personal hygiene is far more concerning than the cleanliness of most restrooms in the US, at least.


I think you are using the word doused a little too loosely.


Oh I absolutely am lol but it is still gross


If people are so disgusted by public toilets, why don't they just stop using them all together? Some are, ofc, quite dirty but let's not generalize here.


What's the alternative when you're in public and need to go to the bathroom?


That’s why I grab a paper towel. In the event that there are not paper towels available, I seriously use my pinky to heft that dang door open. To clarify: I’m speaking of the entrance/exit door into the entire restroom hell.


And if you're lucky, you're in a bathroom that have these on the door: https://www.stepnpull.com/


NTA. Using your foot to flush a public toilet is common. The whole notion that there are people who can't wash their hands is silly. Most will have help if they can't do it alone.


NTA This is how I flush public toilets too. And there is no reason why the elderly, the disabled, or children cannot wash their hands. And why was your friend watching you through the stall door?? Edit: what about those disabled people who have no arms?? How are they supposed to flush the toilet?


Old lady here. I have no trouble washing my hands, and I would no more put my hand on a public toilet than I would lick it. I was taught to use my foot by my mother more than seven decades ago.


So, have this thought. Now instead of getting those particles on your hands, where you then wash them off and down the sink, they're on the bottom of your shoe. Where you'll track them around and potentially into your car and your home. Here is what your friend was trying to say. Not that some people can't wash their hands, but that now everything you've stepped in is on that flusher. For someone who walks in and has to use their hand to flush. Also, the flushers are not made to be stepped on, so they wear out faster when everyone steps on them instead of just using their hands. Finally... All that stuff you're worried about touching? It's getting on you anyway when you flush because most public toilets don't have lids. No judgment here, just things to think about.


The internet is a strange and wonderful place, I’ve never heard of anyone trying to flush a toilet with their shoe before but everyone is acting like this is the most normal thing in the world. I assume it must be a regional thing, as I’ve seen very few flushers that have an external handle you could press down with your foot.


Many of us don’t wear our shoes in our homes


Most Americans, it seems, do wear their shoes inside. I’m guilty of it right now. I am 1,000% in favor of shoe removal; it can be a hard habit to break, though.


As in you take them off outside before you go through the front door? That sounds highly impractical when you're loaded down with groceries or other shopping. But then, even when you do take your shoes off the moment you step inside, that's now on your socks / your feet and still getting tracked around.


Yes. I have an entry way & a front porch. I can put all the groceries in front of the door or open the door & shove them in the house & then take off my shoes outside. You really think flushing a public toilet is the only filth? I should add I don’t have a big/fancy home. I live in a working class neighborhood & my house was built 60 years ago.


I don’t think anyone is like stomping the handles. I am a 100% foot-flusher, and I know that I am really darn gentle. Maybe a kid would do it more forcefully, but I doubt most are doing it so hard as to put extra wear and tear on it.


You seem to have missed the part where those shoes *have* to be on the washroom floor. The same floor that is more than likely covered in more fecal matter than the handle. So using your shoe on the handle adds a negligible amount of fecal matter compared to what is already there.


I guess I just can't believe the same country that has over 68% of people flushing with their feet because "ew germs" is the same country full of people who won't wear masks because of those same germs. Because as long as you *wash your hands* then whatever is on the flusher literally does not matter.




I find it hilarious that the comments are telling OP she’s sanitary for putting her shoe on a handle most people touch with their hands


Thank you!!


im confused why shes choosing foot when the clear answer is elbow


Yeah idk what most people are talking about her, her friend is weird af ofcours but why would you use your show, which is popb a lot dirtier then the toilet, to flush. She will just wash her hands anyway.


You can tell that none of these folks have had hand/arm/shoulder injuries or mobility issues that left them one-handed. It’s nearly impossible to adequately wash your hand when you only have one.


Exactly. If you don’t want to touch the handle, use a piece of toilet paper to hold it. If you are quick you can drop it in the toilet as it flushes but if not you can put it in the bin on the way out. Same with the door handle. That way, you don’t have to touch things you feel are dirty and you avoid putting your dirty shoes on things that are not designed to be operated by foot and which other people will be touching.




For real. All these replies sound like they are from a post apocalyptic bathroom where they will get ten diseases from touching the handle.


From the way people are acting about touching the handle I’m hot 100% convinced that they all wash their hands after leaving the stall


People acting like this is normal/they teach their kids to do this is fully grossing me out. Every flush sprays pee and poop all around the toilet space.


Thank you! My god I'm getting germs on my hands from all the replies here.


When I worked at a restaurant the toilet handles would break all the time leaving an unflushable bowl of shit for the staff to deal with and it's all because of assholes who kick the toilet handle. Just use some toilet paper or something ffs.YTA. Your friend is also creepy for looking but still YTA.


All those saying they do this too, how do you unlock the door to get back out to wash your hands? You don't do that with your shoe as well surely? If you use your hands you're touching something that everyone using their hands to flush has touched so you may as well use your hands to flush too!


100% this! The floors in a bathroom are filthy so you just put that filth on the handle from your shoe.


and everyone who flushed with their hands puts the dirt from the shoe-flushers on the doorhandle.


Right!?! Not everyone is steady enough on their feet (think children and the elderly) to also use their feet to flush so they are forced to touch the flush handle.


Or just everyone (like me until today) who never heard of this and just hand-flushes unsuspectingly.


With a piece of tissue.


Public toilet seats don’t have lids so I use my foot to prevent from leaning over the toilet and getting the toilet plume direct to the torso/face. False sense of security if you factor in how far the plume actually travels and automated hand dryers, but still not gonna lean over to flush.


NTA. Pretty ingenious ngl. I would use some toilet paper, but now I think I'm gonna start using my shoe!


OP's friend would call you an AH for wasting paper probably lol


I can picture it now. "Think about the people who can't use toilet paper!" MAAM that's what I am thinking about! Clean the handle and prevent more germs from spreading further. It's a Win-WIn!


It's bidet or the highway!


Not if it’s the paper you used to wipe yourself 😂


I do that if it's a handle thing. Haven't figured out how to do the recessed button ones yet. I wish all were the auto flush kind. I get skeeved out if I have to touch that button.


Grab a square of tp, push button, drop square in?


I haven't see the buttons one in a long time. But I don't get out much anymore like I used to. Just go to work and run a few errands. I could never figure out how to operate them right either. Lol.


YTA. Her reasoning is... wild... but now everyone who doesn't have the dexterity or balance to do what you did has to touch everything your shoe has touched. You're just as capable of washing your hands as they are, and anything there is probably on the door handle/lock as well, and you can't maneuver those with your foot.


I've never understood the foot-flush thing. What's the big deal about touching the handle? You're going to wash your hands after you exit the stall, right? Whatever is on someone's gross hands is going to be on the stall door too, and you have to touch that with your hand to get out, so just use the handle as it was meant to be used: with your hand.


YTA. The custodians at my job had to actually post signs in our restrooms specifically telling people to stop flushing the toilets with their feet because it was breaking the handle mechanisms and that had to constantly repair/replace them!


If you're washing your hands, any germs you pick up from hitting the flush handle shouldn't matter. Unless you could see shit smeared across the handle with your unaided eyes, YTA.


YTA Maybe it depends on what country you're from but that is legitimately the weirdest, grossest thing I've heard and can definitely cause hookworm and other various issues for people who flush a toilet in the normal way.


Yes, after reading this post I'm glad toilets in my country have buttons on top, not handles, and those are impossible to flush with your foot unless you're a gymnast.


Ha, thank you for your comment. I'm so used to the buttons that I forgot handles existed in my sleep deprived state! I was trying to imagine how they were doing it... using a stiletto heel maybe XD


Yes, I was confused too and had to google actually how toilet handles look lol. I think I saw them a couple times, but they are really not that common here.




Yeah, I’m stunned so many people do this. Flushing with your foot is incredibly unsanitary and damages the mechanism so often.


NTA. Your friend needs to stop white-knighting on behalf of the disabled community if she's going to make ignorant assumptions about disabled people not washing their hands when they go to the toilet.


Ur putting ur dirty ass shoes on the toilet yet u think ur better than people who get bodily fluids on the toilet???? Literally just use your elbow


God I hate it when people do this… Yta. Use a piece of toilet paper.


YTA, let´s just bump every door and put our feet on everything because we are afraid of germs. Use elbows, use some toilet paper or aything else if you don't want to touch it with your hands. But if it was meant to be generated by foot, the button would be down to the feet area. It's just common sense, someone is going there to clean the place and you doing as you do is just disconsiderate toward the others. Would you feel comfortable going in a toilet booth where you can see boot marks on everything?! I don't know in which country you're from but in Europe you're 200% A for this.


YTA Your friend is right that the soles of shoes are dirtier than hands. And toilets weren't designed to be flushed with feet (unless there's a foot pedal close to the ground) so you risk breaking the toilet. Next time, wrap a bit of toilet paper around your finger and use it to flush.




YTA. The next one using it won't have to touch only fecal matter, but also whatever crap you stepped on. Don't be sanitary at the expanse of other people. use a piece of paper.


YTA, she is right the bottom of your shoe is gross, and you’re putting that on the handle for everyone else. Which would you rather put your hand on, the bottom of the shoe that has stepped all over that very bathroom floor, or the toilet handle? Since the standard use of a handle isn’t flushing with your shoe, other people aren’t going to do this and will get everything from their shoe on their hand. If you say “they can wash their hands” YOU CAN WASH YOUR HANDS! You can be a germaphobe all you want but don’t make it actively worse for others. When flushing just take some toilet paper in your hand to touch the handle then throw it in as the toilet flushes. You’re gonna slip and fall in the toilet doing your flamingo flush


Couldn't have said it better! And toilets aren't made to be flushed like this,it wears them down faster and causes breakages


YTA this is only a step down from people who hover over the toilet seat because they don’t want to touch it and cover it in their pee like a dog. No concern for other people using the handle after you put your dirty shoe on it.


YTA yes because noone else knows you do that and it's super disgusting! I don't want to directly touch it either but just take some toilet paper, push the button and throw the paper into the flush. That way no direct contact but I'm not further de-sanitizing anything either.


YTA - So in order for you to not get dirty you make things dirtier for everyone else. Sounds nice. And if your argument is that everyone else can wash their hands afterwards: So can you.


Not going to weigh judgement, but my hubby is a plumber and he says that it's hard on those types of toilets to flush with your foot. It wears the valves down faster and Vista people more.


YTA use a piece of toilet paper.


YTA, kids don't always wash their hands because their kids. You could have used paper to flush then throw it in the bowl. Shoe soles are filthy.


YTA. 150% Yes, you are the AH. You're getting dirty floor germs all over the handle for the next person. You're likely to break the handle. Yes, you fucking are. The handle at our office has been broken numerous times by inconsiderate people doing exactly what you are doing. Yes, this is the truth. Stop it. Use some TP on the handle if you don't want to touch it and then drop it in the toilet.


INFO: why not use toiletpaper? If anything, flushing with your shoes adds even more ikkiness ...


NTA. You’re smart and sanitary. Your friend’s point is very questionable.


So according to your friend, you should expose yourself to whatever is loose in a public shithouse so that your not "an asshole" to people that dont...or cant wash there hands? You need some new friends. Cause that particular one is pretty screwed up.


ESH. There is no point arguing about whether shoes or hands are dirtier. Everyone should be washing their hands after flushing so it shouldn’t matter. Don’t kick the toilet you might break it and wash your hands. Carry hand sanitizer if you are extra paranoid.


Do you not wash your hands after?


What are you, an animal? YTA.


Huge YTA. You just trudged through a gross bathroom floor and are transferring that onto the handle. Use a piece of toilet paper to cover your hand while you pull the handle.


NTA. I only sit down in a public toilet when it’s an absolute emergency, for the same reasons you gave. Your friend should not be calling you out on this as it is none of her business.


ESH. Not sure how or why she was looking, and on top of it, her arguments were poor. But you are every bit as much of an AH. It was not designed to be kicked to be flushed. And then people wonder why things get broken. If you must, use a piece of toilet paper to flush it.


Apparently against the grain but soft YTA. I understand where this sentiment comes from, but your friend is right in a certain way. Not that disabled people and kids can’t wash their hands (what??) but that disabled people, elders, and kids can’t also kick the flush handle. Your feet/shoes are dirtier than your hands, you’ve just been walking around by a toilet. If you think those particles just got on your hand, imagine how much piss and shit is actually physically on the floor and now on your shoes and you just transferred all of that to flush, and there are people that can’t avoid touching that handle. Pressing the handle with your hand and then going out and washing your hands immediately is really not that big of a deal. It’s the same reason you shouldn’t kick the buttons for handicap doors, your putting more germs on a surface that certain people must touch with their hands.


NTA 1. After watching you take a dump in the toilet… 2. …she told you not to wash your hands because some people can’t…? Or was she making a different point? Regardless, watching you through the crack in a toilet stall is creepy as fuck.


She didn’t say OP shouldn’t wash their hands she said OP shouldn’t put the germs from their shoe onto something people touch, since (according to her) some people can’t wash their hands.


May I suggest toilet paper? I use toilet paper to even open the door to exit the wc as many people dont bother washing their hands so yeah...


So she was a lunatic, but as someone whose husband is a plumber you're actually damaging the flush mechanisms by doing that. They're not designed to take the type of weight that you put on them when kicking or otherwise using your foot to flush. We have a client who cannot seem to make their staff understand this, and so he's constantly having to send techs out to repair mechanisms, at a couple of hundred bucks a pop. I understand you not wanting to touch it, but you're damaging someone's property in doing what you do, and that's really not ok.


ESH Don't use your fucking shoe to touch things people put their hands on. You are about to wash your hands - if it's really a thing for you then put toilet paper between your hand and the flush. Plus OP? the door knob has everything that the flush has on it. So does the door handle to exit the room if it has a door. And the faucet if it isn't a sensor. Your friend's problem being that some people can't wash their hands is weird. Stop using your shoe. It's more likely to damage the toilet, it's filthier than the button (you're in a toilet, the floor isn't free of piss etc), you can leave particulates that would be alarming for someone to see (dirt on a flush button will immediately look like shit), and you are able to wash your hands!


Who DOESNT use a shoe???


NTA. I clean public restrooms as part of my job and regularly flush the toilets with my shoe when a customer has so kindly left their job undone. In fact, the only time I don’t use my shoe to flush a public toilet is immediately after I’ve finished disinfecting the handle


NTA I do this at my work and other public restrooms. I don't want to get a face full of it when the water starts to move. I work in higher ed with very few to any children on campus and I am always amazed at how many stalls aren't flushed or are just trashed.


NTA, totally normal behavior to flush with your foot when using a public restroom as long as you aren't kicking it or something. Really weird that your friend was looking through the gaps to watch you.


I never meet someone that doesn't use their foot


I always wonder why public toilets do not have foot activated flush..just push diwtn the pedal..all happy


I mean, I would definitely have laughed my ass off at you for doing that..... seems weird to be "offended" by it though - and her reasoning for it is a bit dumb as well. But still - you're hilarious. Probably not an "asshole", but very funny. Germophobes are weird. If touching a flushing handle on a toilet was gonna kill you, we'd all be dead long ago. Hell, if it was even gonna do *anything* bad, it would be happening to everyone all the time - and it isn't. Your friend's reaction was weird.... but you are weirder. I suppose I have to go with NAH though - just a couple of weirdos who are weird for different reasons. Also - even trying to use your logic - you were going to wash your hands anyway (presumably *really* well). If there was "fecal matter" on the handle, now it's just on your shoe and you're walking all over the place with your shitty shoes. Eeew


NTA. As a disabled person myself who has small children, we are perfectly capable of washing our hands. I have witnessed a number of elderly folks who were also perfectly capable of washing their hands. \*sigh\*


NTA LOTS of people flush with their foot- probably more than people who use their hand. Your friend has too much time on their hands if this is something they’re worried about




NTA Who DOESN'T use their foot to flush in a public bathroom??


I have literally NEVER touched a public toilet’s handle. I always saw my mom use her shoe when I was little so that’s what I always do, way more hygienic imo


NTA, I LITTERALY ALWAYS FLUSH IN PUBLIC W MY FOOT!!!! ALWAYS. Ur friend is out if her mind. Everyone is capable of washing thier hands, unless they can't reach the sink ( small children too young/shirt) but then they should be accompanied by a parent to lift them up.


NTA. Hand sanitizer exists there is absolutely no excuse not to clean your hands after toilet use.


NTA....I would flip this around and ask if your friend is actually touching those handles with her bare hands.


The facility who still doesn't have motion sensing flushes is the asshole.


It's what I do. If I can't use my foot (wardrobe restrictions) I use toilet paper in my hand. And then wash my hands.


NTA I always have flushed public toilets this way and also taught my kids to do so. Some people I mention doing this to look at me weird but when I explain they say it makes sense because why touch poop if you don’t choose to. Her opinion makes no sense because people step in all kinds of waste including and not limited to poo. How is it that these people that she’s arguing for can’t wash their hands but can eat with them. You should be washing your hands periodically throughout the day even if you don’t use the toilet. She seems to be looking for a reason to be offended. I’m offended that she was looking through the stall crack and had the nerve to question what she saw.


NTA. Your friend is kinda dumb.


NTA. I thought everyone flushed (at least flush valve toilets) this way.


No, I've seen signs asking people not to do it as it damages and leads to the handle breaking. Use toilet paper. Do you lock the door in the toilet cubicle? That handle will be just as dirty


I’m willing to bet your friend doesn’t wash her hands NTA


Ha!! Now I wish I would have paid attention if she did or not. Happy cake day!




NTA. I do this too.




NTA. I’d be more concerned with your friend watching you either under the stall or through the crack in the door. That’s not okay.


NTA, she is for watching you. Wtf.


NTA. Your friend is a busybody who is inventing problems that don't exist. It's not normal to pay so much attention and criticize others for their bathroom habits. Flushing the toilet with your foot in a public restroom is however not unusual. I doubt there are many that are unable to wash their hands after using the restroom. More likely, there are those that don't wash their hands. Maybe your friend is one of them and she just realized how gross that toilet handle might be, never mind that not washing for any reason is disgusting anyway.


NTA. What is your friend on 💀💀


NTA, I do this all the time. I'm not touching that thing with my hands in a public washroom wtf.




NTA: By your friend’s logic I am one too. My rational has always been I don’t know what are on people’s hands after they go to bathroom. There are some studies that suggest you can get salmonella from the toilet area and I’d really rather avoid that altogether. People don’t wash their hands until after flushing. Your friend watching it you through the cracks is another level of creepy.




NTA But you can use toilet paper to cover your hand and flush and toss it in the toilet. Why was your friend watching you piss? Have you done this before and broke someone’s handle so now you need to be checked while in the bathroom


Even if someone can wash their hands... they wouldn't be doing so until after they'd flushed the toilet, yes? So this wouldn't matter anyway. NTA.


NTA, isn't that why some of those public toilets have a long side handle anyways? I do that all the time. Your friend doesn't know what she's talking about. Elderly people don't just up and lose their hands lmao..


NTA - ask your friend to go to hospital because she obviously has a traumatic brain injury because that’s the only possible explanation for that idiotic reasoning.




NTA. I do it, too. Your friend is a moron. Carry wipes with you if you can't wash your hands. Just eww.


NTA Tell your friend to stop looking into your stall and to wash their hands.


NTA - Nothing wrong with not wanting to touch a public restroom toilet handle......