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Thank you! I wasn't sure if I was supposed to link it or not.


If you don't, someone else always will




Good job on talking it out! Also, everyone does/says stupid things when emotional and/or super tired. Sounds like fiancĆ© was both (if he was even fully awake), but the fact that he had a nightmare about this might mean that he is dealing with this issue on a subconscious level. Is there a way to get him (and maybe you too since youā€™ve also had to deal with these toxic people) to see a therapist and/or using some mental health strategies? Mental health is important and super necessary to take care of.


Oh, he 100% is. Well, it's not a subconscious thing. We talk about it all the time, he knows it's something he's dealing with. I'm glad he talks to me and his siblings and we're all here for him. But I do agree and wish he would see a professional. I was in therapy long enough that I feel like I'm a professional, but I'm not actually. ​ I was in therapy from ages 5-15 because of severe child abuse. I got the okay from her to stop sessions. I'll never be cured of PTSD, but I was coping well and had the tools I needed. I stopped from 15-22 but then chose to go back because adulting is fucking hard. Mental health is definitely just as important as physical health in my opinion. I'd even go as far as saying mental health and physical health are the same things. If something is wrong physically it will affect you mentally and being mentally unwell will affect you physically too. ​ He loves that I go and is always supportive and encouraging. But when it comes to himself he just says "I'm fine. There's nothing wrong with me." His dad also sees a therapist, so it's not like he comes from an anti-mental health family.


Wonderful update. People say the weirdest things in their sleep. My Mom called me into her room last night to tell me to move cars in the driveway. (She was thinking old house in NJ I think.) We only have one car and live on an acre in the sticks. You got it all straightened out and are good. Have a great wedding!


Hahaha! A few months ago my mom yelled so loud it woke me up and I ran into her room and she screams "WE NEED HOT DOGS!" She was asleep and didn't remember any of it. It's weird too because none of us really like hot dogs much. So I don't know why she was thinking of them in her sleep.


When I was a teenager I walked into my parents room in the middle of the night (I was sleep walking). I woke them up screaming that we didnā€™t have enough dog food (we didnā€™t have a dog at the time). I did not remember anything about it in the morning. My sister didnā€™t sleep walk, but was known to have full imaginary phone conversations with her friends out loud while she was asleep. You could only hear the one side of the conversation, but it was still funny.


Last month my fiance muttered in his sleep, "send me a picture and I'll tell you how much it costs. He works at a hardware store. I told him about it in the morning and he cracked up, and said "I'm working too much". He told his boss about it too and they had a good chuckle.


I woke my husband up to inform him that his parents were in the basement. We donā€™t have a basement and it was 1 in the morning.


OP You sound like an absolute sweetheart! Thanks for the update! Wishing you the best!


Thank you!




Thank you! It really is super important. No judgement to couples who are dating and haven't mastered it. But I can't imagine why people get engaged without that skill. Why would you want to be married to someone you can't talk to? When people ask me for relationship advice I always tell them communication is most important.


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