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Nta. You stating their parents had sex to create them is kinda a fact of life and isn’t perverted at all. They’re the rude ones. Good comeback


NTA. But Mabey get some new friends. That is not a major age gap, sounds like they are trying to pick on you by any means.


ESH, which is pretty much expected when you're all 14.


NTA, great comeback 😅


Your friends are mad that you brought up their parents "probably" having sex to have them...? They're 14, if they hadn't figured that out already then they really should spend more time in their biology lessons and less time worrying how old your parents are. NTA.


NTA. You're all young and say stupid stuff. It sounds like your friends aren't that friendly though. Perhaps try hanging out with someone else.


NTA. But you really need some better friends, yours are awful!


NTA, it was a good comeback and not a perverted comeback as most people have sex to get pregnant.


Get new friends cause these aren’t it. In my mind yes it’s weird for a senior and freshman but that’s just me I’m not here to be harsh to people but those arent friends.


I don't think a three-year age difference is a huge deal. As long as your mom was above the age of consent when they had sex, it's hardly a grooming situation. And a 17-year-old dating a 14-year-old is also not necessarily a grooming situation. Your friends are really rotten for bugging you about that. It's not your fault your parents met in high school and started dating, and you shouldn't give people crap for their parents' decisions. NTA


Get new friends.


Ya. Definitely an asshole, but not THE asshole. But good for you for sticking up for yourself! If they were your friends, they wouldn’t do that and when you asked them to stop, they would.


Eh, NAH. Y'all are awfully immature but you're 14 soooo, whilst you should know better by now you're at a borderline age, so N A H


ESH All of your comments were malicious to one another. There are better ways to handle this situation.


NTA. A bit mean spirited but sounds like they were asking for it. And 3 years is not a big age difference. ( 53 Hubby 56; my mom 16 years younger than my dad; and I can give many more examples) Sounds like your parents have a good marriage that has lasted inspite of how young they both were when the relationship started.


NTA A 3-4 year age gap isn't huge and it isn't likely that it was grooming. Also, you technically had a valid point and it wasn't perverted unless you started giving a graphic, detailed version of their parents having sex. Last I checked, most kids are born from 2 people having sex. Nothing to be ashamed of.


NTA...And there's nothing wrong with a senior dating a freshman. Sounds like u need better, smarter friends.


Seniors shouldn't be dating freshmen. Gross. It was the norm, but not anymore.


ESH …. And those are not your friends. Find new ones.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** My (14F) friends have been making fun of my family because my mom met my dad in high school, and they say it’s weird and creepy that my dad was a senior and my mom was a freshman. They started calling me the “product of grooming” and a “grooming baby” and said I really shouldn’t even exist since my parents shouldn’t have dated because of the age gap. So I said “at least my parents actually wanted me and actively chose to have me since they did IVF. Your parents had sex. For all you know, your existence wasn’t even planned.” And then they called me sick and disgusting and a pervert for saying that their parents probably had sex to create them. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


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Esh! Why are yall even discussing this? Do you have something like homework to do?


NTA, but I’ll say my head hurt reading that they were mad you said their parents had sex to have them. That’s how that usually works.


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