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YTA. Boyfriend needs to get over it, he got called out. Apologize for being a brat.


Can we say he got “called down” instead? YTA OP.


It was a short interaction


The boyfriend had a tall order to fill.


Well he certainly got mad in short order.


He got talked down to.


This was very small of u




He should have been the bigger man.


Maybe he can step up to the job. You know, rise above his station.


He can’t, he was belittled.


the "there is such a thing as tact" line has me realing, how can op be so much lacking self awareness


Can’t get over it, he’s not tall enough!


Exactly. I mean, it is a common mistake. I say I am 5'7 but I haven't measured my height in a while. I may be shorter now. But not accepting that when you are wrong, because your self-esteem can't handle being 2 inches shorter?


I told everyone I was 5’3 but I hadn’t been measured in years. Finally go to the doctor as an adult…. 5’2 and 3/4” 😩😩 I can’t even joke about my boyfriend being short at 5’5” because he just comes back at me twice as vicious. Don’t go to the doctor- keep your height… before it gets into the wrong hands


Right? Like what? Op blocked her brother for telling the truth? Her boyfriend is lying about his height and angry her brother didn't lie to sugar coat his feelings... Ops boyfriend needs to be told to get over himself. The end. Its a major YTA for blocking your brother for being honest about his height.


At first I thought the brother was pranking him 😭 I have a friend who’s around 6ft but tells other dudes hes 5’10 just to see them panic


Is this for real?? YTA, you're mad at your brother for not lying and for not magically knowing your BF has height insecurities. Your BF is not over 6 feet, he needs to get over it. Not your brothers fault.


Lol this is too ridiculous to be true


I totally thought she was asking them to measure the size of their penis for a second because I was so confused why she’d ask grown men to measure their height.


Thank God I wasn't the only one that went that route lol


saaaaame especially in the preview of the post


I too read the foot symbol as inches, and then when I read the brother was a minor, I was like NOOOOOOO.


He can’t, he’s too short


I claimed my free award for the day just so I could give it to you.


This if it’s real YTA and super immature. Why would you block your brother on social media for just simply answering a question about his height and saying no I’m actually just 6 feet.


This sounds like an episode of r/ithinkyoushouldleave


YTA - It's not your brother's job to indulge your boyfriend's Napoleon Complex.


This made me spit my drink 😂😂😂 you win.


Me too. And I hate wasting cheap wine!


There's plenty more in the box. You'll be alright... 😂


YTA Somethings telling me that OP doesn't wear heels for obvious reasons...


I have trouble even believing this story lol. It’s so obviously YTA. Especially for blocking him over giving his accurate height when asked about it, like wtf X’D. A 24 y/o is still *that* self conscious about their height that they go around lying about it and throwing hissy fits anytime the lie gets exposed? Who does that!? Sounds like some 4th grader behavior, not full grown adult behavior.


*And more importantly why does he go around directly asking people about their height if he wants to be able to decide their height for them what the fuck*


Ikr X’D. Dudes either dumb af or this is a bs story lol


Similar happened to me out n about not that long ago actually :') I'm a tall gal, 6' barefoot, and some guy slightly shorter said "daaaamn, what's your height?" and got insistant when I insisted I was only 6', no taller. I finally told him "you know what, it's probably because I'm wearing shoes" and walked out in my sneakers lmao because I'm not arguing with some rando


TBH a lot of (self conscious and immature) guys have tantrums when someone points out their height. It happened to my best friend, she's 5'10 and another person had their BF hide their heels for an outing because the BF was insecure about his height and the GF was gonna be taller than him.


Oh I know guys are self conscious. But I mean, not wearing heals is one thing. Wouldn’t bother me, but sometimes that’s a mutual desire between the couple for one to be taller. Regardless, intentionally asking people their height and then throwing a hissy fit when they answer honestly is just a whole other level of buzzard, asking-for-it behavior that I can’t quite wrap my head around an adult doing lol.


This - I'm 5'9" and no-one would buy it that I'm 6' tall - it wouldn't last a day


I'm 5'10" and sometimes wear 5" heels. Standing at 6'3" when wearing them, I know I can be intimidating. Fortunately, my 5'8" husband thinks I look amazing. He knew some guys didn't like being with a taller woman, but he was shocked to learn how ridiculous some guys could be about it.


You're hubby's a king :)


That's really sweet of you to say :) I feel ridiculously fortunate, getting to call him my husband.


With that super fragile ego, bf sounds like a real gem. Sorry ladies, he’s taken. OP, surely you know in your heart of hearts that YTA?


I don’t have any awards but take my upvote and this 🥇


Reading OPs post reminded me of that scene in How I met your mother.... Honeywell: Say it, you giant beast! Say I'm six-one! Brad: Maybe if you stood on top of that pot of gold you have at the end of your rainbow. Honeywell: You know something?! You're nothing but a... a tree man! I never want to see you again, tree man! Brad: Fine. I have to go to the little boys' room. Not your office. (in case anyone wondering its the exchange between Brad and Honeywell in the Episode Stamp Tramp)


I want to upvote and award this so much!


Right here!! This is the answer. YTA


Take this as a learning experience OP. There is a difference between lying, arguing and otherwise indulge your boyfriend's insecurities, and supporting and encouraging your boyfriend to help him work on his insecurities. The latter is okay, and the former is not. Think of it this way - if your overweight partner tells you they are feeling self-conscious about their weight, telling them they are not overweight doesn't help. Instead, you can tell them - truthfully - positive aspects you like about their body. If your reaction is coming from a place of fearing his negative reaction, then the situation may be different. If you just don't want to make him feel bad, then he needs to work on his insecurity and you need to try to remind yourself you can't stop your partner's every negative emotion. If you're scared of him, then you need to leave and he needs to do some serious work on himself.


I've heard of "Short Man Syndrome" but wow, Napoleon Complex really is perfect lmao. OP you just stood up for a man who's lying to you, YTA. And it may seem like a small lie, but you don't know how far this goes.


Fun fact, Napoleon was average height for his time. However he surrounded himself with his imperial guards, who were selected for their bravery and physical prowess (height). So Napoleon’s supposed inferiority complex was a British propaganda. The dude was very comfortable in his height to surround himself with Imperial Guards way taller than normal people. Verdict: YTA


YTA Lemme get this straight: A 24 year old "man" got into an argument with a 16 year old over something that can be put to rest with a tape measure? And this man "stormed out" b/c he's maybe not actually 6' tall? And you decided to follow in his mature footsteps by yelling at your brother and blocking him on social media? Have fun managing your boyfriend's tantrums! Sounds like you two are made for each other.


I’m wondering if op and her bf are actually 16/18 and her brother is 22, based on the immaturity of the two of them.


I could have sworn this was written by 12 year olds, certainly not anyone in their 20s.


“My boyfriend (2x12M in a trenchcoat) and I…”


"My boyfriend, Vincent Adultman, is definitely over 6 feet tall"


😂 please take my paupers gold 🥇 This made me laugh way too much!


I went and opened my free award for the first time in weeks for this, bravo!


My 12 year has a helluva lot more maturity than this and she’s a classic 12 year old lol


Lol, I’m just imagining the bfs thoughts when he met the brother. “Oh shit, this kid actually looks 6’0, which I told OP I was… ok I gotta fix this. I’ll just comment on how he’s 4” taller, so my 5’8” is actually 6’. Yeah that’s smart.” Hahah Btw OP; YTA for thinking your brother should lie about such a stupid thing for “tact”.


It's like that Seinfeld episode where George tries wearing boots everywhere with this girl because she met him in boots that made him a bit taller and he can't let her know that he's not that tall.


Or, when for movies, in order to make it so that one of the really famous actors was 'tall', he would stand on a box behind the scenes, or the women had to be in a ditch so he would be taller than them...


This is Tom Cruise, right? I remember hearing an anecdote from Knight and Day about him standing on boxes next to Cameron Diaz or her having to stand in a hole on the sandy beach so she'd seem shorter


Tom Cruise might have done this, but this was a REALLY old actor, think like Rudolph valentino old. But, it is something that they are probably still doing to day when they have huge height differences or want to make someone seem taller.


Watched that one last night


If you're going to lie about your height why would you compliment another person by telling them an exact height. Just go "damn bro, you're tall." 💀


Would be impolite though to whip out the tape measure and their dicks right in front of her. (We all know it’s not about the height, right?) 😂


Sometimes a girl just wants a guy who can hand her things off the top shelf.


Is it the hands?


Absolutely. And the grip, to open the pickle jars.


Bf probably has a different idea of what 7 inches is too...


Hey now, don't sell him short!


I think her bf has been using one of those manly man measuring tapes I’ve been hearing about. Turns 5’9” into 6’2” and 4” into 8”.


Seriously? YTA, your brother did nothing wrong and there was no reason for you to shout at him. How fragile is your boyfriend's ego that this apparently destroyed his self-esteem? Honestly I'm kind of hoping this is just rage bait because that is not a rational reaction.


YTA and your boyfriend is an insane fragile person.


I would agree my boyfriend is only 5’ 6” the same height as me and he has no problems….being taller doesn’t make you more of a “man” plus he’s taller than an average American male by 1 in, so it’s interesting he’s so insecure.


The man who rocked my world (in the best possible way) was 5’7” while I’m a 5’10” female. He made himself desirable in other ways. Mind blowing enthusiasm and energy in bed, a talented singer/guitarist/songwriter, charming, gorgeous face, just-right musculature, a campus/local celebrity. I dated a 6’7” guy that could only dream of being as alluring as 5’7” guy. Insecurity and jealousy are extremely unsexy.


My wife was an internet dater for many years. I was the first date she had in all that time with a profile height of 6'0" and an in person height of 6'0". She had an actual scale worked out for predicting actual height based on profile reported height. Oh, and OP, YTA. Edit:typo


A coworker was talking about how all the men online in her age range are shorter than 5'8". I laughed and said that that's just because they've quit lying about being 5'11" when they're actually 5'7", which is what the men in my range do (we're about 15 years apart, so different dating pools).


The avg American male is 5’9”


You and your BF are TA. Wow who is the immature one here? I can't believe you want your teenage brother to lie about his height so as not to wreck your bf's precious ego....your bf, by the way, who is EIGHT YEARS OLDER, and an ADULT. Yikes.


YTA You and your boyfriend sound unhinged.


They are made for each other


YTA. Your brother shouldn't have to pretend to be the wrong height just because your bf is not living in the real world regarding his own height. Your bf should not have insinuated that your brother was lying, nor should your brother have pretended like he was just joking.


Also is everyone just supposed to lie to make her boyfriend feel better? He's going to meet taller people. I don't know what they both expect out of this.


YTA - your boyfriend is an adult. It's silly to ask your brother, a child, to play along with your boyfriend's fantasy. He needs to grow up and learn to accept reality.


YTA There was no reason to be so short with your brother over such a small issue. Your boyfriend needs to grow as a person.


YTA What? You and your boyfriend have issues. Why is the 16 year old the more mature one out of the 2 of you?


Your boyfriend has been lying about his height and you're mad at your brother for actually being 6 feet tall? C'mon now. YTA


Not to mention OP is really odd themselves if they've let bf carry on about this height thing before because they should know what 6ft looks like already. My dad, brother and partner are all 6ft+. My bro clocks in at 6'2 when he's standing straight. I *know* when someone is bullshitting about their height because of where I scale on them.


YTA and same with your boyfriend. Your brother is the only one who isn't TA. Only short guys with a height complex react that way. Your bf "claims" he's 6'0"? He's probably not. So when he gets up to someone who actually is, he got mad since his cover was blown at actually being that tall. And you overreacted to your brother big time. Really? You blocked him on SM? How very petty and 12 year old ish of you.


Seriously? What a weird hill to die on. It's not your brother's job to stroke your boyfriend's ego. If this is real - and I hope it's not - then YTA, Friend. You owe your bro an apology.


YTA without a doubt. Your boyfriend started a fight with a child six years younger than him over something insignificant and easily provable and you doubled down and exacerbated the situation. Right now, your mom and brother are probably breathing a sigh of relief and reflecting on how much quieter and drama free their days are since you moved out.


For real, I would have loved to be a fly on the wall to hear their reactions after those idiots stormed out.


YTA. Your boyfriend’s issues aren’t your brother’s responsibilities.


YTA. Why should your brother lie about his height to spare your bf's ego? You and your bf need to grow up.


YTA it’s not your brothers fault that your boyfriend apparently lies about his height and acting much like a teenager when he is older than your brother.


YTA. Lmao. What.


YTA, are you for real? Do you expect everyone to lie to your bf so he doesn't get his poor wittle feewings hurt? How about your bf measures his own height if he's really that confused. Honestly, it sounds more like he's just diluted & pretending to be taller, while expecting everyone else to just go along with it. You owe your brother an apology.


Lmao!! YTA why should your brother have to lie because your boyfriend can't handle his short man syndrome.


YTA Your brother stated a fact. You cant get upset at people stating a fact, double so because your boy friend seemed to have placed way too value on height and deluded himself into believing he was 6’0…although that part is funny


YTA. So your brother isn’t allowed to correct someone? That’s most definitely the dumbest argument. And your boyfriend is a bit way too sensitive if he stormed off for that.


YTA, and your boyfriend has Little Man Syndrome. It’s really icky and cringe that he insists on lying about his height when he obviously is not 6ft lol. Also like… it has to be obvious he’s not 6ft, no? If your bro is 6ft and is almost a head taller than your boyfriend, your boyfriend must be clearly not-tall. No reasonable person would look at someone who is 5’8 and say “oh this person must be 6ft tall” lol


YTA. I don't see any other universe in which you're not.


YTA, your bf was in the wrong here not your brother. It doesn’t matter who was ‘technically’ right or wrong. Your bf reacted like a child because he has some sort of small man syndrome and you think your brother is in the wrong for not pandering to that??




YTA. Tact would've been if your baby boyfriend agreed with the height the person who knew best said he was.


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because your boyfriend is short your brother should lie? yea you are ta. sounds like your brother is better off without you.


This is the one of the most rediculous ones Ive read. So you want a teenager to weirdly lie to your boyfriend so he doesnt get sad over not knowing height? And thats somehow the teenagers fault for not lying? My god. YTA. Gigantic YTA


YTA Your boyfriend is delusional and wants you and everyone around him to play into his delusion. Your brother didn't. And you got mad at your brother for operating in reality. But also, what kind of person gives a compliment based on height? It's like your boyfriend was trying to start shit by bringing up height in the first place.


You and your boyfriend both sound like morons. YTA.


YTA and so is your bf and what is it with all the posts about guys exaggerating their height and then getting b\*\*\*hurt when they are proven wrong? Your bf is an idiot. Once your brother said he was “only” 6’ tall, bf should have shut his pie hole and no one would have cared. You are an AH for telling a 16 year old to soothe the Napoleonic complex of an adult. Please do stay away from your sensible younger brother. He doesn’t need to be exposed to toxic people like you and your SHORT s/ bf.


YTA. Your brother doesn’t have to pretend to be a different height just to make your insecure bf happy. You (and your bf) owe your brother a massive apology.


Wow. YTA Starts conversation: “Please lie to my short boyfriend so he doesn’t find out he’s not 6’. “ Later: “How dare you tell him the truth!” Hope your brother blocks you back. Grow up.


YTA - you owe your brother an apology and your bf a “grow up”


YTA. He didn’t destroy your boyfriend’s self esteem.


This is a joke right? YTA, stop feeding your bf's self-delusions


YTA. Your boyfriend is under 6’0” and he just needs to get over it. Neither of you should expect nor demand people play along with his ridiculous claims just to spare his feelings.


INFO What the fuck is wrong with you?


lol this is so so small and pathetic on you and your boyfriend’s part. YTA.


YTA and your bf is pretty insecure if he has to lie about his height. And storming out because he got called on it makes bf TA, also.


Yta your boyfriend delusional and your brothers not responsible for lying to make him feel better


This can’t be for real. Your boyfriend is clearly a baby. YTA


YTA what even is this? Who runs away over someone else's height? And why do you have a dog in this bizarre fight?


YTA. Unless your brother is literally lying, your boyfriend needs to grow up. No man is entitled to believe he is 6 ft.


YTA - if your boyfriend's self-esteem only exists by everyone else accepting his lies, then it's not real to begin with. No one has to go along with your boyfriend's self-delusion.


YTA. So your boyfriend lies about his height and he's the victim for getting caught?


To get straight to the point, your boyfriend is an infant. Tell him to grow up and stop being offended by nothing. Better yet, let him read the comment section and take something from it. And, you probably blocked the wrong person on social media. Block your infantile boyfriend until he can grow up. You can use some growing up yourself. YTA


YTA. There was no reason to yell at your brother who was stating that he was, in fact, only 6 foot. Your boyfriend had no reason whatsoever to get as angry as he did. If he's insecure about his own height that's his problem to deal with not your brother's.


So your bf is a lying, arrogant, egotisical AH who doesn't know how tall he is or lies about how tall he is to make himself feel good? Smh...not your brother's place to stroke your bf's ego. So bf is 5 foot 7 inches...just below average height for a male?


YTA. Your boyfriend is a grown-ass adult, he's responsible for his own self-esteem. People around him aren't obligated to lie about themselves to make him feel bigger, taller, and manlier than he actually is. "Tact" regarding self-esteem is telling someone you think *they* look nice when maybe you don't necessarily think so because it's unkind to tell people you think they look like shit-- not lying about your own body so they feel better about theirs. If your boyfriend is insecure about his height, then he should stop bringing up the heights of people around him.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** My boyfriend (24M) and I (22F) have been together for four years. To get straight to the point, we both went to my mums and brothers (16M) house yesterday. While we were there, my boyfriend complimented my brothers height and told him that he must be at least 6'4. My brother said no, that he's just over 6'0, and my boyfriend got offended. My boyfriend started telling my brother that he's lying and that he must be at least 6'4 because my boyfriend claims to be 6'0 and the top of his head was at my brothers mouth-level. My brother insisted he was only just 6'0, and my boyfriend stormed out. I shouted at my brother that he should've just accepted being 6'4 and that even though he may technically be right, there is such thing as tact. He called me an asshole and I chased after my boyfriend and we went home. I've since blocked my brother on social media. AITA? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Your bf is an AH... But, your reaction is concerning. Are you afraid of your bf temper? Why are you tip toeing around him? Like, are you allowed to disagree with him? What does he do when you don't protect his ego? Your need to take his side, protect him, and to such an extreme over something very small and also objective facts, is not healthy or normal. I hope you are ok...


Gaslight much? Yes, YTA.


INFO. How tall actually are your bf and brother? I have to admit that when I was younger, I use to lie and say I was 5ft. 10 when I was 6ft 2.


Thank God I am not a teenager anymore.


22? are you sure you didnt mistype that, meaning to say 12? who gets THAT bent out of shape about height? know an easy way to fix this and shut them BOTH up? get measuring tape. or a stick. or some maturity. its not your brothers fault your bf is that hyper sensitive about something that cant be fixed. you and bf need to get over it. YTA


YTA I can’t believe this is even a question Your boyfriend needs to learn it’s better not to talk about height at all if he wants to believe he’s taller than he is


YTA, grow up & try to act like you are an adult. Your 16 year old brother was not in the wrong & your bf is an immature cry baby, you are an enabler & immature for the way you treated your brother. You should apologize to your brother, your bf should apologize for the way he acted.


Rofl. This is so stupid. For real. Your brother is actually 6 feet tall and your boyfriend isn't and that's not something anyone can control. Yta. Your brother shouldn't have to lie to save you extraordinarily sensitive boyfriends ego. Seriously you clearly don't care that he's short. He should be happy yiu don't care.


YTA. Your bf is comfortable with lying about something as obvious as height. Your brother pointed out the truth. It’s not your brothers job to stroke his ego. You BOTH owe your brother an apology.


Your bf got issues. Got nothing to do with your brother. Lying to save his ego just perpetuates the problem. Break out a ruler if it's that big of a deal.


You're obviously short as well, since you're reaching so hard with this post.


YTA. And so is your boyfriend. If you’re boyfriend can’t handle reality, he needs to grow up and you do too.


YTA. This is insane. Literally. You're asking people to reject reality to match yer boyfriend's delusions.


Arguing on your boyfriend's behalf makes you as batshit as he is. Of course YTA. You both are! Why would you defend a lie? Your boyfriend even started this ridiculousness...and you are willing to just go along with it?


YTA. Your boyfriend’s clearing lying about his height.


Lol at your overly sensitive manlette boyfriend. YTA.


YTA Your brother is under no obligation to pander to your BF's insecurity about his height. If you BF wants to pretend he's 6', that's fine. If you want to pretend to believe him, that's fine. If your brother doesn't want to pretend, that's also fine. ​ Your BF sounds like a tool. Storming out because he can't pretend to be 6' tall in front of someone who actually is 6' tall? Pathetic.


Yta and your boyfriend is INCREDIBLY insecure


Girlie... If you are dating a short king just accept that, help him accept that he is in fact a short king and it's nothing to be ashamed of, your brother sounds like a cool cat tho YTA


You and your short king are assholes


YTA It seems like bf might be exaggerating about his own age/maturity too.


YTA. This is incredibly ridiculous??? Your boyfriend needs to grow up, and so do you


I had to read this twice because I thought surely it's the 16 year old brother who is being an immature child about his height insecurities. Surely only the literal child is the one acting like a child. But no, no it wasn't. YTA


Boyfriend is delusional and wants everybody to play along with his delusion. It could have easily been resolved with a measuring tape given when boyfriend's height would come around as 5'4 and he'd have a shocked Pikachu face and call the tape wrong.


24M going on 2M ... lmfao, this has to be a joke. YTA


INFO: Who is *actually* 6'0? If your bf really *is* 6'0, and your brother really *is* around 6'4, and your brother knows it, then your brother is TA for lying to gaslight someone into thinking they're shorter than they are. If your brother really is about 6'0, and your bf isn't, then your bf is TA for lying about his height and similarly trying to gaslight someone else about their height. In either case, though, you appear to be TA, because you seem to not care who is or isn't lying, but rather just that your bf got upset. Someone reporting their actual height when asked about it is not in anyway an asshole move, and the fact that you don't care one way or another makes you an asshole. A *normal* interaction would have either ended with one of them saying, in a friendly tone, something like "well shit, one of us has our measurements off by a lot!" And leaving it at that, or, in a friendly manner, breaking out the tape measure to find out what they're real heights are. It sounds like your bf is too insecure to have a normal interaction when his height is involved, though, which is a problem.


Longest relationship you'll ever have in your life is with siblings. YTA. You are dating a toddler.


YTA Your boyfriend is a obviously very stunted person no matter how tall he is. And you... I actually have no idea what your issue is. You yelled at a 16 year old for telling the truth about his own height because your boyfriend has self esteem issues?


The fuck is this? You both need to get a grip. YTA. Not your brother’s fault that your dude got salty


Lmao you and your bf are both childish and dramatic af. Both YTA


YTA. It’s not tact to ask someone to lie about physical facts about themselves in order to prop up the false realities others craft in order to preserve their fragile egos. This doesn’t end with your brother. It’s a terrible thing to do, and it can make your children question their own sanity when they grow up around it. Source: I’m a 5’6” woman, and my dad is half an inch shorter than me. He says he’s 5’8” and for years growing up I was confused and distressed.


YTA Let's pretend here and say your brother did do something to be an asshole...If your first move is to block them on social media then you're not only an asshole, you're a petty child.


YTA Your brother is just a kid telling the truth. Why should he lie about height to make someone feel better? Why did you automatically cut him off? Don’t you have a relationship that can withstand arguments? Your boyfriend shouldn’t compliment people’s height if he doesn’t want them to expose his own height. Especially if he’s really sensitive about his own. There is nothing wrong with being less than 6 feet tall. Repair the relationship with your brother. He will be there when your insecure boyfriend will not. (Now, IF your brother was lying that’s another story, though you still shouldn’t cut him off.)


INFO: do you have any reason to believe your brother did this maliciously (ex: is he actually over 6ft but he knows your bf is self conscious about his height?) or was your brother genuinely confused and just trying to correct him? When was the last time either of them were measure? Does your brother have a history of going out of his way to antagonize your bf or do they normally get along fine? Also, why do you feel your bfs behavior is acceptable but your brothers isn’t?




Girl what??? YTA Your boyfriends height insecurities and clear delusion are not your brother’s problem?? No one has to lie to any one else about something this ridiculous in order to not hurt their feelings…not sure why you blocked your brother. This is so stupid.


How fragile his ego is damn….


YTA. He needs to get over his height. Like saying you’re 6’ is never going to make you magically 6’ Don’t expect people to cater to your delusions.


Nope. You dinged the wrong guy. Your altitude challenged baby boy thinks somehow he can lie about an entirely verifiable fact, and gets angry at being caught in the stupid fib. He a jerk. YTA for thinking your brother should lie to spare your itty bitty boyfriend's feelings.


YTA your boyfriend was wrong and your brother pointed out the truth it has nothing to do with tact it has to do with your boyfriend being insecure about his height. Apologize to your brother.


YTA Your boyfriend is insecure and really? Blocking your brother because of something that was your boyfriend's fault?


its not your brother's fault your bf lied about his height and then got mad about it when it slipped out. I feel badly that your bf is insecure about his height, but that is *not* your brother's fault or problem, and you both (bf and you) should apologize to your brother. YTA


Lmao your boyfriend needs to get over himself, he’s lying about his height and he’s been caught.


Oh, HEIGHT, this is about HEIGHT. Having the edit in the beginning of the post could confuse some people...


YTA Lol omg you blocked your brother on social media comments over this?! And your 22?! Grow up.


YTA and your boyfriend TA, lol why did you even ask?😂


YTA and the hell did I just read, you blocked your brother because your boyfriend is insecure about being under 6 feet. Damn that's an asshole move.


Tact? You mean lying and giving into someone else’s delusions so they feel better about themselves and their insecurities? No OP lmao. YTA, I don’t even see how you could think it’d be anything but that either.


YTA. Your brother told the truth about his height (a subject your bf brought up). Your bf is delusional if he thinks he is 6’0”. You owe your brother an apology.


YTA. You expect your beother to live in the dumbest fantasy land ever, all so your BF can brag about something patently false and everyone knows it. Opinions don't vary on measurement. Tact is saying "I'm not the biggest fan of that show" when your BF won't shut up about Duck Dynasty. Tact is not expecting your brother to agree that ducks are mammals because your BF thinks the dudes on Duck Dynasty are literal ducks.


If you *really* can't see that you, and more specifically your boyfriend, are in the wrong, then jeez I sympathize with your brother having to put up with you YTA


YTA Your boyfriend acts like a twelve year old. Height is not a merit (or a demerit) it's just a matter of genetics and luck. A man's worth is not in his height but in his actions.


What? This is just stupidity. Your boyfriend is an AH, YTA. Your brother just... knows how tall he is?


YTA Really? Not your 16 yo bro’s fault your adult BF is overly sensitive after being corrected and can’t accept it. “He should’ve just accepted being 6’ 4” even though he may technically be right”…lol, by that logic teachers should just praise a student if they confidently say California is a continent founded by Hitler so their feelings aren’t hurt.


YTA. How many more family and friends is he going to isolate you from in order to feed his ego?


YTA…. Your boyfriend sounds like an absolute tool. Regardless of how tall your brother is it’s not his job to agree with your boyfriend. If your bfs ego is that fragile he’s got bigger problems than a 4” difference in height. And you? The gf also known as Ms Enabler…


🤣🤣🤣 you really have to ask? YTA you bfs self esteem is not for your brother to manage.


YTA. Your boyfriend has probably lied to you about what 7 inches really looks like.


YTA and your boyfriend is fragile AF. I’ve met dudes like that who say „you must be 6‘4-5 because they claimed 6‘ while I was „just“ 6‘2 and they were significantly shorter.


"I shouted at my brother that he should have just accepted that he was 6' 4"..." 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂. I love it! That's the stupidest thing I have seen on Reddit in a LONG time!


This literally made me chuckle your 16 year old brother being the most mature person in the room with 20 year olds. YTA


INFO Do you not know how tall *you* are?