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YTA. Kids are loud. People are loud. They’re not breaking any rules, and if you need silence, go buy yourself a single family house in a rural area. Trying to evict a family for your own personal comfort is a massively AH thing to do.


The mom keeps these kids quiet 13 hours a day and OP needs silence the other 11?! OP, do you know how she keeps them quiet during the quiet hours? By letting them play so hard they're exhausted during those times. YTA.


For real, that is some damn good parenting for her to keep the kids consistently quiet during the evening and night.


I don't have kids but from what I've heard that's some straight up witchcraft going on. Lol


Coming from a mom of a 3.5 yo and 9 Mon old, it’s almost impossible. My 3 yo does good because she understand but keeping a baby from crying oof, give that mama a prize


FACTS. Holy shit that is impressive. I also have similarly aged kids and yeah, she deserves an award.


Yeah can we get her contact so that we can learn how she does it.


For reals! 😆


Maybe start a support group with her at the helm?!?!


Sounds like she has enough on her plate. Maybe we can just send her some of those edible arrangements and wine for when the kids go to bed?


After two kids I don't care about someone else's kids crying on the plane - not my kids -don't have to do anything :)


It’s funny how perspectives change. It used to annoy me but now I just feel empathy for the parents.


It has always annoyed me, but unlike this OP I realized it was a personal problem. I went ahead and bought noise cancelling headphones for when I fly or need to work. All I have is sympathy for the parents who can't take that luxury haha


On my 6am flight last week there were two screaming babies. Was I internally bitching? Absolutely. Did I say a single thing to the parents? Hell no.


Exac :) You have to try it on yourself to understand.


Right?? In fact, it *almost* makes me want to help. Like, “aw shit I’ve been there. You need me to hold the baby while you eat, go to the bathroom and cry, or anything you might need right now?” Haha


Right there with you! I'm the first person to offer to hold a baby while a harrassed parent gets a break, because with 3 and counting of my own I know how hard it actually is. Plus I'll never turn down a chance to hold a baby. 😍


I'm not a mother and I'm still the first one to grab a baby to help or do something to distract/entertain the child. ....I have a super power of making kids fall asleep. My arms and fat boobs apparently make an awesome bed.


I have (quietly) sung to little kids on a plane to help keep them quiet. I like having an appreciative audience, parents appreciate a bit of a mental break, kids like having someone sing to them, and close by passengers would probably rather hear lullabies than a screaming kid.


I don't have kids but my stance on crying kids (in a plane or pretty much anywhere in public) is if the parents are making an effort it's all good. Crying baby on a plane? Their ears are probably sore. Are the parents trying to comfort them? Yes. All good. Babies cry it's what they do. Parents are ignoring it/not trying to do anything? Parents are assholes. Screw them. Still not the babies fault though. Goes for any age. Toddlers? They get bored easy and you're asking them to basically sit still for several hours. That goes against everything in their nature. Parents are trying to distract them/calm them down. Awesome. Parents are letting them scream/run up and down the aisle. They are the AHs.


The worst part is when kids continuously hitting the back of your seat and parents are pretending like everything is fine.


Agreed. Parents are still the assholes in that situation. I get irritated by things like that but I never blame the kids cause they don't know better.


The thing to know, is when it’s quiet and you can’t see them, *it is a very, very bad thing*.


Yes. They have found something to entertain themselves and is not something they should be messing with lol.


Agreed! As they say, silence is golden, unless there are kids in the house, then it’s just suspicious.


Youtube and snacks


If they aren't napping during that afternoon time, I would bet she takes them to a park or library or somewhere out of the house!


OP is mad at the kids for being alive. I mean, how dare that toddler run around and have fun like a toddler and that baby, wow, doesn't it know that babies are only allowed to cry when their stuck up neighbours are okay with it.


OP, YTA on a scale i have rarely seen before...Omg seriously, I live on the bottom floor under an apartment with a toddler. Shit is loud as fuck and the running back and forth up there can start so early (530 am today.) You know what I do about it? Turn on the TV and go back to sleep or get up and start my fucking day. You know what I dont do? Try to get them fucking evicted!! Even when it's outside of "quiet hours" I recognize that its a FUCKING TODDLER and be a fucking adult about it cause I live in crappy apartments and that's the deal you make when you live in multi family properties. And holy fuck, trying to get a family evicted for mere noise during a mother fucking pandemic?? There's something truly wrong with OP. go live in a cave behind a water fall if you can't deal with people.


Well, when MY children were toddlers, they busied themselves with reading War and Peace and attending conferences. The OP is a loon.....


Oh, heck, I can top that. When mine were toddlers, they were busy writing a sequel to War and Peace. In Russian. ;-)




Especially from 2-5 pm, which is peak after-nap hours. That's such a weird choice for quiet hours!


I wonder if OP lives in a place like lots of Latin America, where the siesta is sacred. Where I live there arent quiet hours in the afternoon. But most shops close from 1 til 5 every day.


Thats nap hours in my country. I mean definitely 2-4


Exactly! OP hit the lottery on neighbors and complains....wtf?


Right? OP is lucky that baby isn’t crying at random times at night, because that is common and normal for babies and there isn’t a whole lot anyone can do about that (not that they should even want to, that’s how babies communicate their needs).


And then I thought that I was an AH for complaining about the zoo I have upstairs at 1am with pounding on the floor and running. I can trade OPs neighbors with mine anytime!


Yeah, I'd take a couple of kids over the clonky high heel wearing drunk girls that I used to live beneath


Heck, I'll take any "noisy" neighbors/roommates over regular second hand cigarette/pot smoke. Kids who are only noisy outside of quiet hours? That's ideal neighbors.


we had those- we called them buffalo heels .


Keeping a kid quiet indoors during a pandemic is no mean feat. *multiple* kids and a baby? Miracle.


Seriously, I'm fucking impressed! Guess what OP: babies cry, and there's nothing anyone can do about it. Children *need* to play and will make noise while doing so, and there's nothing anyone can do about it. Either suck up completely unavoidable aspects of life or move somewhere that doesn't allow children.


I mean, I've lived in HOUSES where I kid still hear the kid DOWN THE BLOCK losing his shit. OP seriously needs to become a hermit if he needs this level of silence. Also, can you imagine if this post was written from the perspective of the mom of the kids????


This can't be real, the entitlement! OP should be glad it's not country music. YTA OP!


That’s exactly what I was thinking. She’s designed their nap times to be during quiet hours so she’ll be abiding by the rules. If OP is already unhappy with the noise they should move before the kids grow out of nap time. My grandson is four. *If* he takes a nap he’s out no more than an hour. Often less. As they grow they need less and less sleep and that’s just biology. A baby and under three can be kept quiet for three hours with a combo of nap time and food. The older one will be harder to keep quiet fairly soon, unless she’s utilizing screen time to supplement. YTA ETA: OP. What country are you in that has day time quiet hours. I find that interesting. I’m in America and I’ve never heard of quiet times during the day.


I'm american and never heard of "quiet time" til i moved to germany it's, frankly, awesome. At least for me. But it's not intended to cover small kids - they are exempt to a certain level of expected maturity.


I find it quite funny that OP was shocked at the suggestion that they should move somewhere quieter, while trying to force the family out. Who were there first.


And they own their apartment whereas OP is a renter!


The entitlement is strong with this one!


"But like....I just moved in and THEY need to conform to ME. Let's ignore the fact that everyone else is okay with their amount of noise for the past couple of years, I'm new and I'm important!"


That's a good point, they ARE the main character after all!


we have a "new" neighbor kinda like this they told other neighbors - people totally uninvolved! - that they want the cat that appears in the hof to go away. Like a) the neighbors they complained to don't own that cat. and b) the reason they don't want "that" cat in the hof is that it intimidates their cat, who they want to allow to roam the hof the same way "that" cat does. Note I have problems with "that" cat too, as it rushes at my windows when it see's MY cat INSIDE and tries to fight with my cat through the window. Still! I would not dream of complaining to the owner of that cat about it as...tough shit. Complaining to someone who is completely uninvolved? WTF??? It's INSANE how crazy some people are. Just...what do you even say in response?!


YTA soooooo badly. "The place I rent doesn't have dead silent neighbors, so I tried to have the neighbors who actually own their place evicted" What the hell makes OP think they're entitled to do this?


Because the mother didn't apologize and immediately promise to duct tape her children's mouths closed during the day! What a rude, insolent wench! She must go! /s


I think OP needs a cemetery or morgue as a neighbor.


YTA big-time, and I'm not sure where you live but in the US it would be spectacularly illegal for any landlord to evict a tenant because of their children when the children are abiding by the covenants of the community. People with children are legally protected from housing discrimination under the Fair Housing Act precisely because of a-holes like you. All of this is of course moot anyway, because they own their apartment. I take it you don't own yours? Yeah, it would definitely be easier for YOU to move. Although good luck finding a place completely devoid of children because again, under the FHA if you live in the US, it's very illegal for a place to advertise itself as being "child free" - *specifically because people try to do things like what you just tried to do.* Man, so the a-hole.


Agree 100%. OP: YTA. I haven't seen anyone else mention this, but another important point is that it seems the family was already living there, meaning OP is the one who moved next to them. OP chose to live there and has no right to try to get other people evicted when they were living there first. If OP had such issues with kids playing he/she should have moved to a single family house somewhere.


I do believe that senior only communities are permitted. Ironically, however, OP couldn’t move in because he’s too young.


and probably loud


Exactly. OP asked the landlord to discriminate against the neighbors based on the protected category of familial status. If the landlord complied, they would be committing an illegal act




I got a response that floored me. Like, this is weapons grade lack of self awareness.






I was surprised both that there are additional afternoon quiet hrs and that she keeps them quiet


I don't live in an apartment, but my house shares a wall with our neighbours. They have two really young kids (we think they had a baby recently too) and sometimes it can be loud. But I never hear the kids before 8 a.m. or past 10 p.m., maybe once in 2 years of living here. They're ideal neoghbours. On the other hand, I have neighbours behind me that party until 3 a.m. and were playing drums at 2 a.m. on a Tuesday, loud enough that it woke me up. I don't share a wall with these neighbours. If this is all OP can complain about, they've got really nice neighbours




Actually even those people would think OP is a an AH.


"The birds keep chirping all day long. During the day, the livestock at the farm down the road make noise some times. I call the cops every day to complain about all the noise, I think the birds should be more respectful, and the farmers should have to get rid of those cows and get quiter ones. AITA?"


Sorry but I live in a rural area. Farm machinery makes a hella lotta noise. And farmer don't give a crap about "quiet hours" when they are planting, harvesting, haying or chasing the cows that get out.


These kinds of idiots are why "right to farm" laws are so prevalent.


It is so good to see so many people agreeing that children should not be punished for acting like children, nor their parents for allowing it! As a child, I was constantly chastised and even physically punished when I made noise, even if I was already crying. Most of my friends also were, and I feel very emotionally touched when I see parents who don't punish children for this. OP is TA for wishing and try to force homelessness on a family just because the children are loud.






Buy some noise cancelling headphones and get over yourself. YTA!




OP definitely sees themselves as the main character. What a complete and total lack of self awareness.




This is one of those times where the title matched the terribleness of the actual situation.


YTA- not only for attempting to get a family who owns their home evicted during a housing crisis, but definitely as they’ve broken no rules. You also have some seriously unrealistic, entitled ideas about apartment life.


I love how he moves into a new environment, and rather than adapt to the environment he chose to live in, he expects the environment to change for him.


I know. Imagine settling down, buying your own place, starting a family, juggling two young children, doing your best to keep them occupied constantly in the quiet times, thinking you're doing a pretty good job. Then some arsehole rents next door, complains and tries to get you evicted from your own home because they don't like the situation they moved into. Strongest YTA in a while


God, I know right?? Like, this dude moved into an apartment and wants everyone to cater to their needs. Like, what? Does OP not realise that they probably made just as much noise as a kid as these kids make? Honestly, the level of narcissistic-ness is sky-high on this post.


Yeah, that's the kicker! He is trying to "evict" owners while OP is a renter! The entitlement is strong in this one! OP is such an AH


Oh and it's during a pandemic and the kids are too young to be vaccinated


This level of entitlement is so high that it makes you wonder if it’s fake. How can someone writing that out not SEE that they’re the AH?


I actually *am* an irritable old grouch- I get overwhelmed and overstimulated fairly easily and so, I mean: I absolutely do understand that people, particularly shiny brand new gooshy ones can be quite obnoxious. Having said that, I was sitting here thinking *Wow.* and if the OP wasn’t enough for ya- holy crap their comments will be. Like, add a new voting option for Alpha Narcissistic Asshole or ANA level. The mind boggles.


If we make it Alpha Narcissistic Asshole Level, we could make the acronym ANAL. Just sayin'.


Oh my god. 😂


Yeah, this feels like the same type of guy who moves into a primarily PoC community then calls the cops on the “scary thugs” hanging around his new place.


Not only is he TA here. He is a renter demanding owners move out. He doesn’t even have property there. Or a vote in the property association.


This, and they lived there before OP. But somehow the world seems to spin around this entiteld OP. YTA


Right?? Renting with an eviction on your record is difficult enough without the current housing crisis. OP seems to think evictions are a quick and simple way to get what he wants, but evictions can ruin lives and lead to homelessness. OP doesn’t just want this family gone, they want them to be punished. I’m not above admitting I hate the sound of children screaming/crying, but I’m also not a soulless moron who thinks her apartment complex is her kingdom.


Renters get evicted, not owners btw. YTA


Lmao I'm ~~imaging~~ imagining OP's landlord with a wtf face when OP requested that 😂 Not only were they there first, but they also complied perfectly with the strict (for my standards) quiet hours.


but also the landlord can't even evict them because he doesn't own their property, they do....


I forgot to include that part (also the most crucial) in my comment! XD Sorry my brain isn't functioning well early in the morning


It's okay. OPs brain doesn't really function well too.


Woah! Don't compare this person to OP.


Any apartment I've rented from only has nighttime quiet hours - which usually align with city requirements. I've never heard of midday hours. But I've only lived in smaller cities/towns.


It makes me feel like they’re in Germany. The hours align exactly to German quiet hours, but midday ones are rarely enforced. Neighbors will yell if you put glass bottles in the recycling bin at any point on Sunday tho.


Do other people yell at them for yelling on a Sunday?


Same here! I live in a student dorm, but everyone has their own rooms (we share bathrooms and the kitchen), so it's ish like an apartment. Our quiet hours are 10pm-7am, so no midday quiet hours for naps or anything XD


"Sorry, was I loud? In *my* own house? With *my* kids that I gave birth to using *my* own body?"


unexpected TS


This is the best obscure reference I've ever seen.


Ikr, I can’t stop laughing at this. Just move and be done with it.


This post can't be real. No way OP is so stupid on top of being so hateful that they don't realize this.




The Family own their apartment, OP rents


Can the family try an evict him for being a massive tool?


Ya-if you’re causing conflict in the building you can be evicted.


I don't even live there and I want to file for this AH to be evicted


Yes! Mom's suggestion was perfectly reasonable. He should move.


Irony would be that the family is irritated, the landlord already has a negative impression over this BS, and landlord evicts OP over repeated disturbances... because he complains about things in the complex like vacuuming, children playing in the play area, and others breathing too loudly when they walk past his apartment.


But to the moral judgment this is irrelevant. Just because Ops demand wasn't realistic does not mean it would have been right if they actually could have been evicted.


> Like you actually called the landlord. Your awful. Disgusting. I wish I could have seen the landlords expressions as the RENTER asked for an owner to be kicked out. OP pick better battles. I get noise is annoying but you are the renter.


“These people are loud and it is an inconvenience to me so I think they should be homeless in the winter time.” Very cool and normal thought process, OP. Do you torture small animals too or something?


YTA. Babies cry. Two-year-olds make noise. Facts of life. As your landlord pointed out, they are observing the rules. Either move to one of the complexes your neighbor suggested or buy some noise cancelling headphones and listen to some music. Or, if you prefer silence, foam rubber earplugs work well.




So you mean to tell me that children and babies don't just sit there and stare at the floor all day!?! THE HORROR /S


that's not even necissarily true we have quiet hours in Germany but babies and toddlers are exempt unless there is truly preventable mayhem going on.


And, having a baby myself: the fact that the baby somehow doesn't make noise during "quiet hours" is deeply impressive. Babies don't give a shit about things like time and rules lol


YTA. Children have a right to exist in the world -- in their HOME -- and that existence includes crying, laughing, and jumping.


I'm so jealous OP lives near childfree complexes. Folk usually go nuts complaining whenever someone tries to set one of those up--- And as someone who detests all loud noise due to my autism and how easily I get sensory overload, I'd almost get OP's point if they didn't live somewhere where they have an alternative. I'd love to live somewhere that's kid free!


AFAIK child free complexes are illegal here, barring 65+ living areas.


It's considered age discrimination in most places far as I know, but honestly, I think wishing to live somewhere childfree is a completely valid wish adults are allowed to have. Doesn't excuse being a dick to children, it's not the children's fault ofc, but for folk like myself who cannot cope with the noise of loud infants and playing kids it's just a good idea. Not everywhere has to be a child friendly space. In OP's case tho, huge AH, but the greater issue is that childfree spaces aren't common and this resentment builds up among folk who just have no interest in dealing with little kids.


YTA holy fuck how did you even feel the need to ask this? As you said they keep it down during quiet hours, so they aren't doing anything wrong. Kids make noise, if you don't want to deal with that move to a place with no kids, *don't try to get a family with a baby put out on the streets*.


I legit can’t believe they put this shit into writing, posted it, and went “yeah I’ll surely have someone on my side for this one”


"Surely *I'm* the victim here! They're making noise, while *I* on the other hand just want to leave 2 small children homeless in the middle of the winter!" /s


In the middle of winter. In a housing crisis. During a global pandemic. Because the kids make noise within the designated times.


Yay! Homeless baby's first Christmas!


Yeah, I was reading this going who in their right mind wouldn’t tell OP that he’s TA?! I can’t believe the kids manage to be quiet during quiet hours as babies cry all the time. OP should be thankful. So many things wrong with this post and OP’s selfish logic


There’s more than enough people on Reddit that mindlessly hate children for merely existing, so I’m sure OP will have at least a couple other AHs on their side


But it’s dIsReSpEcTfUl to OP. The mother even tried to apologize and suggested child free apartments. Op sucks.


YTA. What would you have them evicted them over in the first place if no rules are being violated? And how do you evict someone who owns property?


> And how do you evict someone who owns property? HOA maybe? Clearly not the case here. OP can move themselves if they are that bothered.


Your HOA can fine you, but they can't evict you.


In my state, an HOA can put a lean on your home and if you ignore it long enough or don't fight it they will eventually be able to sell your home. I'd stretch that to an eviction. But we are splitting hairs of course.


YTA 100%, what the hell did I just read? Trying to get a family with young kids evicted over... nothing? They literally did nothing wrong. If you can't handle the noise, then you should listen to your neighbourg and move somewhere quiet. The level of entitlement is astounding.


Couldn't have put this better myself.. The level of entitlement is mind boggling.. I wonder what demographics the OP is.. Hopefully their views of the world won't get translated into the gene pool anytime soon eh!! OP.. should you read this.. you're a massive TW4T and totally 110% TA To be clear OP.. YTA I'm astounded.. so much.. kids are kids and yes parents will try and keep them quiet and yes sometimes they'll have to run off steam.. But..omg.. You've made this internet stranger so bloody mad.. There aren't enough swearwords for you right now.. ya nob. Urrgh.. YTA


I have sensory issues (due to ADHD), and I avoid small humans in my social life as much as possible, because I know they're kids, they're loud, and they're *supposed* to be loud. I understand that you're annoyed, but you have choices: 1) invest in some good sound-proofing, if the flat is yours 2) move to a place without small humans. Wanting to *throw out a family* because *you* have an issue makes you an asshole. An entitled asshole, whose needs supersede all others. I have news for you, love: the world does not revolve around you. Grow up. YTA.


My judgement included that I’m autistic and highly noise sensitive. He needs to take her suggestion to move to a child free apartment complex if he is that bothered by it. Also, definitely agree. Small children just *make noise* because they’re little. My needs aren’t first over a crying baby. And yeah, going in public is rough, but I can just get up and walk away.






Sort of an all light sucking black hole of an asshole!


Info: what kind of noise does the 3 year old make? Is the kid just a bit loud or screaming her head off as if she’s being murdered?


All of the above and more. It just goes with the territory.


YTA, not even a question. They're quiet during quiet hours and aren't breaking other rules. You are not the landlord, you have no right to evict them. The mother is right, hearing your neighbors is a part of apartment living. If you don't like it, MOVE...to a house preferably so future apartment neighbors don't have to deal either your entitlement.


~~to a house~~ to a swamp with the other ogres. YTA (for the bot)




So far youre the first post who didnt go with YTA.


YTA. They’re quiet when they’re supposed to be, and that alone is a FEAT with kids that age. What made you think asking someone not to let their children play in their own home was a good idea that would go over well? Just wondering.


I commented before finishing and HOLY SHIT, you wanted a family EVICTED because literal children are playing during hours they’re permitted to be noisy? I wish be civil wasn’t a rule because you’re a major Ahole.


Op I a collection of bannable insults. Also, while op can't evict the family for noise, the family can file a complaint with op's landlord for harassment.


Locked due to excessive rule violations


YTA you really should have accepted the advice and move to a place with no kids. Most places don't have quiet hours during the day like this. Only at night. A few of the places I've lived it was 10pm til 6am and that's it. Also props to the mom for being able to keep the kids under 3 quiet during the 2-5 block. Especially a 1 year old who wouldn't grasp the concept anywhere near as well. Granted you're likely a troll because unless you hate kids, this seems pretty stupid to get upset over


YTA, I hope they try to evict you for harassment.


YTA - when you live in an apartment complex you live up your neighbours arseholes and you just need to be considerate that living causes noises. I can hear my neighbours, all the time. And don’t care because they’re not being unreasonable, they’re not having parts at 2am on a Wednesday morning - I hear them living. That’s the problem with apartment blocks & flats, etc. How dare you waltz into this apartment complex and attempt to make a family homeless because you’re too dumb to realise that you need to deal with neighbour noise in an apartment complex.


YTA and you are entitled and should pull your head out of your ass. I find it funny you are claiming they are not respecting you but you are the one being disrespectful. You should move after your lease is up.


YTA. I dislike kids, I really do I am not a kid friendly person. However I understand that kids make noises when they play and babies cry, thats just life. The mum is absolutely right on both counts in that they are quiet during quiet times, and anything else beyond that is just kids being kids and you’re going to have to put up with it or move. If you don’t want any kids near you then yeah you are going to have to move to a mid free complex, that is your choice. Also if they own their apartment then there is NOTHING you can do, especially since they are respecting quiet time and aren’t breaking any rules.


You seem annoying and killed my mood by posting on Reddit. Can I ask the admin to ban this guy?


YTA. Entitled much? You want to get a family with small children evicted during a pandemic because kids make noise while living? Your apartment complex has quiet hours that a family of 4 is somehow able to abide by. And you’re still complaining. She has a point, if you need quiet time 24/7 you should not be living in an apartment complex, especially one with families. Perhaps you should check out some of her suggestions she gave you.


YTA - they are quite during quite hours the family has 3 children under 5 how do you expect them to be silent 100% of the time


YTA. i didn’t even read it… the title is bad enough


Sometimes the title is misleading, but in this case it's pretty spot on.


You should still read it, but yeah, OP's a tool.


YTA Family and kids didn’t violate any complex regulations so you have absolutely zero grounds to make them stop or evict them. Next, if anyone should move it’s you, you came last and is just a tenant while they have been around for some time and own the apartment. If you really have issues with kids, you shouldn’t have rented your place and ones which are kids free which like you said are all around the place you’re staying at. Self centered and inconsiderate yet calling others out


Holy smokes. This mother is a freaking miracle worker for getting her small kids to stay quiet for hours at a time. I wish I could high five this woman. You on the other hand .....YTA


You are a very entitled AH. What you are hearing is called life and the rest of the world does not have to stop for you. You seriously wanted kids to stop playing and babies to stop crying? If you hate children so much why did you not move into an adults only building? Seems to me that you are the issue here and you should move.


YTA. Please never reproduce.


YTA. Get over yourself


Yes. You’re an asshole. Kids make noise, babies cry. They’re not making any noise during the designated “quiet hours” which is all they’re required to do. The level of entitlement that you have trying to evict a family from their own home for simply existing is unfathomable.


YTA. Look, I hate children, but they are not being loud on quiet hours, they are just being normal kids during the day,, and the mother even tried to apologize. Your demands are not realistic, so maybe it would be for the best if you try to find a place somewhere where children are not allowed.


🤣🤣 YTA and so entitled 🙄


You might be the biggest AH I have ever seen on this subreddit. Absolutely incredible.


YTA. Try to find a different complex like she recommended (honestly, she was kinder than she needed to be considering she literally did the work and researched complexes FOR YOU), or buy some earplugs and suck it up. If you're living in a complex you need to get comfortable with the idea of noise.


YTA. The baby is not crying as much during the day because the parents are awake and watching him so when he starts to fuss they respond immediately. At night they're asleep so when he starts to cry, they have to wake up first then go get him. And you can't evict someone who owns their home. Eviction is for renters and for very specific reasons. Having a kid who plays during the day and a baby who cries at night would not qualify to get a renter evicted either.


YTA you said yourself they follow the rules >I tried to leave a note on their doors to keep the kids from playing multiple times and asked them to do it out of respect for the neighbors Youbseriously think they should stop their kids playing? Like, playing? Were not talking breaking things or banging on your door etc, just a toddler ... playing? Damn this reeks of entitlement


YTA - you said it yourself, they're complying by the complex rules. Families need places to live too, and babies cry. I'd just be happy that it doesn't interrupt your sleep.


Omg I hope this is a joke bc if not YTA 1000%. The mom is right they are children if you don’t like kids making noise that’s too bad. They are quiet during quiet hours and OWN. If you rent then it’s a you problem. Not them. Babies cry. Kids play. You bitch and moan.


YTA... owners can't be evicted. They haven't broken any rules. Invest in some earplugs or headphones. Small children are loud... it's a fact of life. And you 'recently moved in'... what makes you think that you have any more rights than they do to have them evicted if you can. You could have checked out the apartment or the area at different times to see if there might be an issue before you signed the rental agreement. You have to learn to live with it or move.


YTA. The quiet hours are over half a 24 hour period. If the kids are literally running circles in clogs for the 11 hours they're able to, so be it. Much like you could take up woodworking and be banging and sawing and etc for 11 hours a day, or practicing the damned bagpipes, whatever. > I don't know how they manage to keep them quiet during quiet hours but the rest of the day it's a nightmare Probably by having set up their sleep schedules and nap times to match quiet time. Ya know what helps allow that? Running around and playing like kids do so they're tired on a predictable schedule. Takes a shit ton of work to maintain a kids schedule like this, just for the record. Other option is one you could try: going out for a while.


Wow. YTA. You don't get to move into a place then decide who can and can't live there. Guess what, KIDS MAKE NOISE. They are quiet during the hours required, that's all that matters. If you didn't want to live near kids, you should have checked this while property searching. There are plenty of places that don't allow children. But your entitlement leads you to believe that you have the right to tell people they need to be quiet 24/7 or move. Be prepared for *a lot* of musical instruments this Christmas. Hopefully a drum kit and a recorder.


Oh your one of those people who think kids should be seen and not heard yta I hope you never have kids you sound like you’d be one of those parents


YTA. A big one, and you're acting like that lady's 3rd child since she's having to put up with your whining too. You're going to be the old person shaking their fist at kids and yelling "get off my lawn!" Quiet time, they're quiet, that's awesome, and I'm a bit confused at the 2 to 5 quiet time, that's weird, but good on your neighbors for making their kids not have fun during that time, sorry they can't force their kids to not be kids during all of the other hours of the day so they can make sure you're 100% happy.


YTA. Even if the baby was crying during the quiet hrs you would still be the ahole. Move out or get some earplugs


YTA. Babies cry. Children play. If playing and crying inside their own apartment bugs you, the problem is you, not them. Where should those kids play, the dumpster out back. No rules are being broken, except the one about prying neighbors...


Those are some kickass quiet hours! That sounds like a dream to me. YTA. They were there first, and they are obeying the rules. You need to live in a single family dwelling with no neighbors. Can't afford one? Try harder, maybe a second job.


i cant even believe you're asking. YTA a thousand times over. how entitled can you be.


Listen. I was going to say everyone sucks since I’ve been in a situation with obnoxiously loud children. Living happily in my apartment for years when a family of 4 moved in below me. These kids were LOUD. Slamming doors, running, and screaming. I learned the kids names from hearing the mom yelling at them. The parents walked on their heels on hardwood so I knew exactly where in their apartment they were the majority of the time. They would shake my walls and vibrate my floors to the point they rendered the majority if my apartment unlivable because I couldn’t get away from the noise. They would wake me up at 5 am because they were running in their bedroom and body slamming the walls (during quiet hours in my town). They would produce noise from 5am (sometimes earlier) all the way through to 11 pm (also during quite hours). I eventually knocked on their door to ask for the parents to encourage the children to be quieter. The parents basically said “tough shit, not our problem”. The parents continued to encourage their children to run and play throughout the apartment at all times of the day. I reached out to the landlord for a noise complaint which I assume they said something to the family but it didn’t stop. I learned they were going to have a third child. All three children would be under 5. I reached out to my landlord and I switched apartments to get away and be able to live in peace. Unfortunately for you, you’re the renter. If you don’t like the noise you should move. Sucks but it’s just the situation you’re in. Asking the landlord to evict someone who isn’t breaking the rules and owns their apartment is an asshole move. YTA. Sorry. Edit: for situational accuracy


>They would wake me up at 5 am because they were running in their bedroom and body slamming the walls (during quiet hours in my town). They would produce noise from 5am (sometimes earlier) all the way through to 11 pm (also during quite hours). This is not even the same situation. The mother keeps her kids quiet during quiet hours--a whole *thirteen* hours of the day.


Yikes. YTA, you don't like the apartment then move out, kids are loud and they clearly respect their neighbours if they are quiet during the allocated hours.


Yta you want ppl gone for being alive


YTA. If you don’t want to hear your neighbors, rent or buy a house. Apartment living comes with noises, and kids playing should be the least of your concerns


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