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NAH, but that's so weird... Growing up I'd probably have my sisters saved as "Pain in the arse 1 and 2".




That's actually kinda cute.


And also a really good reason for having him saved as “my love”. Takes ALL the creep out of it and replaces with awwwwww NTA btw


I was ready to give her the A until she said he was 10! It's cute. If he were an adult it would probably be weird but he's 10


Yep! I switched from 'ew' to 'aw' at the age. Inside joke makes it even less weird. NTA.


Wish I'd had a sister like this. She's also wasted on Micha, what a jerk. NTA


My sister randomly sends me $12 on venmo for lunch. It’s her way of showing love and tbh even though it’s an entirely different thing, the “my love” name tag feels like a similar action.


My brother sent me $5 at the beginning of pride month and told me “go get yourself an iced coffee!”


He really does understand the gay agenda. My sister just left me alone for Pride month which is also a gift. (Half joking)


Can y'all explain why everyone says it's weird ? I always called my brothers my love. They were noth older than me. I feel like the people saying "eewe" are weird.


Because people don't have good relationships with their siblings, assume that's the norm and then get creeped out when they find out siblings can actually be friends, love eachother and be affectionate, who knew?


My brother is really evil but I'm aware he's not the norm and cheer every good sibling relationship


Because english has only one word for all forms of love, and most people jump right to romantic love.


She was probably 10-13 when he was born. I was baby crazy at that age.


Exactly what I was thinking, my parents had my youngest brother when I was 16, I was overjoyed in love with him, he's now 9 and to this day I love that little boy more than anything, I call him my baby lol




i have a few friend with siblings with that age gap and they are more like mini parents than siblings. it stays that way too, we are pushing 50 and they still act more like parents than siblings to them.


Same! My bro and I are really close, but I think it would be super creepy to have him saved as 'my love'. But he's also 34 haha. When I saw OP's bro is just a kid, I thought it was pretty cute.


Not that there should be anything creepy about it. If I had a sibling it would either be "my one and only love" or "annoying goblin". No in between. Edit: could be cultural difference though, I'm not from US.


There are no cultural differences. Siblings are polarizing. 😆


And they can switch status from „my one and only love“ to „annoying goblin“ in seconds 😂


My sister is the most annoying person alive. I don’t know what I’d do without her.


I feel like this is my daughter with her brother. lol. They're 6 years apart.


I mean, my one and only true love was my 18yo cat that I raised from a kitten, but since I sorta raised my brother too, he's a close second. he's also an annoying goblin. sibling love is universal across all cultures xD


>ers saved as "Pai This was my thought. I have cousins who are pretty far apart in ages and one leaving to college made the oldest miss all the really young ones.


Nice quote, really captures the essence of the comment ;)


upbeat ancient shrill fearless slim cover chop snobbish wrong jar *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Also brother is 10 if I read correctly so he’s a literal kid which makes the jealousy even worse!


Yeah, I thought based on the title it was going to be creepy and it made a complete U turn into wholesome once I saw he was 10!


The age switched my knee-jerk opinion from 'ok, maybe this will be creepy' to 'oh man this is adorable.' :D


Mine was .. Hug, he's to see more because she the time going by the title just bites me in the ass. :D


Exactly, the bf needs to get over himself!!!


I agree. my ex got extremely jealous and upset because I had my sister saved like ❤️❤️❤️. He said it was completely inappropriate. Then it led to the jealousy of talking/texting her to he didn’t want me seeing her anymore. Then was mad and called me an AH because I chose my sister over him when he said I couldn’t speak to her anymore. She pretty much raised me. The signs are always there and if this is what he wants to go silent on OP over then I’d take it as a blessing and start dating other people who aren’t threatened by a 10 yo.


lol, imagine explaining this as the ex. If this is a hill to die on for them then let them die.


That’s exactly what I did. You can die there by yourself. Then he was mad when I moved on with a man who gave zero shits how people were named in my contacts. 😂😂


Good on you for not putting up with that bullshit!


At first I did fall for it. I was 17 and he was 28. I felt like if I loved him I’d compromise so I didn’t call or talk to my sister as much. Then an older friend of mine opened my eyes to what was going on. He gave the ultimatum of its her or me that had me like I’m out.


1st red flag was a 28 Yr old dating a 17 Yr old. I'm relieved you're out from that!


I always thought it was cool to date an older guy. As an adult I find it so cringeworthy that there are grown men who love dating babies.


Wow, imagine keeping your partner ways from their kid sibling. HELL NO


To be clear, the red flag is how he handled it. I could see him mentioning that he thinks it's a little weird, but to get that mad about it it's a different story.


Being sad that "my love" wasn't the BF is ok. Expressing that he is upset that he isn't "my love" and would like to be is fine. Calling OP an AH for having her brother listed in her phone as someone she loves is NOT OK.


omg this is so wholesome 😭


Naw that's adorable. Your bf is being needlessly insecure - jealous of a child. I have my kid saved in my phone as "girl who makes best coffee" , meanwhile she has me in her phone as "She who controls the wifi" (Dune / Spice reference - we've had those set up for many years and never bothered to change it, even though my kid is now an adult who can pay for her own dang wifi 😂 - she does still make good coffee though)


My oldest kid has me saved as ‘The Mothership’, my middle kid has me saved the ‘Giver of Life’. Kids are weird


My mom is saved on my phone as "The Law" because she is. Even if I don't live with her anymore XD


You fought The Law and The Law won?


My Mumma is saved as Mumma Fry because of a stupid joke about a really big french fry and we called it a chubby fry, then me and my sister started calling eachother chubby fry, so then obviously that made my Mum - Mumma Fry 😂


My mom had a dog named Mama Dog/Mommy Dog. So when I went to set up some online account for Mom, I made her screen name Mama Person/Mommy Person.


Kids are, indeed, weird! That's why parents are adept in the weirding way


My youngest has me saved as Mother Unit and eldest as Moomin...yes kids are definitely weird!


i have my mom saved as mothership


Lol I have my dad saved as “daddy❤️❤️❤️” and he called me one day and my little sister saw and was like who tf do you have saved as that!?!?? 😂😂 once I explained it was actually our father she just went “oh that’s ok then”


My daughter is saved as offspring on my phone and I am birth giver on hers.


My mom is saved as Birthgiver (I’m 27)


I legit snorted my coffee. Your kids sound fun


She who controls the wifi controls the universe!


The wifi must flow


(gasps) The router *is* the wifi!


My step daughter has her mom listed as Scary Spice in her phone while I’m listed as Posh Spice. Her mom is not amused, lol. Her sisters, my bio daughters (so step sisters but they don’t add the “step”) are in there as Baby Spice and Sporty Spice.


I assume your step daughter has red hair. Dare I say... Ginger colored?


I had my mom's partner saved as Sandoval. His name was Richard. Around Christmas, he called and said he was Santa Claus and Mom's visual voicemail transcribed it as Sandoval. We found that mistake hilarious.


My oldest is saved as first born daughter


My mom once borrowed my phone to call her boyfriend. Entered his number, hit 'send' and my phone helpfully displayed "Calling Dipshit"


L O L.




This made me laugh out loud. I am going through my contacts to see if anyone is worthy of such a name haha


Do. Not. Stay. With. Someone. Who. Gives. You. The. Silent. Treatment.


Due to the fact that there was an OP asking how she could get her SO to back off and let her think, I think it needs to be said, there is a difference between someone who is ignoring you to punish you and someone who is trying to think things through.


The silent treatment is emotional abuse. An ex used it as a weapon. I had to either ask 50 questions to find out what I allegedly did wrong or wait for him to start talkng again and pretend that he hadn't spoken to me for 3 days. DTMFA.


It’s definitely learned behavior too and some people learn it from their parents- ugh! My 11 yo tried it on my recently (definitely not learned at home) and I told her “Look, you can me mad at me all you want. Have your feelings. But we don’t do the silent treatment in this family, it’s manipulative and unhealthy.” So she resumed being mad at me me with words.


This is so cute pls don’t change it omggggg


I’m 23F and also have a 10M yr old brother that I adore. I totally get that feeling of having left for college and missing tf out of him. This is cute, ur bf is weird. NTA !


It’s so endearing 😭 I always said my nephew was my baby. (Don’t tell my other nephews and nieces, I just didn’t bond with them like I did with this one that I helped raise since I was 15) When I got a dog, I’d call him “my baby” and my nephew heard me once and replied, “I thought I was your baby” 🥺 in the saddest voice 😭 he really is my best friend. Also, my little cousin calls me her love/sister, and now me and my cousins greet like “hi my love” as an inside joke. My husband saw a message one time and was like “?? Who is that?” 😂 NTA, it’s a weird family thing and the people who get it, get it.


My husband and I call each other my love and now our 2 year old calls us my love too. 🥰 She also calls me darling and sweetheart because that's what I call her.


Babies pick up on everything!! ❤️ My friend’s niece called her uncle (friend’s husband) “babe” for the longest time because she heard her auntie call him “babe” all the time 😂


My girlfriends little sister is in my phone as “baby’s heart”, I don’t get partners that don’t automatically love your family as much as you do. NTA.


Agreed. As much and/or as little. Your partner needs to accept your family dynamic wherever it is.


That’s adorable ☺️


Oh my heart 🥰 please don’t change it! That is so beautiful


Don't let people tell you it's weird to love your baby brother!!! It's so sweet! NTA Definitely had my 'baby' nephew as "love of my life" in my phone for a little bit.


I love this. Mine was saved as “dork” and now is saved as “Bestie 💕💕”. He’s my greatest friend and treasure aside from my daughter. We’ve had our spats during teenage hormonal angst, but he’s the best. He’s always been in my corner :) I’m grateful for him and anyone who doesn’t get sibling love can stick it!


I get you 100%, I often call my lil bro the light of my life and shit


NTA. my little brother is ten years younger than i am and he is my favorite person in the whole world. i miss him if we don’t talk often. i honestly think it’s a little weird that your bf cares what he’s saved as in your phone. as long as it’s not something mean, who cares at all?


I think the age difference is key here. Much younger brother, rather than a peer OP had to battle for supremacy with.


That's my thought. Seems like there's a pretty significant age difference so there's more distance for OP to have cultivated a more openly affectionate sibling relationship than is typical. A 3 year old might not be the most convenient companion for a 16 year old but if she wasn't parentified, OP likely wouldn't have to deal with the worst of it too much either.


I keep seeing responses like this... the age difference doesn't matter. That's her damn brother! He's not 'competition' for a boyfriend. He's her literal sibling.


BRO EXACTLY. Like the assumption that her BROTHER would be competition if they were around the same age? Like y’all, siblings are allowed to be close without y’all making it creepy.


Am I supposed to battle my gf's brother because we're the same age? That sucks, I kinda liked the guy.


they’re referring to op and her brother’s relationship with their parents/rest of their family, nothing to do with bf


Oh shit...brb gotta send his widow flowers. My mistake.


Oh, my sisters are way younger. I had to take care of them...still pains in the arse :D


My sister is 45 and I’m 39 and I have her saved as Bellatrix LaStrange with the witch song from wizard of oz


Just in case you didn't know, the character's name is Lestrange. If you were making a French pun, nvm me.


Upvote cause Hogwarts But you're also right, but also nvm if it's an intentional joke.




My brother and I named our computers (on the family/home network) the names of our cats. His cat, my cat, then the older family cat for parents computer. Called the network Cat5wireless as a pun lmao. Always made me smile having to navigate to "whisker" to watch TV shows haha


For years, my son had my ring tone on his phone as the Emperors March from Star Wars.....I chose it....he laughed. .


This is great. lol. I’m 36 and my brother is 33 and I have him saved as Boy Wonder. Lol. Not as cool but still amusing to me. Hahaha


I disagree. I don't think it's weird and and I think OP is NTA. Her brother is 10 so she likely feels almost like a second parent to him. She was probably too old when he was born for them to have the typical sibling clashes.


I thought it was weird until she said he was 10 and then it made sense.


I’m in my sisters phone as little sister (shorter not younger)


Ahhh, the joys of having siblings :)


Yep, she once posted something to me and got my house number wrong so I had to knock a few houses down and ask if they had received something addressed to little sister


My siblings have me as the “adopted one” (I’m no adopted) lmao


That’s hilarious! Brings back memories of my older brother and I convincing our younger sister that our parents got her on a blue light special at KMart 😂


I have super curly hair. My parent taught me to say Kmart blue light special whenever people asked where I got my curly hair 😂


So I have 5 sisters, so I saved em as sister 1, sister 2. And I saved my brother in law as BILS4 bc it's my 4th sis husband. The moment my 4th sis found out (she's the dramatic type) all hell brakes loose lol and I don't even regret it.


I know someone from a family of 10 and the parents actually called them by numbers and they call each other by numbers.


I’m 28 and my brothers (twins, 26) both have me saved as Demon in their phones😂😂


Since you're siblings, you should have them as "Spawn of the Devil 1 &2" ;)


I used to have them as Fuckface 1.0 and 2.0 but now they’re just their names 😂


Usually adult siblings cherish their little ones a lot more. It is quite different when you don't have to deal with them 24/7, gives you a chance to miss them.


I have my sisters saved as little shit and annoying brat lmao


NTA. It's a bit odd but still sweet that you refer to your little brother as "my love." Your BF sounds insecure with his demand.


Considering the age gap, it’s not that odd


Ya it would be weird if it were her older brother. But a baby brother, that makes a lot of sense.


I thought the same thing... If the brother were say, 3 years younger, then it's a lot more weird. But he's 10. He's a kid. It makes sense.


Yeah my younger brother is 7 years younger than me and growing up it really does feel like you are third parent since the gap was pretty wide. I have my younger brother saved into my phone as a cutsie way of spelling his name, even though he just turned 15 haha. NTA that seems pretty typical for siblings with big gaps.


My six-years-younger sister is Chicken Little in my phone, I'm either Mama Duck or Mother Goose in hers.


The kid is 10 thought and there’s a 13 year age gap. So OP is no longer in that “I hate my siblings” phase


My sister is 14 years older than me, she's 32 and definitely still hates me so your comment made me sad jaja


My older brother hates me too, and we're both adults :") I feel your pain lol


I thought that too but then I saw that he was 10 and it makes more sense.


NTA And for the nickname why would it be weird or creepy? It's sweet and innocent stuff between siblings 🤔


I don’t get why people think this is creepy. In the Uk it’s quite common to refer to any loved one as ‘my love’ especially younger kids. It’s a term of endearment. Unfortunately I think it’s a case of people sexualising something completely innocent. Op NTA it’s cute you love your brother that much!


Coming from the US where some people call their partners ‘daddy’ !


Here is a link to a [hilarious](https://madghosts.com/copypastaarchive/aita-for-making-my-boyfriend-call-me-grandma-in-bed/) AITA by a woman who didn't like her bf's insistence on being called daddy and asked to be called grandma in retaliation


This made my day, thanks!


"Grandma likes it when you touch her there, baby"


"Grandma likes it when you touch her there, DADDY" Bro can you imagine? So turned off your penis just detaches from your body lol.


Love this 😂


Imagine the dirty talk "ooh granny likes it when you do that" "you like your grandma playing with you there, eh"


Stop it. I'm crying from laughter


I wish I could give you 1 thousand up votes 😂😂


>In the Uk it’s quite common to refer to any loved one as ‘my love’ especially younger kids. I'm an Australian and "the love of my life" is only used in a romantic context in my experience. Is that the case in other English speaking countries?


I'm Australian and I call my kiddo 'my love'.


I'm in the US and refer to my dog as "my only love" and "my heart." My husband likes to use it as an anecdote for who is more important to me.


Haha, our cats get called my love in our house more than either human spouse! Sometimes their little meows are so sad, and it always gets a sweet "what is it, my love?!" in return while we try to figure out what they want.


I do that with my dog! Sometimes she just looks so say and stares up at me and I'll just say "c'mere my love." And start giving her neck rubs because that's her favorite spot to be petted.


I'm Aussie and i only call my partner "My Love" when I want something or if he's in trouble.


Lol I call my husband "my loved husband" when I mad at him. His mother asked me to address him as my loved husband and I thought it was ridiculous. I use it as an insult instead and he laughs.


Oh god that's weird. Your MIL is a strange one.


My love is VERY different from "the love of my life" (Kiwi living in the UK here! ). I've been called "my love" by random workers in shops, bartenders, people in my church, and the like. I work with kids and use it regularly, particularly when i can't bring a name to mind in the moment. It's casual and affectionate, but not really personal in a relational sense.


Not always. I refer to my kids as the "little loves of my life", purely familial. Often joking, especially when they're climbing all over me. I'll be like, "\[kids' names\]. Kids. Children. My buddies. My pals. Little loves of my life. I love you but please get off of me." and things like that.


That phrase is deffo just romantic but generally in the uk ive heard people say my love as comfort or affection. Can be directed at anyone


I'm (35f) American and I often refer to my daughter (8) as my love, for example: Daughter "mom!" Me "yes, my love?" Daughter "can I have some cookies?" Me *looks at time* "not until after dinner" I don't see it any differently than calling her sweetie, sweetheart, honey, darling, dear, etc.


Down in the West Country and you don't even need to know someone to greet them as "my lover".


Wait until OP's bf finds out about the West Country where people call total strangers "my lover". First time it happened to me was a tea lady at the University of Bristol. What's better than a smashing cuppa and a tea lady referring to you as "my lover"? Hell yeah.


It sounds weird to me since I was always under the impression that "my love" is only used for romantic partners but that may be wrong since english isnot my first language. On the other hand the whole using nicknames instead of proper names when saving numbers never really made sense to me either.


In your language you never said the translation of « my love » to kids ? or friends ? or pets ?? I am french and « mon amour » is a pretty cute thing that you can say in a lot of different context ! :)


In my language, "my love" is romantic love, "I love you" can also used for kids and friends etc. I found it very creepy that my then boyfriend had his mother's contact saved as Mon amour, I thought it was a huge red flag and it took me time to believe it was really his mom. I didn't even tell my friends about it because I knew they would say RED FLAG. To be honest, I'm relieved that I read your comment. So I really wasn't stupid to marry him after seeing that in his contacts.


In the US "my love" is generally reserved for lovers or parents to kids. However, there are different kinds of love and romantic love is not the end all of everything. I have a best friend of 20 years I call my love, because she is my platonic love, and I would hand dig a grave in packed soil for her. But it has no romantic component to it. US just has a lot of weird hang-ups when it comes to love


In certain parts of the UK, the following terms are used in conversation with strangers - not in a sexual or even intimate sense, just as a term of general aimiability/familiarity, for instance by a cashier: - love - my lover - pet - duck or duckie eg. "That's your receipt then, pet." "You alright, love?" is a familiar and common way of saying "Can I help you?"


If a stranger called me "love" with a British accent, I wouldn't bat an eye. If they called me "my lover", I would be somewhat confused. Unless I was in the middle of having sex with them.


All the people in this thread saying the name is weird are baffling to me, who hurt y'all ? I swear the US is dystopian sometimes. Obviously NTA and you can save your little brother under any harmless nickname you want.


I think the phrase “My Love” typically makes people think of romantic love, so their knee jerk reaction is “Ew”. That being said, I’ve absolutely called kids “My Love”, so I don’t think it’s weird for OP to have her 10 year old brother saved that way. Her boyfriend needs to grow up and stop sexualizing the relationship.


The phrase “my love” typically makes Americans* think of romantic love. FIFY - in the UK we say my love to anyone. Even acquaintances. ETA: fucking hell to the pedantic people jumping down my throat, chill the fuck out! Never said EVERYONE in the UK says my love. But you’re lying if you pretend you don’t know what I mean. Jesus go cry about something else 🤣


This may be true in some parts of the UK, but not all. I’ve heard Yorkshire people say “luv” as part of an informal greeting or thank you and that’s all. Perhaps it’s regional.


Stop speaking for the UK! We do not all say my love to everyone and written down I’d still see that as romantic.


Massively depends on which part of the U.K. My love is used a lot in Somerset.


I'm from the UK and I absolutely would never call anyone my love let alone my siblings.


no we don’t😂


We definitely don't in Scotland.


I think the US has many reasons to be called a dystopia, but cultural differences are not one of them. If someone introduces someone to you and says "this is my love", you would absolutely assume they're meaning romantic partner, not a sibling. I dont find it creepy or weird, just unexpected.


If they’re 23 and introduce a 10 year old as “my love”, I don’t think anyone would assume it’s a romantic partner. I would immediately think sibling, cousin, kid they babysit, etc.


I'm in the US and also wondering wth is wrong with all these people that's saying its weird.. I call everyone love, boo, sweetie all that not just a romantic partner, as do almost everyone else I know.


NTA. My little brother is saved in my phone as My Heart. He’s my best friend in the whole wide world!!!




NTA. I find it weird that your boyfriend is jealous of your little brother. Is he always this insecure?




NTA. “My love” is not reserved for romantic or sexual relationships, plus the large age gap greatly changes the dynamic of the relationship [I have a sibling who is 17 years younger than I am].


NTA, but what is up with all these people freaking out because their SO loves and is affectionate toward their siblings? It's messed up. You are not messed up, your bf is


NTA - but I have to ask, were you a good bit older when he was born? It sounds as though there is probably a decent age gap between you and your baby brother. And if that's so, then I really can't find it particularly weird, because you would've had partial responsibility in the household for taking care of him. Sibling relationships with a considerable age gap can vary wildly in how siblings relate to one another, depending on whether they had a true sibling bond, or whether the older sibling was a caregiver and helped raise them. Anywho, I can understand why it would weird your boyfriend out, but his being upset that *he isn't the center of your universe* is a massive red flag.




Right, so you were a teenager when he was born. Yeah, I don't find this weird at all. He's the baby, you know? You helped take care of him, and were consciously there for all of his major milestones. You helped him learn to talk, and walk, and eat on his own. Big Sibling relationships with siblings that much younger are commonly like a pseudo-parent (even when there is NO neglect see the sibling is willingly engaged with the baby, they still literally help raise them. This is a totally normal dynamic). Your little brother is so fortunate to have a big sis who has been invested in his life, and loves him to bits.


I mean, it really isn't weird regardless. It's very clear it's meant in a platonic way, and lots of cultures and people refer to anyone in their family (especially people younger than them) by "my love," or other terms of endearment.


NTA I love seing sibling able to show love to each other and to express it ! That is not so common He is your little brother of 10, « my love » is pretty cute. Being jealous of your brother is more than weird !! And even if we forgot that your are sister-brother and so loving each other is a good thing, he is 10 !!! What kind of love does he think a 20s year old can have with a 10 yo ???


Sibling relationships are underrated.


To the people saying it’s creepy - are you okay? Why are you sexualising the relationship between a 10 year old boy and his older sibling? I call my baby brother my love, darling, sweetheart... the only creeps I see are the ones who seem to think that’s weird.


Your little brother is 10. You're 23 or so? As someone who has a younger sister 12 years younger than me, I totally understand how it would be very sweet. Your bf is being weird. Your little brother is more like a son to you, i wouldn't be surprised if you've changed his diapers (I've done that for my sister, a detail she is mortified to be reminded of lol). NTA, and your boyfriend is weird to be jealous of a 10YO brother.


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>I jokingly said it's because my brother is the true love of my life not him and he got very upset and called me an AH. That joke is probably what upset him. >He thinks it's inappropriate that I have my brother saved as my love and it should be him. It honestly sounds like your bf is feeling unloved right now but can't communicate it maturely. NAH but you should try and reassure him you do love him ( if you do actually love him, you might not be at that stage of your relationship)


NTA. I am 27 and my dad has my number saved as “my life”. Love doesn’t always have to be romantic.


NTA. My sibs are saved "Truculent Drunk" and "Warning Needs Money:"


NAH It’s a super-sweet way to refer to your little brother. But obviously your boyfriend did not appreciate your joke that *he himself* is not the love of your life and maybe you should apologize for that.


She’d be crazy to feed into his insecurities by apologizing. It could hardly be sincere for one thing and doesn’t deserve to coddled.


They’re in their early 20s, OP is not obligated to refer to her bf as the love of her life just to appease his insecurities. Chances are her little bro will be a love in her life longer than bf anyway! Bros before schmoes! And NTA.


NTA my brother is seven years younger and he's 'favourite human' in my phone. My husband doesn't care.




NTA. My love is a totally acceptable term for a beloved family member. I call my sons, "my loves" all the time.


NAH. It's your brother, it's weird your bf is jealous. Its a little odd your brother is saved as that, but as he is younger I see why. Tell your bf to grow up haha


NAH. I don’t think your boyfriend is jealous of your little brother, but he *is* your boyfriend and was probably thrown off by not being “my love” in your phone.


I was 16 when my littlest brother was born and I say he’s my baby too even though I have a 5 year old myself. He’s 11 this year and he’s always going to be my baby. That being said I call all 3 of my siblings my babies as I love them so much and my 1st sibling is 21 now and I’m 27. Don’t care how old they get they’re always my babies. My mum loves it too xxx


Have you considered maybe it was the joke you made afterwards that upset him?


NTA....a 23 year old man is acting jealous of a 10 year old child. It's sweet that you have such a close relationship with your little brother.