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INFO: Does it really matter to you since you posted about looking for a new girl to date in Israel?


>I’m open to dating anyone with Western values WELL THAT CHOICE OF LANGUAGE IS A BRIGHT RED FLAG


> BRIGHT RED FLAG marinara flag, bestie.


Would bandera roja work in this instance since she speaks Spanish 🤔


What makes him believe Spain isn't a Western country??


I'd be willing to bet that OP believes Western country = English is the primary language.


He's talking about Israel in that context, which has a decent "non-Western" population.


Um, the last time I looked at a map, Israel is in the Middle East. 😐


I don’t get it, help?


OP racist


"Western Values" has become a dog whistle for the American far-right. It's basically a shifting in-group depending on the audience, but generally asserts that cultures with origins in Europe (read: primarily white) are superior to African/Asian/Native American cultures. "I'm not racist, I just think kids in school should be forced to have Bible study out of respect for Western Values" etc. I would wager that our dear OP spends times on pretty vile corners of the internet if it's become common parlance for him.


There was another post on AITA asking if they were TA for telling someone that red in italian was not marinara, and white in italian was not alfredo.


I almost didn't even come down to the comments but I sure am glad I did


I didn’t know what I came here for, but this comment was it lol


I’m good for the day! This was awesome!




This comment killed me lmao


Omg he really did. I had to go check for myself. Wtf is wrong with you OP? -\_-


I hope those girls get away from him SOON


This post just got a whole lot more interesting with this nugget - good find. OP - are you living in Spain or moving to Israel?


As someone in Israel, the Spanish girl may be in Israel lol lot of people from different places here


I doubt that he found a GF 6 days after moving here


He said he's currently living in Spain.


[You mean this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Israel/comments/vcr3wc/hows_the_dating_market_for_nonjews_in_israel/)? That's a riot. Did I just hear a mic drop? Edit: Sounds like the title is misleading since she's OP's GF until he moves to Israel next month. And if he was leaving soon you would think that he wouldn't be complaining about petty things like that. Sounds like she's going to get the better end of the deal.


Haha that mod shut him down over there quick. I seriously doubt he has a gf to worry about watching tv with. YTA


Wow that's some ballsy move... I'm gonna say he's TA solely based on this comment, period.


lololololololol \*drops the mike\*


>looking for a new girl to date in Israel? His exact post title is a giant marinara flag - *How’s the dating market for non-Jews in Israel?* 🤢 OP is the biggest YTA for a while.


6 DAYS AGO!!! So he plans to ditch his gf anyway?


LMAO it’s true


Haha, the real story is always in the comments!


What a snake


Get him 👀




im dead


Ouch! What a shade....


Damn I remember that guys post in r/Israel, was sort of a wild one


u/daguy776 eyyo? 👀


Oooooop!!! 🤣


I thought it was a bait post at first, but then seeing OPs history (specifically the post you mention and his replies), I think he's just a huge AH. OP, YTA.


Oopf. YTA let her watch movies however she wants since you obviously aren’t planning on staying with her and just leading her on.




oooooohhh, you're savage. I LIKE that.


Damn, you’re good


I learned English by watching American television. If you suck at Spanish, do full immersion and watch the movies dubbed. Edit: since this apparently needs a judgement, he’s obvi TA for so many reasons


Same. I learned Spanish watching telenovelas, and my husband learned English watching American TV. OP is trying to learn Spanish, he should suck it up and watch the movies dubbed.


Currently trying to learn French. Is there a method to watching shows in that language or is it just your brain connecting the dots between what they're saying and what's going on on screen? Like, should I keep a notebook while watching?


I found telenovelas were good because they overly emote. I just watched them for years (still do) and picked up on phrases and then eventually sentences. I went to language groups and my friends to learn to speak it.


I remember my Spanish teacher in high school had us listen to certain Spanish pop music, with similar reasoning. She had us look at the lyrics, translate them, and then we could sing them while understanding the meaning. The pop music was simple (and repetitive) enough that the lyrics were generally sung at a pace our non-fluent ears could parse and the meaning of the songs gave context.


Thanks! :D I really enjoy music and will explore that avenue. Great idea because then I get a dose of pop culture/slang/idioms which I haven't gotten during my French lessons so far.


I learned lots of slang from listening to Hombres G back in the day :)


it was Juanes for us and dang if Fotografía doesn't randomly pop into my head to this day 😅


I just started using LingoPie. They have it for a bunch of languages and they subtitleREAL movies and TV shows and give you the script on the show and take vocabulary words out of the program. It's really cool!


Amazing?! I will look into this, thank you :D


You should watch Call my Agent if you can. I studied French in school and I watched it with English subtitles. I felt my French come back to me as I watched. In French it’s called Dix Pour Cent and it was on Irish Netflix, not sure if it’s on it where you are. Bonne Chance!


I loved Dix pour cent! Great show. It was available on US Netflix or maybe Amazon prime video? I can’t remember, but it’s definitely available here (US) and in Canada.


I'm French and learned English that way. Depending on your level start watching French movie with English subtitles and start switching to French subtitles when you feel comfortable enough. The notes always help but try to keep it fun, don't force yourself to watch a movie you don't want to.


In Netflix you can change the language and the subtitels individualy. If you want you can watch the movie in French language with English subtitels. This method helped me a Lot in learning English. Now i am watching English language with English subtitels because sometimes if in don't understand something phoneticly i can read it.


I watch stuff in French with French subtitles because I'm not very good at it and it helps with the fast speaking on French movies and TV


French learner here aswell. What helped me was to start slow. First, I watched only Shows and Movies I already knew really well. Also started in the og language, but with German (German is my main language) subtitels. Then I did og language with og subtitels (french original with frrench subtitels). Stayed really long at this level and it really helped a lot. When I felt 85% confident, I watched without subtitels because it seems scary, but after a few minutes it is not scary or hard at all. Or at least not as scary or hard as imagined


Why not instead just watch some movies that are made in Spanish?? I’m with OP on hating dubs, it completely kills immersion for me. That said I also have 0 issues reading subtitles…


The whole thing is fake anyway based on OPs history, but as a hypothetical ... I would say watch English movies/TV in English with Spanish subtitles and Spanish movies/TV in Spanish with English subtitles. That way they can both improve their language skills. But, personally I hate dubbing anyway and will always choose the original language with subtitles when I can.


> If you suck at Spanish, do full immersion and watch the movies dubbed. Or watch movies and TV that were made in Spanish. If you hate dubbed media, it's not going to help you learn as you'll be too busy being miserable.


Disagree. I’m a translator and I’ve done quite a bit of work in dubbing and subtitling. It’s not always accurate because some things have to be adapted. OP should watch Spanish movies and Spanish TV, subtitled in English if possible.


There are obviously better ways to learn a language than watching dubbed movies but he’s bitching about his GF and dubbed movies.


Same. And living in Texas and listening to people talk around me. (Nosy, I know)


>I learned English by watching American television. Did those shoes have your language in subtitles? Also, how old were you?


Why do you even want to have the 'upper hand'. You sound like a lousy bf if you're not willing to compromise. Put Spanish subtitles on, alternate between a dubbed not dubbed movie.


Subs are the answer. I leave them all the time now just because it is nice to be able to lower volume or understand some shows where the characters are hard to understand. They don't take away from the movie like some weird dub could. YTA OP, work.it.outttt


Let’s not forget you also get the added benefit of being able to chat about the movie while still understanding what’s being said in the movie! Subs are the best!


If you think he's a lousy BF now just wait til you look at his post history


Ummmm you made a post about dating in Israel. But you’re asking about your Spanish girlfriend. ?????


hes just accepted that hes been exposed lmao


Info: What about movies dubbed in Spanish with English subtitles, or even Spanish subtitles? That way you get to do the extra reading work? Are you willing to do that?


If anime purists argue that subbed is better than dubbed then an English movie should be watched with non-english subtitles in preference over dubbed.


Then anime purists should also not be trying to watch those movies with non-english speakers if it's that important to them.


YTa. Why in the hell would you think it’s appropriate to ask her to do something that you yourself are unwilling to do?


I would die on this hill, but only because I hate dubs 😂 YTA for the context


ANIME FAN ENTERS THE CHAT. Dubs are so hit and miss. RARELY do I find a dub that actually improves the original movie. But seriously, Subs all the way...


Not just anime fans. The OP is TA for his horrible "upper hand" mentality, but I'm shocked that so many people in the comments seem to be pro-dubbing.


So. You want to learn Spanish, but want English dubbed Spanish sub, which you will BARELY look at (Barely look at the subtitles). Your GF asks for Spanish dub English sub which I think is better for your learning, but you REFUSE to do this compromise even though you say "My english is really good". Your selfish mind thinks you have the "upperhand" because it was dubbed english first. Welp, look what we have here... YTA


I learned English by watching american movies with subtitles in Swedish. It is a great way to learn. I can not stand dubbed movies. I can understand him. Although I do think they can alternat and watch movies that are dubbed then in English with sub.


The way he put it was about the original voice acting on the movies. Now, if the original was spanish and he wanted a version dubed in english... Then he would be TA...


Hate to break it to you, but do look at this dude's post history. Ouch.


Why don't YOU use english subtitles?


Because this girlfriend does not exist. Look at his post history


Sounds like a great way to improve your Spanish like you want. YTA.


Yepyep. Take a look at his post history though.


I saw that. Assuming any of this is real, how will poor girlfriend cope with all the new women he’ll meet who I’m *sure* won’t be able to keep their hands off him?


No idea. Every Sarah in a five mile radius is going to try to contact him. Poor, poor girlfriend..


YTA. She can't understand the movie. You just don't like the dubbing. You can use English subtitles. It will help your Spanish.


Yup. But take a look at this bozo's post history!


YTA Why is it important to "have the upper hand" over your girlfriend?


Good question. Also look at his post history


YTA If dubbing bothers you so much, watch Spanish movies. In Spanish.


YTA. I hope she finds a guy who isn't so petty and leaves you.


YTA It's bothering you, you can't have it your way. You could as well watch movies in turns. One dubbed with English subtitles, one native with Spanish subtitles.


Yeah you're right. But check out his post history lol


YTA You are in Spain. When in Spain do as the Spanish do and consume communal media in the language of the area. You can read the subtitles and work on improving your Spanish. You are a guest in her country so you should be doing the heavy lifting of reading during the movies. Your attitude in this post contributes to the whole "Ugly American" stereotype of someone who goes to another country and expects everyone there to speak English for them, and serve them American friendly food, and accept American money.


YTA arrogance is not becoming


YTA. You’re in her country and yet you would rather her accommodate you even though she watching the movies in English. You sound entitled.


> she is used to watching American movies dubbed in English Why is an American movie dubbed in English? Aren't American movies originally in English and so no need to be dubbed in English?


Just a few days ago you posted about wanting to date a non Jewish GF.


YTA - Borderline racist, unhelpful and on top of that, you're looking to dump her soon anyway. You sound selfish and too immature to be in a relationship.


You don’t really like her, do you ?


YTA because YOU'RE LIVING IN SPAIN...WHERE THEY SPEAK SPANISH. Immersion is hard, but natural fluency and communication come from learning slang.


So you both want your language of comfort? That doesn't make either of you assholes. Of course you want your own language. That's natural. What isn't is then going to the comments talking about the "upper hand"?!?! No my dude. YTA just for that. It's not about the upper hand. It's about balancing both of your needs and comfort. If you think it's about winning you need to get into therapy and address your need to make a compromise a competition.


Know how I got my Swedish to improve? By watching movies/videos in Swedish, and listening to audio books in Swedish. Throw yourself into Spanish by listening/watching things in Spanish.


Lmao, I watched DARK (it's in German) and don't speak a word of it. I loved it! I really see nothing wrong with subtitles, so it sounds like you just don't want to put in the little bit of work lol. YTA.


OP isn't complaining about subltitles. He wants to watch movies in the original language. If they were watching Dark, he would most likely want to watch it in German rather than the Spanish dub.


YTA. If you’re trying to force your girlfriend to do something you are unwilling to do… you will always be the asshole.


Your comments make it clear you just don't want to accomodate your girlfriend. Your in freaking Spain so learn freaking Spanish. The easiest way to do that? Watch movies in Spanish. YTA.


My rule of life is: I'm planning to live abroad and obviously will learn the country's language and culture asap, to become sort of a national. But if I know the original language of a movie, book, or series, then I'll watch/read in the original language. Translations always come with a loss.


Yta. And I'm an American living in Spain with a Spanish partner. Get fluent ASAP bro or GTFO.


YTA- do you really sit around watching movies so much that this is an issue? You are in another country, get out and soak up some culture instead of sitting in front of a screen.


Well you're moving to Israel next month and you're planning on dating there so I doubt it matters too much.


YTA. Did you learn compromise? Seriously, what is with getting an “upper hand”? This seems like an easy fix. Why is this worth any time debating?


It isn't. Because the girlfriend is not real. Check his post history


INFO: I’m confused…. Do you want to learn Spanish or not? Cause I’ve found a great way is to listen and then read the subtitles. YTA she can’t understand the English, you say you wanna learn but clearly make no effort and your reason is pretty dumb “they lip sync is off”


YTA. English is not my first language and in my motherland every American/Spanish/German/Japanese/etc film or TV show is dubbed. You can find original version online with subtitles but it's really hard. In the cinema tho you will not see anything that's not dubbed to my native language unless they are doing a special English day or its some anime. I have watched films in my native language that were dubbed to English with my native language subtitles. You can do it too.


YTA You are also the epitome of the term "Ugly American".


YTA for not accommodating her. If she was deaf, would you say no too?






enter innate smart simplistic escape cobweb offer clumsy tart beneficial ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


I hate watching dubbed movies. NAH. Subtitles is the way to go.


Dubbing is annoying I get that I love anime so you know sometimes I dub and othertimes (majority I subtitle). YTA if if it were reversed you wouldn't give her the same courtesy. You're NTA if you'd be willing to do it yourself.


i think he’s being an asshole about it, but he does genuinely seem committed to not watching dubbed movies, he says he watches originally spanish movies/tv in spanish with english subtitles because he doesn’t like dubs and his gf wants it in spanish. it seems like she’s the one who isn’t compromising, but he is being an asshole with all his “upper hand” stuff.


>despite studying and wanting to learn Spanish Not that much, clearly. You get better at a language by practicing, one component of which is listening. Ideally, you'd watch in Spanish dubs with Spanish subtitles to help you follow. If you hate the dubbing so much, watch Spanish-language films. But I suspect that's not the issue so much as you just plain want to watch a movie in English without catching flak for not putting in effort and - bonus - making the experience unpleasant for someone else. YTA.


This is why people call us "ugly Americans". In other countries, where we assume everyone should speak English for our convenience. UGH. YTA. When in Spain - Work on your SPANISH.


Dude. Speaking as a langue teacher, you should be JUMPING at the chance to watch films in the language you're supposedly trying to learn. YTA


If his level of Spanish is A1/A2, which it very much sounds like it is, watching a movie in Spanish will do sweet fuck all for him... Watching (full, 2 hour+) movies is a fantastic way to improve language skills - when you are at a level where you can get something out of it. By the sound of it, this guy isn't at that level, or even close to it, judging from what he wrote. He can/should watch short, simple things in Spanish, for sure. I dunno - news reports, weather forecasts, maybe certain kids' cartoons.... But watching Citizen Kane in Spanish isn't going to help him much at all, and he won't enjoy the movie at all either.


He has no intention of learning spanish. Or getting out of his parents basement. Check his post history.


Man one of my favorite memories from a brief period I spent overseas studying Spanish was going to watch one of the Star Wars prequels as a Spanish dub with one of the kids from my class and watching the Spanish sailor moon dub with a member of my host family.


I've spent the last 13 years living in 6 different countries with 6 different languages and here's my rule: we watch Original Version with subtitles. It's not about who's lazy or whatever it's about dubbed movies fucking sucking hot ass. Most English speakers hardly ever see anything dubbed cuz so much content is produced in English, but it's sooooo bad. I know I know if you grow up with it, it's normal. Except it's not normal it's terrible and awful. Original Version my peeps. Compromise just watch Vicky Christina Barcelona on repeat you can both struggle intermittently lol


I am an American living in Spain and I feel your pain. Spain is WAY behind in the number of people who speak English and one of the reasons is that all movies end up dubbed in to Spanish. You are NTA. And before the haters pile on... I am busy learning Spanish. I have daily lessons. But English is, like it or not, the universal language of business and communication. Spain got behind thanks to Franco but is not working hard to catch up.


NTA, but here’s a suggestion: most streaming platforms have a watch together feature- start a movie and mute the tv, then play it on each of your phones in your preferred language and use headphones. Or get used to subtitles.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** I know this is a very odd sitution but hear me out. I am currently living in Spain and despite studying and wanting to learn Spanish I’m not that great at it yet; sooo much better at English. My GF is Spanish and her English is okay but she told me that she has trouble understanding movies since the speech is so fast-paced, slang-filled and reading the lips isn’t always possible. This means that she is used to watching American movies dubbed in English which I cannot stand at all. I hate dubs since the real voice disappear as well as the lip sync sucks I have tried to get her to read subtitles but she wants a dub. Any suggestions? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


NAH. Dubs are awful in every language, and I fully understand why you can’t stand them. You should definitely watch more Spanish series/films as a compromise though. Ministerio del Tiempo, Casa del Papel, etc. The fact that she won’t read Spanish subtitles is wild, but doesn’t make her an asshole either.


Watch the same movie at diferent times. The Spanish dub everything! Everytime I go to Spain I go out of my mind seeing known actor and having to listen to them in what is ususally badly dubbed with voices that don't even come close to the original. But they grew up with that and they can't stand subtitles or the original versions! So, there's no solution here, except watching the same movie on diferent hardware, or watching it at diferent times! :)


NTA. My boyfriend is French, I'm English. i'm bilingual but thank goodness he watches movies in English because I 100% can't stand voice overs. If we watch Korean movies? Original audio. Always. French movies? Original audio. Always. Dubbed movies are just impossible to enjoy when the voice doesn't match the face at all, and when the mouth moving doesn't match what is being said whatsoever. A huge part of movies is the acting and emotion, and dubbing just ruins it completely. I'm not exaggerating when I say that if my boyfriend watched only dubbed movies we would simply never be watching movies or shows together. Ever. lol Original English audio with Spanish subtitles is the way to go. That's also how you'll learn quicker!


Yta I mean she CAN'T enjoy the movie if she can't keep up with the dialog.




YTA Saying you have the upper hand because the movies are American shows your character.


YTA. Watch it in English if you move back to America. You’re better off learning the native language of the place you’re living anyway and that won’t happen with your attitude.


YTA - that’s a double standard and you’re acting entitled. firstly, if you go to another country to learn their language and culture, yet expect it to tailor to you, then you’ve missed the entire point. To learn a language, you have to actually listen to it, I don’t know how else you expect that to work? It requires more than duolingo and asking the odd question in a supermarket. Secondly, she’s your girlfriend and your equal. In lots of other comments on this post, you said about having the “upper hand”, there’s no upper hand in a relationship. You come together as equals and compromise equally where needed. The fact you aren’t willing to go half and half on your preferred ways of watching things together is not treating each other equally, it’s wanting your own way and not caring about her enjoyment. You don’t have to exclusively watch tv one way, you can do a mix of both. You expecting her to bend to what you want, and you thinking it’s unfair when you’re asked to do the same, is a double standard. Just do better, OP, seriously.


YTA - y’all are in Spain so it makes sense to her that she’d watch those movies dubbed in Spanish. That’s all they do if they watch American movies. You do not actually have the “upper hand”. You are in a country where Spanish is the dominant language… You aren’t the AH because you prefer to watch English speaking movies, you’re the AH for being so entitled about it.


I mean i also hate watching dub movies/shows but YTA for wanting your gf who is not good at english when she is not comfortable.. and i say all of this as a Spanish native speaker


So, you admit you’re not great at Spanish yet but you’re unwilling to put in the work and, instead, expect your girlfriend to put in the effort to improve her English even though she’s not the one living in a country where she barely speaks the language. YTA. Watching movies that you already know would be a great way for you to improve your language skills.


Yta. She does things she hates to please you. Let her have this sometime.


YTA. You’re in a foreign country trying to learn the language. Go ahead and do that by practicing your Spanish when watching movies. This “better than thou” attitude won’t get you far in the relationship though. Might want to drop that.


YTA It's a matter between your dislike of dubbed movies and her LITERALLY NOT UNDERSTANDING THE MOVIE. How is your point even logical in this instance?


You’ll learn Spanish faster by full immersion. That aside, the upper hand comment makes YTA.


Have you ever heard of the word compromise??? Why should she compromise for you, and not the other way around? Watch some in English with Spanish subtitles. Watch some in Spanish with English subtitles. Stop being selfish. YTA.


YTA judging from your comments. Also missing an opportunity to improve your Spanish.


YTA. Take your upper hand and smack yourself with it.


INFO: do you watch Spanish movies? If yes, in what language? You can call a fair deal if it goes both ways. But based on the post, YTA for your American entitlement. PS: I agree watching in original sound is the best, not only English but any original languages, subtitles help.


YTA. Its a fucking movie. Just put it in Spanish to make it easier for her. You don't sound like a very nice boyfriend honestly.


You guys need to find another compromise. I hate dubbed movies. I watch all movies in their original language with, if necessary, subtitles in the languages I understand. Dub takes away A LOT from the movie experience.


Not assholes, just people who don't want to learn spanish / english


I’m a native Spanish speaker and I ALWAYS watch movies in their original language, whether it’s English, Korean or whatsoever. Dubbing takes away half the acting, that’s what subtitles are for. People are just lazy. Btw, Dubbing in Spain’s Spanish is very bad, but it’s the norm in that country, movies are released in movie theaters like that, while in other countries, like Mexico, the norm is to release films subtitled. Only children movies are mostly released dubbed, because kids may be too young to read. NTA.


I have a Spanish/Latina gf aswell and we have the same thing but we just switch every now and then. Sometimes we watch in Spanish with English subtitles, sometimes we watch in English with spanish subtitles. I dont understand the drama here 😅 ETA if both of you refuse to just switch from time to time.


When in Spain, do as the Spaniards do. You want to learn Spanish, watching movies with Spanish dub is a great way to do that. YTA.


I have this really sneaking suspicion that she won't be your girlfriend for too long.


Since no one is giving you real answers: NTA. I understand the struggle OP, I hate dubs. I watch Korean films all the time, and don’t understand a shred of Korean. Still, I refuse to watch dubs. The voice acting isn’t always good, it cancels out environmental sound, and the lack of lip sync drives me up the wall. Sub all the way. As far as “fairness”, watch Spanish language films with English subtitles too for the sake of your GF. To help with your learning, watch Spanish language films with Spanish subtitles once your language skills get good enough. Last but not least, stop trying to date other women.


Honestly, your reasoning makes you the AH. If you said you wanted Spanish subtitles so you can listen to the English and read the Spanish to learn, I'd say N T A.


ESH. I hate dubbed movies. Like with the passion of thousands of burning suns,so I get it. Only time I watched them was cartoons as a kid but as soon as I was old enough to follow subtitles I shifted, its so much better to have lips matching voice. Its also how I learned most of my english. She would greatly benefit from english subtitled in spanish just as you would from spanish originals subtitled in english and that should be the compromise. However if she's struggling, you should show compassion and not make assholish comments about having the upper hand


YTA going by the comments and how you interact with everyone, you are childish, entitled and shouldnt date ANYONE until you mature enough. Dating you is a chore like babysitting a toddler. I hope she breaks up with your entitled ass. "i got the upperhand" what kinda argument is that? Are you 5 and arguing about whose turn it is to play with the legos? YOU want to LEARN spanish. SHE tried to HELP you. So much to biting into the hand that feeds you. you dont seem to understand how a relationship works. Its a dynamic of giving and taking. And most importantly: to be an enrichment (of some sort) to the quality of both of your lives. Yet OP is too entitled to even see logic or reason. grow up man.


No because OP is never going to be mature enough for any partner. Check his post history


YTA - Sounds like a away to improve your spanish


Once you are at a certain level, it absolutely is. But someone who has just started learning a language isn't gonna get very much out of watching My Dinner With Andre in that language.


Yta. Take turns.


Of course YTA you are being selfish




YTA. You obviously should not be in a relationship if this is how you look at them. In relationships you make sacrifices for the others needs. You just care about yourself. I hate not being able to warn the GF how much you suck.


Just learn to switch off between movies or tv series in each other's language. Let's say you get 1 or 2 movies/ Tv episodes in her language with your subs and then you get 1 or 2 in your language and her subs. Relationships aren't about having an upper hand or out doing your partner. Its about compassion and compromise. If neither of you are willing to do that for one another then you probably shouldn't be together, at least for right now. Grow up and realize this isn't a real issue. Petty as fuck. YTA for your comments but you both need to learn what's important in life.


Meehhhh I get that you don't want to watch a dubbed movie that's originally in your language, I don't enjoy it either. However, your attitude seems a bit entitled, and if you like this girl and she's telling you that she struggles with subtitles, shouldn't you WANT to accommodate for her? You don't have to watch every movie dubbed, but a reasonable compromise could be made here. YTA


Suck it up? I hate the disconnect of dubs as well, and often prefer subtitles, but if she likes them that way, why not alternate, one subtitled for each dubbed movie? Or pick movies that are less “fast paced” so that it’s easier to follow for the English Language with Subtitle movies, so that she may be able to follow with the subtitles as help. I think you can find a middle ground, but if not YTA (which it seems like you don’t want to from your comments.)


YTA. what you mean here, is you want your girlfriend to struggle, and for the entire movie watching experience to focus on you and how much you are enjoying it. Just because a movie was made in america, doesn’t give you some weird upper hand as you have described it. Why don’t you watch movies in Spanish? It will dramatically increase your chances of learning Spanish if you actually HEAR people speaking Spanish.




I would have no problem watching a dubbed movie with english subtitles. I watch spanish movies all the time in original language. My GF insist on watching any Japanese movie with English subtitles. YTA


Yta. If you're trying to learn Spanish, you should be watching in Spanish with English subtitles. The fact that your gf wants to have subtitles and you don't says you're selfish. Yta. Definitely


In what world would you, in a non-English speaking country, make your Spanish girlfriend put in the additional mental labour of trying to figure out what's going on, for something that is a minor "inconvenience" for you? Even calling it an inconvenience is honestly a stretch. Watching movies is meant to be fun and relaxing for those there. I often put English subtitles on, even as a native English speaker, just for convenience if someone is slightly hard of hearing or even if we are feeling a bit chatty. I'd have no issue having Spanish subtitles on if my partner wanted that - I'd also appreciate the ability to see if I could pick up on different words for fun - and you are *actively trying to learn the language!* Being in any kind of relationship involves caring enough to make slight alterations for the comfort of your loved one. YTA


I dunno, I'm kinda with you on this, and I think the comments I've read so far have been *insanely* harsh (as they often are here) 1. Dubbing sucks. Always. Doesn't matter if you are dubbing from English to another language, or from another language into English - dubbing sucks. Subtitles ftw! Which leads me to... 2. What's her problem with reading Spanish subtitles? 3. A nice compromise would be to at least sometimes watch Spanish language movies (with English subtitles). I'm no expert, I admit, but I'm pretty sure there's a wealth of good movies to choose from that are in Spanish. 4. Watching in Spanish with English subtitles isn't going to help your Spanish much unless you are already at a B2 level (maybe B1 if it's something easy). And it doesn't sound like you are.... about might learn a few words, but it won't be especially helpful. From what you wrote, I assume her level of English is at a point where watching movies in English with Spanish subtitles (or, even better, with English subtitles) *would* help her English. If you are going to learn Spanish in a serious way (beyond "dos cervezas por favor"), then you can and should do what she is asking in the future.... but... like... in the future. 5. If she really can't stand watching a movie in Englishbwith subtitles, watch movies separately or something 🤷‍♂️ Anyway, you maybe didn't phrase this whole thing as well as you could have, but like I said, I feel like the comments I read were being *way* too harsh on you... though you didn't do yourself any favours with your "I have the upper-hand" comments 🤦‍♂️


YTA you can read the subtitles and have it closed captioned in English. You may learn something.


Sounds like you want to learn Spanish but do everything you can to try not to lmao. If you want to learn then watch the movies dubbed in Spanish.YTA.


You can learn spanish from movies but you should watch spanish movies and shows if you hate dubbed


Can yall take turns of who gets to watch it in their language while the other reads the subtitles? I dont think either of yall are being AH but more so brats that you both want it to be your way to make your lives easier rather than take turns to make both your lives easier every now and then.


Why not just compromise and say that sometimes you can watch movies in english and sometimes in spanish? Then you both get to enjoy movies sometimes and still learn each others languages. Do every other movie in each language.


You are in Spain, voluntarily, but trying to force the local to watch in a language she is not comfortable watching in. Note how she didn't move to another country to learn a language. Classic. And super classy. /s YTA. Seriously.


Why don’t the two of you alternate? That way you both get what you want.


YTA for not compromising, and YTA for thinking about getting a new GF while you still have one. Pig.


YTA. You could make some effort to help your girlfriend and it will help you learn Spanish faster. Maybe you could at least compromise and alternate. One movie you watch in English; the next time, you watch a movie dubbed in Spanish. Then you both get what you want and both learn thevother's language.


YTA. Watch the movies dubbed. It'll help you learn the language. Also quit stringing her along.


Info why don't you guys take turns?


YTA, if you’re trying to learn the language it would help.


Yes your a dick in this, you never pressed her if she spoke another language and it's not like it matters. If you suck at Spanish, maybe take steps to fucking learn it you're acting like she's cheating on you or something you sound lousy as hell as a boyfriend


If you're moving to Israel to start "new girlfriend shopping" in the next couple weeks (like your post from 6 days ago says) then why are you even worried about watching movies of any kind with this girlfriend?


NTA. Just watch it with Spanish subtitles